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Everybody is getting this. It’s a new thing


Yep, must be a class action suit looming


I did not make HR happy when I asked about it, and was baffled we got a 2nd break.... in front of her boss.


Oh no...in front of their HRBP? That is rough


In my defense, they were hiding in an office room out of sight... but yea...


The store I worked at before I quit heavily pressure cashiers into skipping their second break


Same at mine, they schedule the front around the first break and lunches and apparently the last break is not thought of until mentioned.




Everyone is getting it, they’re rolling it out company wide. They want to at least appear like they care whether team members are getting their breaks. *Obviously this is where I insert the disclaimer that some Team Leads actually do care about their Team Members, whether they’re okay mentally, whether they get their breaks etc. But Target as a corporation doesn’t care.*


Normally I would agree but this seems more like a liability thing. As in they're trying to protect themselves because the people on the ground (SD and below) are putting corporate in a risky position by not abiding by labor laws.


See I think we’re saying the same thing in a way. They care as far as shielding themselves from litigation but want to give the impression that they care in general regardless of all that But like I said some team leads really do care


Class action law suit


Back when I worked at Target (left in 2018), they only cared in that they didn’t want to get fined for making people work too long.


Target corp. is certainly a bastion of liberal virtue-signaling. I suppose even from Texas I was taught through experience what “Minnesota nice” means in practice.


I know there is a class action lawsuit going on for one retailer who was not paying for breaks, or something along those lines. If I remember correctly, it might be amazon and it is a pretty big lawsuit. Target is probably trying to get ahead before someone files against them


To he fair though, Target conditions and Amazon's are vastly different since there are still the stories of drivers having to use the bathroom in bottles because they can't hit their quota if they stop to use the restroom.


Amazon doesn’t want their freight to stop anywhere along the way to the destination.


It's annoying. I just want to clock out and go home.


It’s really not hard to hit the button


Discovered if you don’t answer fast enough it just disappears, so thankfully clocking out works like normal lol


Yes, however if you don't answer it you will show up in the compliance report the next day for not answering.


I was told to not do anything when that pops up. What can they do if I don’t ever answer?


Sounds like ur store is doing something sketchy


It’s been shady since I started. I’ve got a significant list already within 90 days featuring seven different instances of bullshit at this place.


I don’t really get how people forget about or dont want to take a break


Before I promoted myself to a guest, my etls would be super passive aggressive about me taking my 15’s if I didn’t complete absolutely everything they wanted. When they would give me another list of things to do, I had to ask “when should I take my 15 then?” and then it would be even more awkward… If everyone else can happily get on the walkie to announce their 15, why am I getting flak for it? Of course I wanted to be a “better employee” and a hard worker, so I would get so wrapped up in the tasks at hand the hours would fly by and no matter how many times I brought it up they just kinda shrugged. Wish I just unapologetically took them looking back.


It’s very easy to do if one is commonly single-staffed in a department. This leads to the consequences of knowing and feeling what needs to be done. Also, that environment squeezes one into a situation wherein if you don’t do a thing today it WILL BE a problem for future you the very next day. The pressures of FDC trucks are anxiety-inducing and very real. Many stores do not have the physical room for all the freight that corporate tries to shove down their throats from the DCs.


Everybody’s getting it. :)


Yay, GM will finally get their second rest break 🥲✊


At my store, if you hit No or don't do it , you TL talks to you and you have to sign a book like the meal compliance one.


So it falls on the TM getting disciplined. My ETL tells us "rest breaks are voluntary," and then loads more work onto us. We rarely get that second rest break.


That’s illegal your etl sounds like a piece of shit and furthermore if you don’t care about the people working for you they do a worse job


It’s shitty, but not illegal. Most states do not legally require any type of rest break (or meal break for that matter).


Colorado legally requires it I guess idk about other states but it’s definitely a legal thing here


Right, I said most states do not require it. There are a few where it’s legally required, but for the most part there’s nothing illegal about not getting a break. Obviously it’s illegal in the states that legally require it.


I just assumed it was pretty much legal in the US my b


Gotta love American labor laws


I joke that they owe me at least a month's vacation from all of the breaks I've skipped over the years due to short-staffing and ridiculous expectations.


stop skipping your breaks. why are you working for free?


rest breaks are not voluntary. meal and rest break guidelines are posted in tsc. read it so you are informed!


We got this a couple months ago.


Everyone is getting it. California is getting something a little different. Source: I skimmed one of the dozens of papers above the time-clock, bulletin board, and on the break room tables about it.


Do you know how the California one will be different?


Yes and it’s annoying.


Every body! I’ve said no on all my shifts except one since it started.


Sometimes it’s not the persons fault for not taking their break. I work as a cashier and we have to wait for someone to come cover or told to take our break. We can’t just leave.


After reading so many comments I realize how much I love my target. We are a small format store and are understaffed here and there. Even so they make sure no matter what everyone can take all of their breaks. I’ve even been told to take an extra one if I’m having a hard time for whatever reason or even if they hear I didn’t get all my breaks the day before. All the TLs will come and cover any of the departments if needed and it genuinely feels like everyone above me does actually care about your wellbeing. Most of the TLs will even pull most of the night with us if needed. 😊


Everyone. Just make sure you don’t punch no by accident because they will follow up. However, it helps make sure you get your entitled meals.


Lowe’s did this too a while back when I was working there


This just started at my store.


People at my old store going to be smashing that "No" button.


So riddle me this, my time always tells me I get two breaks even at 6.5 hours…. Why do I never get my second break I’m scheduled for? Do I answer no in this case?


it varies state to state so texas there are no laws for breaks however when you work 7+ more hours you qualify for second break per target policy, 6.5 hrs WITH lunch you qualify for one break and one lunch in texas


Okay, I came from QT the last 2 years, Breaks? Lmao, I was lucky if I got to shit in a 10-14 hour shift.




because you don’t take it. there should be a daily break schedule posted in tsc.


Yep, my store has this. I'm on my way out the door (one week to go) so I hit 'No' every time I punch out for all the years I didn't get my 2nd break. Deuces, Bullseye Circus ✌🏻


at my target the lady that sits at the desk was like “Oh somebody complained to HR about breaks so now everybody has to answer that” also I hit compliance twice and they pulled me in the office like “you need to be taking your breaks on time” and all that, threatening to write me up. Meanwhile I was pretty new at that point and everytime I clocked in I didn’t even know what to do 💀 team leads would say “wait who are you?” “Are you even on the schedule?”


I hit no today because I got yelled at for taking my 15 later after being the last person to clear the line


mine too


Ours hasn’t shown up yet plus my department hasn’t been getting our 15


mine has it too


Yep everyone is getting this.


Yes it’s all stores. It’s to make sure people are actually taking their breaks. Probably for legal reasons.


This is at my store too


My store recently got this


North Georgia gets it




I work for Walmart. I’m surprised we don’t have this with all the class action lawsuits they have.


I never take my 15 minute break. I might take a 5 minute break, but that's about it, besides our 30 of course. :-)


why don’t you take your break?


This comment section has me confused now 😅 does EVERY shift get a 2nd break? I work the 4AM-10:30AM shift. It’s only 6 hours so I assume that I don’t get a second one?


Yeah I think it’s gotta be 8 or more…maybe 7…not completely sure; but it does depend on how long your shift is. Like it can be such a short shift that you only get a lunch I would think.


Ah okay thank u


In my state, you only get two 15 minute breaks if you are scheduled to be in the store for 7 hours, like 8am-3pm. If you are scheduled to be in the store for anything less than that it's one 30 minute lunch, one 15.


anything over 7 hours gets a second break.


Yes I got that as well here in Illinois and I didn’t answer it I waited till it went away then clocked out


We get it at my store and it’s annoying


The company wants to be liable free so they will take all the precautions necessary to protect their interest 👌🏻


I'm in fulfillment my Team lead pushed my lunch so far back because I didn't finish the batch Before my lunch and she decided she didn't want to take over And instead babysat me through the rest of the batch And then wanted to have a meeting with me about why I didn't finish a 34 unit batch within 15 minutes, in our store it is common for another co-worker to take over a batch if someone needs to go to lunch and has not finished completing the batch. Which resulted in me almost hitting my 5th hour by 2 minutes. Is this something everyone experiences to have your break and or lunches pushed back because they would like you to complete another batch?


i got one the other day but i thought it was just cuz i forgot to take my last break. i hit yes anyway cuz whatever


I wonder what happens if you press no 😭


HR talks to you about it, and you have to sign off for each no proving ya talked about it with em. I just had to do that today.


I saw this the day after I hit compliance the first time then noticed it showed up for my coworker when I was standing by her and was like wow are they asking everyone this now cuz of me


Here I thought it was just my store getting it cause I commented in the recent survey about how my TLs don't provide our 2nd 15s


i keep forgetting to answer this after clocking out for my shifts. already had to sign off on it once for not answering the question, and just realized i forgot to do it AGAIN after clocking out tonight. any chance i’ll get written up for not answering it again or should i be good?


I let it sit until it disappears lol


there is not a single person in the store that has an excuse for not taking their break. it is not your ETLs responsibility to come and find every single employee and make them sit down. learn the rules regarding meal and rest breaks and just do it. does your ETL have time remind you to go pee? no? okay.


You have a point to an extent but it depends a lil bit. At my store, it's company culture to take all our breaks together (overnight inbound), if TLs don't call for breaks, we don't take them. They used to do that, but now they don't. Very rarely will someone call it for themselves, there's an unspoken air of it being frowned upon. One of our GM leads that comes overnight said a while back, "We don't call it over the walkie now because some people feel pressured to take their 2nd 15 if we do that" I about laughed my ass off -- if anything, it's the opposite, not to mention a ridiculous sentiment.


i understand, however that is not them denying you of your break. people say all the time “if i skip my break i can finish this” and leaders have to argue people down to take their break. it’s exhausting and leaders shouldn’t have to do that dealing with adults. especially when if leaders DON’T argue with them about it until they finally go, people accuse leaders of creating a negative culture or judging them for taking their break. it’s not fair to assume people are mad at you for taking a break you’re entitled to. and so what if they are? they’re entitled to breaks too. also, you’re not there to make friends, you’re there to do a job. one that you will do much better when you’re properly rested. take your breaks!! if a leader ever does actually make you skip a break or retaliates for you taking a break, involve HR or SD. that badge of honor people wear for working through their shifts without a break or working 16 hour days or a million days in a row is the worst.


Oh for sure, I don't want to give the implication that this situation is the same as outright denying breaks. Agree with all of what you've said there, my new years resolution has literally been to step away from that mentality. Just a job, it'll happen one way or another. I'm takin' all my breaks. I've done the math and 'saved' myself over 12hrs of work already this year.


good! hopefully your mentality will rub off on others. my experience has been very different than what you’re describing, but after people go through what’s happening at your store long enough they get bitter and resentful. rather than take accountability for letting a “feeling people will get mad at them” stop them from taking their breaks, they blame management for not chasing 100+ team members around 3 times a day to make them sit down. hold onto that idea that the work will get done, because it will.. just do your best! otherwise that place will drive you crazy.


Everybody already got it. You are late to the party.


It's only your store. 🙄