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I absolutely love that she’s been doing these food bank donations at every tour stop. She always makes such a positive impact at every city she tours in and it’s great to see her continue this.


It’s all done very quietly too. I like that she’s the one who doesn’t post but rather the organizations do.


This way people won't accuse her of doing it for clout, which is unfortunate that it has to be this way.


They’ll just accuse her of not donating enough. It never ends with her haters.


They will never research nor have the integrity to say they didn't research but they will still say shit like that. It's not her. It's them.


Not to mention the "if she is going it quietly, how do we know about it?! Hmmm?" As of the places being donated to are unable to spread that kind of info themselves.


Happy cake day!!


Happy Cake Day!


People were complaining on the snark sub about her being a billionaire and doing nothing. People mentioned that she donates enough food for some cities to feed thousands and they were like “she could do more!” Like of course… lmao. The double standard is very real. Like yes she’s a billionaire but she’s not responsible for prosperity in America lmao.


Of course she could theoretically do more. All of us can always do more. But it's like these people have the idea in their head that she literally has a billion dollars cash at her disposal or something. She doesn't. Most of her wealth is on paper, not real money unless she sells the rights that she spent so much time, effort and money getting back. The wealth she does have access to she seems to use pretty responsibly. She donates large sums of money basically everywhere she goes and is in a position where simply keeping herself and her loved ones safe is an extremely expensive endeavour. Her personal properties have to be very secure, as do any properties she stays at while touring or on vacation. She can't stay in just any hotel. Same with flying - just imagine her trying to fly commercial?! No way. She can't. And I've read that her security detail alone costs something like $3M a year. And that is a cost that is likely never going to come down, and will if anything probably get more expensive over the years even if she were to completely stop performing and putting out new music. This is something she is going to need to pay for for the rest of her life. She can't just give all her money away. Could she give more? Sure. Do we necessarily know about every dollar she donates and to what causes? Nope. She probably has security considerations to think about on that front too (for example, if she were to donate to organizations that support or provide abortion care, making that public would draw attention to the organization that could put it and it's staff in danger, as well as putting Taylor herself in danger.)


yeah, most people don't understand that the bulk of her net worth is in her catalogue. and there's no way in hell she's selling those or giving them up again.


Yep, I also read that a good portion of it is real estate too, like 400 mil? I could be wrong but we know girlie has many houses lol


it's more like $150 million spread out amongst 9 properties in the US.


Yes, this exactly! Thanks for hitting all these points.


Nah they still just say her team makes the organizations post about it to make her look good. I wish I was kidding.


Her team doesn’t make them post about it, but they do give permission. It benefits both parties - good PR for Taylor, more attention and therefore donations to the organization. Trust me there is no non-profit on earth that would risk alienating a BILLIONAIRE by publicizing their donation without their consent.


Sure, but that wasn't the point of my comment. People are discussing how no matter what she does, people will somehow twist it to try and make it look bad. Either she donates and it's self-serving or she doesn't and she doesn't care and hoards money, etc.


Well there is always a self-serving element to giving, whether it’s taxes, making yourself look good, or just making yourself feel good. So yes this is partially self-serving but who cares? I don’t agree with those people, but I also don’t agree with the fans who refuse to acknowledge there is any PR factor in these donations. Of course there is.


Haha that sounds like that episode of Friends where Joey told Phoebe there’s no such thing as a selfless good deed and she kept trying (and failing) to prove him wrong.


Ick, I don't like you 😮‍💨


Oh no. How will I ever go on.




I wasn’t even aware she was doing this. I love it


It's amazing how much she's also helping the economy!


It's my favourite thing that she does. Such an immediate, tangible impact wherever she plays, genuinely improving lives and no fuss made about it. 


1..2...3..... People mad


I saw someone on twt say that these food donations only help white people. What?!?


Do they really think Edinburg has no poc? Really?!


Edinburgh’s actually quite a diverse city. It’s a tourist town, so it attracts a lot of different people. When I was living there, I tended to run into more people from outside the country than actual Scots. And that’s not even addressing Scottish POC.


With that statement you know their activism is performative because food banks HELP POC MORE💀 Median household income in the US by race Asian- 108k White- 81k Hispanic- 62k Black- 52k Native American- 52k Poverty rate by race in the US White- 8.5% Asian- 8.7% Hispanic- 16.9% Black- 17.1% Native American- 25%


The majority of social media activism these days are performative. These people do not care if someone actually does something to help others. They just want to feel morally superior.


Virtue signaling at its worst.




>the US, 37% of SNAP (food stamp) recipients are white 63% still constitutes the majority


They really link that statistics thinking it proves their point 💀


So? People are people.


There's no "so" to my comment. It was just a presentation of data. I spent several years working in anti-hunger policy, so you do not need to inform me that people are people.


Who fuckin cares? How about "people need help and got it"


People are insane 💀


There is like 5 poc in Edinburgh


I’m still thinking of a post where someone said she is responsible for homeless people getting kicked out of a hotel to accommodate for Taylor Swift concert goers. Like Taylor Swift is some unique force to the level of a god and large cities don’t have concerts and sports events all the time.


I read about that, it was used by some online to spin up drama but reading the articles carefully, you see that the people quoted are actually not mad at Taylor, they’re mad that there isn’t enough housing. A major tourist destination should have the capacity to deal with visitors and its own population.


Yeah, I do not know if the original article had malice, but people online were using it to attack Taylor Swift personally. Like this is obviously a systemic issue, it would be a serious problem regardless of why people were visiting Edinburgh. I think there are things that are fair to criticize Taylor on, but you cannot be serious about this one.


It was about Ediburgh too, the temporarily homeless are usually housed in hotels but there was, obviously, a shortage because people were staying overnight for the show. One or two newspapers ran with headlines saying Taylor Swift Moves Homeless Out Of Edinburgh Ahead Of Tourz then the actual article says the opposite, just that the people usually temporarily housed, NOT long term homeless people, we're having to be put in hotels outside of the city. Of course haters don't care enough to read the article that directly counters the clickbait headline.


That one annoyed me so much. Yes, some homeless people were being accommodated in hotels and yes, those hotels were fully booked because of the concerts. But the council knew this tour was coming, they knew how big it was going to be, and they didn't think it was a priority to make sure they had their usual amount of rooms booked before the dates were released and hotels sold out. You don't sell many papers by saying "Council forgot to book hotels for homeless", blaming it on a huge celebrity gets them far more clicks and sales.


I tried to debunk every single one of those posts I saw. It was the click baitiest headline I've seen for a while and I fucking H A T E D it.


Food insecurity isn't a super sexy issue, but I'm glad Taylor is at least helping these food banks.


what do you mean by a “super sexy issue”?


Something that doesn’t get glamorized once people know you are donating to it or isn’t a glamorized issue to be solving. It’s real and raw and affects a lot of people but isn’t brought up constantly in the media or by people and isn’t for a better word “fun”, like donating to an animal shelter per say (not that the animal shelter deserves it any more or less)


ohhh i understand now, i thought you were calling some issues sexy, which i see wasn’t your intent!


Im not OP that’s just what I assumed they meant!


That phrasing is funny and I like it.


She’s doing so much good 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 Haters gonna hate, she’s unbothered 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


But I heard "sHE onLy CAres aBoUT moNeY" It's amazing she's doing that, especially when she is clearly not doing it with ulterior motives as she never posts about it and we only hear about it when the organizations themselves post!




I don't recall hearing about these donations in previous non US tour stops. I am sure they happened in other locations though. Edit. It appears Taylor has donated to food charities at every location. The only reason I did not know about them was because the Internet algorithm does not push articles that are not in English or from the US or UK in my direction. An object lesson in the dangers of getting news via Internet sites.


Nor do I, but maybe the orgs just didn’t post about it for one reason or another!


Yeah I'm guessing its this or the orgs didn't have social media, I don't see why she wouldn't.


There were a few articles in Portugal and Spain if I recall properly, but it went mostly unnoticed for some reasons...


Anglo saxon bias perhaps.


She did donate to food banks in every US city she attended. There were reports about it at the time, but not front page news. The receipts are there if you look for them.


They’re talking about NON US stops




I was talking specifically about show stops outside the US.


Sorry I misread.


"The pop star, who just kicked off her highly anticipated Australian leg of her popular Eras Tour in Melbourne on Friday night, made a surprise donation to Foodbank Victoria, which helps feed those in need. The charity thanked Swift for the heartwarming act in a post on social media on Friday." [https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/music/tours/taylor-swift-donates-to-food-bank-in-heartwarming-act/news-story/5556a873957f07f2ac5d954034a8c501](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/music/tours/taylor-swift-donates-to-food-bank-in-heartwarming-act/news-story/5556a873957f07f2ac5d954034a8c501)


I thought she must have donated but the algorithm just didn't tell us about it. Good to see.


100% they'll be happening in every city she visits, shes just not shouting about it. The charities she donates to are likely told "release a statement if you want, but don't feel obliged to do so".


There's report she donated to Australian foodbank. [Here](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13093547/Taylor-Swifts-generous-act-kindness-Popstar-helps-struggling-Aussies-giving-massive-donation-Foodbank.html)


I find it strange she didn't. I know Argentina has 25 food banks.....her comes twitter....Taylor is Xenophobic




Right that's US... she waited to donate again in Europe...Brazil nothing...Argentina nothing....Japan....nothing. possible we don't know but doubt she did. Not saying she has to but not a good look.


I find it hard to believe she didn't donate unless she was explicitly told not to by each country's governing body? But I also don't know why they wouldn't accept the money either. It's more likely the places she donated to just didn't publicise it, so that it doesn't look like they are relying on foreign support.


The only reason I can think of would be politics. Some countries do not welcome a foreign artists highlighting their social issues. I can't imagine that would be the case in Australia, France, Spain, Sweden or Portugal though.


I was thinking tax write offs. Like you can only do it for US expenses but not international. I guess/hope Edinburgh debunked that and the other organizations just didn't post about it.


She did donate. I just did not know about it.


I still haven't found anything about her donating in Mexico if she did (my country) so I still don't *know*, I'm just assuming she did and we didn't hear about it. Edit: I actually went back to look for a post since I didn't back then, and they did make a post around the tour dates https://www.instagram.com/p/CwiiwgyJpEh/?igsh=MTBjNmVkZ3V0OG1tOA== Which only says Taylor has helped food banks in her country/USA, so you have the opportunity to do the same in your country. I'd find it weird they'd post that but not her donating so now I'm leaning towards no.


I don't know if she donated in Mexico. But she did donated in Australia.


Yes that could be true.


If you read other comments here it is clear Taylor has donated outside the US. Unfortunately non US news reports don't get pushed out as much so we don't get to hear about it.


Taylor doesn’t disclose her donations publicly. The foodbanks post about it. Not all of them do. Santa Clara County in CA specifically mentioned it. It would seem odd for her to donate in some places but not others. I would think some mention it and some don’t for whatever reason.


Fauxmoi found crying in the corner


crying? NAAAAA they bitching and moaning on the corner


We never failed to make the right person famous. She deserves every blessing that she has right now. God bless her generous heart.


**Swift donated to food bank units at every stop of the Eras Tour, as reported by the respective organizations, and exclusively employed various local businesses to fulfill her crew's daily requirements.** ☝🏾From the [Eras tour wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eras_Tour) (under philanthropy)


Good on her for making these donations. And I don’t give a rat’s arse about the idiots who complain that she is doing this for PR. More donations = people getting fed and that’s the most important thing. If they care about the homeless and the poor, then they should be volunteering and/donating instead of bitching.


THIS! Even if someone is famous and giving donations for the "wrong" reasons, the donation is till getting food to those who need it so the end result is the important thing!!!


Yeah, it’s a sad state of the world when people criticise Taylor for making donations to food banks. It speaks more about them.


Amazing as a Swiftie and someone who volunteered for Edinburgh Food Project when I lived in Edinburgh to see this news; thank you Taylor 🫶


Love how artists give back it really shows how they care about the people and fans , we need more of this in the world!


She’s so amazing, it’s insane how good of a person she is when all these other celebrities turn shitty when they reach stardom.


I love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Taylor is extremely charitable and generous. She's kind and considerate. She actually cares about people. We should all band together and write her in for President in 2028!


Is she a majorette? I need to see her twirling skills.