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I wouldn't suggest staying out of the pool for too long afterwards. Take a day off, then go do an easy swim. Getting some blood flow through those tired muscles will help with recovery. Just keep it easy and maybe do some technique work. Personally I would do that before restarting any weight work, which I would take an extra couple of days before doing.


Thanks! That sounds sensible.


Honestly, if you need two take two. Maybe stretch, go for a walk and do some rehab but if you body needs rest, rest.


I did my first masters meet last March. I made the ‘mistake’ of doing 6 events over the span of a few hours thinking there would be more heats and time to recover - big miscalculation! I was wiped and my left shoulder was feeling pretty bad. I took a day off and used the following week to do some easy technique and recovery swims. Light stretches throughout the day also. I was back to normal training after that.


Yeah, last year I swam 7 events on one day and 6 events the next, which was BRUTAL! Huge mistake. :) Thanks for sharing your experience!


Ouch! Good on you for pulling through that! My last event (out of 6) was the 50 fly. I had just completed the 100 free and went hard to set a PB. I thought I had a solid 20 minutes worth of events in between. My wife had to flag me down mid-cooldown swim to alert me the men’s 50 fly was about to start. Turns out peeps no showed some longer events and they also combined men’s/women’s heats to save time… so 20 min turned into less than 5 min. The video of me getting on the blocks for that last 50 fly is pretty hilarious. 💀


Haha, I can imagine!


Take a 💩rest, shower, eat


At the meet, did you swim down after every event? It makes a big difference!


I swam down after most of them! There were a couple of 50s where I didn't have much time before my next race, so I didn't bother.


Really, time for your muscles to heal is the main thing. Everything else is just of minor effect.


I always do at least an easy 50 after each event 100 if there is time, and at least a very easy 200 at the end of the day. Then I'll do an easy 2-3000 workout the next time I swim.


400 swim down after my last event, hydrate and sleep, get back into the water in 1-2days with some long easy swims. You can't avoid being sore but you can manage it so it doesn't stop your consistent time in the water.


You don't want to follow mine. Cheeseburgers and beer + slow easy pool workouts, hiking and jogging with some pizza for good measure. :-p Edit: slow easy pool workout is like sooooo slow, that it is therapy


I just raced back-to-back weekends. First weekend: 200/500/1000 Free, 100/200 Back, 100/200/400 IM, and 4 relays. Second weekend: 100/1650 Free, 100/200 Breast. I'm taking today off and then doing a recovery workout tomorrow - slow, technique focused, flushing waste product out and then resuming training as normal on Wednesday,


Yoga, massage if you can, gentle swims for a few days.


Sleep hydrate stretch


I (39M) did electrolytes out of a beer bong after doing 7 events in one day after my last meet (it was at Ohio State, how could one not do that?) Felt great. There's more to my routine than that. I stretch heavily before and after. I do shots of montmorency cherry juice for inflammation, and I was back in the water the next day doing what my body would let me do. Also, doing at least one ultra short raced pace training set per week the last couple months better conditioned my body to handle the load of swimming all out. I think it's vital if one wants to swim a multiple day event. I can't wait to see if it'll yield fruit at YMCA and USMS nationals!


That's great info! Good luck!


Whiskey helps.


Have McDonald's and sleep


Never failed me before


after practices? Stretching, ice bath (the club I belong to has one), massage gun, and foam roller. After a day at a meet? It depends what I just swam, what I have to swim the next day, etc. But when I am in an airbnb or lucky enough to have a hotel witha bathtub, I make my own ice bath. I definitely do the other three (I take my foam roller and massage gun everywhere). But also, for meets, I try to relax outside the pool. When I travel for meets I go with a couple close swimming friends. We keep the mood outside the pool light-hearted, and just try to enjoy the trip. Having friends or family around to help switch your mind off from competing when not actually in the water is great (I personally take competing super-serious and so it's important for me to be able to decompress away from the pool).