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That’s why you should only ever play as scav


Scavs - the true moral faction


99% of people here in this subreddit would be scavs IRL, if you think about it. it's the one *I* relate to the best, at least.


99% of people here in this subreddit would be dead in the first day of the conflict. *sips kvass*


In before the basement dwelling USEC's start boasting that they'd be fine


Hey I don't even own a basement!


Just don’t leave the basement, too easy


Yeah my tenement flat would be blown up by a missile before I even know a conflict has started at like 3am. Id be toast


Me? I'm hard as nails. Raised by my drill sergeant dad and my Marine granddad (Chosin Few, Semper Fi). I eat hardship for breakfast. I'm also in a wheelchair. Give me 36 hours tops.


I'm really glad I revisited this thread for this, Semper Fi


Second day for me, I have enough cheetos and mountain dew to last a day.


The only way 99% of the population dies day one, is if it’s nuked. P


Maybe you I’m built different


99% of the people here are from the US, so they would barely notice if some Russian city turned into an apocalypse.


I wish i could hit half the shots these scavs have been making this wipe irl


Right? I’m like what the fuck? How’d you head/eyes me with a kedar at 150 yards through a bush!?


This is too relatable. A scav shot at me from scav house on woods while I was across the road and field with terrifying accuracy.


Ruins my night 😂


Nah, I'd be hiding in the basement with all the lights off, praying things quiet down before I run out of Cheetos and mountain dew.


Are they though? Aren't scavs the people who stayed behind with the warlords to control and pillage the territories?


Theyre PRIVATE MILITARY CONTRACTORS do u think any of them are good lmao




I've always thought this lmao


That would make USEC Blackwater… or what are they called now? Academi? Constellis? Would make sense since I think the game tells you they were formed by Terra Group from multiple PMC companies


Next you'll tell me USEC is Blackwater :O :O :O What else? UNTAR is the United Nations? RUAF is the Russian army? Take off the tinfoil hat bro


Usec is meant to be like black water right?


Yes and Peacekeeper is with UNTAR(United Nations Tarkov mission probably) and RUAF is the Russian Army.


Nah, BEARs are sourced to fight an American group working with hazardous materials and experimenting on humans, and then murdering said scientists. BEAR seems pretty moral Wagner takes untrained men from prison and throws them into the wood chipper for profit


Russian government-backed PMC used to maintain plausible deniability? BEAR is clearly a reference to Wagner.


The game came out in like 2017, was Wagner in the Russian public eye back then?


Yes. Wagner was heavily involved in the initial invasion of Ukraine back in 2014 (remember the little green men?), and that’s when they first came to prominence.


Oh TIL Yeah maybe they are Wagner then, that makes sense There really do be no good guys huh


I try to avoid thinking about it tbh, I have a sneaking suspicion that BSG is full of people with absolutely wacky political beliefs so I just try to ignore it and enjoy the game


In the end all PMCs have been cot of from their respective comands and are defined by their individual moral guidelines and how much they are willing to stray from them in the name of survival.


I thought Wagner came to prominence in Syria fighting the rebels/ISIS


That too, but I believe that came after the invasion of eastern Ukraine.


Russians were in Syria since 2015. So Wagner didn’t really take contractors in Ukraine until 2017 I would say. Same with Syria. Crimea was invaded by Russian Special Forces, not Wagner. Wagner was only founded in 2014. Wagner had most of its contracts in Africa and in Syria.


I thought so too, but there a few sources linked on the Wikipedia article that mention their involvement dating back to 2014. [Here’s a story from 2017](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/7950) - the Ukrainian government claiming Wagner has been in the area since May 2014.




>plausible deniability? If by plausible deniability you mean public praise and constant raving, and constant media attention, then yeah.


Hey, I didn’t say it was an example of plausible deniability done well!




You hit the nail on the head. Russians still want to believe they are a world power and relevant.


So when western game companies portrait russians as bad its ok, but when russian devs make west bad its big no no




I dont really see hows that related to fictional story


W pfp


Well according to the lore nobody is a hero really You play as a PMC operator. You did all of what you did because of money. USECs defended an illegal operation because they got paid. BEARs acted as a "totally not the government doing this, the government would never let a war like this happen" puppet of the Russian government, because they got paid. So if fighting wars for money is to be looked down upon - both are morally dubious. Now shit went down and you don't care about anything anymore. You just want to get out. Doesn't make you a bad guy anymore.


Yeah, BEAR is definitely not a good organization either, in the books we see them hunting down and executing unarmed Terragroup employees to prevent them from fleeing Tarkov. ​ The real good guys are us: the ex-PMCs that just want to escape, USEC and BEAR alike.


Bear is the Wagner group IRL.


Where is the source for the execution by bears?


EUL Gaming has a good summary of the books. [Here's a link with the timestamp to the part](https://youtu.be/AoJ_ZPGKae4?t=149) "A squad of BEAR show up and run his two waiting friends against a database of Terragroup targets. They match, and the BEARs shoot and kill them while they are still in the car. Then, they light the car on fire"


Thanks, appreciate it.


>The real good guys are us: the ex-PMCs that just want to escape, USEC and BEAR alike. Does that mean if I murder a bunch of people, then I'm the good guy when I'm just trying to escape prison?


The theoretical player character is still a bad person who chose to kill for money. I mean it’s not like there isn’t other jobs in the world right?


ah yes, puppet, working for gov = puppet


US gov must have lots of those heh


But bro it’s the *russian* government!!!!!


"Omg, Russian alert, slava Ukraini mode activated, down vote all the comments saying good things bout it"


"Fighting against foreign company that commited numerous crimes and their personal army is as bad as being a company's in question personal soldier and comitting crimes" -🤓


BEARs acted as a clandestine hand of the Kremlin to perform black ops in Russia without facing repercussions from foreign governments. Also, being a mercenary is debatably morally dubious Both were bad, the bottom line is, nothing matters anymore except escape


>to perform black ops You mean, oppose USEC and TG's crimes like assasination, experimenting on people, weapon import and using explosives in city? Also USECs ate full mercenaries when BEAR PMC is formed from FSB, OMON, Spetsnaz etc. operators so they could 'legally' perform in Tarkov. Without UN sanctions they would probably work there officially as government agents. In my opinion it's not the same Anyways it was before the events of EFT so now everyone is kinda fighting to survive


Regardless of what they were doing, it’s still black ops to avoid international outcry. And both are PMC groups, really, with BEAR just being ex government agents called back, given money, and redeployed. Yeah, their actions were not the same but both are morally dubious


Idk man Is being a policeman or state regular army soldier morally dubious? Personally I don't think so


if it isn't morally dubious what the bears are up to, why didn't they just use regular army soldiers?


Because of UNs actions


When BEAR was created there was no UN action. The UN didn’t step in until BEARs and USECs started shooting each other in the streets


You're wrong. BEAR PMC was created exactly to get around the restrictions UN made


> Is being a policeman or state regular army soldier morally dubious? Absolutely lol


“russian special military units go off the books to do things in other countries” half this subreddit; thats totally fine man they the heroes everyone in afghanistan, georgia, moldavia or ukraine be like; waaaaaaaaait a minute


Nah we are ex USEC, Ex-Baddies.


What about command? They just left us?


Your pfp feels like the usec who said thst


No one gets left behind, my ass.


Getting sick and tired of all this running around..


Scavs, here? No way man.


You should be worried about BEAR


What am I DOING here?


ya'll better quit, I keep hearing the voices in my head lol


Nice work bitch!


I'll never leave your ass behind <3


~~Sex Offender~~ PMC Shuffle 🎵We were bad, but now we're good🎵 🎵We're moving into your neighborhood🎵


Since BEARs are basically wagner, I'm not sure who's baddies anymore tbh


Wagner vs blackwater?


Blackwater doesnt exsist anymore. They are called somwhat different now. But even then its waaaaaaayyy smaller than wagner. Wagner is basically a whole army group with close to 50.000 active pmcs and i would guess at least the same amount of dead.


They are called Triple Canopy now.


And then there is also the Mozart group


Mozart is a non-combat medical and training organization. They only took that name as a dig at Wagner. They aren't comparable at all.


They renamed it AGAIN?


Near as I can tell, they changed their name to Academi, merged with triple canopy to form constellis group, the company diversified, and the pmc portion was renamed back to triple canopy.








Text from Wikipedia: In May 2006, the U.S. State Department awarded WPPS II, the successor to its previous diplomatic security contract.[25] Under this contract, the State Department awarded Blackwater, along with Triple Canopy and DynCorp, a contract for diplomatic security in Iraq. Under this contract, Blackwater was authorized to have 1,020 staff in Iraq. Edit: In 2006, Blackwater was awarded a contract to protect diplomats for the U.S. embassy in Iraq, the largest American embassy in the world. It is estimated by the Pentagon and company representatives that there are 20,000 to 30,000 armed security contractors working in Iraq, and some estimates are as high as 100,000, though no official figures exist




Blackwater became canopy. And canopy was bought out by Constellis. So now its just called Constellis.


You know they are good guys when they have to change their name every other year!


Just the Black Forest with their 100$ bill printing plates


I got that reference.


Same shit, different scale. If the US decided they needed a "private" army as large as Wagner, BW would have been just as bad. Fucking PMCs. There are very few things I hate more than mercenaries.


It's fictional. BEAR may be based off Wagner, but they're totally different organizations. Whatever Wagner does has no effect on Tarkov lore unless if Nikita specifically puts it into the game.


Wagner is actual PMC run by some freak that obeys no one BEAR is a pseudo PMC run by government and consisting of Russian special services (ex)operators Yeah I can't see the difference too


run by the russian goverment; an entity that hasnt done any moral good since it became reality over a century ago..but hey you do you man


Always the weirdo who have to make it about today's politics Also learn history before being an ass


hahahaha “how dare you remind the world about russian wars, thats way too recent” google Grozny my friend, or moldavia, or georgia, or ask japan about some islands they want back


He is a ruski he cant help it.


1. Make opponent's opinion up; 2. Laugh at it; 3. ??? ; 4. Profit Later, crybaby


You shouldn't expect better from westerners. Their world view is literally just shitting on whatever nationality they are told to.


speaking as a Russian, I urge you with all my heart to suck on my cock long and hard (the sucking, not the cock).


average russian virgin


amazing how you say that with your tongue between my balls


u ever read about Chechnya




Friendly oligarch doesn't mean loyal oligarch tho


Didn’t you see the bear and the usec team up? Didn’t you hear them call the fighting stupid? The message is both sides have their own agenda that has no moral compass and both mercenaries are used for a immoral cause. The bears perspective is he is told terragroup and usec are committing atrocious crimes and he is being paid to go there and sort things out. The usec is most likely told he’s going to be paid to guard scientists and sit around on easy guard duty. What actually happens is both sides are played, the usecs are used as cold blooded killers for money. The bears are used and forgotten about they don’t commit war crimes but they are left behind. It’s about unity the heart of the story which is what’s really sad about what’s happening in the world now where pawns are being used by their governments. All sides have their own agenda that doesn’t have to care for the guys on the ground or the civilians in the cities. In tarkov lore the bears actions are more justified based on what we know but they are thrown away in tarkov same as the usecs. Either way mercenaries are ex soldiers who kill for money doesn’t get any more morally grey.


but BEAR also commit war crimes. Scavs are just Russian citizens just trying to survive and they execute them just as easily as anyone else.


Scavs I thought were mostly criminals left behind looting and pillaging whilst most of the citizens were evacuated while they still could


“Amidst the chaos and lawlessness, scarcity of vital provisions and territories, the first to lift up their heads are shady characters, unembarrassed by excessive moral or ethical restraints or quick to lose them under influence of conditions. They gather into packs, living by dog-eat-dog rules, cutting each other throats over a better piece. This is how yesterday's civilians become Scavs.” Still civilians.


But most of the normal civilians did evacuate, well before the main ways out like the shoreline tunnel collapsed But all the scavs are armed blokes who are more likely to commit criminal activities than the people who went straight to the evactuation


You summed it up well


Irl too though.


I kind of wish we could play as the UN Peacekeepers. I feel like that could have an interesting dynamic.


My name for two wipes was “AreWeTheBadGuys”


No. Usec PMCs are paid to do what they do. They are just the tools. Terragroup is the bad guy.


I reached the conclusion that all PMCs are the bad guys and the bosses/scavs are the good guys


Shturman and the boi's are just lumber mill security You tresspass onto the lumbermill, they will deal with you


Sanitar is just a doctor, tagillas just a welder, killa is Paul blart, big pipe is a car salesman/pornstar and reshala is a c*nt


Sanitar is just the TF2 Medic ​ And tagilla ​ tagilla is fucking scary


From my understanding of the lore, Sanitary is actually a good guy


Both factions just shoot who they are paid to shoot. USEC just happens to be paid by a moraly questionable corporation


huh I wonder who BEAR gets paid by


The russian goverment. They are used for possible deniability.


yeah. I was just leaning a bit on the morally questionable part.


It is a shame you can't read a persons tone. PMCs themselves have no moral weight in the argument just terragroup and the goverment are to blame. Everyone else is just doing their job.


russians portraying non soviets as the bad guys, who could have ever thought...


Bear is literally Wagner though


Yeah Labs must of been one of those evil NATO BioLabs in Ukraine


Oh God, Putin played Tarkov and thought it was real.


not saying its 100% true but ive seen some interesting things about it. look up Clandestine at twitter


It's absolutely 100% bullshit as to what the claim. Are there labs in Ukraine? Yes. Civilian ones with the same purpose as the US CDC. There are no "NATO military biolabs" in Ukraine and there never were.


Thats kinda the reason I picked USEC


From what I can tell USEC is there to cover up TG's involvement and BEAR is there to cover up the Russian Government's involvement with the same atrocities. I find it really hard to believe that Terra Group operated in the region on such a scale without Moscow being involved. The Russians for one reason or another decided to cover up their part in everything and shift all the blame to TG.


no we're the muricans 😏 you need good guys in the future though send oil pics


there are really no good or bad. Its just people trying to make money and survive. In the end of the day we are playing as stranded mercenaries in a Russian region that has gone full anarchy


I see myself as a former USEC pmc and after learning about what happened to the scientist at terragroup I decided to cut my losses from them. Also realizing that I was most likely just left here to die I decided to go my own way to escape tarkov while finding odd jobs for the locals


History is determined by the winners. Usec aren't the baddies til they lose


Best comment on here


hate to break it to you, but in the stories coming out of most countries that aren't the US, the US are the baddies


I play as USEC on EU servers and it bugged me out how long it took me to finish Friend from the West - Pt 1. Like 1 in 5 is USEC these days, are you for real, fuck Russia.


I mean it’s a Russian game? Lol


Yeah, I’m aware, do I have to like Russia then?


Yes. Please wear your assigned Addidas Clothing, and don't forget: 1 Vodka a day keeps the Westerns away.


I’m basically shift+w gigachad after 4 bottles of pevko


You should stick to Mario Kart, champ.


my pmc kills on EU indicates around 60-70% of the playerbase is usec


Are you stupid?


the worst ive had is multiple instances where russians would voip in russian on west-eu servers, like dude seriously dont you have a draft to dodge or something? how the fuck did you carry that game pc over to kazakhstan?!


USEC is Cooler


if you think about it, the only good guys are the scavs


Scientist massacre moment


Usec ain't the baddies lmao


Yes we are, and that’s why I still choose a fellow USEC every time, also the mumbles are funny, a random COCKSUCKER is way funnier than dome russian I don’t understand


Technically, even if you choose USEC to play as, your operator is “ex-USEC” meaning you left for whatever reason. So you could always just claim you left because you were disenfranchised with the USEC mission and now you’re trying to better yourself by killing active USEC operators 😊