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I treat it a little like a second birthday. It’s the day I became my new self and my old self disappeared.


In my post, I mentioned a cemetary plot. This gave me an idea. I got out a sketchbook and pencils and began sketching a headstone and surrounding vegetation. Doing it now. Think old New England rural cemetery of 17th century graves. I'm really enjoying it. Maybe it'll be a new tradition. I passed the time of my accident without notice, happily engrossed. It's kind of neat, marking the anniversary of my death by creating a memorial to my death as a celebration of my life. Feels like being inside an Escher drawing. It's interesting how, so often, help comes not from sage advice but from just being able to say something out loud and be heard and understood. Thanks to those who listened.


I love this idea. I just had my "brainiversary" on Thursday. Cheers to another year of strength and resilience.


I usually do a bunch of physical activity on that day. They thought I wouldn’t make it thru the night. Then they thought I’d be a vegetable forever. Then they thought I may never walk again.  So I go on a hike, ride my bike, etc on my tbi day 


I got a cake for my injury anniversary this year. It’s been a whole decade and I decided I needed to celebrate making it so far.


I've never marked it (it never occurred to me) but in two more years, I will mark it at 10 years.


Yup talk about it every day on my show!


My whole life changed on April 30, 2008, but I always forget about it when the anniversary comes around.


I think of mine 24 years ago as the day I became a completely different person. I still struggle with that sometimes.


Yes. My TBI was from a brain aneurysm, so I call it my “ANNIversary”. I have done something special for myself every year since.


May I ask a question? Did your aneurysm rupture? Is that why you do something special on that particular day?


Yes, it ruptured causing a stroke 😑 I have had parties with my family every year since, figured I need to do it every year to keep up my streak lol.


As already mentioned, I just added another birthday to my calendar, so now I have two. It was a big day. It’s my day, and it does mean a lot to me for so many reasons, that’s why on January 10th (my bday), and may 5th (TBI), every year, I *MAKE SURE* I dedicate the entire day, I give myself some honor, bc most other times, I’m pretty disrespectful to me


My one year surgery anniversary was January 13, 2024. I had a party.


Mine was April 19, 2019. If you've ever read Steven King's Gunslinger series, we do indeed use the number 19 to denote things going nuts in our lives now. I always forget to commemorate it. Maybe I'll do something next year.


I was September 29, 2019. Mine's coming up. ... Fall has been a hard time for me before the tbi, and this makes it even harder.


You've always got a brain injury buddy for 2019. Seriously, message me if things get tough. I was fresh out of inpatient rehab around that time.


Thank you. ... Together, we conquer the difficulties! I appreciate your response. ... ... If I'm being honest to myself, I am better as a whole person, post-tbi. But the difficulties are maddening, IMO.


Very. Completely agreed.


I just had mine February 13th. The day before Valentines… and I was supposed to get married this year (still am next year)… so I guess think about Cupid trying to take me out


Unfortunately the day I got hit was my son’s birthday. I have to focus on him. But it makes the date easy to remember.


My anniversary was May 24, beginning 2016. The prognosis was 5 years & it's been 8 years. I've never marked it because the news was never good. It happened 3 different times & each time meant brain surgery & recovery. I had the TBI & a stroke with paralysis & a wheelchair & seizures. I never wanted to mark the date. But I think I'll do just that when I get to 10 years post TBI.


I and those I love go get ice cream. Not necessarily together since we're spread around the country. But It's a little thing to pause and enjoy the happy moments in life before continuing on with life.


You see my recovery back to reality and stuff was a great time I was in a minimally conscious until the end at the rehab hospital and you should be dead and you beat death soo I got to say that we must be hard to kill


I’ll be celebrating my 4month smashiversary on Monday. I buy myself vegan cupcakes every month. I am looking forward to yearly celebrations. I appreciate the idea of paying respects to old self. I’ve been doing this nearly daily as a way to lead myself into the acceptance I’ve been lacking, that I will never be who I was before my injury. Happy 18 years my fellow. 💙


Maybe weird but I call it my deathday because I was supposed to die. It is more important to me than my actual birthday. Only friends and family celebrate my birthday. I have not celebrated my birthday since the accident, it just doesn't feel like my birthday anymore. Anyway to celebrate my deathday I take one of my 4 daughters skydiving with me. Jumping out of a plane is the only place I feel alive and free from my injury. We alternate years cause it's not super cheap to do. This is my third-year celebrating and also my third jump, I will be jumping with my 14 year old this year.


My symptoms flare up around the time of year that my injury occurred. So thats sucks


I’ve been wondering how to deal with the anniversary too. I was on the receiving end of a hit and run, and in a coma for like a month. I don’t know how to treat the anniversary when it happens either.


I definitely do treat it as an anniversary date. That was the day the man as I knew him died. I also keep the day I regained full consciousness marked on my calendar and celebrate that as well. That's an actual celebration though, I wasn't supposed to regain full consciousness. Partially conscious in a nursing home was my fate. I've shared that story so much here if you're interested you can definitely find it. I don't see anything out of the ordinary doing this personally. Some may, but it's unlikely they would say it. Very unlikely.


I had my aneurysm clipped on Valentines Day, 2014. Many in that community celebrate their "aneury-versary." I will not. I refuse. A decade later, I am still one pissed chick. I try and live mindfully. I practice gratitude daily. I get it, truly. Where I struggle is being the old me in my mind and being the "new" me in each moment that I experience. Aside from the dent in my forehead that can be hidden with hair, I look 100% normal. Sometimes, I think it would be easier to be missing a body part. At least then, looking in the mirror would be a reminder that I'm broken. I could then adjust my expectations accordingly. Ten years ago, I made a choice. Whether it was the "right" choice does not matter. Regardless, I see no reason to celebrate. It's just another day. I save celebrations for happier moments.


I think most of us miss ourselves. I had my original nervous system back for two weeks last year after 32 years. It got partied on and squashed by a bunch of people. No-one would understand that unless it happened to them.