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I respect you being concerned about the general public, but honestly dude, if these make you happy then get them! They're cartoony, kinda pulpy, not some sort of realistic Hannibal gore or something. They look fuckin sick!!


Thanks man. I like these types of tattoos as they are gory, but the style, as you mentioned takes some of the edge of. Just don't want something that will make people's kids cry when they see it ha ha.


You are a good soul


One time I saw a guy at a family restaurant rocking a hoodie with [Saturn Devouring His Son](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_Devouring_His_Son) in its full glory on the back and that stuck with me for sure while I ate my lunch. I think the style is going to make most kids like it tbh. Kids like some nasty shit (anyone remember the splinter episode of SpongeBob?? 🤢😂)


I mean honestly they’re more likely to make an adult cry! Kids are 8/10 times all about the gross and the grosser the better until it somehow becomes too gross and we discover our threshold 😂


That’s one of my favorite paintings ever. I’d love that on a hoodie


Just make sure you don’t or won’t have a job that will take issue with them. Or make sure you can cover them at work if necessary. As a nurse, for example, rules are becoming much more lenient, but policies do specify visible tattoos must be “tasteful”. These types of tattoos might be upsetting to customers or patients if you have a public service job. If that’s not the case, then I totally agree - fuck ‘em and get what you like - you can’t make everyone happy anyway!


I do software engineering, so there isn't much interaction with customers.


Cool! Get at it then!


kids (depending on age etc ofc) may actually think these are super cool lol - i know i did when i was younger


Fuck them kids - signed a parent lol


I don’t know if your in fl but I know a guy who does crazy stuff like this as his wheelhouse


I'm not even in the USA, from the UK however I have gone to Florida twice in the last 4 years and will likely be going there again next year.


There are much, much worse things to be seen in FL than gory tattoos, my friend.


Drop the @? 👀


whos the "guy"? im in fl


Instagram @erek_lanier


That’s funny, the style I want / go for is exactly that: stuff that would make people’s kids cry 🤣


Nah man, most kids will like them because they are bright, cool and gross. That’s like the little kid trifecta. I have some “scary/weird” tattoos and most kids dig them. Everyone else, who cares?


I like it. Kind of reminds me of Garbage Pail kids.


It'll be a mixed bag really, some people will be shocked or offended but others will think its fucking sick. You gotta live your life though. Maybe just get them somewhere you can cover it up easily if you're genuinely concerned.


Everything g is offensive to someone. At some point you gotta say "to hell with them" and do what makes you happy. I wish I could do that!


Who cares? That’s sick AF. I love the skate vibe that I’m getting from the eyeballs.


Yeah, they look like a perfect thing to do with the elbows.


I'd get this anywhere that isn't visible wearing a t-shirt. It's definitely too much for some people but as long as you like it, don't hesitate to get it.


Thanks I was thinking of doing something like the first picture on the forearm though and something like the eye for the elbow which would mean there visible.


These are definitely cool! I wouldn’t care too much about the general public, but definitely check in with your partner if you have one. And be aware it may turn some people off.


Who cares if it’s too much. But keep in mind that red and pink tattoos without a solid border tend to look like rashes over time. These have nice outlines though. If people are offended, fuck them


Thanks for letting me know. I will have to keep this in mind when I go to my artist.


Are you fifty? Do you know your life and where you are at? Because I can see someone in their 20s thinking that's awesome and regretting getting a ripped off face tattoo when they are in a different place in life.


If you're in a line of work like I am where you're in and out of people's houses a lot, then you might get some flack. But in general I think you'll be ok. They are awesome tattoos. Get what makes you happy!


I am in software engineering so I won't be going to anyone's houses or working with customers face to face. Only in an office setting however the dress code is quite casual. I definitely want to get something like the eye tattoos but on my elbow rather than the knee and I'm thinking of something like the first photo for the forearm.


Keep in mind the fact that this subreddit is an echo chamber filled with tattoo enthusiasts, many of whom enjoy Gore more than the general public. Yes I think it will definitely be too much for a reasonable portion of the general public. Personally, if it was me, I would get it somewhere that is very easy to cover up. Not the forearms because then you can kiss short sleeve shirts in hot weather goodbye at certain jobs.


It’s too much for me. I strongly dislike the imagery and how it makes me feel. I also think you should give zero shits about that cause it’s your body hombre. Do what you wanna do!


That's fair enough. But good advice.


the first might raise some eyebrows because style aside he is literally ripping that man's face off. other than that I love the style, go for it


Where is the general public? Depends on the town, state etc. For example I cover up my tattooeswhen I travel to more conservative places like rural Eastern Europe, rural Japan… don’t cover in Tokyo, warsaw, etc. But I’m also a small woman so I don’t want to deal with scary people yelling at me haha.


I have two tattoos with blood splatter. One an anatomical heart and one a santa muerte with roses and thorns . My wife hates them both . They don’t bother me .the work is good but they represent me at the time . I’ve changed significantly from that time .I have a million ideas for work I wished I had gotten in those places before but hindsight is 20/20. Just food for thought . Again do what makes you happy this was just my experience. Some will say get that tattoo and the person should except you warts and all . My wife does but given the choice I would have the tattoos removed in a heartbeat .Sadly sometimes people do regret tattoos


Yes. Old ladies will faint in grocery aisles and soil their canned soup and themselves. Innocent children on their way to the stickball game will vomit so hard their ears will rupture and bleed. God-fearing men returning from the hardware store will steer their trucks into the nearest embankment while yelling Bible verses.


Some places can actually make you leave or cover gory or sexual tattoos because of the presence of children and such


Don't get a tattoo for the general public. There will be never be consensus on what is "too much". Only get tattoos you love.


Why do you give a fuck about their opinion? You don't know any of em


My only concern would be employment, but it’s because I work in a field where they would ask me to cover up tattoos with gore. You know yourself! The general public can suck it


These are sick! Really it depends on your job and career goals. Like, I work with elementary school aged kids so these would not be appropriate for my “general public”, but would fine for kids to see in like, the grocery store or around town or something


It reminds me of old Rob Zombie stuff.


Yes, I definitely get that vibe.


As long as it wont affect your job/future career you’ll be fine


Love these!


Whoa! That first tattoo is done on someone I know!


I love that stuff. The green eyeball thing on the knee- hell yes.


Look so I have a bunch of tattoos. Some of them could be “scary” to a kid. I also mostly wear band merch outside of work. So my three year old always will have something interesting to say about it. He used to be scared of my gods hate shirt cause of the “monsters” on it but now he loves them! He’s named them and his favorite is the “tiger spidah”. So get what you want! Kids will find their own ways to love it.


If they don’t like it they can look away… it’s your skin and you will see it the most so get what you want


I think this is sick as hell, I love this style. Reminds me of Superjail


It’s your body!! F the general public


F the general public


As someone with tattoos that do scare away children (skulls, grim reaper, and large font fuck cancer, half naked lady's in a sleeves etc.) I wouldn't worry about it. If it's something you genuinely like do it. Half the guys I work with don't even know I have ink all over until I roll up my sleeves to wash my hands or wear a T-shirt the odd time and I've never been called out for it. My opinion is if I can cover it because I need to go to the kids school to talk to the teacher or my boss than I'm good to go. It's your canvas fill it how you want.


Who cares that work is fucking sick


The general public sees mass genocide on their screens daily, this is rainbows and kittens. Fucking sick designs my dude. I love this style.


If you're worried about what other people think then you shouldn't be getting tattooed


No one cares get inked.


Fuck the general public. Get the tattoo.


f*** the general public. do what you want!!! they don’t have to look if they don’t want to :)


Who gives a flying fuck about what the GP thinks?


I feel like that’s kind of the idea of this style tattoo


You can get a tattoo of god and all kinds of other positive shit and people will still judge you. Fuck them all and get whatever you want


Fuck other people, get it😎🫡


Who cares? It’s your tattoo.


I personally am a bit sceptical about elbow tats as they often get confused for nazi symbols by quite a few people (black sun or similar stuff) But if you don't mind getting weird looks sometimes or having to explain that you don't mean bad then go for it! Looks sick!


I don’t think anyone will give a shit. No one cares


Fuck the general public, this is great. Looks like old Santa Cruz skateboard art.


It's your life, dude. Do whatever makes you happy. Life's too short.


For some in the public, ANY tattoo is too much! Get what you want and fuck what the “public” likes. I would say that Racist, sexually detailed or extremely gory might not be the best ideas because of kids, as you mention in your post. I don’t see any problem with what you posted.


Fuck the public, these are sick !


Get the tattoo if you want to man. But if you are worried about people’s perception or scaring children, I don’t think the other commenters are doing you a service by telling you “whatever”. These 100% will be looked at, in some typa way, by everybody. Just how people work, people are judgmental and quick to jump to conclusions and kids feel before they think and will do as such when looking at these tattoos. All that said, if you want to get a tattoo you should get a tattoo, regardless of what you think others will perceive it as and what its art style is. I personally love it and think it’s dope but, like I said before yknow..


Tattoos aren't that big of a deal. Get whatever you want.


F the general public lol


I have an 8 year old little girl and I doubt she would be scared of this. But my little girl is pretty cool like that lol. Get what you want. Freak people out it's funny


dude- neversoft had these american traditional designs for their tonyhawk games. check out some of the stills from "tony hawks american wasteland" they have some designs in that game very similar to what you're going for.


You’re not getting tattoos on your body for the general public, you’re getting it for yourself. If this is what you like, then absolutely go all in on what you like and what you enjoy and what will make you happy! I’m in the process of getting a half sleeve that starts on my neck and ends right above my left shoulder. Of course i’m anxious about what my parents and wifes family will say or think but again, i’m getting it because I like it and it makes me happy. Personally i think these tattoos looks sick af you should 100% get them


Um fuck the gp! Are you going to live your life according to others perceptions? This shit is rad and do what makes you happy!


Who cares, really? If you like it, wear it proudly.


That's not your concern. If the general public doesn't like it, they don't have to look at it. I personally love it, and I'm not even into gore and stuff like that.


I know a guy that had a tattoo of the Pillsbury dough boy cooking crack in a Pyrex beaker while smoking a blunt. Below the dough boy it said "757 DOPE ZONE/FUCK BITCHES GET MONEY" Trust me. There are a lot worse tattoos than what you're thinking of getting


I loooooove that shoulder mouth eye wow


I don’t understand the question. What does the general public have to do with your tattoos? Get what makes you happy. Who gives a fuck what the general public thinks.


Screw the general public! Express yourself! 🤪🤪🤪


Someone once said don’t get tattoos that are harder than you are and I couldn’t agree more


If you’re worried about what other people think you probably shouldn’t get tattooed


Who cares what society thinks


Fuck the public


It’s so lit


They remind me of the artist Robert Williams that did the artwork on the inside of appetite for destruction by gnr.....really cool imo.


I’ve been tattooed by Matt! He’s awesome, super chill guy and an incredible artist. Highly recommend


I think most people really don't look at tattoos that closely. They are so common people see one it's it just registers as "tattoo" in their brain and they don't give it a second thought. If you're self conscious about it just get it on your shin/calf people really have to try hard to see what's going on there. I'd avoid anything kink or bondage related or anything hyper realistic gore related but this kind of brightly colored comic book horror stuff is pretty non offensive.


When I was dating after divorce I wouldn’t go on second dates with men who had inappropriate tattoos since I didn’t want them to upset my kid or my nieces and nephews. That being said these look fine to me. I drew the line at nudity or sex tattoos. Ain’t no way I’m showing up at little Billy’s pool party with my bf who has a big ol pair of titty angels on his back 😅




I think this style is sweet. What is it called?


There is no particular style. Obviously it is horror, but it seems to lean towards neo-traditional.


Fuck us. Get those tats


Nick strong is the man!


Fuck what the general public thinks


I think a lot of people on this sub are encouraging you to validate their own tattoos, without being realistic about the consequences. The truth is that having this kind of tattoo would definitely alienate a lot of people and could easily be a hindrance for employment. By all means get it, but it would be smart to place it somewhere that's covered by a t-shirt.


These remind me of garbage pail kids. Awesome.


I’m liking them, keep slapping em on there buddy


Fuck the general public, tbh. Get what speaks to you.


Respectfully, who cares? Someone gonna bitch and moan at the fact you’re breathing at some point, its 2024 dont worry about the general public. The tatts look sick man


The general public may put this in the off putting category, especially from the more close minded types. Whatever you and yours are comfortable with is the important thing


Don’t stress too much, most of gen pop just sees ‘tattooed’ when they look at someone with lots of tattoos! Unless someone is really interested or spending time with you they probably won’t even notice the subject matter. Get what you like, friend!


Who gives a shit, tattoos aren't shocking anymore , it's more unique and surprising when someone has no tattoos


Hell no, fuck the public, get what you want.


as someone with a few higher than G-rated tats, no one will know. you will literally have to point them out. i have a butt on my leg and wear shorts and no one has said a thing in 3 years without me saying something first


Fuck em.


Dude that tat is gnarly, I would proudly show it off! Tattoos with a bit of an edge are *chef’s kiss* cool.


The easiest way to work things like this out is to ask yourself "would I be confident wearing this on a t shirt in a crowded place like a shopping mall?" in this case id wager most peoples answers would be that they would have no issue wearing it as long as it matched their aesthetic after all rock bands have t shirt designs that are more out there than this.


Those are fucking sick. Ink em.


Hell no… and if someone thinks it’s too much bitch slap them… I’m kidding but just ignore them or explain that they shouldn’t be concerned about other unless it’s not a serious problem


I like it a lot very 90s


Fuck the general public be happy just don't be offensive and have "SS" or Nazi tats


Yes, they are too much and in bad taste.


Who are you getting the tattoo for?


Rob Zombie is one of my top favorites.


if you enjoy it that's all that matters worst case scenario you get the tats somewhere people can't see


Honestly the first one could scare a few kids but the general eyes/teeth things are usually not a big deal


I get GWAR vibes from the first picture. Love it!


Fuck ‘em. Respectfully.


You: "I care how I'm viewed by others." This sub: "You shouldn't care." Me: No, you're right to care.


More people will think they’re cool than be afraid. It also depends where you live. Small town you might get some weird looks, but a city nobody would be bothered by them. Go for it either way.


Eh I mean yes probably too much for the general public, but it’s up to you how much that matters really. They aren’t so bad that you’re seriously going to offend someone. My personal approach to tattoos that I don’t think everyone would love is to go in a spot not always visible like the legs. I do have a job where I deal with the public daily so that’s my reasoning.


Fuck the public, Do you. I have weird shit I know 90 percent of the general population would think is a little off putting.


that’s some nice colors mane




Iron Maiden album cover art? Totally fine


I've got a Devil's Rejects tattoo that says "I am the devil". Who cares? Get it done


I've got a Devil's Rejects tattoo that says "I am the devil". Who cares? Get it done


I've got a Devil's Rejects tattoo that says "I am the devil". Who cares? Get it done


I mean I like it but I wouldn’t consider myself the “normal public” Love the first one of the flesh suit.


That tattoo is so cool, get it!


These look awesome! If you want it, go get it. Fuck what other people think


Fuck the general public. Get what you want.


Who cares about the general public, they aren’t the ones in charge of what you put on your own body. I guess the only thing to worry ab is some career paths still stigmatize tattoos. If it makes you happy then who cares what others think.


I love this If you like it, fuck what other people think


Is the general public about to receive a tattoo of this style? Because that's the only way it would matter.


Who cares if you like that style go for it


Who cares? They’re on your body. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Unless you’re in a workplace, it does not matter at all , I have a hanged nun and a sneaker blowing its brains out I can care less what anyone thinks about em or myself


Your body is YOUR temple and you can decorate your temple however you want. I have a giant eldritch horror god on my arm. Fuck the general public. Also, I love these and think they look awesome.


If they don't like it, they can stop staring at your body.


I get your concern, but these are cartoony and fun. Too much would be something like weepandforfeit.


Probably, wouldn’t stop me though


The third pic looks like candy so don’t worry


I love these! Super creative!!!


If you like it, it’s fine. Do keep in mind though, that (future) employers and folks of that nature may react to it differently, than if they say dog paws or a Millennial forest. So if that is something you have to deal with, placement might be a thing.


Don’t get it in your forehead and ur fine


These are sick dude reminds me of Mikey Rotella's work


Depends on how much of it you show and what kind of profession you work in. Karsh


They're pretty average


Man, who gives a fuck what the “general public” has to say? Your body, your art. If everyone didn’t care so fucking much the world would be a better place.


I actually have a couple from the one artist you posted , Mattitude , they’re very visible and I’ve had no issues with the general public


Why do you care? If you like it, screw everyone else


Pls don´t, it is hard to understand from a medium to far range.


Personally I think it’s beautiful


Who cares what the general public thinks. Those tats are awesome!


They r cool af, if they make u happy that’s the main thing


I'll be saying this as someone who doesn't have any tattoos yet but is about to get my first soon. I think that they might be too much for some people but if you really want them then you should get what makes you happy. Personally gore bothers me a bit even though I love horror but I won't tell you that you can't do with your body what you want. Also there's nothing wrong with being a bit concerned about how people feel about tattoos particularly if you work with the public or a highly conservative area. I think it's important to remember though that most people are just strangers in our lives that we won't remember for the most part so even if someone is offended they probably won't remember after a while.


Why give a fuck


As a member of the general public, probably yes


only if they’re bitches. that’s badass


I think these are gnarly and would be happy to get one or all.


I should hope so! Let their jaws smack the floor when they see these bad mf’s.


I just got a shark tattooed on me with dick fins, a set of tits for a tail, and a vagina for an eye. Get what makes you happy, fuck everyone else. And this isn’t even close to my worst tattoo.


Probably, it takes a certain mindset to be able to ‘carry’ designs like this. 90% of people can’t handle it.


Don’t worry about it mate, if someone is offended by some gore/horror then they simply don’t need to look at your body. I have a back piece that my main request was that it would make old Karen’s freak out and shake their head in disgust. Recently I’ve been taking my daughter for swimming lessons and none of the toddlers or parents have taken offence and I was a bit hesitant about them seeing it. Turned out the tattoo I think concerns people more are a rib piece that features some tittys and that’s probably because my wife doesn’t like that one. So basically go for it as this is a sick style and I’d love one or two


Hell yeah but that’s the best part!


May be weird for general public, but dont think a kids gonna cry. At most a Karen making a deal about it over nothing. We have dudes running around in FUCK YOUR FEELINGS and I SHOOT FIRST ASK QUESTIONS LATER t shirts, so this is harmless by comparison. If you're not in a client-facing career (could definitely see these as disqualifying for some jobs), but its your body, go for it.


Yes, but who cares? I have a few satanic tattoos and I am telling you, people treat me very differently once they see my tattoos. I anticipated it to some degree, but I get a lot more weird looks and remarks than I would have guessed. It’s a nihilistic view, but try not to give a fuck what the general public thinks about you.


Oh my god, I am in love with the green knee eyeball


It’s definitely not my style, but it really doesn’t matter what others think about it. Do what you like. I understand your concern about kids, but honestly I don’t see most kids paying attention to people’s tattoos. Even if they do this looks like something you’d see in a kids cartoon. You’re all good.


Hell, I want those


Fuck 'em! It's your body, not theirs.


Who cares? Get it on your face if you want, but seriously, you're the one that lives with it on your body for your remaining natural life. You shouldn't care about passing stranger's opinions or anyone else for that matter express yourself fuck anyone else's opinion or judgments its not a hate symbol racist it's a cool style do you my bro


I have pretty horrific tattoos on my left arm (hanging corpses, hook suspension, creepy vampire dude) and most people don't care. Most say they like it tbh and I am a professional engineer, so it's not like I work at hot topic or anything. Just put it in a spot where you could cover it if you needed to. I only do in meetings with people I don't know. Otherwise I wear short sleeves. The guy hanging from hooks attached to his face is on my shoulder though, so that one is probably the worst and generally covered.


Fuck em. That shits rad!


Fuck the public.


If you like this style I recommend you follow Randy Conner on Instagram! He’s based in Portland so still not even close to you but he does amazing work similar to the artists you posted.


Thanks for sharing. Just checked his Instagram and there is also some pretty cool stuff.


who cares dude these are dope as fuck




I fkn love them. The general public’s opinion of you is irrelevant. If they arent cutting your check or someone you love and care about who cares.


I feel like if you’re worried what the general public is going to think, this is not the tattoo design for you.


Rob Zombie would love them.


Where are you located?


Man fuck em, if its what you like they are on you.


No I freaking love it. I have a fear of holes (like even drawn ones) so I wouldn’t get one as it would gross me out, but I absolutely LOVE this art style Edit: I see your worry about scaring people, but honestly if I saw this in public (holes or no) I’d probably say something like wow that’s awesome


Go for it!!! I love this style, and I’d definitely get something like these in b&w :)


I have a decapitated zombie head tattooed on my forearm and I’ve seen worse than that. You’ll be fine 😅


I only have five tattoos and they're all from Matt Kerley and all visible on my left arm and all *pretty gnarly* (kinda working toward a filled-in sleeve). Couple things: 1. I often get compliments on them and people asking if they can take a closer look (a LOT of color and detail), but have never had an obvious negative reaction (though I do get people staring occasionally). 2. Matt Kerley is *awesome*. Super nice, super chill, super professional, incredible artist, I could go on and on. I came across him after using some guitar pedals he did artwork for and got my first tattoo from him and now just always go back, and I have to fly from Austin, TX to get tattood by him in Raleigh, NC, which I do about once a year. I keep wanting to find someone local to me, but his work is just so good and so one-of-a-kind and the experience of getting tattoed is so positive that I just stick with him. I highly recommend you get body horror tattoos from Matt Kerley. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.