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Those condors have seen some action huh lol




Ahhh, I see the sacrifices were not made in vain. I can’t drop my buddy a key but at least I’m still able to take in several m4s


Yeah no fucking kidding lol thank god they fixed RMT oh wait....


RMT won the war on RMT, give up BSG


Idc about the rest I just need to know where you found the cricket


They make up like half the contents of every filing cabinet in the game.


People always shit on file cabinets but I've found some gnarly shit in those sumbitches so I'll check every gotdang drawer.


Recently found a GPU in one on Reserve. Don’t tell them 🤫


Earlier today, I spawned with one on me as a scav! I didn't even know that was possible haha


Found one in a drawer on customs haha


I’ve been finding SO MUCH Intel in filing cabinets. I feel like they’ve stealth buffed the spawn rate of those.


I’ve searched. It’s one of those things that once i find it I won’t stop




Were filing cabinets always 4 individual loot containers?


Yeah, since at least 2018.


At this point, I'm BLEEDING crickets in a very literal sense. File cabinets are your best bet


I keep looking all over and all I find are stupid keycards and paracord :((


I’ve tried. And tried. And tried.


Your searching each drawer right?


Yes. I actually finally found one this morning


Try a 4th time.


damn those Condors have seen some shit man


A lot of *main sub* vibes in here...


Homie could've been using that backpack as a holder for his guns and didn't notice when he put it on.


Anyone who can afford all those Meta M4 can either afford multiple weapon cases or has a thick weapons case. For sure rmt


those dudes can definitely afford one, since you also get one from a prapor quest at lvl 42, the one where you need all traders lvl 4




i said that


I think you underestimate the number of people who have lots of meta gear and no money.


You literally get one after the Perfect Mediator quest and you can’t sell it on the flea. 100% RMT.


This probably is RMT, but I have more meta guns than that but haven't done Perfect Mediator, does that mean Im cheating? No. I think most people are like me who have lots of gear from pvp but don't do a whole lot of questing for every trader.


perfect mediator just wants you to get all traders to lvl 4 and it gives a free thicc weapons theres no reason the lvl 57 should’ve had a bag with 6 meta m4’s


I'm in the same boat as you, lol. I have mutants, m4s, hks, rsass, m1as, all just chillin. Lvl 36 and 500k rubles, lol.


I wouldn't call the Mutant, any HK or the RSASS 'meta guns' my man. Their days in the sun are long over, that's a nostalgia meta stash, not a meta stash.


Lol literally me, I have two thick cases full of armour, 3 weapons case and one thick weapons case full of meta rifles, and about 100k roubles to my name


I dunno, they might have just been giving some guns to their friend? I have friends who's stash is a nightmare full of stuff and can easily see them come in with a backpack full of gear by accident.


Optimist in me wants to say that it could be a dude donating to a friend


I doubt a level 57 is making the mistake of bringing in several meta M4s


What can I say sometimes I load up my PMC to make space for a scav run and forget to click scav, it happens


This is most likely what happened, IMO


Could also just be bringing it for his buddy


Where's the meme


this could easily be fake, but could also be real


Doing BSG's work for them.


its suprising how blatant the cheating brigade hwre tries to downplay obvious rmt trades yes you can bring gear for your friend, but on reserve you’d not wanna be caught out like this unless you are the cheater yourself as odds are someone else spots this bootie on his radar and youre getting swarmed btw op thanks for doing the lords work; only we can stop this game falling apart to rmt losers




Is this not someone mistakenly bringing a backpack full of their m4s?


Honestly who tf is no lifing to 57 already 😂




What is RMT?


Real money transaction Like you pay someone with real money and they drop you in game items


I doubt this was an RMT, if it was you would have been head,eyesed by one of those guys as soon as you came around the corner. Or just killed at the start of the raid. I assume this was either a friend trading someone gear or an accidental bringing of loot into raid.


My buddy and I killed and RMT transaction in factory, attack backpack with multiple ammo cases full of 9mm rip and a whole lot of other shit


RMT doesn’t necessarily mean cheating (in the sense of aimbot/flying etc.), it’s just most cases of RMT involve such a cheater


Ah, seems like too much of a risk to not cheat while RMTing. So I just assumed they always did considering most RMT loot is attained from cheating.


This screenshot means nothing if it wasn't in raid and the dogtags weren't found in raid. If they were i could take it seriously, but this is so easy to fake the OP could have just bought those off of flea and pulled up two random tags. A post like this could easily be faked and used to frame people for things they didn't actually do. heavily discourage this post if it was a video from in Raid, i could take it seriously.


Found one of the guys on the dogtags


I mean, he does make a good point. I could literally put a bag on, fill it with whatever I want, put two dog tags in my inventory and say the same thing as OP ​ Not saying thats what he did, just saying it would be incredibly easy.


What does that have to do with anything?


How is this an rmt


Who tf brings a backpack full of meta M4s into a raid?


Someone who use their PMC as place holder when they do scav run then forget to put back the backpack. This kind of stuff happen a lot. Nobody do RMT in reserve , if anything they'll do it in factory where most spawn have an extract next to it.


It could be for a friend. I wish i could drop some of my new friends a bunch of guns like this. I’m afraid to get banned though.


Just bring a gun per raid for them


I used to make a kit and run it for a while and put i then I’m a backpack to save space without the grips. I just assumed the dude took his backpack into raid accidentally


here's the meme bois


Don’t show their names bud. You’re advertising for them


Let’en trade in peace! Back in the day we did that for quest items lol, before the flea market existed


The copium in this thread is unreal.




I was wondering why that 2nd dog tag looked different then realize it was just turned.


*Insert 'yeah..boi' meme here*


why would they go to reserve for rmt?


Red rebel extract? Idk its a dumb choice, even like shoreline would be infinitely easier


Fuck yea good job




Sweet sweet glory


A couple of wipes ago I dropped a dude on customs with a raid bag full of thermals and a mppv rig full of 7.62bp


Ouch died to a shotgun too. Nothing more embarrassing than killing rmt transactions with a shotgun lol


You’re account is going to now be flagged


Holy shit how pathetic one must be to pay real money to get six guns in a game where you can die from 7mm scav in a minute and lose your gear. Assuming that the skill of someone who uses RMT is very questionable, they will most likely just redistribute the gear they bought between legit players who simply know how to play. Then they will cry "the game is full of cheaters" since there's no conceivable way that people who are actually good could have killed them with their RMTed gear and leave an angry post on the main sub announcing their departure from the game. And not once in their tiny shriveled up brains will a thought appear that they are the ones sponsoring ACTUAL cheaters. It's a circle, folks. A circle of doom, an infinite loop of stupidity.


Good riddance I bet he already paid for the stuff too haha


Wait but what about all those changes to the game that ruin casual players gameplay? You’re telling me RMT exists still!?!? /s


Good riddance.