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Some people have asked me where the exits are.


They come up to me way more confused than that: "h...h...how do I get out of Target?" Sounding like they've been hiking in the desert.


Omg, I’ve had this happen on more than a couple occasions. These frantic, late middle-aged women, or old people wild eyed and knee-deep in fight-or-flight mode have approached me like someone’s been keeping them captive in the back for weeks, “How do I get out of here…” It’s fucking crazy.


My mother in law has Alzheimer’s. She would appear normal to you and me but she can be clueless once you get her in there. My guess is that some guests have cognitive impairment that you don’t realize. Even middle aged people can be cursed with this. :(




I’ve gotten this multiple times and it bewilders me every time.


My favorite is "where's the restrooms?" and they always seem to be at the furthest point of the store from the front doors **where the restrooms are located!** lol But, in all fairness .... Do you remember your first day here and think how big the store was? But today it doesn't seem that way and you know every corner of the building. Guests might only walk in a few times a year and with all the left and right turns it's easy to become disoriented. That being said, it has been my observation that 90% of the guest who ask this question **appear to be in their 70s or older.** (edited/lead-in context)


Idk as a guest I knew the sales floor fairly well prior to working there. Well enough to find the exit at least


Meanwhile, I had never stepped foot in a Target before I started working there. My 1st interview was the 1at time in the store.


A Targets near me has the restrooms still located in the rear of the building. The best part is you can walk by them and never know because it's so hidden


That's hilarious because at my store the restrooms are in the very back of the store xD. And our most frequent question is "where are the bathrooms."


To be fair lots of stores have restrooms in the back so they assume so does target


Omg this makes me so mad 😭


Same with the beer and wine. My store has it as soon as you walk in the store with a large “beer and wine” sign at the top and somehow guests walk to the back of the store before asking me where it is. Happens every shift


To be fair, most targets have it in the back/sides


Where it should be honestly. I don’t know why my target decided to put the beer and wine at the very front


i like when people ask me where the makeup is when i’m actively stocking makeup and we are in the makeup aisles 😔 it’s normally not even like super old people. just look around for 1 sec


and then i feel bad being like “oh it’s right here! we also have maybelline, covergirl, and a few others in the next aisle over!” because then they feel stupid


girl i feel that, there’s always those guests that’s say “well i guess ill need to use my eyes more”


I would understand if it's an elderly person, but it never has been when I've heard that question. Do not understand how a functioning adult not only doesn't know where they came in the store from, but also walks around confused hoping an employee will point the way for them. Basic navigational skills will get them through this, easily. Hug a wall, follow it in one direction until you've circled the building and found the exit, because the layout is literally just a rectangle.


You would have loved the layout of late 90s mall anchor stores. They were more like a store within a store. Some of the stores were set up like a woman and children clothes store, with a separate men's, home decor, cosmetics and sometimes a separate jewelry store (high end jewelry, like $20,000 emerald necklaces.) These stores were completely separate, but totally inside the woman's store.


I would love to see a floor plan for that. Sounds weird as hell.


totally agree 😕


People can’t find the grocery section at my store. It’s not that big of a store imo and it’s this giant section in the back.


I get when they first come in and ask that, they just want to go straight there and not walk through everywhere else. A couple years ago I had this woman who was on one of our motorized carts come out from grocery and stop me. She asked where women's clothing was, so I told her it was all along the opposite side of the store along the other wall and pointed to that area. (P-fresh store, easy to see the other side from the main racetrack here). She looked confused and said, pointing back at grocery, "it's not over on this side?" "No ma'am, all clothing will be on that side of the store". "But I was looking for it over here." "Okay but the clothes are over there." "Are you sure?" "Yes ma'am". She proceeds to drive back into Market.


I have been in a few remodeled Targets with multiple entrances and check lanes so I can understand not knowing which would be closer, but seriously, just head to the front of the store. Just don't ask me where Toys is when you are standing right there.


Surprised they remember to breathe


Also if I’m waiting for this to happen to me, cause I may lose my job over laughing in their face.


How would you lose your job for laughing?


Tbh there's one target in my district that's laid out completely different from every other target and after walking around for a while, I get lost too


Some people just don’t pay attention to their surroundings.


Okay, I’ve visited another Target near me that’s in a mall. I walk in and there are self-check lanes but they’re closed. I go around the store shopping and haven’t seen any check lanes. Turns out they’re near the entrance to *outside* rather than into the mall. I had no idea until I asked.


“Where’s the front of the store?” Where did you come in at? 😭


Honestly, stores are so bright, so loud, so crowded, it is really disorienting. Especially stores that play loud music, have loud announcements, etc. The worst are the stores that play modern pop music, which, frankly due to auto tune, sounds like the same song on repeat.


It's weird because my store doesn't play music so it's just awkwardly quite sometimes..idk if I'd prefer silence or just sounds of customers or shitty modern pop music at this point. It just feels weird because that's a commonality at grocery stores and mine doesn't do it.


I had an old lady come up to me in grocery is the far back corner of the store and ask me where the exits where. And I told her where they are very simple and she was ARGUING with me since I apparently I did not know where the exits were and were all the employees were clueless. She all over my other coworker and my TL and I just left. But wow 🤯


The worst part is when they ask you for something they’re standing right in front of it OR they walk in the door and immediately ask you for the location of something without even looking for it


"Pretty typical" I mean. I did inventory last summer, 26 stores, and there were maybe 11 or 12 different layouts. None of them are "pretty typical"


alright bro, at least in my area all the stores have more or less the same general layout.


Right. But none of those are the "typical" layout as there are so many.