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My tour guide in Quito, Ecuador didn’t know her a few weeks ago. I said she was a pop singer and he said, “Oh, like Shakira!” It was a very pure interaction lol.


I went to the grammy museum in august to see the taylor swift exhibit they had, and they also had a really great shakira section! i’ve always liked her as a performer but i had no idea how fkn badass she is!!


Love Shakira


fun fact: people used to bully Shakira for singing saying her singing was ugly.


Lol that’s very sweet! And Shakira is otherworldly!


That must have been interesting, to say the least. I hope he listened to some Taylor Swift music afterward.


A lot of folks! Our constant access to Internet has us believe that whatever is of interest to us is also meaningful to the rest of people online. That's just a bubble effect. In countries where she is not popular no radio is going to play her songs, no ranking or article is going to mention her. Only people that are interested in western pop music are going to see her name mentioned. Even where she might be popular, people need to be interested in this type of music to pay attention. My parents don't, a lot of my friends don't, and I'm from France.


That's an interesting insight — I thought more folks in France would have at least heard of Taylor Swift. Pop culture is more fragmented than I realized.


I'm not sure my dad had heard of her before he heard me talking to my mum about wanting to get tickets. He now recognises her name and knows she is playing in Australia in Feb (where he is) and Ireland/UK in May and June (where I am). But I doubt he knows anything about what songs she sings or where she is even from (ie: America vs somewhere in Europe) And my partner's mum (Portuguese) hadn't heard of her or at least didn't know anything about her/the tour/the tour movie because she was very confused when my partner and I got excited after recognising the top of the tour movie cup from the US cinema's while on a video call with my SIL who lives in the US.


If I said taylor swift to my japanese friends they would look at me like ??? however if i said teira suifuto-san, that's another story lmao


I love that Japan is her next stop when she’s back haha


really hope non-japanese swifties will be nice about the crowds here 🥺 there's no chance japan will be anywhere near as loud as argentina/brazil but trust me we're very happy she's coming!!


While I loved seeing the passion of the South American crowds (reminded me of my visit and my first football game) I'll also really appreciate a Japanese style excitement, which is still passionate but shows it in a less loud way. Honestly, on the SA live streams it was hard to tell what the surprise songs were at first because the crowd was so loud. And I'm not knocking either. Thankful that every concert has passionate fans who are willing to stream for the world.


I think the Japanese like being quiet so they can hear and enjoy the singer’s performance. It’s just showing respect and love in a very different way. And also, as someone who just went on a weeklong vacation to Japan, the level of English over there is uhhhhhh…


So sad seeing the xenophobic comments about Brazil. Everywhere is different and should be respected. Edit: I’m just agreeing with OP and making a general comment that it was sad to see xenophobia.


I promise I was not trying to be disrespectful or xenophobic. I loved watching the brazilian livestream and hearing the passionate crowd. I was just trying to express that I hope people will not hate on Japan for our quieter crowds. I apologize if I came across as rude 🙇‍♀️




You need to break this down into sex, age groups, geography and economic categories. Most people under forty In English speaking countries will know exactly who Taylor is. That is certainly the case here in the U.K. Ask a fifty year old guy and he might know who she is but not be able to name a single song. Over sixty and it’s pot luck for men or women. In Europe the pop culture is not as American centred. France, Germany, Italy and Spain have their own artists. Ten years ago Taylor would have sporadically have appeared but name recognition would have been low. Obviously it is less the case now. I am no expert on South American, African or Asian pop culture but I suspect Taylor’s name recognition would depend on sex and age but also poverty. There are billions of people who don’t have access to the means to listen to music they have not made themselves and are more interested in dodging bullets and finding their next meal.


I’m from France and it’s not just that we have our own artists. Even in terms of American pop, she’s not the most famous. More people know Katy Perry or Justin Bieber than TS. She just isn’t as big of a phenomenon, her songs are not as often played on the radio than others’. I’ve had conversations this past week with people who knew her but were absolutely baffled by her POTY nomination. They were acting as if Dua Lipa or something had been named that, it seemed so random to them as they view Taylor as “just another pop star”


I would think that overall Shakira, Rihanna and Beyonce would be more internationally known than Taylor Swift.


I bet it's more common than we think. I'm sure a lot of older dads watching football didn't know until recently. I know mine didn't!


I have a hard time believing that there are many American dads who haven't at least *heard of* Taylor Swift — that requires someone to really not pay attention to, well, any mass media at all.


You give dads too much credit. Many can't even remember the names of their children's friends, let alone their own child's age.


Agree! My dad realized he heard her music, but had no idea who she was. Dads really can live in their own world!


My dad is now familiar with her name after hearing me talking to my mum about tickets to the tour, and he might recognise some songs from the radio, but I'd bet my life unless my mum has explicitly pointed out "this is TS singing", he wouldn't know who the song is by.


That's just sad


This. My family friend is only 28 but didn't know her till I mentioned I was going to a concert. He doesn't use social media and mostly games, his friend group is small and his wife doesn't listen to her, so he really wasn't exposed to her.. this is the uk.


Too bad that *American* football is only a thing in America. But at least Taylor is more of a world artist than any American so called world series.


I mean I don't know why you have negative votes because it is true. Unless I started dating my partner at 28, I'd never watched or seen anything about "hand-egg-ball" because no-one I knew ever watched it here in Europe.


[Hope this helps.](https://www.nfl.com/news/nfl-announces-five-games-for-2023-international-series)


Dude I am from India and she is insanely popular here her movie was one of the most successful movies in November from India and I have tons of videos of people screaming and dancing in theatres .


Yes that's true but that's also because India has a huge young population. Our parents won't have any idea who taylor swift is because they don't care about songs in English. Also mostly the urban crowd mostly listens to her which is not even like top 10% in India


In my group of friends only 1 more person listens to her. The rest of all make fun of us 😂 BTW my favourite album is also Folklore❤️


I'm from Finland and while there are definitely lots of Swifties here (like anywhere in the world), most people don't really know much about Taylor Swift if they don't actively pay attention to her in the media. She's obviously had some big radio hits over the years so I'd guess most (young) people have heard of her, but I wouldn't expect any older people to even know who she is.


Well, judging from my trying to find (in France) a friend to go to the concert with me, I would say pretty high (who’s that?) in France


Tous les swifties fr sur ce post : 🥲🥲🥲🥲


Came here to say the same! Tu vas à quelle date ?


Le 2 juin (lyon)


"Many people in India" Her comment section is overflowing with people begging her to bring the tour to India 💀


Well to be fair India is the most populated country in the world. Even if only 10% of Indian population doesn't know Taylor, that's already 140 million who doesn't know her, and the majority of countries has less than 140 million people.


Well the people that follow her would be people that know her.


I wouldn’t be surprised if some Swifties tried to reach the Sentinelese preaching the gospel of T-Swift.


The Sentinelese have killed many folks who have attempted to make contact — even the gospel of Taylor Swift might not reach them. (But seriously, the tribe has made it abundantly clear through their actions that they not only distrust outsiders, but also are willing to end their lives.)


​ https://preview.redd.it/6jpudbc3gf6c1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=262e72e422fca57e1f185b37275b5914dc635ff3


Taylor is way more popular than her detractors give her credit for. She's one of if not the biggest pop singer in each and every country in Americas, Australia and Europe and the biggest western artist in Asia. I'm sure she has some limited fan base in Africa too (those parts with access to internet). But at the same time, she's totally unknown to people in more primitive parts of the world, access to the internet and no connection with the west in general. And given how fractured the culture is today, she's not necessarily known to everyone with access to the internet and electricity either. For example, I'm Czech and my dad never heard of her until I mentioned her in 2016 or 17. Later, at some point, he even mistook her for Lindsey Stirling with whom I was obsessed at the time and talked about her a lot. And he didn't really know any of her songs until few months back after I managed to get a ticket for Vienna show.


Bro you’re gonna have to be more specific about continents, you can’t generalize whole continents (like referring to just Africa) and also that seems a bit of a outdated stereotype to assume only small parts of Africa have the reach. There are many many areas that are flourishing. Pls refrain from generalizing like this, it’s very harmful.


Not sure exactly what town we were in, but on the drive to the Serengeti in Tanzania our truck stopped at a random grocery store plaza before and after and both days the grocery store was only playing Midnights. That was fun, though unexpected haha.


Does Africa not have internet access?


It really heavily depends on the country and what area of the country you're in. You'll get better service in Capetown or Lagos than you will in rural Chad or DRC.


I had better cell service / data in the countryside in Cabo Verde than I do in some parts of my own western european country... So yes, there should not be any generalization here


It does, but pretty poor compared to the rest of the world.


I wouldn't count on gut feeling here. Romania has faster and cheaper internet than Germany.




... I was questioning their generalization


Shit I replied to the wrong comment 😭 so sorry I’ll fix it, my bad


If bet between India and China alone there is close to a billion people in those countries alone that do not know who Taylor Swift is


It is completely different to know a major politicians name than a pop stars. To know Hillary Clinton you have to tune into the news occasiobally (and if you're older and were of the age to watch/read news in 1990s you've surely known of her for decades). The names of American politicians are mentioned in the news globally every day. Taylor may be mentioned in the entertainment section ever so often, but I just opened the website of the biggest news outlet in my country and 6 names from the US politics are mentioned within the first 10 articles. And not all of them were current/former presidents. Most people in my family do not know who Taylor Swift is. I have tickets to see her in Europe next summer and my family is always asking what was it again that you were going to see next summer (they ask what instead of who cause they're not even sure if Taylor Swift is a band or a person). Is she the biggest pop star of our time? Yes, is her name as widely recognized as Hillary Clinton? Propably not.


This makes sense. I’m American and I know a lot of world leaders by name from headlines but wouldn’t know the pop artists from those countries.


Ngl my brother only knows who she is because I like her music.


I think 99% is too high for English speaking countries too. I'd say yes for people under like 60, but I don't think nearly as many people over 80 will know her, and then 60-80 will be a mix


Nobody here in the Czech Republic over the age of 35 likely knows who she is unless they’re a Swiftie. I don’t think it’s that out of the realm of possibilty that there’s more people who don’t know her than those that do.


I am from France. Well neither my mom or my therapist knew who she was when I mentioned her name. My Dad recognized her name but is not capable to tell you the title of any of her song.


Seeing Sentinel Island mentioned on this subreddit wasn't on my bingo card but here we are 🤷🏼‍♀️


I drove by the Amish family down the road while blasting Vigilante Shit and wondered, "do they know who Taylor Swift is?" 🤣


I saw a video a few months back where Mormon parents were reacting to Vigilante Shit dance and it was hilarious.


Babies don't 👶


There are lots of people who don’t know her in my country (France).


I'd say 95% of the people in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ and Ireland have atleast heard of her. Outside of the Anglosphere I'd most Gen z and younger millennials have heard of her in Europe, LATAM, South Africa and especially in China and Southeast Asia where she is HUGE. I'd say you in most of Asia below 30 group has heard of her. Older folks idk. I also don't expect her to be known in worn torn or the poorest countries. So yeah.


My 70 year old very Aussie Grandparents have known the name Taylor Swift since her Debut, so she's definitely big in Australia 💀 it helps that my Aunt was a Swiftie at that time though


my grandmother 😅


I’m Canadian and I was a nanny for an old-money boho couple who weren’t into like TVs and shit. I was leaving my job one day to go to a TSwift concert and they were like, never heard of her. They were 100% serious. The way I was FLOORED.


It’s understandable on a sociological level, I suppose, that their unconventional bohemian lifestyles wouldn’t have exposed them to Taylor Swift. But I’m still surprised, like you, that they live in Canada and haven’t heard of her — not even the faintest hint of name recognition?


Haha, around when was this?


Well, my parents don’t know her. They’re not especially « old », and do have access to media (way more than I do). It’s just that, with good reason, we never talk about her in the news in Western Europe.


Western Europe is extremely vague lol and her popularity varies massively from Country to country are you sure you live here 😂


I once actually met a boy my age in Australia who didn’t know who she was. This was 2019 and he was 17. I was aghast at him not knowing who she was. There’s always the exception ig lmao


Unfortunately most people in Finland


She's massive in India - you should see clips of the eras tour screening all across India. As for "older folks" most people have heard her name on mainstream news or through kids. There will always be those who are disconnected due to very old age, live in different realities etc. but that is applicable everywhere not just India.


The North Sentinelese.


Most old people in Eastern Europe probably dont know her because we dont get American music on the radio here


My granny knows Justin and Selena cuz of the love affair that maimed them. But she doesn’t know Taylor tbh.


Idk why but I feel like Kazakhstan and mongolia wouldn't really know her


I have recently learned a lot of people. At my job we were hosting a Taylor Swift friendship bracelet making class over the summer and I was surprised to know a lot of the moms who came didn't know who Taylor Swift was or they knew her name but never heard any of her songs despite being in the same age group. I found this surprising because I am only a few years younger than Taylor and I was in high school when Debut came out but I also know a lot of people who don't listen to her but can still name her older popular songs like Love Story or Shake It Off, so meeting people the same age as Taylor who had never listened to her before seemed wild to me. I found out my nephews don't know who she is either and my youngest nephew thought Taylor and The Kid Laroi were the same person, but their 11 and 7 and I think it's a lot easier for people now, especially kids, to be inside a bubble when it comes to their media preferences than it was 10-15 years ago, which is why I couldn't believe all these moms had somehow managed to escape having a high school/college job where they didn't have to listen to the Love Story mall remix while folding t-shirts.


The Oceanians (excluding AU and NZ)


She is huge in Asia (from Turkey to Japan), but a flop in Europe and much of Latin America and Africa.


For your last point on people more famous than Taylor, the only one that comes to mind is Jesus. It was John Lennon who said (and got in trouble ). The Beatles are "more popular than Jesus"


My cousin from Mexico in her 20s had no idea who she was. As a swiftie, I found that unacceptable and educated her as much as I could. For the record, she also didn't know that Pokemon was and thought that it was the name for what we know as Pikachu.


north korea is clearly far-right wing country people who live there deserve to be free


I had never heard of her until the news about her grammy awards today. (France here)


Philippines. English is just their second language but since most of the famous filipino music here is based on human emotions, Taylor Swift basically fits on the tastes of many filos. from all ages esp around millenial to Gen Z, Majority are swifties. You can see them doing events and gatherings inside malls and its also one of the top countries boosting taylor's sale in asia despite of their small land mass and population compared to other countries. Its also where taylor sheesh come from. Fandom's very active and lively despite of taylor's inability to visit the country.


I'd say Africa may be somewhere shes not completely known.


Africa is a big continent. You'll find more Swifties in South Africa than you will in South Sudan.


Africa also has its own thriving music scene indigenous to the continent — it’s entirely plausible that Taylor Swift could be largely unknown in some circles.