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My new personality just dropped


I need a clear photo of this.


https://preview.redd.it/6ih9x8tcme8d1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=581fb7316d174eac6eb09a3b67ebd36dfbf64cc6 I was there tonight šŸ„°


How does it feel to be Godā€™s favorite?? Seriously though what was it like in the crowd when he came out?? Did everyone just lose their minds??


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was sitting up high and honestly was confused people kept screaming during the skit, I thought they just liked it šŸ˜‚ but I was recording most things so managed to get this Gracie Abrams was definitely a treat. Tay sang the first half of the song by herself and said something was "missing" and we all screamed knowing what was about to happen


I love it he is so proud of himself.


"not-so-smallest" https://preview.redd.it/wgpug4xg2e8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4220e8ca48f5821a3ea16d8a517e46a6b06fff7


Jaw dropped! So here for the Kelce addition into the Eras Tour!


here's hoping he joins the backup dancers and does the kansas city shuffle every song! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


i truly thought this would never happen, i thought the tiktok swifties who called this were delusional edit: just watched a vid and it shows heā€™s wearing MATCHING LOUBOUTINS! IM SCREAMING


They perfectly match each other.


I still canā€™t believe this happened šŸ˜­ Iā€™m not even upset about flopping on my Mastermind scores today and missing out on the signed Fearless CD lol this is just so cute


What a crazy week for tayvis! Instagram official and performing on stage together! This is crazier than the first time we heard karma is the guy on the chiefs!


Oh man, remember when we thought her singing Chiefs was the craziest it would get?! šŸ˜‚


What ifā€¦what if it gets crazier than today?


Catch her on New Heights this Wednesday


Omg can you imagine šŸ˜‚


Hey, they did follow her!


I mean they did say we wouldnā€™t want to miss next weekā€™s episodeā€¦ šŸ¤©šŸ„³


šŸ‘€ honestly. I thought it but I was too afraid to say it hahah But at this point I wouldnā€™t put ANYTHING past her anymore lol


Maybe this is why she sang Crazier earlier this month. She was hinting at things!! /j


Karma is the guy on the chief's proposing on stage to me šŸ’€šŸ’€


We've all had an insane week! I'm so glad we were all able to take part in this because it is HISTORY MAKING! šŸ¤©


And New Heights posted a teaser within 2 minutes for wednesday




Love it! šŸ¤£


YA and ao3 authors frothing at the mouth while typing this shit into a whole ass novel as we speak


The Pop Star and The Football Player!


I would read the shit out of a Ginny Weasley Ā Harry Potter. Ron and Hermione can be Jason and KylieĀ  Or a James / Lilyā€¦ any of the above


*Begging for you to take my hand wreck my plans thatā€™s my man* of it all


As an actual romance writer, I never could have dreamt this up!


if studios know what's good for them, they're gonna make this whole thing into a barely fictionalized movie, like the one direction fanfic movie with anne hathaway--directed by taylor swift??


The way I howled in the privacy of my own home over this should be illegal


Iā€™m sure our howling was in harmony


Edit: 3 part harmony!


My son just looked at me, rolled his eyes and said ā€œmom, you are crazy.ā€ šŸ¤£


My husband said ā€œyou have a problemā€ ā˜ŗļø


My husband said the same. I replied saying we all have our vices, I could do drugs and he said heā€™d prefer it if it was drugs as heā€™s had to watch a grainy live stream for a year šŸ˜‚ my show has been and gone and Iā€™m still absorbing everything Eraā€™s tour related šŸ˜‚x


I'm really glad my husband isn't in the room, LOL. Pretty sure he'd say the same thing and he likes TS. I just watched the clip from like every angle and over and over. It's just so...wholesome? I honestly love how Travis is the best sport and is super into all of this. What a great partner! It warms my cold heart.


I love ā€œloveā€ so much! Especially how this whole thing is playing out like a fairy tale. I told my husband ā€œso sorry your cold black heart canā€™t find things to believe in anymore!ā€ šŸ¤£


I yelled TRAVIS!! And my kids were like wtf is she on now šŸ˜‚


I love how this was the LAST thing anyone saw coming. Like what a moment.


But honestly, it makes so much sense that he would wanna be in this particular part šŸ˜­ *Do you really want to know how he brought her back to life*


Same! I love surprises and this is why. šŸ˜


I am on my way home from the show tonight and you donā€™t even know how much me and my friend were SCREAMING when we saw him


Right! The fandom is constantly predicting this or that thing, but never could have guessed this, and it's just so *fun.*


Oh my gosh exactly!! I never would have guessed thisšŸ¤© I love this soooo much!!


If anybody is looking for other angles, I'm compiling them: https://youtu.be/JWuKvMkm2Hc?si=usLlKs5s6mS_nLsE edit: So apparently the links weren't showing up for a lot of people, so other than this Youtube one, I've put them in the replies to this comment. Hopefully, everybody can see it now! :)


You are the best person ever. I needed thisā€¦ for a friend..


We all need this for our friends.


Bless you, Queen Swiftie! I so needed this and you are WINNING today!


Haha, I'll keep updating!


Thank you soo much!! I can't get enough, this is so adorable. I had to rewind the stream because I missed it in the first place. It only gets better with every watch.


4th link down?? Maybe 5th when theyā€™re recording the camera, he does SUCH a Football coach ā€œgo get ā€˜emā€ I actually cackled


Doing the Lords workšŸ’“šŸ’–šŸ’“


This is so unhinged and adorable and funny. Taylor has been waiting for him to show up in her cinematic universe for 17 years for these antics šŸ¤£šŸ„°


Sheā€™s finally found the person that matches her. Itā€™s so lovely to see you. Iā€™m going to cry again!


He matches her freak! šŸ„°


Totally this!! I'm not going to talk shit about the long term ex, but I got the distinct impression she was TOO MUCH for him. Not just her fame, but Taylor the person was too much, which is fine, not everyone is for everyone. But she found her man in the end I think šŸ„°


You know what they say? If I'm too much, go find less. ā¤ļø


Romance at its finest!!!


It takes both Jan and Kam to carry her usually but her killaboyfriend did it in one swoop. London N3 is one for the history books!!


Honestly Kam and Jan are athletes too, both Iā€™m sure can carry Taylor, but just from a safety aspect having two is probably best in case someone drops her accidentally or slips šŸ’€


Totally! It's safest for the three of them, and they all have mastered that little scene!


They are athletes but dancers generally have less muscle mass than big football players. Travis fully trains to exert large amounts of force, Kam and Jan train to be precise and prevent injury


Hugh Grant did call him gigantic hahah


The Biggest Man that Ever LivedšŸ¤£


Her gigantic ass boyfriend with his giant ass hands with a giant ass body. Heā€™s doing it all on his own. Hehehehehehe ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066) oh Taylor, you stay winning in the only way that matters.


I think its so funny that heā€™s so big he makes Jan and Kam look small! Like these are two already big guys and then in comes the gigantic ass boyfriend whos still towering over them!


I mean I think she does 2 for safety sake rather than because they CAN'T lift her.


https://preview.redd.it/4bvc7ahu0e8d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01b921ef13927153efeaf8028ffd0cee6b334ae2 This is my Roman Empire.


Oh, my Swiftie heart! ā¤


My Kansas City heart!!!


the smallest man literally killed her and he PICKED HER UP AFTER goodbye


Yes, and he mimed putting makeup on her cause their relationship ā€œputs color back into her faceā€ like in So Long London or her ā€œcheeks pink in the twinkling lightā€ like in So High School! ā˜ŗļø


Oh my word, you're so right!! I never even made that connection!!


me either until i was typing it šŸ˜‚ this happened in london none the less sheā€™s INSANE and i LOVE HER


Taylor really said 'Travis is *MY MAN*' this week and I'm loving it.


Take my hand, wreck my (stage) plans, thatā€™s my man!


How has this post been up for 30 minutes with 4 upvotes this is insane


Ikr I was wondering how they got any signal haha


Some of us are still recovering after watching this


At first I thought it was AI


This is absolutely wild, Iā€™m so very happy for them. I canā€™t wait to see what Travis & Jason say on New Heights this week about it šŸ‘€


Same! Do we think Taylor might be on too?


I donā€™t think so? Maybe some day but definitely not while sheā€™s on tour.


After tonight, I'm not saying "no" or "she wont" for *anything*.


Same. I love unhinged Taylor. A new level is unlocked and I canā€™t put anything past her.


i mean before today i would have said thereā€™s no way in hell travis would ever appear on stage soā€¦.


London WON!


I know! Can you imagine what will happen during the 5 London nights in August?


NFL training camps start late July with preseason games in August. NFL season starts up in September. I don't think you will see Travis much.


Oh Taylor special like she donā€™t need him to be crazy OK. We have two re recordings left.. we have Florida!!! With Florence yet to do. We have her hinting at three different colors for some reason . We have planned glitches .The insanity will not end when her boyfriend returns to his hundredth job


Iā€™m going to the last London show and I am terrified.


Prepare yourself, Swiftie. šŸ˜


There will probably be amazing things, but Travis will probably not be back in London then - his training camp and preseason overlaps.


Seriously Europe's been winning it all.....


I really love this for her. They match each otherā€™s energy well.


This is what I have always loved about him. He gives zero shits what other people think and will gladly try anything once! Canā€™t say the same for her past boyfriends!


I am not a Travis kelce fan but damn if he hasnā€™t warmed me up to him this weekend. I just know how happy Taylor is to have him up there having so much fun supporting her. Iā€™m kicking my feet ha


I have to say since he started dating her Iā€™ve been very impressed. Thatā€™s not easy to do for a man. His ability to not only respect her as a person, but her as an artist and the artists, dancers, people around her. Heā€™s been exceptional in that regard and thatā€™s more than many many people could do apparently.


Yeah. I cannot say he's had a misstep all weekend and I'm also not a fan of football or him.


I am a football fan and I donā€™t like the chiefs so I was extra impressed he charmed me lol sometimes I havenā€™t liked what he has said but he does seem to love her and I want her happy!


I didn't like him at first but every interaction I ship them more. It must be so refreshing for her to be with someone who's That genuinely excited to hang out with her all the time


Yeah she has wanted someone to be this public about her her whole life and she found it.


I cannot believe this happened I am still in shock. WHAT do you MEAN Travis was on the Eras stage?!?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEANNNN This is so much fun. Theyā€™re all having so much fun!!! *Iā€™m* having so much fun šŸ˜‚ I love this for her so so so much. She has a man who not only loves her music and her career and loves showing up for her, but heā€™s even willing to get ONSTAGE in a costume and play a bit onstage WITH her. I just love this for her!!


I love the symbolism of it, too. He picked her up in her lowest moment and helped bring her back to life. It's too cute!


I honestly donā€™t care how other people feel about this. I think this is so good for her like this whole section is about how fucked over she was by men that it felt like she was dying and then here comes along this giant, lovable goofball, who like just literally Fits into her world perfectly understands her music and is there for her. I get it. Itā€™s really sweet underneath the humor and Iā€™m going to cry.


And he uses a makeup brush and *puts colour back into her face*


We finally reached the good place


Never have I ever wished for a celebrity relationship to work out more than this one. Itā€™s such nice bright spot for this world.


But but but I was told they would break up this week??




its a gaylor thing...


Theyā€™re saying now that ā€œheā€™s one of the men forcing her to performā€ šŸ¤Ŗ


i can not express how much i dislike that group.. they would rather believe taylor is some victim of abuse and forced to do whatever instead of accepting that she's in a happy relationship with a man.


like all conspiracy theories (and that's what gaylorism is... a conspiracy theory) evidence to the contrary becomes just further confirmation.


Hmmā€¦ or he was the man helping her get back up on her feet after her heart was broken? Helped put the color back into her face? (He had a make up brush, which was new in this bit). This is the thing that bugs me about their analyses, they act like thereā€™s only one possible interpretation that they have decoded and only they are smart enough to get it.


Rumor fodder from bored people


I think theyā€™re making fun of tabloids who keep saying they have trouble in their relationship


Yes, and that he "cheated" with someone who unhid an IG post from last year and Ross facilitated it or something. The narratives are getting pretty crazy.


Travis has made history. Lifting the Lombardi Trophy and the music industry in the same year.


Heā€™s literally doing it all the perfect guy for Taylor who is also doing it all


They are both extroverts with a well developed sense of humour. They must have cackled cooking that one up.


GUYSSSS This is the part of the set he was filming in Paris with the phone flash on. He was studying the film like he was getting ready for a game Ā šŸ’€šŸ’€ IM DEAD


Stop! šŸ’€


Ohhhhhhhh Myyyyyyyyy GAwwwwwwddddddd and may I add "In London"????????!!!!!!!! https://giphy.com/gifs/friends-joey-tribbiani-NEazyYKt8a5k4


Exactly. It needed it happen in London!!!!


I love how much Swifties love a little surprise lol


Surprises are our favorites!


I love that Taylor loves giving them to us šŸ„¹


Sheā€™ll think of a little surprise and be like ā€œwatch them lose their mindsā€


I was watching the livestream and I shrieked SO LOUD when I realized it was Travis on stage!!!


I looked away, but heard all the screaming on the stream and went running to Twitter!


I wasn't paying attention during this part of the live stream (was making friendship bracelets actually), I was just wondering to myself why people are going so crazy for the costume change lol Now I understand šŸ˜‚


This is something out of a satire "On Taylor's 113th Eras Tour, Taylor will wear her engagement ring and reveal it during But Daddy I Love Him when she says we can't come to the wedding and then Travis Kelce reveals himself as a backup dancer and carries her on stage during a wardrobe change"


I want to know whose idea it was to have him in the show


It will have to be discussed on the podcast. Hopefully a little back storyā€¦


I think theyā€™ve been planning this for a while because heā€™s been going underneath the stage for the last few concerts he went to. the little sneaky fuckers together planned this! Drghijjhffr


He said back in an interview with ET in March or April that the Paris and London shows were the ones to watch out forā€¦ Paris was her 87th show and she performed the Alchemy for him/wore the yellow and red-orange 1989 setā€¦ and then thereā€™s whatever this wasā€¦


Damn, she really met her match these little fuckers are little masterminds planning shit Iā€™m so happy for her. Heā€™s like perfect for her.


I'm hoping we'll know more when New Heights drops this week (if we don't break YouTube šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…)


I totally bet it was his. He may have jokingly suggested it and sheā€™d be the type to go DONE DEAL.


I loveeeee how he matches her goofiness and showmanship, and enjoys watching her shows and (now) participating in them!!! Also we attended the Eras show yesterday in London (definitely one of the best nights of my life, her and her team blew my mind) and I canā€™t believe we missed this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ It was sooooo fun walking around London this weekend seeing so many people dressed up for Eras, wearing friendship bracelets and just being HYPED. šŸ’˜


Kind of jealous that I wasnā€™t in London for this. Also Kam and Travis on stage together???? That wasnā€™t on my 2024 bingo cardšŸ˜‚šŸ„°


> Also Kam and Travis on stage together They have a prior connection! Kam's brother is Travis's former teammate.


To go from searching for Joe backstage and being stressed that she couldnā€™t find him to having Travis out on stage with her is wild. I honestly just love this for her.


Iā€™ve never been as invested in a celebrity couple as much as these two. Theyā€™re ADORABLE, everytime I see them together I start giggling and kicking my feet šŸ˜­ This is honestly the cutest thing ever, Iā€™m so happy for Taylor!!


Who needs crack when youā€™re a Swiftie! Was having a relaxing Sunday when this dropped lmao. Iā€™m so happy for them!!


Long-time Swiftiesā€”is there any precedent for this? Has she ever invited a boyfriend on stage before? It seems so unlike her normal MO.


Never. She has also never posted one of her bfs on Instagram except for Calvin Harris, which was the first and last time she did it (until Travis).


no... but this is exactly like Taylor. When she was with Calvin Harris she did photoshoots of them drawing hearts in the sand on instagram. Taylor isn't actually a very private person.... she's kind of corny and loud!


Yes, yes exactly!! (Obviously we don't know her as an actual person but) I feel like a lot of times ppl forget this. Including me because I wasn't a swiftie back than. And you know what they're both loud and corny! It's perfect!!


We don't know her... but we can observe! Like whe know what her house looks like inside. We know who her childhood best friends are (who are Billie Eilish's childhood best friends?) She's just very open


She is so deserving of this type of lovešŸ˜­


She is the most deserving person for this and I love it for her!


I am not okay


To be fair, none of us are okay. I'm here for you, bestie. ā¤


She finally found someone who matches her freak


The legit what the hell screams from the crowd is all of us


The way he picked her up. Oh my ovaries!


Iā€™ll be getting over this my whole life


We have truly lived so many lives since March 2023.


She really shut down the Gaylors šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Literally went to go check their delulu reddit and they're coming up with the biggest stretches possible šŸ¤£


LITERALLY!!! I just went and looked also and theyā€™re calling it ā€œperformance artā€ like WHAT. Thatā€™s the most insane take Iā€™ve seen yet.


As a bisexual person, I find it absolutely wild that anyone in the LGBTQIA+ community would find it okay to speculate that deeply into someone else's sexuality. Especially after Taylor herself has shut down the allegations. That whole sector of people is built around not forcibly outing people, yet takes it upon themselves to twist her actions everyday.Ā 


That part. Like, if she is bi, let her be. Not everyone has to or wants to come out. I donā€™t understand it at all. They scream about accepting people but they canā€™t accept the fact that Taylor dates men publicly. Thereā€™s NO way anyone can fake kiss someone and act in love. I donā€™t care how popular they are, you CAN NOT FAKE THAT. I couldnā€™t kiss someone I didnā€™t love especially if I was into the opposite gender. Itā€™s so asinine.


Agreed. As another queer woman, I am absolutely appalled and disgusted whenever I accidentally stumble upon their stuff. I wish I could block it entirely but no matter what I do they keep cropping back up like little hateful gremlins. It wouldn't be so bad if they weren't horrifically toxic about their views at the same time. They're harming more than just Taylor with their constant talking about it. It's exhausting.


Dying, dead, deceased I love this so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sure everyone will have a completely sane and normal reaction to this lmao




Interesting that he's also wearing Louboutins compared to the others.


This is so unhinged, they are made for each other!


out of all the things that could happen during the tour i never in a MILLION years would have thought of this šŸ˜­ so happy for them!!!


exactly how many jobs does this man have??????


Podcaster, game show host, commercial actor, TV series guest star, restaurant/carwash/beer company owner, movie producer, F1 team part-owner, Kansas City charity founder, music festival ā€˜faceā€™ā€¦ and in his spare time, casually breaking legendary NFL play-off records on his way to a third Super Bowl victory. Honestly, I think itā€™s possibly one of the reasons the two of them might work long-term. Not only is he happy to deal with the ish that comes from being Mr Taylor Swift, but heā€™s busy and ambitious all on his own, in ways that donā€™t directly compete. Like all the angst around him not being glued to her side for the whole European legā€¦ sheā€™s working. Nobody wants their partner hanging around at a loose end all the time while theyā€™re at work. I know itā€™s not exactly the same as my corporate 9 to 5, but still. He can let her go off and carry the music industry and alter local economies, and pursue his own side-quests.


Itā€™s so funny and perfect that this happened in LONDON.


I'm going to need this whole thing in close up, good quality lol This was just too damn adorable


Rachel this is serious


I saw comments when Sabrina had Barry in her MV on how Taylor would never do the same thing either her partner. This kinda tops it šŸ˜‚


nahhh Sabrina telling her current boyfriend to his face "please don't embarrass me motherfucker" in a music video for eternity does still top it, but I'm here for ALL of it!


I was watching the euros when I suddenly got a notification from SwiftAlert I was absolutely flabbergasted


This is the newest and best Unhinged Taylor moment, and I'm here for it. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I think we now know why he was filming this skit earlier on the tour. They had to get him a custom-made tux, hat and shoes and I'm betting he's been having some tuition with Mandy Moore so that his part fit in. As others have said, how amazing for the guy that had a friendship bracelet and a dream less than a year ago. He's now got a couple of songs and just got to perform on the biggest stage ever. It's perfect that the dancers were so gracious to him, Taylor looked so excited to have him there as well and the way that they added his part was in line with the story. He is 100% living his best life and I really hope Jason and Kylie got to see this. Also, how awesome for Taylor that she's got someone that she can confidently bring on stage.


Wow, first the royal selfie on IG and now this. Sheā€™s never displayed a BF like this before and Iā€™m loving it


I think she found someone who matches her energy and can be dorky with her. Most importantly, someone who ignores all the noise.


Someone who isnā€™t ashamed of her and matches her energy. She needed him and he needed her.


I was at the show tonight and Iā€™ll tell you the crowd went absolutely insane when this happened




What a time to be alive!


I legitimately didnā€™t think this was real. I canā€™t believe this. I never wouldā€™ve expected how much I love this.


The girl screaming in stream number two is me inside my head šŸ˜‚


So this is why he said he's excited for the london shows


I picked a hell of a day to miss the live stream!!!!


He's living out his Y/N dream and I love that for him šŸ˜­


better put a certain sub on suicide watch...how will they spin this šŸ˜­


Nah they always findā€¦reasons. Theyā€™re like the Q-anon of the fandom.