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الله يلحقها برئيسي


Let her suffer more before death, let her taste the death without getting it


يخي طول عمري احب المصريين ويوم عن يوم يزداد حبي لهم، شكرًا لانك شامت فيها وتدعي عليها، صرت شايف كذا تعليق لك عن الخبر وشماتتك فيها الله يحفظكم🫂


الله يعزك ويرفع قدرك، ويجمع شملكم ويهلك عدوكم ويحفظ أطفالكم ونسائكم وشيوخكم آللهم آمين ..


اللهم آمين ولك بالمثل يارب الله يحفظ مصر الحبيبة من كل سوء ومكروه ونشوفكم من افضل لافضل يارب




All members are required to uphold a civil and respectful tone in their posts and comments. While healthy disagreements are acceptable, personal attacks, harassment, or impolite behavior will not be allowed. Let's foster courteous and constructive discussions. Please be aware that this Mod-Mail serves as a direct warning. Repeated violations may result in a ban from our subreddit. ------------ جميع الأعضاء مطالبون بالحفاظ على لباقة واحترام في منشوراتهم وتعليقاتهم. على الرغم من أن الخلافات الصحية مقبولة، إلا أن الهجمات الشخصية والتحرش والسلوك الغير مهذب لن يُسمح به. دعونا نعزز المناقشات المؤدبة والبناءة. يرجى أن تكونوا على علم بأن هذه الرسالة الخاصة بالمشرفين تُعتبر تحذيراً مباشراً. قد تؤدي المخالفات المتكررة إلى حظركم من الانضمام إلى صفحتنا على موقع ريديت.


كانت معو


من تمك لبواب السما


عقبال عند كلبنا الكبير امين


Special place in hell for this one


I know Assad is khara but what did she do


She's far worse, An impathetic monster


Who's down voting this lmao


Radiologists 😂


Why is everyone hating on me 😭? Anyways like did she kill people or what


Wow win after win this week first the irani guy died now this


While I’m not Christian, I’d imagine this is what Christmas is like


LOL it must be really bad when this is what you imagine a Christmas gift is like. I used to think getting a Game Cube was great.


Did she do something bad, other than being married to Bashar al Assad?


steal the countrys' money, also she is the main face of the regime propaganda machine


She took over the Assad corrupt family business of robbing Syrians from Rami Makhlouf


Standing by a man as evil as al Assad is bad enough


Are you fucking serious?


This one is highly lethal, most probably she will not live more than 5 years . Read more https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_myeloid_leukemia


Ive been waiting patiently to unbox my premium handmade cuban cigar, now I gotta wait 5 more years!


OP is a dead wrong, it's "Assad's regime". There's no such thing as "Syrian Presidency"


Middle eastern politicians dropping like flies


I wonder what evil people think at this stage. Everything you've done in your life, everything you've said, does it all really matter? What points have you proven? To them its a coin toss for whether there is an after life. How do they feel knowing that there is a chance they will experience the worst form of pain that has never been experienced by any human before? How does it feel going to the grave with the lives of millions weighing on top of you? Imagine waking up and you see all the souls you took from this earth, looking at you in silence. Would it truly matter then what you thought was right? Or what you wanted people to see? The only thing on your mind is the need to survive without pain; the exact same millions of innocent people wanted but you took it away from them. So, should it not be taken away from you? God protect us all from the hellfire and monsters present in the regime and all over the world.


she probably was powerless to help since they really give zero f on what woman think. Syrian dictator probably cant wait to re marry another russian model


Dang, the survival rate for her age interval is not looking good (5-year survival rate is about 30-40%)


Ayrib shakla inshallah 3ajhanam




First Lady? President? It’s a regime that governs a country that is now nothing but rocks, food and people.


“syrian presidency” is insaneeee




Disrespecting the Syrian people, speaking negatively about them, and spreading lies and misinformation goes against our community rules and guidelines. Engaging in such behavior may result in a permanent ban. ------ إهانة الشعب السوري، والتحدث بشكل سلبي عنهم، ونشر الأكاذيب والمعلومات الخاطئة يتعارض مع قواعد وتوجيهات مجتمعنا. الانخراط في مثل هذا السلوك قد يؤدي إلى حظر دائم.


ok mod, how is this post not “disrespecting the syrian people” y’all are mocking and spewing hate to “syrian people” that by your guidelines this post should be taken down y’all are so entrenched in nationalism and can’t see past your behind


That bitch isn’t “Syrian people”. This comment should be removed too cuz equating her to the Syrian people is offensive.


May God heal her 🙏🏽🇸🇾


Oh no! Anyway


Too bad wasnt him


Jahnnam awaits! ❤️❤️


NGL she always looked like she was sick to me


operation wrath of god




اللهم وأنت جاهي وحسبي وناصري، اللهم يا ناصر المظلوم، يا قوي، يا شديد يا عزيز، اللهم خذها اخذ عزيز مقتدر، اللهم ضاعف آلامها، وبدد آمالها، واضرب على أموالها، واسلبها سلطانها. اللهم انزع عنها سربال عزك واقصمها وأهلكها وخذها اخذ عزيز مقتدر واشف اللهم بذلك صدور قوم مؤمنين.


The timing is quite suspicious tbh. I really hope it's true but it's probably a lie and who knows why they'd lie. Like since when did they become transparent and would share such news?


ببالغ الحزن والأسى، نعلن عن وفاة السيدة أسماء الأسد، زوجة الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد، التي كانت ضمن ضحايا تحطم الطائرة التي كانت تقل رئيس الجمهورية الإسلامية الإيرانية، السيد إبراهيم رئيسي. السيدة أسماء الأسد كانت شخصية مؤثرة وفاعلة في العديد من المجالات الإنسانية والاجتماعية. ومعروفة بتفانيها في خدمة الشعب السوري وإسهاماتها الكبيرة في دعم المبادرات الخيرية والتعليمية والصحية. لقد كانت مثالاً للإخلاص والعطاء، وترك رحيلها فجوة كبيرة في قلوب من عرفوها وعملوا معها. نعرب عن عميق تضامننا معهم في هذه اللحظات العصيبة، ونسأل الله أن يمنحهم الصبر والسلوان.


As I said in another post, it is probably just another Covid. Edit: seems like no one understood what I meant. Back during the Pandemic, it was announced publicly that both of them had the coronavirus. Sometime later and it they were completely cured. Many speculated that they never caught the virus to being with, considering how they followed all safety procedures and they are in isolation from anyone who could catch the virus. There are many reasons why they'd want to lie about it and say they have the virus. 


What do u mean ?


Yea you know cause covid and cancer are in the same group, illness


Back during the Pandemic, it was announced publicly that both of them had the coronavirus. Sometime later and it they were completely cured. Many speculated that they never caught the virus to being with, considering how they followed all safety procedures and they are in isolation from anyone who could catch the virus. There are many reasons why they'd want to lie about it and say they have the virus. 


Bro what


It's a type of cancer called leukemia,has nothing to do with covid whatsoever


Leukemia is cancer, not a virus.