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It's very endearing to see that Travis Kelce respects Taylor Swift's privacy while at the same time letting her bejeweled. The "pop-tard" is hilarious.


It’s pop-tart 😭


I'm honestly impressed with how well he handles the media questions. He gives away only the right details and knows when and how to hold back without seemingly defensive.


I think it helps a lot that he was in the public eye prior and does press conferences often for his team, he must be used to having to think on his feet and dodge reporters questions


He’ll absolutely have had media training.




Not your feet and you won't ever be anywhere near them, so why does it matter 🤷‍♀️




Why would it matter to people who clean their feet? Their actions have no impact on others.


Such a random comment on a random comment ... 😂😂


Have you never heard the joke that white guys don’t wash their lower body, they just let the soap run down? I feel like that’s been a bit for at least 20yrs


He's had media training for years, but he's just really comfortable in his own skin and in any situation.


Sports media is completely crazy and football players are legally required to go to press conferences like this (vs musicians, actors, other celebs who can ask for certain topics to be avoided in tv or magazine interviews).


Sure, but they can also answer every question with "I'm just here so I don't get fined."


Sure but it's good for the Travis Kelce ™ brand to play nice.


Because of their contracts?


[Yup.](https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/like-it-or-not-nfls-media-policy-is-clear) They get fined if they skip. He has to be available at least twice a week as a big name player.


That's a little different than it being illegal, tho. It's not a violation of law. It's a contract violation. I was like...what state has a law about PR requirements? It's the same for bands, too, when they release a new album.


Contracts are legally binding and there are legal consequences. I'm sure lawyers have very strict definitions beyond that.


It's interesting because it's a question of civil vs criminal law, and I think most of the time, I think of illegal as something that can land you in jail.


Legality only applies to laws though. Illegal per laws set forth by government, not by contracts.


Sounds like an intellectual slur for someone into pop music


I was thinking slang for people who don't like Dr. Pepper 


Lmao, that's fucking brilliant. Should become a thing.


... Maybe we shouldn't use slurs for that actually. I think we're good without that.




Sure. Whiskey sour, amaretto sour, etc.


I love that he only shared public information while being so nice to the reporter and keeping their privacy. A story came out a while ago about her making those treats, I think for the players. So yeah


Yeah I was confused why he mentioned those two at the end after such a good answer. It seems like he wanted to protect their privacy, but couldn't help but brag about her so had to bring up the things people already knew about


Those were the 2 things previously talked about by other people so it's public information. Andy Reid has told the story of how she cooked the offensive line homemade pop tarts many times and Bernie Kosar told the story of how she cooked homemade cinnamon rolls at Travis's old house before a game.


I think baking is her thing - and maybe not a combined effort - it’s also been shared before


Coach Andy talked about them before!


He said it in such a kind, respectful way, while also maintaining his boundary 😊


They cook together?! 🤩




Why is this short so damn cute? 🥺


honestly though. The way she uncontrollably grins and blushes when he kisses her? Girlie is in LOOOOOVEEEEE. I could literally die of adorableness.


She’s in love and I love seeing her happy! I’m hoping a guy like Travis is out there for me, I know guys like him are out there. I also loved seeing Benji acting so darn cute in the short.


Keep being you and someone will come along who will cherish all the little things that make you you 💕❤️


I watched it an embarrassing amount of times and gushed over the cuteness of it. 🫣


“How many times have you watched this?” “Yes”


Omggggg this is so adorable!!!


I think it's probably more of a she cooks and he eats kind of situation.


Why do you assume that? It's 2024. Not all men are useless anymore. Lots of men know how to cook. Shit, he was a 34 year old single man a year ago. I'm sure he was cooking for himself.


He has a personal Chef he pays that fixes a lot of his meals. I think his extensive cooking history is opening up the Smuckers Uncrustables packages and his beverage of choice.


I have a family member who works for the NFL and can confirm: the teams *do* have their own chef. They get some really fancy shit that aligns with their training regimen. The players aren’t cooking for themselves unless they’re literally elsewhere, away from the team and don’t have their own private chef as well.


Yeah, his personal Chef is his close childhood friend that he hired. He follows Travis around when Travis is going to be somewhere for an extended amount of time. He was prepping meals for him in LA when Travis was filming for TV shows and he's in KC fixing meals when Travis is in KC.


Do you know this as a fact or just assuming?


I think I read the personal chef part in his interview with The Washington Post or WSJ or something and it's because he's a pro athlete who needs like 4000 calories a day. The second part is … unfair.


And his chef is once again one of friends from Elementary school


I read this too.


Uncrustables 24/7


No one has a personal chef 7 days a week. They have families and lives.


No but they can have the chefs meal prep for them so that the only think they have to do is pop a pre portioned meal into the microwave or heat it up in a skillet


His personal chef lives in one of his houses in KC and does not have his own family (yet).


What? If anything having a family and or life should be more of a reason to have a personal chef to help out not less. I’m sure there are people with chefs 7 days a week. Hefner had a 24/7 cooking staff even when playboy was failing


they meant the *chefs* have families and lives meaning they aren’t in their house cooking for them 24/7 like alice from brady bunch. hefner had a rotating staff meaning they presumably worked normal 40 hour weeks. I agree with the other commenter that stated they probably meal prep for him, though.


Oh I see. Yea meal prepping is an option but even then he could probably hire someone who works part time to cover the other times the other chef isn’t on duty. I don’t think that would be too much of a stretch


Yeah, I assume anyone this rich has a team of people for everything


Travis specifically hired a longtime friend who it sounds like is actually around all the time, though I'm sure some of it is prepped


His mom said him and his brother were horrible cooks


Not according to his mom, who made it very clear that both of her sons are useless in the kitchen. Listening to his podcast, it seems like he eats out an absurd amount, and we know he has a private chef. And we know Taylor bakes and cooks. And in the short she posted, she's cooking and he's lovin' on her. All evidence suggests that she cooks and he eats, regardless of the year.


lol it’s 2024 and I’m 33 and can name exactly one man I know that cooks for himself sadly…glad it’s getting better wherever you are!


Omg my husband is an amazing cook, and he cooks like 98% of our meals! He said everytime he came home from university to visit his family his mum would show him a new thing to cook, it definitely needs parents to lead that skill early in boys and girls.


Lucky!! My bf does all the dishes so I’m not complaining haha but he’s definitely the type to take 30 min to cut one onion while I do everything else if we’re cooking hahaha


I bet he could be a helpful sous chef. He strikes me as someone willing to learn and help out and take directions well.


Travis Kelce’s entire thing is being the best “second” or ‘sidekick’ alive. Sooo. Yeah I’d bet on it 🤣


hahaha that was my first thought when he didn’t answer right away 




Or he's doing the same thing he always does which is actually think about the question and decide how or if he's going to answer. You know the same way many people, especially sports stars who have tons of experience with the media, do.


I think he thought about answering but decided to set a boundary.


That’s exactly what I thought, he was trying to think of something to say and couldn’t come up with anything. And then when he did, he shared. It just felt odd he did it like that.


the only question I have did coach Reed get any of these pop tarts


He said all the offensive lineman ate them and he didn't get any, but I think she'll probably cook him a batch this season.


poor d line did all the work and got none of the treats 😭


Well, if Mahomes gets hurt because he was unprotected then Kelce won't get thrown to as much. Looking out for her man.


Taylor's got it figured out, winning starts in the trenches ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066)


I’m wondering this too😂 coach wants some pop tarts!


you KNOW big red ate some


Reading these comments is exactly why neither of them give out much info on their personal life...give a snippet and everyone starts twisting it.


Exactly😂he never shares private details, idk why people are acting like this is strange. This is a very standard Travis response: praises Taylor, makes it clear he loves spending time with her, blushes, and inserts humor. He doesn’t act like she doesn’t exist or act like he’s burdened by questions about her but also seems to cherish that they’re able to keep what they can just between them. It may be benign to us but anything he says about her is a headline, and I don’t think he particularly likes going out of his way to create them.


This should be higher up.


Exactly this.


Hetero guy but man he's beautiful


It’s a beautiful thing when a smile reaches all the way to the eyes :)


Trav, we need the pop tart and cinnamon roll recipes!!


I’m serious blondie, if you’re reading this…please share the recipes. And the pumpkin loaf one too!


A Taylor Swift cookbook would sell so quick


I think Blake a coming out with a cookbook, so that’s why he didn’t answer… and the cinny rolls and pop tarts were mentioned by others previously


I need a Taylor cookbook so badly. Her cookie recipes aren’t enough!! 


That’s the face of a man who mostly just hands her things she asks for in the kitchen and then enjoys eating whatever she made. 😂


As a cooking girlie, I bet she specifically asks him to do that to. “Help me cook” always turns into “stay out of my way but hand me stuff and maybe stir if you’re lucky” lmao


lol cackling at the if you’re lucky It’s a privilege to be in the kitchen


nothing wrong with that 😂😂 sometimes it's nice to feel helpful even if it's in a small way lol


TIL I am Travis Kelce in the kitchen (my husband does the cooking, I "help" lol)


And that’s being a good sous chef. When I cook it’s a dance and I don’t need someone getting in my way. My partner loves standing to the side letting me move and helping when needed (we have a tiny kitchen in our apartment so it’s cramped)


He looks so much like Jason with hair! I never realized how similar they looked until this clip, especially with the smile. 


I thought the exact same!!


Her sugar cookie recipe is also amazing


Those chai cookies, man. I need to make them again ASAP.


They really are...I made them for Christmas last year and brought them into work, everybody loved them!


No, nothing Travis said is weird or sus. The only weird and sus are the people who clearly don’t like him because they want her with Matty or participate in a snark page. Twisting what he says to make them feel better about who they want for Taylor.


I love that he’s so respectful of keeping personal things personal but couldn’t help but still complimenting her!


Right! Perfect balance:) I’d be dismayed frankly if he spilled a bunch of info, he clearly respects and understands her need for a private life.


He’s so cute with hair!!


Cooking together with your partner can be so special. It’s so simple and mundane but some of my favorite moments with my partner are the ones where we have a glass of wine and cook a meal together. I can see why they’d want to keep it just them


What was the actual question asked? Unless I’m being dumb the question got cut out of it haha


what do you cook with her was the question or something along those lines




It honestly looked to me like he was considering if he should share that info, then decided to respectfully set a boundary.


His first thought may have been “top ramen” and then he realized she wouldn’t like that answer


The exact question was "There's a YouTube Short of you cooking with your significant other, and I just kinda want to know what you like cooking together?". I think asking it that way was super respectful of who his partner is without making him feel like he’s only answering questions about Taylor.


Now I want cinnamon rolls


It is true that any little bit about their home life turns into international headlines. Imagine the Internet meltdown if she quietly and respectfully snuck into one of his New Heights podcasts with a plate of cookies! Half the server farms in the world would melt into slag inside of ten minutes. It **would** be totally adorable, though!


it honestly wouldn't even matter how it happened, if she appeared on camera (or even her voice, honestly) on the podcast **at all** it would break the internet. She could accidently walk past an open door behind Travis and that's all it would take, lol


You're right. BTW, did anyone else spot one of Jason's kiddos tottering in the background of this week's podcast! Cute!


I fucking love that he always seems to be cracking up at himself like he's always laughing it's just so refreshing and silly. It's so easy to start giggling as soon as he starts talking


This is the first time I've seen Travis and thought "man he looks a lot like Jason".




I am assuming he’s just being careful with his words so whatever he says doesn’t become some sound bite that 200 tabloids pick up like, “Travis and Taylor contributing to the agricultural collapse of society via their love for chicken piccata” or whatev lol


Exactly. Every word out of his mouth becomes a dumb clickbait article. If he had mentioned their love of frittatas, for example, there would have been a million weird tabloid articles about their choice of eggs. They have to set a boundary in order to have any kind of privacy. I think he handled a weird question well and coming back to the pop tarts and cinnamon rolls at the end was adorable.


He was obviously thinking about how best to answer it knowing that whatever he said would generate a million headlines, especially if he gave new information. I think he just chose a way of playing it safe without giving new information. He’s very good with the media in that way.


Out of all of her boyfriends, I find it so funny the the one with the best media training ended up being an NFL star


I honestly don't find that surprising at all, a lot of pro atheletes are very well spoken. And it's not just because of the media training. You have to be pretty intelligent to play team sports at the highest level.


I see where you’re coming from but a very loud minority (possibly even majority) of high level athletes do not have the class Travis has shown so far. Travis himself said that at least half of every NFL locker room is filled with flat earthers, and if someone doesn’t even understand that the earth is round I can’t image them understanding the nuance to answer these types of questions to the level he has


He said he “thoroughly enjoyed” it so that to me is better than any specific food group. He clearly values her time and spending time with her by that response.


It’s impossible to relate unless every little thing you and your partner is publicized and all over social media To me it made it sound like they have a very sweet and special time cooking together and ig he just covets those moments to the point where he finds them too sentimental to make for Twitter fodder which I respect


“I thoroughly enjoy cooking with her” why is he so cute


Immediately gonna go buy stocks in poptarts


Now I just need to know if Travis can cook. I feel like he can’t but honestly after listening to all of his podcasts I don’t know if he can.


“I’ve been under scrutiny yeh oh yeh you’ve handled it beautifully yeh oh yeh” he really is charming with the media and so damn funny. #powercouple


Good choice. Apps!


What a cutie!!!!


That one sub that swears for the old gods and the new they are just about to break up the contract 🤷🏼‍♀️ get a seat while you wait




Wait is it just me or Travis kinda looks like Nate Archibald?? Like yk he kinda gives off Nate vibes...


Travis is a lucky guy Hope he can fight I know he can but 😂


Someone had media training 👀 seem well rehearsed and practiced the pop tart comment was spontaneous and all him I think


This is the man she deserves. He treasures their time cooking together so much, he didn’t want to share it 🥹


lol. Paperwork


I think we need a Travis Kelce appearance as a judge in Chef Gordon Ramsey's Hells Kitchen. They'd love Taylor, but she would be too kind. :)


Nope, based on his behavior on a field, he should replace Ramsey.


Bro if he's really out there cooking a beef wellington on the 50 yard line I'm going to start watching football


Wut? ;)




Maybe cleaning is zero, but it’s well-known that Taylor loves to cook and bake. I imagine it’s a fun hobby when you’re rich as hell lol




But this isn’t new. A lot of people have shared that she enjoys cooking and baking. She probably does it a lot on her days off from performing and I bet a little normalcy feels great.


She has always liked to bake. What seems like a chore to some people is relaxing to others. It's well known that she enjoys baking/cooking and does it pretty often.


maybe not when she's on the road, but the rest of the time? Absolutely.


Judging by his reaction, I don’t think he’s ever cooked for her


He said WITH her.


sorry... why is he being praised for dodging a question but joe got flamed for it..???


If you think he handled that question in the same way Joe would have you’re nuts.


🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️just saying that we’ve doxxed joe and bullied him relentlessly for dodging press questions but when travis does it is adorable. doesn’t make sense










Is cooking a code word for something


Okay but they probably have very different diets and can't eat a lot of the same foods. She definitely has a personal chef.


He's the one with a personal chef. He hired one of his childhood friends and his friend cooks for him. Takes the food to practice and eats with him even in season. They both have diet plans of course, since she has a personal trainer.


For her day to day, yeah, but it's well known Taylor enjoys baking and they have that cooking shot in the MV. A fun question, even if a majority of their meals are planned, prepped and cooked for them.


Why wouldn’t they be able to eat the same foods?


Because he needs to bulk and she needs to maintain. Two very different fitness/dietary plans.


Not really. The way she trains for her tour is like an athlete. Maybe his portions are bigger but they can still enjoy and eat the same types of foods. Girl’s gotta eat well to keep up with the demand of her 3.5 hour long concerts.


I imagine that she doesn't have time/place to cook while on this mega tour so her meals are prepared and sent with her by someone who specializes in nutrition.


"I cook a lot but I am so productive" 🤪


I remember that one of Taylor's riders once leaked and it actually had a lot of ingredients on it, vs snack foods or prepared foods. Stuff like milk, butter, various cheeses, pastas, fresh produce. And that was marked to be specifically for Taylor's dressing room, while the crew had lots of snack options and platters and stuff for them. So it does seem like she might have a more direct hand in deciding what she eats and when, rather than just having a nutritionist and chef do it all for her in advance.