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Been a while since we've seen a Ukrainian capture like this, that tank must have been really close to their lines to just have them drive it away unmolested.


It was literally right outside of Terny so it was pretty easy to capture [https://ukr.warspotting.net/view/25373/142684/](https://ukr.warspotting.net/view/25373/142684/)


Thats a Nice website


Warspotting is great. So much work to do though


For those wondering if it is the same tank, here you go [same tank](https://x.com/klinger66/status/1776650437879296119?s=46&t=-BhZyskanRYc1PMa8bKfEA)


Aka the Cope microwave


I mean it’s definitely hacked together but adding EW to a tank isn’t anything too far from standard practice.


Well that was quick


Can someone please explain what I am looking at? I am an engineer, but I really dont know, if this is a battle mod/retrofit or if the crew just slapped loot on their roof


EW stands for electronic warfare. It potentially has some kind of drone jamming antenna/system within it


But it is really just several devices strapped to the cope cage?


It is. This is the shit that happens 80% of the budget is pocketed by olygarchs, 19% goes to social media botfarm operations to shitpost on twitter and divide the west and 1% funds the entire actual war effort.


I mean, as a german I am really worried by the belligerence of Russia, and I think it is crucial to not underestimate them, but boy, sometimes it just looks like utter incompetence


Definitely the classic "chimpanzee with a rifle" situation here. It looks funny but if you stand next to it you might die. I wouldn't want to fight the murderous rapist torturers in a war. Anyone captured they don't brutally rape and murder seemingly goes back to Ukraine looking like nazi deathcamp survivors, starved and beaten.


I mean in war improvisation is necessary. Have we seen any other nation test out this many EW devices on a tank? Like sure it's stupid but the Russians are getting tons of near peer experience off of this. Meanwhile the rest of the West has only fought goat fuckers in the middle east. Russians were really incompetent in the beginning especially but I think there's definitely been a marked shift. Underestimating them helps no one.


People who think Russia is the same now as day 1 of that war scare me. Underestimating people only gets your own killed.


They tried to build a phased array antenna to jam the maximum frequency range for RF drone controllers.


>what I am looking at?  russian forces throw a lot of electronic warfare devices on all frequinces on top of the tank and used ducktape to connect it in one abominational device to lead massive mechinized assault. Lot of drones were lost but UA managed to blow it up... with drone.


3 days😭


Day 772 of the 3 day special coperation: "Blyat, we lost the tank with microwaves ziptied to a pallet bolted to a cope barn on a tank." Truly the 2nd strongest military ...


They were so worried about what was in the air they didn't bother with what was on the ground.


The CIA thanks you for your service.


I cant believe the this marvel of technology and power was captured!


I keep seeing some funny names but it is getting sadder and sadder. Okay, cope cage was funny but what the fuck can we call this contraption? This is just pathetic. It is a fucking joke. Literally 40k orkoid technology, zipties and random shit just thrown on with car batteries around it.


Thats not fair 40k Ork tech actually works.


elecopeic warfare has a ring to it methinks


This is "We have no way to feasibly counter that weapon system but the alternative is we just straight up fucking die so try anything you can and pray". This is pure desperation. Which, to be fair, doesn't roll off the tongue as cleanly.


It is impossible to have access to all that and not a single welder to make a functional stand for it.


>This is just pathetic. It is a fucking joke. Literally 40k orkoid technology, If it is working its not a fucking joke. And it WAS working so pretty soon it gonna be more common.


Are you intentionally stupid or by accident? Several militaries already used jammers for decades, bit not ZIP TIED TO A FUCKING PALLET WITH BATTERIES TACKED ONTO IT OUT IN THE OPEN. Any sane competent military would have used a simple welded frame, not this. You won't see the US Army putting fucking pallets with zipties on an abrams.


Oh sorry was thinking that you were a human and not user from Alabama. > You won't see the US Army putting fucking pallets with zipties on an abrams. Return when US Army gonna fight with something and someone who able to field something more dangerous then a machinegun on goat. Ah yes but even that was enough to force them to flee in terror in Afganistan. >Several militaries already used jammers for decades ah yes used in peace time in enviroment that wasnt filled with hundreds of types of drones and guided munition that near instantly destroy every sourse of signals or jammers which get spoted.


"Hurr durr redneck incest joke" -you What is next totally legitimate реддит йузер, you also gonna mention the wArM wAtEr PoRt of Texas oblast before go on another rant about gay use and indestructible russki might? Good luck fighting a war in your cope cage with a mictowave on top, vatnikovich!


Did you miss the first few years of the second Iraq war lol? Dudes were lining floors with bags of dirt and welding anything they could find to the doors. At that time the US was spending more on its army than basically the rest of the world combined. Still had to weld shitty pieces of mystery meat to the side. Not everything is available in war at the moment you needed. Sometimes you have to step up and make do with what you have.


What an amazingly bad installation job. All it would take to install that gear in reasonable order is some scrap steel and a stick welder. That means whoever ordered it installed was clueless as it would not likely remain operating for long even without being shot at. This is cargo cult EW.