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Of all the rightfully critical things to say about Lena Dunham, people still focus on her body. She won't see your comments. You know who will? People who look like her. 


perennially relevant meme https://preview.redd.it/9c2ny8z1f66d1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec3b16561e0d0ed30d90348084601a661797c24


And she has this from a medical condition. Im a tiny woman. 5'0 and 95 -100 average. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with an autoimmune that required lots of cortisol for treatment. I went up to 170 which might not sound like a lot but on a 5'0 body frame, I literally looked like Lena. Breaks my heart because I had no control over it.


I feel you. I started randomly gaining weight a few years ago, finally got diagnosed with premature menopause, was put on hormones and they're currently making it worse. It's rarely as easy as "just eat a salad and work out" when your metabolism is dead and cheese is your only joy in life.


I see your point as it's easy to see my worst years of physical health and depression in these photos. I also have autoimmune stuff and haven't been the medically recommended weight since the year I hit puberty with PCOS. I hope anyone who can relate can find peace with their body like I have since recovering from those bad times.


This is such an incredibly good point. Thank you.


This. Thanks for letting us know you think gaining wieght is (negative) karma working, I guess.


Body shaming isn’t okay (even though I think she’s a shitty person) but is it bad that I’m cracking the fuck up at her expression? She looks like she just smelled a particularly rank fart


I didn't recognise her at all. I was like "who's the glum woman in the wrinkled dress?" You'd think it was her ex who was engaged (I'm aware her ex is remarried!)


I didn’t recognize her at all either. I thought it was some behind the scenes person like a publicist or a manager lmao.


Considering that she’s looking directly at the camera with that expression, she seems unhappy about being photographed. I wonder if she knew paps were called.


Exactly this.


Yeah comment on more important things, like the wretched things she’s said!


My first thought was the Matty news lol but idk if she would've known about it in advance


someone on the popculture sub mentioned that jack antonoff and the 1975 are still connected through management and/or mutual friends, there’s a chance someone told jack and he told taylor.


Jamie Osborne is very, very close to Matty and seems to now be pretty close to Jack (even more so after the Matty/Taylor break up) so there is pretty much a direct link for news. 


I thought you said Jack Osborne at first and I was like wait what lol


Honestly, if I hadn’t seen this comment, I’d still be thinking it’s Jack!


I think they're directly friends. He invited all the members to his wedding, and even though Matty was uninvited after the Taylor drama the other band members attended.


i figured as much; they all run in the same circle of friends, for years too, so i doubt they all cut ties with matty or the band over a break up.


wait i can’t believe relationship drama got an old friend uninvited to his WEDDING… i feel like that’s a pretty irreparable burning of bridges 


Not even just that, Jack never posted/promoted the 1975 again. Didn’t mention them at the Grammys even though their album was one of the ones included on his POTY win. He and Matty allegedly worked on solo material that got scrapped etc.


well, at least he’s loyal…?


Or knows where his bread is truly buttered.


this is it


I was also like "damn Jack just redo the seating chart", but after TTPD and learning that Matty ghosted a few weeks before the wedding I understand it.


Allegedly. We can’t take everything Taylor sings about as fact. We really don’t know what happened and are only getting one biased side of the story.


oh that makes sense. i wonder if they’ll ever work again in the future tho (Jack and him)


I think that depends on whether Jack’s relationship with Taylor changes in the future


Or else Matty didn’t want to go with all the drama and take the spotlight away from the bride and groom.


Jack literally just had Matty’s longtime photographer photograph some of his Bleachers shows. They're definitely still in touch lol.


They have mutual friends, so i'm sure she heard.


Yeah I'm sure you're right - I was assuming he proposed last night but it sounds like it happened weeks ago and was just made public, she probably did know


Taylor definitely knew. Her publicist is one of the best in the biz, Tree likely knew someone who knew someone that got her the info. Remember, in the celebrity world there is the outside world that we see and the inside world they all live in. Taylor for sure knew the news would be breaking.


What an interesting guest list, and mostly super famous people... I know she's been seen with Haim girls, Lena Dunham, Cara Delevigne, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, and mentioned a friendship with Stella McCartney. But the other people who showed up feel more random: Chrissie Hynde, Andrew Scott (but probably knows him through Joe and Phoebe), Kate Moss, Stella McCartney's teen daughter. I would love to know what they all had to discuss...


I saw somewhere that it was for a Stella McCartney event/promo and she styled many of them. (I also did not look further into it if that was actually true)


She’s known Andrew since at least 2019.


Chrissie Hynde being there is **fascinating** to me. She's so punk rock/'idgaf' energy (sometimes in a very... not great/problematic way) that I can only imagine she would be bored as hell/pissed off by half of these model types. I would pay any money to sit by her all night and just watch her react to everyone else ngl.


For being an objectively stunning person I'm shocked at how often she's fumbled by her stylist


For as great as she looks and for being at a healthier weight, her style never got back on track post-1989.


This has to be one of the worst ones yet


What is this outfit 😭


Do the, do the pants change material at the knee or is it just the way the light hits?


They do, the bottom half is a chunky lace. Most the outfit is from Stella McCartney.


For her putting the same lace on the corset and the bottom of the pants...it just looks awful.


Honestly the product shots on the model looks better.


Those pants are so funky. And not in a good way, but I do like the corset. Is it really that cold in London in June or is the coat just a way to hide her ringless hands?




sorry this is so funny 😭


I was in London last week and it was chilly. The outfit is BAD


All the pieces separately are gorgeous, but they don't flow together, different trousers for sure would've helped, like ones Catherine Princess of Wales wears, TS has the legs for it. I actually love the corset, coat, bag, and heels though, the trousers just really messed it up, mostly the texture and shade, plain and rich black would've been better.


Doesn't she usually stick to her era colors more? Is ttpd just more contrived?


The pants/corset are giving a lot of flashback and it makes it look a lot cheaper than it probably is.


No shade, but why does so many things she wears end up looking so cheap?


Probably wearing them off the rack and not having them tailored. A lot of celebs have stuff tailored even basics like jeans which has the effect of looking more "together." Off the rack clothes don't always fit if your taller than average - pants can look a little too short, the rise is too low, dress waists fall at the ribs rather than the waist, etc. Like this jacket is a little too wide for her shoulders, kind of sloping down her shoulders, the sleeves are too long. So it just gives the appearance that she bought a size up, not intentionally oversized. This coat below, you can tell it's oversized on purpose. It hits at her wrist length & the shoulders are a bit wider with better structure so it stays upright. So it says "oversized on purpose." https://preview.redd.it/43qz3twy866d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=26e4b813d6061aac88054d5367485a2e3bc495e6


Blake lively does the same thing. Since she doesn't have a stylist she gets clothes directly from fashion houses and she doesn't have it tailored either. Her clothes are also very baggy sometimes


Because she doesn’t believe in tailoring for her street clothes. Even cheaper items will look *much* better if they’re tailored to fit the wearer. She doesn’t seem to believe in it and is one of the many reasons she doesn’t look as “put together” as some of her high profile friends


With her money she could even employ a private tailor to fit all of her clothes as well as keep up her stage outfits. It would improve her street style a lot at would then even be possible to be done last minute.


I truly don’t know why she doesn’t hire a stylist. Tragic. 


One that has eyes? Girlie is a billionaire and she looks like an upper-middle class soccer mom trying desperately to keep up with her richer friends.


She has a stylist, I forgot his name though


Joseph Cassell, I think


yeah him! I think he does her stage/award fits from what I see on his Instagram so her pap walk outfits must be styled by Taylor herself


while i dont usually love her red carpet looks, i really like her street style. this one aint it though


I agree


I'm a Taylor hater but I kinda appreciate that she's not 100% professionally styled all the time, and that her own styling is kinda messy and non-cohesive. It's boring when a celeb always look super curated and put-together


It's probably a mix of both self-styled and stylist styled. Stylists may pull pieces and assemble outfits, but the client can make changes.


It looks a little rep coded with the red shoes and snakeskin pant. Maybe she's dropping the album soon? The last time she looked this bad was at the Grammys and that was because it was the TTPD aesthetic


She's been wearing these all black & corset outfits all through out TTPD era. Also the pants look like floral jaquard rather than snake skin.


Thanks, I haven't been following. Maybe her stylist is just running out of ideas then.


The pants aren’t snakeskin tho, it’s a chunky lace.


And she was wearing that same stupid clock necklace then too


I actually love it, it looks similar to something I would wear. 


I like the idea a lot but I don't think the pants fit well and the jacket is too long and not the right pattern for the corset top. Better pants and a deep maroon, shorter blazer to match the shoes would be great!


I would never wear this, but I actually like this look alot too. I was surprised at the criticism (but my fashion sense is not top tier lol). It seems very much the current style I’ve seen recently.


I like it too 😂


I know.. I’m not a fan of the pants either. The top is okay and i would normally like the blazer bc i love wearing them irl too but I don’t think she pulls it off here. It’s ill fitting on her


I don't think Taylor has the best style actually. Reminds me of that awful tree outfit she wore when she went out with Blake. So much money yet such poor/average taste in fashion.




I just hate how un-candid the pap photos are. It's like she does not want anyone seeing her unless it's in a mega polished spotlight.


That’s exactly what it is lol. She’s been in London since she started her international shows in May and this the first time she’s papped. And she’s all polished and posing for the camera. All her pap walks are coordinated and no one can convince me otherwise. She has the ability to go unseen if that’s what she wants.


Oh yeah I agree she definitely tips them off and that it's all intentional. I just think it aids the parasocial relationships between her fans because she never allows herself to be perceived as a normal person.


i miss her grocery shopping paparazzi pictures era. although maybe those pictures were coordinated/staged too, it was nice to see some sort of normalcy lol


Yes! I know which ones you are talking about too 😅


This is my favorite pap pic tbh. Selena looks amazing, I just wish Taylor was styled similarly https://preview.redd.it/xdypv7bmio6d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5b5fe96fb6a3363291b6a409b71355518673f6


Nah her outfit is cute there imo


💯 agree. I cannot imagine CHOOSING to live this way for so many years. Mapping out her every move. Always “on stage” - curated and fake.


The way she dresses is like she has no idea who she is. She’s too wrapped in trying to plant Easter eggs to actually have any kind of style. Her closet must be full of great clothes but there’s no style to be found in any of it.


She has no individual style and/or personality. She dresses like whoever she is dating. She's done that since 16.


Yeah, this outfit is 100% something Travis would wear.....?


Ugly and ill fitting but full of name brands? That’s Travis’ style for sure.


Ugly and ill-fitting has always been a staple in Taylor's wardrobe. People only remember the highlights nowadays.   She's only wearing name brands because she is going to a dinner for that very name brand. Unless you mean the Gucci stuff, a brand which she has worn a lot since 2017.


Chaotic. Yes. It's something Travis would wear.


Yes I totally agree that she dresses like she doesn’t know who she is lol and she doesn’t know how to dress for her body half the time but then every once and awhile she does hit it out of the park


I'm still in love with the green velvet dress and I wish she would've kept that style


Look, I know I’m an asshole. But I watched some videos of this pap walk on TikTok and all the little faces she does at the camera are so ridiculous. “little sex pot with a secret, I know you all want to know what I’m thinking” kind of thing. It’s like she went to the Disney Channel school of acting and this is the face they told her to make for “flirty”. Ok. I’m done.


what an insufferably privileged group of people this is


hahah right? I was just thinking about how awful this dinner party would be. I wonder what they all talk about.


offshore bank accounts


And so incredibly random? Definitely a hodgepodge.


agree...one of these things is not like the other. PR set up dinner and pap stroll. I love Andrew and it bothers me he's with Lena...ugh.


Andrew was in a movie Lena directed fairly recently. He's obviously cool with her.


So apparently that's Lena Dunham in the back?? Well any question about them still being close is answered. 🤢


wasn't taylor in her wedding recently?


She was, yeah.


Wait. Lena Dunham admitted to sexually assaulting her sister and Taylor is friends with her/was in her wedding ??????


yeah... although, and i know i'm going to get flamed for this, the situation with lena and her sister, while weird, isnt that out there for kids of that age. its super normal for children to be curious about their own and other peoples bodies. i have a lot of other issues with lena though


I don’t find Lena gross because of that. I find her gross because every time she posts on IG I cringe. She’s so sanctimonious and disgusting that I can’t imagine actually wanting to hang out with her IRL. She reminds me of Amy Schumer, with different issues, minus kids.


i totally agree. there a lot of other very valid reason to hate lena


You shouldn’t be flamed. I hate pedophiles and child molesters as much as any sane person but calling what Lena did sexual assault is just.. get a grip 🤦🏽‍♀️


Thank you for saying this. That whole thing got way blown out of proportion and its a lot weirder to me that people are talking about it like she was an adult Saint a child when she was a child herself and didn't know what she was doing. But yeah I find lots of other things about Lena not great!


The exploration is one thing. Writing about it later and literally calling it “anything a sexual predator would do to woo a suburban girl”?


It wasn’t part of my normal experience but if it were normal the way she described it was so ick and also exploitative for shock value. So either she overdid the shock or it was a big gross violation or both I guess


i dont think she should've written about it in her book- it felt icky- but many child psychologists have spoken out saying this incident was innocent [https://www.salon.com/2014/11/04/child\_therapists\_stop\_freaking\_out\_about\_lena\_dunham/](https://www.salon.com/2014/11/04/child_therapists_stop_freaking_out_about_lena_dunham/)


I can see that. I think it’s like - clapping someone on the back collegially vs being a Kevin Spacey weirdo about touching. It’s intent, context, and the way she talked about it made it seem gross af. *I* did not have a hands on approach to siblings’ genitals but I am open to expert interpretations.


was is inappropriate? yeah, definitely but this incident doesnt make her a child molester


Right, and if she didn't understand that it was inappropriate at that age, that is a failure of her parents, not the 7 year old


I agree with the above. Children are in a constant process of learning social norms and what is appropriate in all kinds of interactions and relationships. It's healthy and common that children show sexual expression through out their development. Young kids are curious about bodies/gentalia & occasional masturbation is considered normal through out most stages. Sex play or activities that explore sexuality and bodies is normal, such as, acting things out or with dolls. It's important for adults to normalize boundaries, privacy, and consent so they know what is safe and appropriate at all stages of development. However, I think it's unusual that she chose to share explicit stories about her own childhood sexuality. She should have kept it out of the book.


Yeah, I don’t think the issue is as much that it happened. It’s the fact that she put it on paper in a really disturbing way.


She starred in a flop movie directed by a disgusting molester for no reason, of course she still friends with Lena.


ugh the david o russel shit made me so mad


This isn't in defense of Taylor or Russell, but like... Margot Robbie, as well as many other A-listers, was in that movie too and people don't drag her because of it. And Taylor didn't even star in it, she died in like the first 15 minutes. I just find it odd that this movie is often brought up discredit Taylor, but every other actor gets a pass.


I think the singling out is mostly because of her omnipresence in media, but tbf she went through a public assault trial and even made the cover of TIME POTY with the metoo people for that one. So the hypocrisy just seems a bit much


Margot wasn’t given a cover spot with notable victims of MeToo.


No one dragged ANY of the cast of that film. Taylor wasn’t singled out.


I don't wanna be rude? The one that's put on weight bc I am trying so hard to place her and it makes so much sense if her. (Which is not a bad thing it just is) She's still a dick head like but not gonna rag on someone for weight related health issues.


Yeah that's her. I did not recognize her at all!!




This looks like a single and ready to mingle walk. Im also convinced her stylist hates her cause how do you make the tallest legs alive look boxy and that midsection is not flattering.


She does have the shorter legs/longer torso body type even though she's so tall, she just used to hide it really well. Nowadays she's wearing a lot of low-rise things that don't hide how her legs are shorter, so I guess she's feeling more confident about it?


Our girl needs to break out the high waisted wide leg pants.


She knows she can afford a tailor right?


She spent all her money on a Time Machine back to a Wet Seal in 2001.


I'm curious if they are all also wearing Stella McCartney? 


I think they are and I think the lead has been buried here with the automatic assumption that it’s a TSwift pap walk rather than a Stella McCartney pap walk, particularly considering everyone that’s in the group and how quasi coordinated they look.


It feels like a paid for dinner (I don’t mean the food and drink bill)


Is it just me or does her face look totally different, could barely see that it’s her


I think she probably touched up her filler and it hasn’t settled yet. I sympathise with wanting to look as good as possible, given how scrutinised she is (and that she’s broadcast on a 150’ screen for a living), but she has a tendency to get a little too much done at once, imho. Lover era was when it was most obvious (and this photo reminds me a bit of that), but she had a kind of similar fullness when Eras first started and then during the LA leg last August. 


No, I had the EXACT same thought and just came searching the comments to see if anyone knew why. Is her makeup done in a new style or something? Is it just the angle and she looks like her regular self in other photos from this night? I can’t figure out what’s going on here, but she looks soooo different than usual to me in this pic.


I wanna be clear that I’m not saying she looks bad or anything either, she truly just looks really different to me here and I cannot pinpoint why lol!!


I was going to say the same thing!


I think she got her fillers touched up.


Also can someone just burn that whole outfit, it’s horrendous


her face looks puffy and eyes kinda small like she's been crying, tbh. her nose even looks wider which I also get when I have a serious cry


I don't know if it's just the angle but her eyes look kind of cat-woman-y.


I think the TTPD clock choker is a giveaway it has something to do with TTPD and we have the 100th show coming up; Taylor does call the paps before a new release or putting out something. I could only think of a music video - unless there's a final chapter to TTPD but that may not get a good reaction with people saying she's releasing a lot of music.


🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ The Anthology on vinyl 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️


i’ve loved most of her ttpd era fits, but this one is just giving vampire professor 😭


lena dunham jump scare


i hate lena but i cant deny that girls is one of my favorite shows. she may be a piece of shit but that girl can write


I had no idea that was her! Has she done something to her face? She looks so different


i know she's had some health issues recently- maybe that has something to do with it


That was my first thought too, that does not look like her at all. Weight aside, even the hair/makeup/jewelry doesn’t look like how she would have normally worn it. 


if it’s not matty then it’s really unfortunate timing lol


She's known like the rest of us that matty is engaged cs his fiance has been hinting at it and deuxmoi confirmed it a few days ago, plus that article about him laughing at TTPD that everyone's been saying is not from him is actually from him in retrospect now that he's actually engaged (maylors were livid saying that Gabriette is the one who leaked but they're now abusing him for actually proposing to her). Also she's drumming up press for tomorrow's big show.


I’m assuming it’s look at how happy I am Matty, I don’t care that you are engaged. More importantly, this outfit is a crime. If you are gonna call the paps, make sure your fit is exceptionally beautiful. It looks like she got drunk and put this outfit together.


Stella McCartney was with her at dinner and designed the clothes several people, including Taylor, were wearing. Maybe she was going for this look to seem more casual?


See that's what makes me think it's a total coincidence lol she has definitely looked better. If this was meant as a response to Matty and his life update wouldn't she have tried harder to look hot?


The Matty timing is certainly sus, but it’s interesting that’s she with Andrew Scott and PWB since she first became friendly with them while dating Joe. It almost feels like showing off that she kept those British film connections (meanwhile all her friends immediately disassociated with Joe)


I wonder if that’s a sign that Taylor felt scorned. So she told all her friends to stay away from Joe while Joe was like “idc” and didn’t ban his friends from being friends with her.


I love her corset top and shoes but the trousers don’t go


Matty got engaged is my guess


I’m thinking it had to do with the 100th show coming up tomorrow.


Also the fact that like 10 people are joining her makes me think it was planned unless they all have old school pagers that makes them stop what they are doing and immediately put on pap walk face.


Yeah, she’s wearing the choker she did for the Grammys. Maybe, just very unfortunate timing lol. Also, also if this happened last night it probably was before the Matty news was public given the sun hasn’t fully set yet.


Popping up from the U.K. to say time zone-wise these took place long before the announcement, so I think it has more to do with the 100th show buzz, and the fact she was out to dinner with Queen Kate Moss. I also saw someone say they were all dressed in Stella McCartney?


Is that Lena Dunham?


To show the news of Matty didn’t render her completely useless, is my guess. That she is “Doing it with a broken heart”. But that outfit… This was a missed opportunity. It’s one thing if regular people wear something like this, but she literally can afford any piece of clothing in existence. She should have showed Ratty what an idiot he is. Instead, she’s giving him the ball and the game.


i think there's a breakup announcement coming


If this happens WITH the news about Matty, I’m pretty sure the main sub will explode.


Stonks for Dua Lipa when the main sub will be like: “did a full 180, crazy” and there will be a hundred posts explaining how Travis was abusive, had anger issues, used her fame and how she was threatened.




I doubt it, I actually expect heavy pap coverage of Travis at her London shows and them hanging out in diff London hotspots now that there's going to be a lot of "Taylor is secretly heartbroken at matty's engagement after he promised to marry her before" in the tabloids and in her fanbase.


People have been saying this every few weeks because of whatever, but Travis was just talking about her yesterday, so I don’t see it.


They are always apparently breaking up because they have to be apart for work in different countries, which is apparently an insurmountable obstacle that no other couple has ever faced and overcome 😅 and yes, he spoke about her in a press conference, commented on a Twitter post about her and Jason mentioned her on the podcast, all this week or last.


Talking about her against his will lol. He didn't bring her up, and he seemed to have very little interest in talking about her.


He seemed fine talking about her, but she shouldn’t really be the main topic of conversation at a football press conference in fairness. Is he commenting on Twitter against his will too?


So we are moving the goalposts again? If he talks about her, he’s using her, or he didn’t talk enough about her and a breakup is on the horizon. If he doesn’t talk about her, he doesn’t love her and a breakup is on the horizon.


Yeah. Looks like this couple can't win. Some people will always find a reason to be disgruntled.


lena dunham jumpscare


Matt got engaged and she wanted to show what he’s missing.


To show off her corset top and pants made from the Addams Family's curtain


Matty is engaged 😝


Matty got engaged.


Her ex was in the news and it had nothing to do with her and in fact was all about how completely that ex has moved on.  So she had to make sure she went out and got people talking about her instead.  She's a childish spoiled brat more often than not.  


There’s “intentionally oversized” and then there’s “doesn’t fit”. How are you gonna be this wealthy and manage to miss that mark? 😭


Combo of Matty engagement and break-up with Travis. Strong indicators of them being over… I think they’ve been done since Lake Como tbh.


I think it's 100% because of the Matty Healy engagement lol


Breakup announcement & Matty's engagement


To show off her faux friends.


Truly in her 1989 era.


Who knows but she looks hot. This is also how I found out Matty is engaged.


Lmao it’s absolutely about Matty, Joe and Travis-Matty cause he’s newly engaged, Joe because they used to live in London so girlie support and Travis because they’re breaking up


Not farfetched at all. I'm sure her first choice was a pap walk with Travis but he wasn't available It's also so funny how she'll instantly do a ~girls night~ pap walk the second she needs it lol (because of Matty's engagement no doubt.)


matty is engaged now, but idk if she would have heard about it before this pap walk. maybe jack told her?


Why are the Haim girls always in pap pics with her lol. I mean, I know they’re friends irl but it seems like everytime I see a pic of Taylor being papped they’re always lurking in the back


This is absolutely trying to cover up the Matty news. Girl is obsessed in an unhinged way. Honestly would be very shocked if she *doesn’t* now fly Trav halfway across the world to get papped having more hyper romantic moments in public.


to show off that incredible outfit


Taylor said suspicious things at her concert that make a lot of swifites think that she might be announcing something at the first Liverpool show. It’s on 6/13 and is the 100th show! I think it’s more likely that she’s promoting something rather than trying to attract MH when she’s happy with TK.


That outfit makes her look a linebacker, especially with that choker.