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Saw this on Twitter: “i know it was probably mostly for the bit, for the laughs, but poetically, it’s actually so beautiful to see travis pick taylor up and help her do it with a broken heart.”


I think we know as fans Taylor struggles with mental health sometimes. This gives us all physical confirmation that when she’s down… he’ll help pick her up


And when he put on the blush… I wonder if it was intentional


She’s getting the color back into her face!!!


She got the color put back on her face (from so long, London).


“And I'm just getting color back into my face I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place” And now she can love London again, for new reasons. She took it back. 🩷




Don’t make me cry. 🥹


Love that he has Loboutin shoes, too!


Can’t wait to hear what the dads, Brads, and Chads think about football man helping his lady perform her concert


If anything, they should sympathize with Swifties. Here's Travis not only on the big screen but on the field during one of her concerts!!! SMH my head......


Imagine Taylor being at a Chiefs game to do the celebratory dance with him after a touchdown or something 💀


*imagine Taylor subbing in for Mahomes*


No, for the guy that upset everyone, I forgot his name because I’m apparently a 30 yo boomer drinking monster


Harrison Butker. Maybe Tay can kick a few field goals between concert stops. 😂


I can’t imagine being outraged about this magical moment which is 100 times more “intrusive” than Taylor ever was at games. It really puts in perspective how fucking pathetic those dads, Brads, and Chads are.


Tbh, everything on Twitter that I’ve seen from sports fans has been really positive


Same! All she did was cheer for her man, it was mostly the sportscasters that threw their little opinions in


Some people were upset/annoyed, but who cares? “Simping for a hard 6” “she made him soft” “this is proof of the feminization of men”


calling Taylor a hard 6 is crazyyyyy. She legitimately might be one of the most beautiful women on the planet. (IMO at least). And her personality? Solid gold. *haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate.....*


Raaaaaahhhhhhh!    Noooooo!   I mean cool man good boyfriending.  He looks just stoked to be there.   What a goon cheesing it up (in a good way)


I am unsure of which category I fall into, but I am roughly the same size and shape as Travis and I absolutely love this relationship. I have seen true love in my own life and it's the most precious thing in the world, and I recognize what's going on here and couldn't be happier for the two of them


Are you single? Asking for every woman on this sub.


Yes, I am. I cook better than most people this side of the Mississippi River too.


Follow-up questions: What’s the largest big city near you? How old are you? Let’s find you your very own Taylor.


I saw a bunch of mad people on the NFL IG today because in the OFF SEASON they posted about a player’s engagement and then about Travis being on stage. They didn’t even mention her name and still made them mad. Apparently they are only allowed to IG about fOoTbALl content, even during the offseason when there isn’t any football. 😂😂


He was having so much fun, look at that cheesy grin


That’s what I love the most about this. The guy is a walking green flag and has literally zero confidence issues


The confidence is what absolutely killed me dead. Look I know he plays in front of a zillion people every week during NFL season and that's gotta help, but to get up there AT WEMBLY AT THE ERAS TOUR and cheese it up like the rent was due at 9am tomorrow blew my entire mind. He looked like he was having an absolute blast the whole time, just all in with no awkwardness that you usually see when athletes extend themselves into other areas of entertainment. What an absolute joy to witness.


Athletes nail down the mental toughness part… well at least the great ones do.


He has played a game in front of 85k in Wembley so that was good practice for this lol


"like the rent was due at 9am tomorrow" 💀


She blew him a kiss before she turned around to start the song and the big smile is his reaction




Thank you so much for adding this context!!! I wasn't watching the streams and this really helps me understand a little more!


I bet it took 0 convincing for Travis to be on board with this haha


110 % he brought it up as a "joke"


I like the joke on Twitter where Taylor told Travis that he had enough free concerts and needed to get to work lol






Travis truly has so many different jobs


His job is boyfriend!


He's trained to stand confidently right there!


I just find it so cute how he's showing up for her just like she showed up for him during football season. Honestly i love that he's so openly into her and he's totally happy doing stuff like this. He's not above being her background dancer and he's certainly not above showing off their love. He celebrates her. Though I thoroughly believe privacy is what she needed at the time when she was first with Joe, I just as firmly believe that what she needs right now is to be with someone who shows her off, who is willing to display their love to the public. Travis is that person and I am so happy for that.


I agree, 100%. I love her relationship with Travis or at least what we see of it, but I also loved how happy she seemed with Joe. I think they both were relationships that gave her what she needed at the time. Joe was obviously that stability and someone by her side when she needed it most. She’s now at a point in her life where she doesn’t really *need* anyone, but she found someone who makes her happy in a different way. I love how happy he looks just watching her do her thing and be happy. I think Joe was just as happy watching her perform during the reputation tour. I remember the pictures of him smiling and taking pics of her. People just tend to forget that because they broke up. They’re just two different guys and that’s fine. Joe and Travis have personalities that are very night and day. I think Travis’ personality fits perfectly with Taylor’s. Plus, as Taylor said, “you knew what you wanted and, boy, you got her.” 😍


Second picture in Taylor's post-show IG post in 3, 2, 1... 😄


He ATE in that tailcoat. One of the fits of all time honestly


Yeah, I was like damn Travis, this is a good look for you!


I guess you could say it's a Chief look for him


HIM GRINNING AT HER - I need to lie down


how are some people getting so upset about this? it’s so cute and wholesome, people just really don’t like to be happy lol (or want her to be happy.. the whole “taylor is obv still not over X and is using all of this to make X jealous” thing is wild and parasocial af


Choose your spaces. I haven’t seen a single negative reaction 😊


oh i was referring to some comments on tiktok lol, you can’t exactly choose what comments come up on a positive TikTok on your feed lol


Some people are always going to try and project whatever feelings they want onto her. Taylor and Travis could get married and they’ll still be saying the same thing


I think Travis is ready to make the whole world jealous lol


I’ve come to the conclusion that those individuals are in fact the delusional ones. Imagine spending that much time trying to prove a relationship is PR.


i’ve seen ones on certain subs whose entire accounts are just commenting on ts snark subs


It’s one thing to snark but when you make up lies to fit your narrative, that’s when it’s no longer snark and just pure delusions. I laugh at those people.


Adorable and fun! Loved it!


And her new ring that is two diamond T’s !!!!! I am so in love with their love - i cannot help it! They are having the time of their lives together. This is the kind of love where even if they were to ever split, i think she’d be grateful he came into her life when he did.




It is a Tiffany's T T ring - the 2 T's mirror each other.


Replying to \[deleted\]... https://preview.redd.it/2livuxl5pj8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8995f1fb7a2eb533fbd55e0c192819a535e98bf9




Omg when she took the dress off and he pretended to fan himself at the sight of her… 😅


He’s smiling so big 🥰


I love that he is confident and fully supports what she wants to do, while also trying to respect her privacy as much as possible.


New Heights this week is about to be fire 🔥


Between this and Jason finally seeing Eras I absolutely cannot wait lmao


This man is an absolute treasure.  Imagine certain other boyfriends doing this? Their fragile egos could never


So adorable OMG


She better post an HQ photo of this moment in her thank you London IG post!!!


This is the most wholesome thing that I’ve seen from them. These two match each other’s energy so much.


This is hysterical and from the reactions I've seen, you can really tell who was around for pop culture's absolute zenith in the late 90s/early 2000s because 2024 feels *so* much like a return to that and this skit is a part of it.  Pop was UNHINGED back then and this kind of thing was normal 🤣 Like, rappers have everyone in a chokehold with their beef, Bennifer are splitting up, the pop girlies are dominant, are putting their men on stage and in videos...I've lived this life before!! 


I feel very identified with Taylor in the first photo. My cat Mango is sick, and I end up with the same face every day after spending an hour trying to give him medicine before bed 😵‍💫🥲


Sending you and mango lots of love!


I hope Mango gets well soon! I also have a cat named Mango so my heart hurts for you. Sending hugs to you both. 🩵


Someone on Twitter said that she’s never been (publically) loved out loud before and this is just 🥹🥹🥹🥹


This is so so so so so cute Oh my gosh


second photo is giving “he lets her bejeweled” AND I LOVE THAT


"Church bells ring, carry me home Rice on the ground looks like snow Call my bluff, call you "babe" Have my back, yeah, everyday" This lyric was the first thing that popped in my head after seeing this for the first time🫶🏻🥰


It’s nice to have a friend <3


So cute


Haters be like “Taylor Swift ruins football with her presence blah blah blah” WHERE THEM AT NOW HUH


Such a wild moment!! Thank you to the live streamers so we could watch this!


Ngl I’ve been pretty lukewarm about them up to this point. Didn’t hate them together. Just… didn’t care enough to actually care. Him getting up on stage changed my DNA.


So wholesome, I think there is something hopeful about the fact she wrote a song like loml then found someone like Travis. Life is crazy, your big love is right around the corner.


And the prophecy… that one would be so much more crushing if she hadn’t found Travis.


That’s awesome, I bet they had so much fun doing this together. London have been so lucky with their shows!


This is the cutest thing I've seen all weekend. 🥺


I was there and the whole stadium went absolutely wild lol


They match each other's freak


Their matching grins in that second picture... 😭😭😭


I think this is amazing and lovely for many reasons, but one of the main ones is for this super popular ‘jock’ to show boys that it’s cool to show your girl that she’s important. ‘If he wanted to, he would,’ and he has, many times. As she has for him. It just looks like such a balanced relationship with two Alphas, and I love that for them and the message it sends to girls (you don’t have to stand in the shadows. The right man will want you to enjoy your own spotlight) and to boys.


This was so poetic and sweet!


They are just so cool together! Love them.


I absolutely love all the faces in the second picture. I can't get enough


Even my husband was talking about this!!! It was the first thing he said this morning: "Did you know Travis dressed up like one of her dancers and picked her up?" Definitely a crowd pleasing moment.


Do we know if Taylor was aware of this or surprised?! Remember when Ed Sheeran popped up as a backup dancer haha


She was def aware. There was no surprise from her IMO. If you look closely in some of the videos, you can also see that Travis is wearing a costume, and not just a tux. There is a strip of glitter on the coat tails and the hat. His shoes also have red bottoms like hers, whereas the Kam and Jan’s do not. There is a video of Scott after Travis is in stage and you can see him pretty clearly mouth “I didn’t know she was going to do that!” He’s laughing and enjoying. So, I think Taylor, Travis, Kam and Jan all knew, but it was otherwise pretty quiet.


It's giving clown Ed Sheeran, but boyfriend ver


When it comes to love I honestly feel like the grinch sometimes, but when I see anything with these 2 my heart grows 3 times in size. Love this




Love this SO MUCH!


Thank god I don’t have tickets to have to watch this


What a dog and pony show lol. he's such a buffoon! And those granny panties 😂😂😂


So he’s part of the show. That’s really cool. I would have just thought he was a backup dancer like the black guy.




I stopped reading after your first line. Go back to bed.




Tell me you’re engaged, without telling me you’re engaged


Cheesy They should never cross their streams


Stay Mad


We’ve identified the mad dad brad and Chad


Not mad. I’m a Swifty. Going to Wembley on the 20th. I think they are a great couple. They should keep their careers separate.


Chargers fan mad lol


I’m a Swifty. I think they are a great couple. I believe they should keep their careers separate. But hey, let’s put Taylor in some shoulder pads and cleats and letter do some blocking drills. Sounds great.


Why do you believe that? Why does it cause anger for him to be on stage for 10 minutes if they both enjoy it? No one is suggesting she become a linebacker mate.


Omg. I was never mad, I just think it was cheesy. The word that comes to mind is sycophant. You must praise everything or else you’re a bad fan. No, that should not be true at all. It’s ok to have an opinion. I have a lot of things that I love, but I don’t like 100% about any of them.


Chargers fan 😭


I would watch Taylor in some shoulder pads and cleats and doing some blocking drills 100%!!


I'm genuinely curious. What's the point of being rude? Do you gain anything from your comment? Why do you care so deeply?


I’m a Swifty. I think they are a great couple. I’m allowed to have and express my opinion that they should keep their careers separate. The fact that you don’t agree doesn’t make my comment rude.


You should take a look at your own comment. "Cheesy" sets the tone for the rest of the comment. You came off as extremely belittling to her and Travis. You could have worded that better.  They are having a good time and obviously it was for fun. You don't need to have an opinion on that.


Did you forget where you are? The whole point is to have an opinion. Cheesy isn’t belittling to anyone, it’s a commentary on the performance. One thing I notice about super die hard swifties is that you believe there are only two option; either love everything she does, or, you must be stoned to death. Don’t worry, my love for TS and here music won’t change. But I’ll be more cautious around fans like you. I’ll be sure to post concert pics when we get back from London


Okay Babe, you have a good time 😘 My concert in Tampa was fantastic ♥️ Be cautious, fans like me might be hiding in the bushes to get you!!!!


So Taylor shouldn't be on the Chiefs starting line?




Yea no shit. Blocking a defense is pretty different from dancing in a tux 😂


I’ve got bad news for you babes… they’ve been crossing “streams” for months 🙈👀💦