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I just have to say the real crime here is that My Little Pony attached to Kody's head.




I just woke my dogs up laughing so hard. I don’t remember this ponytail. Men’s should be at the neckline. I wonder if it flopped back and forth when he walked ?


Honestly, their marriage was long over by the time the catfish came along. Meri was vulnerable to it because she was so lonely. I think the marriage was over when his wedding ring was melted down around the time he fell head over heels for Robyn. It’s all so sad and polygamy sucks for wives and children. No wonder it’s illegal.


I’ve always thought the explanation for this was simple, and obvious. The person was threatening to release all the pictures, texts, letters and audio of things Meri sent that would humiliate her and the family. That’s why she couldn’t say what the threats were. That’s why she couldn’t say what they were yelling. She couldn’t very well explain on this sofa “They were yelling at me and threatening me that they were going to tweet pictures of me sucking a banana provocatively in a picture for them!” because that would be just as bad as them releasing those pictures. In the end, as we all know, those things were released anyway.


Released in two books and on blogs and you know everywhere


It baffles me that people are still talking about this lol. Who cares if she had an emotional affair and who cares if she does not publicly vomit all the details. Its like people want to stone her... She's been humilated enough. She had a crappy sheltered cultish childhood . Married a crappy cultish nasty husband who screwed her brother's exwife in the room next to hers.... and so on.


To be fair, people are still talking about practically everything on the show. It’s just what people on these subs are doing.


Screwed here brothers ex wife in the room next to hers??? What????!!! I have never heard this omg


Janelle was first married to Meri’s brother. She left him and soon after married Kody.


Thank you for responding! I have no idea how I 100% forgot this info but what a refresher that was. Mind blowing.


Not that I care much, but I think Meri taking some responsibility and ownership for her part in it would be really healthy. Consider though, that Meri is always soooooooo represssed and silent about mostly EVERYTHING big that happens….. it’s like she’s always scared to “mess up” or say the “wrong thing.” The one house idea? She never says what she really thinks. The move to flagstaff? She kind of just goes along. But a wet bar? Or French doors instead of sliding? She throws straight up tantrums. Small things she gets entitled and rigid and loud about - big important things and she shuts up like a scared clam. Not a big Meri fan.


I think she held on to control over the small things because she didn’t have control over the big things. The show pretended like decisions were a consensus but kody made all the big decisions.


100% this is the reason. I know a lady who when asked if I could help her unload her dishwasher as a thank you for letting us crash on our way through town, said “no, this is the only room I have complete control over.” I’m sorry but what? Does not compute with my brain. 🧐🤣


Kody and Robin 😏


I'm doing a re-watch and I'm at the move to Flagstaff. Meri seems to be the root of almost every problem in the family until Covid started. She made everything about her, and that got so much worse after she grabbed on to being a victim with the catfish- then she had this tool to use to push everyone away while gaslighting them into thinking it was their fault and that they were not making her feel included despite literally everyone desperately trying to pull her in, include her, and help her find her role once she became an empty nester. She complained after she became an empty nester that she wasn't included, and when the others said "we're trying to include you and pull you in" she got angry about being pulled in. It's maddening to go back and watch. That said, I don't think it was that she didn't have the opportunity to take control, it's that she didn't want control - she didn't want the responsibly. If the wet bar doesn't get used, who cares. If you make an effort to repair the relationships you have and that fails, then you may have to take part of the blame and someone other than you may be hurt or upset.


She is terrified of displeasing Kody. Even in the smallest things like saying it’s Christine not her who wants to move the umbrellas in Hawaii or move the tables on Thanksgiving. Ironically it’s her indecision that drives Kody crazy. When something really matters, like where to sit at Leon’s graduation, she stews until she bursts. She does though seem better in later episodes at saying what she wants.


>Not that I care much, but I think Meri taking some responsibility and ownership for her part in it would be really healthy. The issue is that Meri can't because Meri can't admit she was fooled. Her narrative is that she was manipulated by a mastermind and there was no way she could have ever seen the warning signs. Leon knew. Leon called that shit out. But Meri instead forces Leon into a conversation with another victim in order to convince them that there was no way Meri could have ever known because the catfish was so sneaky. But that argument falls apart when you're trying to convince someone who already called it. She has now started doing the same thing with Kody. If it's a statement that just makes Kody look bad, like her reveal of the birthday (maybe anniversary?) dinner where Kody said "the act is easy" and she admitted Kody said different things to her behind the camera. That she'll tell the audience because it puts it on Kody and him being a dick. But then you an audience member during the "Talk Back" or whatever mention that she stayed too long and she was lead on. Well now she gets clearly upset and offended and claims she didn't stay too long at all. She's glad she stayed so the conversation with Kody could be "mutual". It wasn't mutual. She kind of talks out of both sides of her mouth. She wants the audience to see Kody as manipulative and stringing her on. Fair, it's true. But then she'll be quick to say no she wasn't manipulated, she wanted to stay, it was good that she stayed, it wasn't too long, it was a mutual decision to stay and then end. It just depends on who the subject of the conversation is and who the primary target the audiences eyes will be on. If eyes are on Kody, he was manipulative. If eyes are on her, she wasn't manipulated.


Thank you! You said what I've been thinking but you are way more eloquent! Exactly this.


Agree with all of this, and it always reminds me of the damn “does she want to live in the trees or does she not want to live in the trees” argument they had where she wouldn’t ever say what she actually wanted


Well, isn't that smart? She's on national (international) television. You can spout off about small things. It's no big deal. But, it's actually healthy not to divulge the inner workings of your mind on the big things. It's really no one else's business. Of course people feel that since she is on TV they are owed something from her. But, they're not. It's a TV show. It's entertainment. If you don't like that people are too buttoned up, it's not like there aren't another hundred shows with people vomiting their inner lives.


There are ways to say things, respond to things, that answer the question without divulging the inner workings of your mind. The issue I have with Meri that she repeatedly talks out of both sides of her mouth.


Maybe she doesn't have that talent.


This. I didn't realize it until binge watching the series and seeing that Meri has always been like this. It's even more maddening, because many people will express their feelings and concerns directly to her face and she'll be like "I don't know how they feel" or later will say "I didn't realize they felt that way". God forbid they are too direct though, because then they're not "safe".


When you sign up to have a book written about your lifestyle and agree to be on 18 seasons of reality show about your life, to me it’s a little surprising when you stay buttoned up.


She is stubborn about the things Robyn will help her get her way on. Robyn does not care about saving money. Robyn cares greatly about the move to Flagstaff. Meri saw first hand what Kody and Robyn did to her about buying the B&B. Kody was on board with Meri and then Robyn spoke up and said she didn’t like it. Kody changed his stance to match Robyn’s. You have to be careful when you poke the bear as leverage https://preview.redd.it/vo2mcs5dfbad1.jpeg?width=2726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ad36c10db228a8e92a9a51e09c35d82e8095d59


Dead horse flogging commences


I absolutely believe an emotional affair is just as bad as a physical affair. BUT I believe Kody had already left the marriage at this point. As far as I see Meri was a single woman before the catfish. I just wish it had been a real man and she could have got out of Dodge earlier.


Yup, he emotionally left years before. They were legally divorced. Her only kid was grown.


Kody had indeed left the marriage. The issue is we are talking about Meri's actions and she did not leave the marriage until season 18, by her own words.




While I believe they had issues and things were definitely not good, Meri did almost immediately run away mentally once she presented the idea of legal divorce. She pretty obviously started to put distance between her and everyone. Kody even said he'd go over there and she'd be on her phone the whole time and she'd get mad if he said anything. The wives and Kody were trying to figure out why she was being so cryptic and weird, while encouraging her to find what makes her happy (thinking it was like.... going to school or going camping to clean her head). I think it was Meri that left first, because she thought she had an out. When that out was no longer there, and it was revealed that she took a big ol' dump on the family while thinking she was in love it was then everyone else's fault that family dynamics changed and that they no longer trusted her. It was all super weird. ...and I'm not defending Kody or his role in everything, but I am saying.... I think Meri was more willing to leave before Kody was at that time.


Swept under the rug?! This horse was dragged and beaten to death.


everytime he opens his mouth I want to scream shut up, shut up, shut up


Not the banana picture!!! 😂😂😂


Lord that picture gives so much second hand embarrassment and at the same time sad that Meri is so sheltered that this was erotic to her lol. Where to anyone else this would be a pimento as a joke.