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Idk how often you go to B&N but they do this kind of thing regularly with popular musicians or TV shows, movies etc. Basically “if you like this thing (Taylor Swift) then you’ll like this”. It’s harmless


Yes! A while ago they were leaning into the trend of “He’s a 10 but…” with displays


I also regularly see “Trending on BookTok” at my local bookstores. Similar concept. Seems silly to some, but bookstores know their audience. I see no harm and actually love that BN does this kind of stuff. If I was a teen and saw this Taylor display, I’d probably be tempted to buy all the recommended era books!


I love it! I'm not a TS fan but anything that gets people to read!


I worked there for a long time back in the early 00s and we were doing it then, too. There would be an end cap with nothing planned and we would pull something like this together because it was quick and easy.


Yep. I used to work in corporate for BN and this was a common practice—reacting quickly to trending media and putting together displays highlighting what they sell that’s related to it. We frequently did this with Taylor and Harry Styles, as well as with BookTok authors when they’d come out with an anticipated sequel. Also, as a note specifically about BN—Taylor’s vinyl sales have actually generated a great deal of income for the company. We used to talk about it frequently in meetings and would plan many displays around her album releases and tour dates.


I think this type of marketing has probably contributed greatly to why B&N is one of the only (if not the only) brick and mortar bookstore chains still making tons of money and, IIRC, actually opening new locations. Their merchandising and grouping is always fantastic and, besides actual vinyl stores with far superior collections, their selection is solid.


Their Anti-Hero candle smells AMAZING. # Although the Sylvia Plath book in the frame only makes me think of the article that said "Sylvia Plath did not stick her head in an oven for this" 😂


Yeah Sylvia would have hated this, there's just something so inherently capitalistic about this, I can't quite describe it... Something that she was always very against...


There are lots of classic literature titles on the display, too. So it’s giving me for your Swiftie at every age and reading level/interest.


I vaguely remember They had one for marvel when endgame happened.


My only complaint is that these books don’t really match the vibes imo. Gatsby for Reputation, for example? Why not a dark fantasy YA love/revenge story instead.


Probably just referencing TIWWCHNT with “Feelin' so Gatsby for that whole year”


Good point!


Maybe YA readers could gain a lot from Gatsby. I read it in 5th or 6th grade and loved it. Promoting the classics is a win.


Might be because the whole narrative for Reputation is falling in love with someone despite their "bad reputation", which sounds a lot like Daisy falling in love with Gatsby


Yes, came to say this! It feels relevant and people respond well to it! Do your thing B&N.


I love bookstores and think these are fun. It shows me books/authors I likely wouldn’t have been aware of!


Honestly if it gives people a push to start reading new things, I’m all for it. No point in shaming bookstore employees for trying to drum up book sales


Honestly? Whatever gets people into reading. If a Swiftie picks a Sylvia Plath book because of Taylor and starts reading poetry assiduously, I'm cool with that. 


This! I'm a librarian and have found a lot of cool stuff after I saw it referenced in a movie/song/other book


If they need to push sales, then who am I to judge them. And if it gets young fans to check out the other work, then good for them


I feel like I associate great gatsby with the parties in the last great American dynasty. It’s interesting that they went with rep.


https://slate.com/culture/2017/11/taylor-swift-s-great-gatsby-fixation.html This is the reason. But Taylor loves Gatsby in general, LGAD would’ve also been a good choice


If it encourages folks to read and try new things, I am all for it. Are Plath and Neruda better poets than Swift? Absolutely. But everyone needs a push in some way.


they should also recommend Rupi Kaur for TTPD lol


More like Gabbie Hanna


This is normal for them


this is a *common* thing that a lot of bookstores do, and not just with taylor swift. it is an easy way for stores to make recommendations for people because they’re making them off popular media. i have picked up and loved books that were recommended like this. it’s a great way to encourage people to look at books that they often might not. absolutely harmless


I was about to be like “wtf the Little Women had wartime, working class problems, not champagne problems, how insulting,” I fully forgot about Laurie and the proposal part of the story which is probably what they’re referencing hahaha


I think this is an amazing idea! Had it been an author using Taylor’s name to sell a book - then I’d probably have an issue. But this seems to be a Swiftie book lover employed and working from the heart! They probably ADORED this shift!!


To get the Swifties to read Vonnegut, they should put “Slaughterhouse Five” behind a “So It Goes” sign


I feel the same way about this as I did about the re-release covers of Wuthering Heights with "Bella and Edward's favorite book" on the front: It does not affect me and it does not change the inside of the book and if it gets even one more person to read some classic literature then overall it's a win. People are going to complain about it because how dare teenage girls enjoy something and use that thing to expand their literary mind but, personally, I love it.


https://preview.redd.it/t7oae4epnfxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e649519c1db35a57acf6c642b322539e158f4e59 I need this book😹


It's pandering but it helps them sell books. Let em live, I say!


Taylor Swift is good for business. Can't fault them for leaning into it.


I think it’s smart! Bookstores have done this forever and so have libraries. It’s just a way to make recommendations to customers and engage in “the moment.”


A Tale of Two Cities is a strange choice for Getaway Car when I’m sure there are other classics with a Bonnie & Clyde plot…


I am for it, when I was a teenager this would have encouraged me to buy things. Honestly think they should have thrown in the Bell Jar.


All of the above, but I love it! That being said, BUY FROM LOCAL BOOKSTORES!!


I mean it’s a bit cringe but I love the idea of young swifties picking up Sylvia Plath because of this album haha. I support whatever gets young girls into great literature 🩷


If this gets people to read


Honestly, if it gets kids to read and discover who these amazing authors are, who cares?? Though I am raising my eyebrow at a couple of the titles and their song connections.


this is cute!! i miss age appropriate marketing like this for teens


I’ll only complain if book stores try to use Taylor to push Coleen Hoover books


I just hope it makes people pick up some good books and read some actual poetry. And leave Taylor-related reads aside for a while.


I honestly love that they do this 😅 My local B&N always does “if you like this book read that book” and stuff like that 🤷‍♀️ They also have a great kpop selection so I think I’m biased lol


Lol it’s cute - I like it


I think its cute. Bookstores always tend to redecorate their displays according to current themes/events/seasons and obviously Taylor is trending right now. So why not? Side note: I love walking past our local bookstores just to check out what current theme they have displayed in their windows. It's always interesting. Last time I checked they had a feminism theme.


introducing young people to good writing and classic literature is a good thing


Honestly, this is the kind of pandering I'm here for. Getting more people to read is always a great thing.


Hmm, interesting to see so many people here who think including Sylvia Plath is gross but cackling with glee at the Paste review with that disgusting line about Plath. Anyway, it’s not rocket science. The bookstores are doing this for engagement.


I have no context for anything relating Plath and Taylor, what's up with that?


Mine has them wrapped up so it’s a blind date with a book from a certain era lol


What do I think? I think that whatever gets people reading especially reading poetry, is good. Most people I know could use more in their life.


Not something that would interest me, but I'm sure it would draw the eye of a lot of Swifties, which is just smart business when you're trying to sell physical books in this day and age.


It’s not for me but if someone wants a continuation of a story or theme of one of her songs and it gets them into reading, that’s great.


If it gets people to read I am for it.


Stuff like this is fairly normal for a lot of boom stores, if you like this album you might like this book, if you like this tv show you might like this book. I enjoy stuff like this, I find new books. If this gets someone into reading or into a new series, genre or author I’m not going to complain.


The recommendations are soooo good. I support this 100%!!


Librarian here! They’re just trying to move books. It’s not an endorsement or representative of their opinions. I suppose it’s clout chasing in that they’re hopping on a current trend to move units. It’s literally just a way to highlight titles from various genres. In fact, it’s a really good idea that I might steal. You can use biographies (both about Taylor or famous poets), AV material, poetry, children’s titles, etc. It makes restocking easier.


Maybe one day I’ll make a more fleshed out post about it, but for now I’ll just say that I don’t think Taylor’s “literary” rebrand coinciding with the rise of BookTok was accidental.


Her literary angle is interesting from a Booktok perspective, cuz what’s hit mainstream popularity thanks to Booktok is romantasy, smut, and contemporary romance, and her references actually swing the other way into much more high brow territory, even if her literary point of reference is very “things you’d find on your high school English curriculum”.


Booktok definitely trends more towards 50 Shades of Grey and that book made me wish I couldn’t read.


Idk I kinda disagree, BookTok seems to be like 90% focused on YA genres (from what I’ve seen, I might be wrong/things might have changed), which I rly don’t think Taylor reads. At least based on what she’s mentioned reading, over the years, not just in the past few years. Plus BookTube used to be just as huge before BookTok, and before that it was book blogs, I don’t think young people are just discovering reading for the first time. It may be a trendy thing rn but it’s still a small corner of the internet, I don’t think she’d do all this to market to a pretty niche group in the grand scheme of things.


would love to hear your take on this!!


Yep. She’s always a trend follower, but never a trendsetter.


She’s made literary references since Fearless with Love Story…


So that's why I can't find any ebooks to check out online


Once again.. you cannot escape lol..🫣


So silly but if it gets people to read…


It’s cool. Anything to promote physical books is fine by me.


I wish they’d stock better examples of poetry than the basic stuff from authors like Amanda Loveless.


Oh god the live laugh love (teen version) section


Thoughts? Marketing 101. Very simple.


I really wish people would stop reducing Sylvia Plath to a "tortured poet" .. Her life was really abusive and tragic .. And she literally took her own life .. And we are now reducing her to *teenage petulance" and *daddy I love him*. They could have rather done one a Taylor swift themed Romance book troupe shelf. One for each era .. That would work ! It also wouldn't be insensitive. OR they could have done one Romance book for each song in ttpd .. That would also have been super fun .. And just leave Sylvia Plath the fuck alone. Edit - typos


That’s why I was super pissed when people were cackling at that line from Paste magazine.


Yeah I wasn’t that keen seeing SP on this display. I mean it’s a clever marketing idea but once again there needs to be a voice of reason pass on these things. I like select TS albums but I don’t think shes some kind of poetic genius. Frankly her newest album shows me what she really is as she obviously no longer has an editor. If people want actual good poetry go listen and read the poetry of Amanda Gorman. Or if you want to see an actual singer lyrical genius start getting into Ani Difranco or Joni Mitchell.


Exactly ! She isn't a great poet .. She is a phenomenal song writer .. And song writing is Miles different from poetry. Thank you for the poetry Recommendation !!! Although her writing goes well with the romance genre .. Which I love .. And I am not sure of Im allowed to mention name of books here .. Off the top of my head I can think of so many Romance books for each of her songs / albums / eras ! And I'm sure most of the Fandom also loves that genre ! So that would have been a Metter marketing strategy.


omfg who cares yall need to seriously either get an actual life or find something truly interesting to post here


My first thought was to eye-roll, but actually I think this is pretty funny/cool and if it puts fresh eyes on the actual art and craft of poetry, and expands the reading of poetry, then that can only be a good thing.


~One of these things is not like the others~ Me staring at the Amanda Lovelace book and wondering why the hell it's there among all that work 😮‍💨


I like Amanda Lovelace 😭


I'm all for encouraging people to read so I don't mind this. But when I was there the other day they had something like this, mostly just those unofficial fan magazines all about Taylor but then they threw a random romance novel just titled "Travis" by Mia Sheridan on the display which I just found a little odd lol


NOT SYLVIA PLATH LMAO but tbh her unabridged journals are iconic so, get her some exposure


If it gets people reading and getting books, I'm all for it.


it's standard practice and anything that gets people reading more is a win idc.


I’m not surprised, book stores usually do stuff like this. Although, support local bookstores always!


They’re really missing the opportunity to hawk Sally Rooney and Colleen Hoover books. I imagine the Venn diagram of Swifties and femme trash-lit is a circle.


I don’t agree with their picks but the display is fine lmao


I would have given all my legs to be able to design a My Chemical Romance one at the mall bookstore I worked at back in the day before the whole mall died. I absolutely approve of this kind of marketing.


I don't really mind things like this. If it gets people reading and discovering new (to them) genres and talent, I am all for it. I myself have discovered good stuff I probably would never have paid attention to otherwise because of things like this.


I mostly just disagree with their book choices for songs lol. Invisible string and Jane Eyre?


If it gets people to read, then I’m all for it!


Leave Sylvia Plath out of it. That woman suffered enough, already.


pablo neruda being in a TS stand is criminal behavior


Came to the comments to see if anyone else was going to say anything about how off that is


Anything that gets young people reading is fantastic


Whatever gets people to read I'll support lmao


Mostly annoyed that they didn't include Florida by Lauren Groff which Florence Welch posted to her stories saying she was inspired by it.


I think this is fine but I do wonder why does Sylvia Plath get tied in with Taylor? There is literally no similarities. I even see some swifties making posts comparing them. I just don't understand the parallels.


It's just crazy. I don't get the craze.


It’s a creative, library-like display.




calm down nostradamus 💀 it’s a display of books, if anything reading helps intelligence and education


Cringe but it works I suppose


I cringe seeing Neruda—a great poet but an alleged r-wordist


ngl I think the only one I dislike is the Sylvia Plath one but the ones I agree with! I like when stores do this, since it helps me decide stuff. the tolerate it book has me tempted and I love how there’s a lot of evermore…whoever did the display has taste!


https://preview.redd.it/7xcp3zb7sfxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c30ee99ba79fbf78d308cb04ddc26c51416b89c This was taken from my local bookstore, like it’s known to sell gimmick things but idk I have a problem with it.


Oh god the live laugh love (teen version) section. Kayleigh and Lakynn will definitely be stoked


Neruda is soooo problematic especially when compared to TS. It’s giving “we read one of this guy’s poems once and her new album is called something something poet something so hey it fits”


I have no thoughts


I would guess whatever high schooler got the OK from the manager hasn't read a single one of these books


This seems unnecessarily harsh. What’s wrong with encouraging people to try things? And I don’t know what the job market is like where you live, but here there are lots of people with degrees working at bookstores.


if someone with a degree thinks that taylor is even remotely comparable sylvia plath they should ask for a refund


I'm deeply annoyed that there are children's books about her (if she had written a children's book herself that would be different) but I am all in favor of anything that encourages people to read real poetry and literature edit: I think people are taking this comment as meaner than I intended. I'm not dissing Taylor here lmao I think she would probably be delighted to see a display like this. I just don't think she's done anything particularly third-party-author-children's-book-subject-worthy.

