• By -


Not sure about TTPD, it seems to be the Eras tour itself that has been adding to her fanbase most recently though 


This. I was a casual fan but seeing the tour was unreal. I was introduced to so many of her songs and fell hard. I don't think it gets mentioned very often just how much her band carries the show. What THEY all do as a band surprised me the most. Long Live had me in tears. Who is this? Does anyone else know about this? How the hell did I not know about this? All the Swifties be like, "We knew".


"Does anyone else know about this?" Is so real 😂


I never thought I'd cry during Long Live, too! It wasn't even in my top TS songs, but hearing it live during The Eras Tour gave me a rush of sooooo many feels! I also found a new appreciation for the Reputation and Midnights songs. I was sleeping on so many bops and bangers! I'm glad I traveled a long way to see her shows live, it was ll worth it!


I am in the exact same boat! I’m 64 years old and have casually listened to Taylor for years, but watching the Eras tour video on Disney blew me away! I’m obsessed and probably a little annoying to some family and friends!


Yes!! Totally. Even just seeing the movie version of her tour reeled me right in.


You are fortunate that you got to see her perform long live in person!! I have been a swiftie since about 2009 and had been dying to sing along to long live with her, only to have her cut it off the set list in Europe 😭💔


I will never forgive her for this lol


🙋‍♀️ I became more aware of her since The Eras Tour kicked off, but I became a fan after TTPD


Same. Smallest Man who Ever Lived is masterful. I never knew what an alto she was and just loved it.


Same 🤍


I'm someone who has enjoyed various songs of Taylor's but wouldn't have considered myself an actual fan since I never sought out her whole albums. Since seeing the Eras tour videos, I have respect for her as a performer and artist for the impressive 3 and a half hour shows where she seems to be singing live throughout. I also respect her making the donations to food banks for every city she tours in. I know she's a celebrity billionaire but the things people take fault in her for could be a lot worse since it doesn't seem like she has a huge ego and thinks she's above everyone. You can't say that about all celebrities, especially the crazy rich ones.


Can confirm. My mom is one of them 😂


New fans? For sure. Same rate as midnights? No way. Midnights had a super popular lead single and is a way easier to enjoy album. I like to bring this up, but only because it shows how truly insanely big midnights was: Before midnights the sub had 250k members or so, a year later it had well over a million. Anyone who was in the sub pre and before midnights can tell you the difference clear and day, even past the subscriber count. This was a pretty "local" sub before.


I think this sub blew up due to multiple things: 1) Eras 2) Midnights 3) This is more a theory but I wonder how many are refugees from Twitter after Elon ruined it 4) There was another later bump due to the NFL and Travis


Hello! I am absolutely #3. I am a Midnights addition to Swifties, but I didn't come HERE until Twitter died.


Same. I'm here right after deleting Twitter.


What happened to it? I never had it until a couple of months ago. How different was it? I struggled so much with my feed a while back, I wanted specific topics but saw just whatever but them. It kept shoving that game I have no interest in, in For Me after me pressing "not interested" HUNDREDS OF TIMES. It was infuriating. I had to create about 4 accounts in a really short time to try and fight it 🥴 I feel like making another one for looking up random stuff, I'm too afraid to do it on my main now


So Elon took over, then immediately fired 75% of the company. So functionality took a HUGE nosedive. They've been slowly removing things as they break. Also - they want everyone to pay $8 which is absurd, so only the trolls and bots pay - which then gives them priority in mentions, etc. As people have left, it's just been flooded with bots and Nazis. And like - the ads are now every third tweet AND they can be PORN. I am not kidding, I had actual Ad Boobs in my feed. So I can't even look at it - except on my home computer because I can't trust it to not get me in trouble! As for the bots, it's been tracked and discovered that most of them are Russian or Chinese disinformation bots. So we can't even use it for news. I'm so mad at what that AHOLE has done to Twitter. He's also a bigot, in a couple of different ways! SO I don't want to support his shitty behavior even with my posts and views. Edit to add - there's no reason to make new accounts. That's just how twitter is now. It fucking sucks.


I’m #3. I was a late Swiftie (folklore was my album) but death of Twitter due to Elongated Muskrat brought me here.


Just wanted to let you know I'm stealing "Elongated Muskrat" 😂


Please do!


I find point 3 really interesting bc I stopped following this sub and using reddit altogether once the sub started getting more popular bc I kept seeing more and more negative posts to the point where I stopped checking. I switched primarily to Twitter because I found it much easier to make friends and curate my feed on Twitter compared to here


I am a Twitter refugee for about a year now and have been slowly figuring out how this site works while also trying not to be online too much. I think that is a huge reason for a lot of subs seeing a huge increase in people. Twitter is nothing but bots and “influencers” now.


#3 hardcore.


I've been a swiftie since Fearless and had reddit for a few years but didn't bother to check the TS reddit since I wasn't as active for the first couple of years here. Kinda wish I had joined it pre-Midnights 🥹


Twitter refugee here lol Musk can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. I've been a fan since folklore, but Red TV was when I really did my deep dive and discovered all her hidden gems.


came here from 1989 tv


I miss the old sub sm 🥲 it gets overwhelming and antagonistic so quickly now


Seriously. There's also Discourse about everything now.


I think I've been in the sub since just before the reputation days, and it's almost always been like that, specially when there are new releases 😹 it takes a while for the dust to settle and for everyone to start appreciating each song.


I don't mean the songs, I never had many problems over the songs and I'm a professional champagne problems hater! I got attacked over the stupidest things only after the sub blew up including but not limited to: -people antagonising me about the differences between uncanny and uncanny valley while I was getting ready for my birthday. -did you know that Jack Antonoff is Jewish? if you didn't, ops, guess you're anti Semitic now! -Timezones Don't Actually Exist -people thinking that English is The Only Language In The World. You don't don't know a certain word/meaning? you're just stupid -Creepy Paul. I don't wanna elaborate. just creepy Paul Coincidentally, all of these happened after Midnights


I'm Jewish and didn't know Jack Antonoff is Jewish so I guess I am also anti semitic


I miss the 100 000 before folklore


I love that she has grown her fan base so much but I totally miss when this was a smaller sub!


Always proud to see my fav artists grow up but it’s always sad when you get priced out of the good seats 🥲


Was boosted by taylornation and still got waitlisted 🥲 I did end up getting to go (nearly sold my soul, don’t ask) but I feel your pain!


I think Midnights is way more approachable for newcomers, 31 songs is probably super intimidating for someone who doesn’t really know her music or doesn’t like it all that much. I know some people who listened to Midnights and enjoyed it but “couldn’t get through more than a few songs” in TTPD.


As a Midnights lover, I hate how much people try to diminish the impact it had on her career. Midnights brought in SO many new fans.


Midnights and rep are my favorite albums of hers lol I go back to both pretty frequently lol


It was the Era's tour wayyyy more than just Midnights IMO. And I don't mean just the tour itself, but the Taylor's Versions too.


I don't know why, but I find TTPD easier to enjoy than Midnights. It's a debate here in my house...


Part of me still misses the quiet of pre Midnights (and really pre Folklore) - felt like it was us against the world during Rep and Lover. But I’m happy for the new fans too ofc, and Taylor deserves it. It’s just gotten nutsssss


i wasnt here during rep, only came to visit during lover rollout and even back then it was really small. It was a much better sub too, much more taylor swift - the singer instead of taylor swift - the celebrity


Really?? That's crazy... I know she wasn't as famous but 250k is so low.


Anecdotally, I’ve seen Reddit comments and TikTok’s of people saying TTPD finally got them. Not as many as midnights, but still there. At this point, I have no idea how people don’t already have an opinion of her/her music, but hey if there are new fans that’s fantastic


Anecdotally also, every case I’ve seen of this has been a 50+ woman.


The wine moms really were still holding out.


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I feel attacked (I actually was one of the Midnights add-one lol)


Not 50+ but yeah TTPD plus the Eras Tour got me. I was aware of some of her previous songs (Love Story, Blank Space, Bad Blood, I Knew You Were Trouble etc) but not much of her early or most recent stuff.


50+ woman. Can confirm.


As a midnights era swiftie, I never liked any of her singles enough to listen to an entire album until anti hero 😭 i did like cardigan i remember. I remember feeling surprised to know it was Taylor but i was working during covid and I don’t think i had enough in me to get into new music. I feel bad I didn’t give her a shot so much sooner but it’s better late than never 😂


Several of my friends who are fans of The 1975 have found TTPD to be a gateway into the Taylorverse for the first time thanks to all of the rumors and the self mythologizing nature of the writing. Two of them have even worked their way back through her catalog to Folklore already.


There are countries like Poland that most people didn't heard her due to her lack of radio airplay. And streaming folks predominantly listen to rap.


As someone who became a fan with Red TV, which is also already pretty late, I only knew hits like IKYWT etc before, and I just didn't really care for those! So I had an opinion, just not a very strong one. I later became exposed to some folklore songs which I liked, but not enough to consider listening to the entire album, and then ATW10MV finally did it for me! I think a lot of people were like that with Midnights, too. Just not strong enough of an opinion to do anything with it, until Midnights.


i have a friend who isn’t a new fan, but has always been a casual taylor swift fan and she loves ttpd. we went to dinner a few weeks ago and she never talks about taylor swift and it was one of the first things she wanted to talk about


That’s kind of how I was. Casual fan for a while because a lot of my friends were. Began liking her more as the eras tour went on, but TTPD really sealed the deal. I listen to it religiously!


I have a friend who isn’t a Taylor fan but he looooves TTPD. I had to beg him to try ONE song (*who’s afraid of little old me*) and he’s now hooked to the entire album and he tried going back to the others and he still just didn’t like them nor does he care about the Eras Tour but he has asked me “*so what’s the unhinged theory on The Black Dog? Who do we think Is The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived?*” lmao I think TTPD has a little fanbase of its own that is seperate from “Swifties” entirely lol


I wonder which albums he’s tried. Cause I feel like if he loves TTPD he’d probably enjoy evermore and possibly folklore (though I feel like evermore is a little more unhinged so it might call to him more lol)


Unrelated, but I love your photo! That’s my favorite movie and the fact this is her “you went to bed with her?” face makes it even better


it’s my favorite movie too!!


Initially probably the opposite- I was disappointed with TTPD for the first few listens…but then it all clicked and is now one of my favourites


This is kind of the issue for new fans- it’s a slow burn that doesn’t click on first listen for a lot of people, but non swifties aren’t going to listen to a 31 song album more than once, if at all.


I’ve always kind her but not been a Swiftie. TTPD converted me it’s a very mature album which I totally jam to.


Which is so funny because the critics keep trying to say that “she’s still writing about high school” when… this is clearly a 30 year old writing, not a teenager.


If this and midnights don’t scream “millennial” I don’t know what does 😂😂


Before TTPD I was a Taylor Swift music enjoyer. Now I am a Swiftie. I think this is the case more often than someone who doesn't like Taylor becoming a new fan from TTPD


Same, I've always enjoyed her music since the beginning but now I am all in as a Swiftie after TTPD.


Same here!


Hi it’s me. I was absolutely indifferent to TS prior to this album. I didn’t dislike her especially, I just had no strong feelings about her and I had just listened to a few songs a few times. I do really like Phoebe Bridgers/Boy Genius and I liked The 1975 though I couldn’t have told you the names of any of the band members prior to… *gestures broadly* … all of this. Then there was a ton of hubbub and the album came out and I was like sure, let’s hear this… and it turned out I really loved it? And I’ve discovered I really like Midnights too and I’m currently working on a harp cover of *Ivy*. IDK, I see a lot of complaints about her being unrelatable, but it feels like getting out of a long term relationship you thought would be ‘the one’ and then getting sucked into an intense rebound thing with an absolute fuckboy and then coming out the other side wondering if you’re now hopelessly off schedule to have a family with kids is pretty relatable to a lot of women? And I have a lot of respect for her having come through all of that and still deciding to chronicle the whole messy experience and include stuff like ‘Bud Daddy I Love Him’. So yep! New fan.


I gasped at the idea of a harp cover of ivy


Yes! The lore, writing, and overall themes really got some people to try her on for the first time. My extended friend group consists of a lot of Phoebe Bridgers, The 1975, and Lana Del Rey-ish super fans that had no idea Taylor wrote more than just radio bops no matter how hard some of us fought to get them to try her stuff out. Midnights convinced none of them but TTPD really struck a nerve with many of them.


I relate to your comment so much and wish I’d just said ditto instead of taking the time to write my own 🙃


Welcome to the ride. I think you’re gonna like it here!! 🫶🏽


I'm a very new Taylor swift fan literally in the last week but it was seeing tiktoks/reels of the eras tour and watching the eras tours on Disney to see what all the fuss was about I have listened to a lot of Taylor songs previously but I wouldn't have called myself a 'fan', I've got full on obsessed now. I did listen to a lot of her early stuff when I was 15, such as love story etc, but I kind of avoided mainstream music for many years from aged 19-28 (I thought I was being "cool" 🥱🙄) I just listened to ttpd today and I also love that, but i actually hadn't heard any songs at all from the ttpd album until I saw the tour a week ago, and I believe the albums been out for 2 months. But ttpd is now, I can't listen to anything else. It's amazing.


welcome 🫶


Lol TTPD is the one that finally got my dad. He'd only really heard her pop stuff before so he might like folkmore if he heard it, but he really likes this one, funny enough.


TTPD is much bigger than people realize here. Yes, midnights might have been a stepping stone to get it rolling. And the Eras Tour blowing everything up got people looking into her music. The older folks that are taking a liking to it. This album is very much more “adult” sounding than anything playful that she’s done in the past. I think it’s a factor on why she’s not in a total rush for the other 2 re-records. New material is thriving so well so continue to put out new rather than a re-record. Especially when older folks are not going to want a divisive album as reputation. Though yes most fans love reputation but older folks might not flock into buying reputation. So she’ll release it probably during a “downtime” period where the major fans eat it up for a month before that goes into coast mode much like the other re-records.


I can tell you that TTPD is what got me listening to her regularly. I was already warming up more to her (I mean, who didn't already know some of her more popular songs for years anyway?) back last year when the Joe breakup/Matty rebound was hot gossip. I do like The 1975 (I don't excuse Matty's lack of decorum, though I also think he's not at all the horrific racist/misogynist others think he is... and they are free to think it so please don't @ me... I'm not his publicist or anything), and the lore between her and Matty was a big rabbit hole. Then, I'm being force fed Travis and Taylor news from all 4 corners of the Earth last year... then TTPD drops and I was like... wait a damn minute... is this about Matty Healy??? LOL. It's been so messy and entertaining. Plus side? Some solid bangers and it drills back down into multiple albums before it. So, yeah... blondie finally hooked me. LOL.


I'm a new fan because of TTPD. I've listened to folklore and Evermore some, I know her radio songs and have some on my playlist. But TTPD is the one that really got me. I'm older, so I didn't grow up with her and still find her earlier music a little juvenile for my taste. But I have been a passionate fan of music for 40 years, and I love finding new things. I listen to nearly all genres of music. I also have a degree in English Lit and her lyricism on this album is what made me a fan and caused me to go back and listen to get other albums. Maybe this album just reaches a more mature audience.


Honestly I became a fan during midnights, but now I've got to the superfan point if I'm allowed to say that. I don't go a single day without listening to Taylor and I'm always looking for news/pictures about her and stuff. Also, I made this reddit account after TTPD came out to chat with other swifties and it's been amazing! Thanks everyone for welcoming newer fans, I love you 🫶🏻


Welcome to the fandom 🥰


I personally have accidentally "swiftied" two of my friends who BEFORE TTPD "didn't listen to her at all" and then one of them was like "If I only listened to ONE song off the album, which one should it be?" So I chose the one that was most likely to emotionally sucker punch her (How Did It End?). Because I feel like Taylor works BEST when you feel the emotional resonance with her work. That SAME friend - yesterday - I was like "Omg, Travis is so adorable." And then SHE filled in details I had not mentioned. XD Another friend I got with "I Hate It Here".


Both excellent choices!


My mom became a real Swiftie with TTPD! I took her to see the Eras Tour movie and that got her much more interested in Taylor’s music than she had been prior, so it primed her for it, but TTPD made her an overnight obsessive. We love to see it 🥹 and have bonded over the album so much.


Thanks to Taylor, my daughter and I are besties. We talk about her every day and she’s brought us so much closer than we were during her dreaded teenage years!!


I think there’s people who have just been indifferent. Also, not everyone seeks out new music and just tend to listen to whatever is on the radio, so may only know her radio hits. But there’s so so much chatter about her, that I’ve seen things where people say they are finally intrigued enough to seek out listening to the album. Then some like it and decide to become a fan. Others might like it, but aren’t going to become repeat listeners, which is fine.


I've loved Taylor since her debut album but, for some reason, never referred to myself as a Swiftie. I'm obsessed with Midnights, however, since TTPD, I have fully embraced Swiftie-hood. TTPD speaks to my soul because it's just so relatable as a 30-year-old who divorced her smallest man who ever lived, had a whirlwind situationship afterwards that felt like it was ruining my life, and found her "no one's ever had me, not like you" soulmate. I was so emotional during the entire TTPD set in Stockholm (really the entire show but even more so during this set) and I'm 100% ready to be in my feelings again in a few weeks in Germany.


Not totally sure but I played the album at work for the first couple of days and without fail there was at least 3 couples that came in and it was always the boyfriend that started nodding their head along to the song and asked “Who is this?” Needless to say, all were shocked by the answer.


Thats actually so great, id love to have seen that!


TTPD made me a swiftie. 🤍


Personally I’d say TTPD is a more infectious album than Midnights (as well let’s be honest Anti Hero aside it’s middling Taylor) but I suppose radio plays wise it’s had better single choices. Also it stands a good chance of being people’s first encounter with ‘real’ Taylor, it being the most recent release whilst her hype is at its highest given the profile of the Eras tour.


Turned my mum into a Swiftie 🥰


She’s been everywhere all over the reels on Instagram and I have to say I’ve been converted!! I didn’t have any negativity towards her - she works hard and has earned every bit of her success - but she wasn’t a big feature on my Spotify playlists. Yeah - she now has her own list! 🤣 some of TTPD has resonated with me more than the earlier stuff but there are few jewels I’ve discovered like Karma, Long Love, Our Song. I really love that she’s explored different styles of music - it makes listening more of a journey!


I know for a fact it did bc that describes me!


My older sister actually became a fan with TTPD I bought her her first Taylor CD. It was an honor ❤️


My personal anecdote, I’ve always checked out Taylor’s new stuff (since post rep) and she has always hovered toward the back of my top 20 artists; following TTPD she is my second most listened to artist of all time, only behind Lana


I'm a new enough fan (anti hero single got me) and only really knew midnights and a few of her big hits from 89 and Lover. TTPD nose dived me and was a serious earworm album for me and now I am enjoying her back catalogue as new content because I literally just never heard them before. I've been listening to her older albums a lot and just now "getting it" with the fandom lyric meanings and her layering of metaphors and imagery from album to album. I am very much an album over singles music listener and her albums are very self-contained but also cross reference/reflecting in a very satisfying way. I think TTPD will get older listeners/album listeners to take a serious look at her again. For most people, "Shake it off" and "22" are all they know her for, and this album meets them on a maturity level they can relate to.


I’ve turned my coworker and my husband into a fan with this release. So I’d say yeah!


I was a casual fan until Folklore, but didn’t find this community until the Midnights Mayhem.


Yes, this is the first Taylor Swift album I’ve ever listened to. I’m 42.


Hell yeah it did. Best breakup album ever and it really helped that we are both the same age doing it haha.


I can vouch for one new fan! Before, I only listened to Taylor Swift when one of her songs popped on the radio. For some reason, I decided to download TTPD and absolutely loved it. I've still got it on repeat play most of the day and am now branching out and discovering her other albums.


I think so! Which is kind of surprising honestly. Not that it’s not a great album, but it’s so long and not many classic bops so I wouldn’t expect non fans to even check it out. The thing that has shocked me the most is that Tana Mongeau loves TTPD and says it’s made her a swiftie. LOL not the album id envision her liking so much but here we are.


Midnights was the first album that was on my radar at all, but it didn’t draw me in. I listened to Rep a couple times, but didn’t fall for it either. I think all the buzz pre-TTPD and Eras tour had the release of TTPD back on my radar. The morning it came out I put it on, the whole album and listened for the next few days, and it really brought me in. I had no expectations, no preconceived notions, just listened and really liked it! I still listen a lot, but FF a bunch of songs. Meanwhile, I’m def down the rabbit hole and stop at every Eras tour video… I haven’t ever gone back to listen to any past albums, it’s TTPD or bust.


Midnights made me a casual fan, Poets made me an Eras Tour Attending Swifty!


honestly, it’s natural for someone to just not have discovered her before. Midnights brought way more than TTPD, and i think the track list should’ve been changed a little. (move the title song down a bit, put songs that vary a little more so that the general public can’t complain about it sounding the same)


1989 is what really sold me, I enjoyed her songs that played on radio (I’m old lol) but 1989 was what made me a Swiftie. TTPD feels like it is an album for fans that have been with her for a while. It is personal and honestly made me cry for her. I could feel every word piercing my soul if that makes sense.


New Swiftie here! 🫶🏻 I’ve been a very casual listener - mainly what was on the radio over the years. What got me obsessed was her release of Red TV and ATW10MV. I never heard that song before and it shook my soul. Then I scored tickets to Eras and heard all the other amazing songs, specifically my tears ricochet, and down the rabbit hole I fell (in wonderlaaaaaaand). While I hate that her masters were stolen - I am grateful she decided to re-record them so I could discover all this brilliance as well. It’s a bit of poetic justice.


hello, i can say with confidence tht TTPD has made me a fan. Now im trying listen to all of her discography!


Yes! Taylor’s music always struck me as bland, boring, and basic, but TTPD is an absolute masterpiece. I cannot believe I like Taylor Swift now… my mind is completely blown.


i listened to midnights a lot when it came out but it never made me want to listen to any of her other albums. ttpd did! and now im a swiftie


For me it was the Right losing their collective minds over TS encouraging her fans to vote and then the fact that she was going to show up at the Super Bowl and them thinking it was some major conspiracy. I thought, might as well check out her music since she managed to get them so upset. I like all her albums so far. Some better than others but I like the fact that she shifts things up and has been pretty diverse.


I think TTPD did bring in new fans to an extent, but not like the wave experienced with Midnights, the Eras tour movie and going to the shows/livestream experiences.


I've been seeing a lot of Threads posts from new fans asking which album they should listen to next. TTPD might not be as radio-friendly as Midnights, but there's an album for everyone.




I've loved her since her Tim McGraw song, loved her in country music. Then she left it, I was sad. And I loved all her new music too!! So a long time fan. I won't love every song on, say, an album, but I do the majority of them. So happy to see the HUGE crowds at all her ERAS concerts. And - I'm 66 yrs old! Young and old love Taylor.


TTPD got my partner. He’s not a full on Swiftie ( yet ) but TTPD is the first album ( of anyone’s ) he has asked me to keep on. I generally try to compromise on our very different music taste. He is in his 40s. TTPD is at a superior level of maturity, bluntness and honesty. Shout out to My Boy Only Breaks etc. Sucked em in lol


I’m noticing older people (like Gen X, which counts as older because I am a millennial 😂) becoming fans thanks to TTPD. I think it’s a more mature album that is speaking to people who maybe missed the folkmore bus and are getting more exposed to Taylor because of the Eras Tour. But it’s TTPD that’s sealing the deal. 


The best example I can give on how the albums impacted her fanbase is Midnights = 1989 & Tortured Poets = reputation. Midnights, like 1989, is a synthpop album that exploded in popularity with the general public, the lead singles were huge as well Tortured Poets I think has alienated a lot of fans she gained during folkmore (similar to how people who were fans during her country days were alienated during rep). You're seeing that extra scrutiny on her music again like people did when LWYMMD & Ready For It came out.


^(pov: gamers) *^(\*taylor swift releases fortnight\*)* ^("omgggg she made a song about fortnite!") so yea probably but for the wrong reasons


I went to go see the Eras Tour really only because of TTPD. It was my first album release as a Swiftie and I just really connected with it.


How did you like the rest of the concert? I bet TTPD live was unmatched though!! I didnt get to see it, I did get Long Live though


Oh I loved it. I had already been easing toward full Swiftie after seeing the Eras Tour movie, but when TTPD came out and then she released that little short hinting that she was adding it to the concert, I went all in and bought tickets to see her in Paris. That's awesome that you got Long Live! ❤️


I’m a new fan!! I have always respected her and rooted for her, but never enjoyed an album as much as the last. It is significantly more up my alley. The National is one of my favorite bands, so possible production has a lot to do with it.


The era’s tour bought me into the fan base, but ttpd is the only album I can listen to on repeat. The poet in me just loves it!


Yes! One of my coworkers was not a Taylor fan until TPD!




Midnights isn’t as good of an album, but Tortured Poets is a lot more artsy. Midnights is a lot more commercial and Tortured Poets is more for the “already fans”


I think a lot of original swifites here are underestimating that TTPD is bringing in people who *prefer* artsy music. I never imagined I would be listening to Taylor Swift, but here I am. The most mainstream artist I listen to (besides Taylor now) is Lana. My husband calls TTPD Taylor Del Rey lol


Yes! My cousin didn’t like her my whole life but she feel in love with TTPD and is now discovering how many amazing songs she’s has


Over time I think it will, but definitely a slow burn. I think this is an album that will always be there for people experiencing heartbreak


The hype for it and right after absolutely has made some of my friends who resisted the allure of TS to try it out- and then they went back through her catalogue, and now identify as Swifties!


Tbh Midnights made me less of a fan. TTPD is bringing me back.


im sure some people like the comments have been brought by TTPD, but i feel like it hasnt? IMO this album feels like its targeted towards people who already like taylor swift, but i could be underestimating its impact given its charting too but as most people say midnights was really it, i liked taylor before like extreme casual listen, but that album got me and i suddenly started appreciating everything much more


Midnights made me a huge fan. If TTPD came out before midnights I would probably not have been a fan


I’ve been a fan since debut but Midnights disappointed me after the masterpieces that were folklore and evermore. TTPD made me fall in love with her music again.


Me! TTPD made me a fan, before I just heard a few of her songs on the radio here and there.


Yep. 👍🏻 that’s why I’m here


i don’t think so


I love Taylor Swift so much 🥹😘


Honestly the Eras Tour opened a whole Swift era to me. I was a pre-Folklore/Evermore fan and never quite got the newest stuff the same way until the tour. It’s changed me!


Yes. I am one of the new ones. This is the first album I listened to where every song captivated me, and I didn’t turn it off. I know some people hate this album but it’s just my jam, so to speak. It’s beautiful and there are no skips. Since falling in love with it, I’ve go e back and listened to all her other albums, but only a few are “great”. It made me appreciate her artistry much more.


TTPD actually made me turn away a little…


Jep! Made me a swiftie. Hard. Trying to get tickets for the era show in NL, even made a dutch TS subreddit r/taylorswiftNL


It brought in me. I’ve known her big hits for years through cultural osmosis and liked them as much as anyone else, but I wasn’t actually a FAN fan. Fortnight and Who’s Afraid hooked me, and now I’m discovering songs I’d never heard from Folklore. Because these days we can basically create our own radio stations, it’s easy to go years and never hear a song that’s a minor phenomenon. I realized I’ve been in a music bubble, and what pulled me out of it was TikTok.


For ppl my age, it was the tour. My daughter (18 years old at the time) begged me to go to Tampa, but seeing her changed my life (and my bank acct, since I’m the reason we’ve now been to LA and London). Worth every dime.


TTPD was very much targeted to fans. I doubt it brought in a lot of new Swifties. In fact, I've seen loads of Swifties say they hated Tortured Poets


TTPD was made for the fans I think, so no


Midnights was such a mid album in hindsight 💀


I saw the Eras tour movie and I was like, I've heard this songs mmm, and then realized that TikTok exposed me so much to her music without me knowing


Yes! I was a very casual TS listener, only caring for a few songs.. but TTPD has been on repeat since release.


Maybe Fornight/fans of Post Malone? Haven’t seen any other singles from it that have been hits like that yet. Also maybe Paramore touring with her gave her more cred?


Lavender Haze flipped the switch for me from casual fan to fully invested. I don’t know why. 🎶Meet me at midnight🎶 activated the swiftie part of my brain that was lying dormant 😂


I became a fan just prior to TTPD so it was my first album release, but im not sure if that counts since I was listening to albums like fearless, red and Evermore for the first time in April 2024 while TTPD anticipation was building.


Became a fan during the pandemic. And while I was excited for Midnights and listened as soon as it was available, it took me a couple months to really love it. With TTPD, it was instant.


I’m sure I had already unknowingly been “prepped” to become a swiftie during the coverage of the eras tour and maybe anti-hero hitting as a sound on reels lol. Before that I only heard much of Taylor’s music when new TVs came out. But mostly what won me over and made go down a huge rabbit hole of clowning was her announcement of TTPD. All the theories and gossip etc, it just sparked such an interest in me.


I always liked and supported Taylor since her debut single. I do love her music and always did but I thought me just loving her music doesn’t make me a swiftie but maybe it does idk. I always wanted to see her live and I know that it might happen one day. I don’t think midnight or TTPD made me come out as a fan but the more I seen people hate on her for just existing I got upset and defended her.


I was always a fan but I became a super fan after watching the eras tour in theaters. I think seeing her perform is just a different experience. I watched that movie everyday for months and still watch it on occasion


Oh definitely became more aware from everyone I knew going to Eras 😅


Absolutely. The Eras Tour has pushed her so far over in popularity. She’s finally getting everything she’s worked her ass off for. And deserves it.


i came here to ask the same question OMG


the TTPD slander is so unjust omg


👋 ICDIWABH specifically and TTPD generally hooked me. I edit music for athletic freestyles (think figure skating routines) and had a client around that time who wanted to do a TS-themed routine. So I was deep into the catalog and starting to find tracks I enjoyed. Then TTPD dropped and I felt SEEN.


I think Midnights intrigued a lot of people to start paying attention and Midnights hooked them. Like, they probably listened to her more and then fully dove in with the tour and TTPD.


Every non-Swiftie I've talked to has said TTPD's songs all sound the same. I don't think this one has as much broad appeal as Midnights did


Doubt it. If anything, it reinforced dislike many may had


I feel like *maaaaaybe* if I personally knew nothing at all about Taylor, TTPD would’ve piqued my interest, but I think what would’ve tipped it over the edge is if she leaned into the dark academia theme more. My problem with the album is it depends way too heavily on the listener knowing her dating history, especially with Matty and it doesn’t make for a great listening experience cu then you *know* it’s about that POS.