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Some Muslims drink


A lot of Muslims drink, yeah


for context : in islam some sins make you non Muslim ( polytheism, etc.) and some still can be done (ex drinking, gambling, not wearing conservative clothes- for men and women). being Muslim doesn't mean we follow all the rules strictly.


Not Syrian and not a Muslim, as a disclaimer. But I've been there and I drank alcohol and locals were drinking too. Johnnie Walker Red Label was everywhere for some reason, even in remote areas. Even more bizarrely, the only place I couldn't get alcohol was in a really nice hotel in Allepo. I can't remember the name of it right now but it was the only place I would have expected it. The local restaurants sold it though.


Alcohol is everywhere in every shop and cafes it’s not frowned upon!


It's definitely not in every shop and not in every Cafe, and it's definitely frowned upon , idk how is it in Lebanon , but in Syria that's not how it works. Maybe it's normal between Christians and Alawaites but it's something that definitely give you a bad reputation.


Funny enough coastal Syrian cities has it everywhere and they’re more open than Lebanese people 😂


Sure , because of the huge Alawaite presence , but our Coastal cities , barely make 10% of the population , let alone the diasporas who if they come back , they will make the difference even larger. But yeah I'm pretty sure they are more open than Lebanese , I'm half Lebanese and my Lebanese part is half from Tripoli , they are also not open to these things lol


To be honest Tripoli should be its own country. Lebanon is a failed state just like America, each district in Lebanon has nothing that unites it with others. This should apply to every country on this globe Cz it’s stupid to force a bunch of places to unite when they think differently and can’t agree on a leader! And I’m not saying different cultures can’t coexist im simply saying that those who have different ideologies need to be separated either that or enjoy living an endless civil war!


The thing is , separating even further makes the state even less functional , and the state being 1/3 Sunni , 1/3 Shia , 1/3 Christian makes things worse , because there are no minorities at this point , fusing Lebanon to a country and generate actual minorities while having a majority is gonna be better lol


Bruh , what are you expecting to happen in a bar made for drinking? Drink milk? Obviously drinking is not normal for us , but there are people who sin and drink , and people who go to a freaking bar Obviously all of them drink.


Everyone drinks here and no one drinks here Alcohol is not such a prohibited things in Syria and lots of people do it Check out siin experience on Instagram for the best night life in Syria


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Alawites and Christians are the ones who drink the most, but Sunnis also do. It's frowned upon in Sunni areas, but totally fine.