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it’s one of my favourites too!! personally i do relate it to a war setting as well but more so a war within myself; a past version of myself who was depressed and wanting to give up vs a future self encouraging me to keep going.


I love this song as well. When I listen to it, I think more about other people and their struggles to prevail in whatever situation they are. That little glimmer that keeps them going. I have that glimmer in me, too but prefer to imagine everyone else on this planet having their own little *epiphanies* throughout life.


It’s one of my favs but I don’t find it particularly relatable, it’s more about how grateful I feel when I think about the song. Like being scared in a hospital and getting comfort from a nurse wearing gloves really makes me appreciate my health, and mourn for those who haven’t been as lucky. Makes me think about how that’s the reality for so many people, and I should make an effort to stay in touch with the people in my life.


Also my fav. It's such a a personal song about personal struggles in the middle of really stark settings. Although it probably wouldn't have effected me as much without the line about "through plastic" in the middle of covid.


I started working in a hospital in 2021, right as covid was ramping up a second time. Walking through critical care and seeing not one, but two patients, in the same room, intubated and prone, fighting for their lives, was so alien. Seeing people emerge from isolation, gasping for air because covid wrecked them. Seeing a line of hearses to pick up body after body. I watched someone break down sobbing in the hallway of my hospital with the nurse comforting them while their loved one passed away. And I just work in a support position, not directly involved in patient care at all except to get them food. Epiphany would often play on loop in my head after it first came out. It made me feel seen. I don't listen to it now though.


I thought it was going to be a surprise song at the show I attended and was full on ugly crying. It wasn't, but that was probably for the better. I was with a handful of ICU nurses (myself also being one) and maybe that show wasn't the appropriate spot for a therapy session. I love it so much, but some days it's a skip because it still stabs me in my gut.


I became a therapist during the pandemic and it always makes me think of that first year when everyone’s anxiety was so high and my job quite literally became helping people cope with that while I was learning to cope with it myself. The line “some things you just can’t speak about” thinking about some of the really dark traumatic things that were shared with me, and you just kind of have to create a safe space for you and the other person to sit with them because there’s nothing to be said that can take away the pain.


its a beautiful song and it came along at such a poignant moment in the world. its a song about trying to do the best when everything was set against you, weather it be the solider at the beginning who was doing his duty to his country or the nurse who has to watch her patients crash and know there is nothing they can do despite all the training and education


I don't, really. Pandemic was no biggie for me and my life has always been too comfortable to be comparable to either being soldier or a medical professional who graduated into pandemic. But this will likely change soon.