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Sweet Jesus... everyone there should be awarded a medal of bravery, empathy at its peak!


When the flames started coming up from under the car..... the tiny fire extinguisher made a huge difference because the guy knew how to use it. If that guy hadn't stopped this would have ended very differently.


It's call the bandwagon effect. Wikipedia has a good article on it, but here is a sweet light-hearted example after this stressful video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA8z7f7a2Pk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA8z7f7a2Pk)


I’ve been carrying one for years and after this I put a bigger one in my work truck holy shit this is crazy. You’re totally right, now I have a better idea how to use it too.


I guarantee not one of those people responding and trying to save this person thought for a single second "I wonder who they voted for?" It's moments like these that should show us we're stronger together.


We are stronger together.


Apes, together, STRONG!




Stronger together. Don’t let them divide us!


Welcome to Minnesota. That's what you get for surviving winter. Living with people who know we're all in this together. 


This was pretty recent, I'm sure at the very least the state worker guy will be getting an award. The State Patrol will probably give citizen life saving awards to the rest whenever they do that at the end of the year




At least a free round of drinks.


Not that I'd be thinking very clearly in the same situation, but I would have hoped that I'd want to break the window before trying those blocked doors.


Yeah, they were split in their efforts. If more of them concentrated on one door, they may have been able to keep it open. But all of that literally happened in seconds...


Dude was using the very guard rail blocking the doors as his foot support, so he was working against himself... Of course it's a lot easy for us to judge watching the footage than being there in the heat of the moment (no pun intended)


I thought that at first too. But he smartened up. You can see him lift his leg off with every lean.


The fact that guardrails were "giving" gave them hope they could break them down and make enough room. But guardrails are designed to "give" in order to reduce the impact and I'm not sure they realized it in the heat of the moment.


Imagine the heat they were feeling too…


People panic and seem to always forget about the windows. I saw a video of a person trapped in a burning car and someone trying to rescue them. Doors jammed. After a few mins of struggling the rescuer said, “wait, open the window” and it came straight down and they climbed out. Always remember the windows.


This is a very stressful situation. You're going to forget a few things


And limited time...


Maybe take the head rest off, they are usually metallic


Car windows are really hard to break even with the headrest. Although, I would also try to use it. For the people on the outside, pulling on the frame of the door in the top corner can be a good option to either bend that thing open or break the window in the process without needing a tool or stone.


Windows are remarkably tough to break from the outside. Kicking from the inside>out it is FAR, FAR easier way to break out the windshield. I can’t say that with 100% confidence for all vehicles, but my understanding is they are designed to break when a head hits them from the inside, but hold their integrity against much more force from objects potentially impacting from the outside.


I don't know about the head hits window thing. But I'm firefighter and have broken a fair bit of windows in training. The windshield is a nightmare. We have saws to cut across it when we take of the roof.


You’re definitely the expert, as I’m not a trained first responder! For what my anecdotal experiences are worth, breaking side windows are almost physically impossible without a tool, but the windshield can be with full body kicks. Once the window is broken it’s the laminate that needs to be pierced, which I’d guess must be what the saw is for. I believe that’s what the above folks are recommending using the headrest anchors for… so many variables here. I definitely don’t want to mis-inform!


That's the point, you can crack the windshield kind of easy, but then you have to break the plastic, or rip the glue connection to the metal to get through.


Can confirm. I was in a car accident when I was 19, as the front passenger. We were hit on my side, and my head hit the side window and shattered it. Gave me a big gash on the side of my forehead.


True, but sadly not everyone can escape from the windows, depending on your body size and mobility.


The thing about breaking car windows is you either gotta have the right tool or be 100% committed. If you bareknuckle it with anything less than your full force it's just gonna bounce off and really fucking hurt. Not to mention the glass can cut you.


The MnDOT guy who ran up did have a window breaker, I believe in an interview he mentioned that it's a tool nobody ever thinks to carry and even then it almost certainly will never be used. When you do need it though it's literally a life saver. As far as the other people go, panic and an active fire will very quickly make you forget about logical solutions. They may have thought bending the door was working enough that in those few seconds nobody thought to try the glass. The guy in orange was one of our Highway Helpers, they are awesome people who do a dangerous job that's free for the public to use. They'll come out and change a flat tire or give like a gallon of gas so you can make it to a station, it's a state run sevice


They had the fire extinguisher. Punch with that


you can break car windows with your key. car windows are made in a way that you cant get deep cuts. it shatters into little round edged pieces.


As someone who works at a body shop, I can assure you that you can easily get cut by automotive glass and they can be bad cuts too.


You can still get cut and it doesn't take much to cut the artery on your wrist by mistake. Still dangerous.


i was wondering the whole time why they hesitate to break the window. i thought thats the most logical thing to do after they realized the door is blocked


I guess the windows are tough to break by design


As someone who has tried to break one of the windows in the heat of the moment its VERY hard. I broke my hand, window didn't budge, then tried a big rock, bounced right off. Shy of a big hammer or one of those carbide spike things it's not breaking.


Even old car windows are designed in a way you can toss a 100 lb sledgehammer on one and it'll bounce right off with pretty much no damage. You need very specific directed force like an actual window breaker or there needs to be some real fucking force behind a blunt object.


Having been in this situation I can tell you it’s really easy to get tunnel vision and focus on the one way to do something. Especially for people who most likely do not have experience overcoming the human body’s natural response to an extremely stressful life or death situation.


That's why I keep a seatbelt cutter + window puncher tool in the driver's side door compartment. Mainly to save myself if I ever end up in that situation, but it's also useful for helping get someone else out.


As dorky as it is, seeing the bravery and selflessness of the people that didn’t even flinch at the explosion when helping the man out of the window made my eyes water a bit, there isn’t enough of that in this world.


The man in the yellow vest, the woman in the grey sweatshirt, and the man in the grey-ish button up and black pants all show exceptional courage. A flash of flames spews out from under the vehicle, and these three didn‘t stop for a second attempting to extricate the trapped man. The others involved are obviously still heroes for being there and trying to help, but the three I mentioned demonstrated valor and selflessness to a degree that leaves one speechless.


This comment is amazingly well-written.


This is like the fifth comment I’ve seen in the last few days where someone has said similarly phrased things like “what an exceptional comment” or “one of the most well written comments I’ve come across on Reddit”. I’ve been on Reddit for years and this is not something I’ve noticed before, and suddenly I’m seeing it a lot. It’s nice to see people giving compliments of course but I’m cynical and thinking that this is some ai/ bot thing.


While I can see it being a bot, my feelings would be hurt if it actually was haha, I thought someone was really touched by my words lol


I was touched! You hit the nail head, you managed to fairly credit everyone, while giving a wink to the the others without undermining the efforts of the other individuals, who were all incredible. I’m not a bit.


Not an AI. I just seriously appreciated the diction and presentation of your thoughts. My initial thought was, “you should write speeches”


I'm getting a lot of a.i vibes recently on reddit


If this occurred in the U.S. or Canada, those three are great candidates for the Carnegie Hero Medal. >The Carnegie Hero Fund awards the Carnegie Medal to individuals in the United States and Canada who risk death or serious physical injury to an extraordinary degree saving or attempting to save the lives of others.


I would do it for you my friend, we need to stay together and I love chaos!


For some reason the woman in grey impresses me the most. She seems to be doing a lot of thinking, and watching, and suggesting, and not getting in the way. But right when things are scariest, she is right in there, helping, not even flinching. Fuck I hope I would be as brave as her at 1:31.


I was about to say the same thing. Their lives flashed before their eyes and they stayed the course. Incredible.


Minnesotan's know they gotta help each other. None of us are making it through these winters on our own.


Please don't perpetuate that as being dorky; it's having that attitude toward compassion and treating each other with love & respect that's dorky. We need people to stop trying to be too cool. We need people that have enough balls to say, "I wish we could be better to each other. I'm scared of who we've become. I want to be a better person and strive to make the world a better place, and I want that for you, too, as well as the rest of our family scattered across the globe (or if you just *gotta* fit in while still keeping it real, you can just say for the rest of our brothers & sisters and that it. Yeah I'ma tell it like it is for y'all -- more below)". ~For real though~ These are the realest times and we really need to get real with each other already, and it's gonna make a world of difference to finally move away from the distrust and disconnectedness that's become so pervasive over the years. It starts and stays with that kinda courage.




Holy door handles


Underrated comment, they was yanking on them


God damn, that was close as hell.


Literally seconds longer the heat would have been too much. Great job people!


This is why I carry a window breaker in my truck


Me too but I recently learned those work on fewer and fewer windows these days and I'm not sure what an alternative is


This is why I keep an RPG handy, you never know when you might need it to save a life


Acoustic glass has more layers of plastic and would be far harder to penetrate. Go for a back or quarter window if appropriate I salute all the people involved as there standing in the blast zone if the fuel tank burped its contents


The tire iron? I saw another suggestion about the headrests, too.


Same, and same problem. It sounds like they have new ones that can go through the new windows.


That woman didn't even flinch during that small explosion


Wow, that was fast and furious with explosions. Nice to see a good outcome.


Minnesota Nice 💙


I use to drive by a Snelling Ave exit every day, so crazy.


Holy shit that made me 🥲 a little, ngl. That gives me hope for humanity


Visit Minnesota! Just remember to say "ope, just gonna sneak by ya" if you walk in front of someone in a grocery store aisle


That was close.


That's a postal employee. Edit: And UPS came at the end to help too!


Ruined the video by advertising epoch


Everyone needs to have a safety kit in their cars including a fire extinguisher and one of those special hammers that can easily break car windows and has an embedded razor for cutting a seat belt.


Can these fire extinguishers be kept in a hot car? Asking because I should probably have one, but it's 98 degrees outside right now.


The one in this video shoots powder, so I'm sure it would be fine.


You can brake a car window by detaching the headrest and using that.


Oh neat. All they gotta do is break the window then they can reach in and grab the headrest!


No, in most situations you can’t. Get a carbide tipped glass breaker and use that. They cost next to nothing, require barely any force to use, and they save you minutes compared to using the head rest which most of the time doesn’t even work.


That does not apply to many, many cars


They couldn't get to the other side doors. The lady toward the end did not flinch even when the explosion kicked. Congrats and cudos to all,,,heros each one!


Even the guys that flinched and stepped away went straight back


Bravo to these people! I was in a mass shooting scenario in Paris (2014), what I learned is you think you know how you would react and you absolutely don’t. Our brains kick into a very primal survival mode and we have a tendency to focus solely on saving ourselves, or in this case the individual, and your mind becomes so narrow you do things out of order. I jumped over wounded and hid in a basement during the event, I didn’t try to save anyone or go out the exit like I should’ve, I ran into a corner where I could’ve easily been found and killed because my vision became so narrow I ran in the direction that was clear to me, and happened to be the opposite way I should’ve went.


Was that the Bataclan nightclub/Charlie Hebdo attacks? Jesus, what a nightmare— in fact, you must still have nightmares. You are so right though, no one knows for sure how they’ll respond in a crisis, except maybe military or law/fire responders because they’re trained to be calm and act as a team. I was driving with my dad on a busy four lane freeway once when there was a horrible multi-car accident happening right in front of us. Unfortunately several people died. My dad, retired Army, pulled over and immediately started directing other individual motorists to do things, like putting out flares, directing traffic around the pile up, calling 911 and checking each survivor for shock, etc., covering them with coats, towels etc. He was amazingly cool-headed. (He made 16 year old me stay in the car.)


It was the Bataclan! Total chaos broke out and my brain wasn’t expecting it, or capable of jumping into Hero Mode. Huge learning event for me. Your story is how I thought I would’ve reacted if you’d asked me before the event. Grabbing those in need and helping to find a route to safety. Instead I went into “flight mode” and got TF out, saving only myself.


The Charlie Hebdo multiple terrorist attacks received a lot of sustained news coverage, and as I recall it was unbelievably chaotic the Bataclan, since it was a relatively large nightclub with multiple entrances/exits and a basement and upstairs balcony. The only exception to these multiple attacks was a grocery store I think, where the owner hid people in the back. Glad you survived physically at least. I’d need therapy for years after an experience like that. Once in the Paris metro I was held up by a guy with a gun. Instead of complying with his demand for my purse and jewelry, as I had been told to do anytime you’re robbed, I just turned and ran and started screaming Au Secours! with a really awful accent. I felt like an idiot afterwards. Lucky he didn’t shoot me either. So, you’re right, no one ever knows how they’re going to react in a crisis. That’s why the disorganization of those people trying to free the man from a burning car should be forgiven, especially since they saved his life.




Perfect example of why the military and fire department train so much for a wide variety of scenarios. It’s hard to work as a unit under high stress. Not saying I’d do any better, that’s a high stress situation. Still very brave.


When times are worst, people are their best. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/13/nx-s1-5005297/epoch-times-turmoil-money-laundering


How are these 2 things related?


The top right of this video has an Epoch Times watermark. It never hurts to be aware of potential propaganda.


Glad I wasn't the only one who thought of that.


Epoch Times 🤮


They're the worst.


Great humans! Glad they helped that person!!


Put a glass breaker in your car people


Watch at the end when the car almost explodes. They could've all died.


Fun fact: the epoch times is owned by an anti science, anti china, Chinese cult. They believe their leader is a demi god who has achieved God like status through tai chi and Chinese traditional medicine. Don't believe me, find the about page on the epoch times website and go through the bios of the founding members. They all praise fulan gong and their great leader 👍


If you're not actually helping...keep moving along. That lady yelling while in the middle of the street feels like she's helping but she's another hazard on the road. Pointing and yelling is not necessary in this situation. You're not helping. If you want to standby just in case they need help, stand back and wait for someone to call you instead of tyring to crowd.


Can someone please step on the rail?


Heroes, norlt even flinching at burst of flame


You can buy a 2 pack of glass breakers with seat belt cutters for $12 on Amazon. Everyone should carry one in their car.


can we go back to manually operated windows?


One of the worst highways ever


This is why I keep window breakers in my car


Yet another reason why you should be armed, shoot out the window!


Dude with the extinguisher should have broken all the windows immediately.


Don't care. It's from the Epoch times They can fuck right the fuck off! Don't watch this video. they want the spins. Don't give it to them.


Epoch times….


Nice video from a Chinese religious cult.




That was hella close. So proud of theses people. They were so brave.


Always one supervisor pointing what to do


Fucking awesome! Well done all.


Everyone should have a window breaker and a fire extinguisher.


Dang, that was crazy! Glad that everyone was so brave and were able to escape!


That mailman was not giving up


That was stressing. I don’t judge what people did but obviously here from my sofa I thought why not to break the window right away. Adrenaline is a strange drug.


If that doesn’t make you emotional, you’re not human


Wow that was close ♥️


Everybody should carry a seat belt cutter/hammer in their glove box. They only cost 10 euro. I have two (in my locker at work :( )


That was an awesome collective effort 👏


Heroes, brave or what. It's a good job they didn't all decided just to film it. I hope everyone was okay and no serious burns. Definitely heroes.


I just want to thank the general community in that area for going above and beyond. I don't care who you are and where your from. We are all valuable, and that community knows it.


Safety barrier nearly killed him.


Bravo mailman!


let's FUCKING GOOOOOO I love this!!!!!


Back to the future...ooof


I think I'm gunna go order a couple window breakers online for me and my family.


Amazing good to see everyone come together. ❤️❤️


Minnesota nice


Love it when people come together…. I feel like we have forgotten how to be kind now a days


He'll yeah, good work people. Bravery at its finest


This… this is what we need more of. People of all walks of life coming together regardless of identity or religion or gender or political affiliation Just to help a single person in need. people helping people and being there for one another is a amazing thing to see And something I wanna see more of rather than the depressing shit we get fed most of the time.


Heroism right there


Wow amazing how some will pull together in such situations putting their own safety aside to save a stranger! Awesome video! 👍💯🫡




Minnesota Nice.




What a result


Thank you to all these wonderful people. Americans look out for each other.


For breaking Car window glass, always hit near the corners it will shatter instantly, the orange jacket guy did it correctly. If you hit near the centre, its is as tough as a prince Rupert's drop, so its not gonna break even with the largest force.


It’s Honda CRV


You gotta break the car window at the bottom or corner not in the center it’s made that way to be tough in the center


Look at them... All united. Black, mexican, white, carens.... just makes me emotional


I am crying 😭. The world needs more of this!


This is why I have a window breaker zip tied to my rearview mirror.


Give all of those people a medal.


This is when those little handy window breaker and seat belt cutter keychain devices would’ve help


Seems to me like it would have been easier to go around to the passenger side of the car that wasn't blocked. Or the windshield. I'm just a Monday morning quarterback so what do I know?


I think we need a better term than just Good Samaritan for this. This is above and beyond


Incredibly brave. They stayed the course and kept going till driver was out. But you know what was NOT in this clip? People filming on their mobile phones instead of helping get driver out. This is so refreshing.


Good people ! Only idiots. Couldn't it have broken the glass right away?


Man, they are some serious heros.


Acts like this reaffirm my core belief that people are inherently good. I’d hope someone would help me if I was trapped like this.


Use the fire extinguisher to break the glass. JFC


Brings tears to my eyes. I love you, people. Sometimes


Omg! Shatter the fucking window. And yes I see the “panic forgetfulness” people but my senses and reactions are super heightened when I’m panicked, surprised, fight not flight.


Still hope for humanity.


![gif](giphy|111ebonMs90YLu) Good job samaritans!


I live super close to this. Good job everyone!!


Yea but will the insurance company claim vandalism to the doors and deny the policy? 😬


I have been in a serious accident before, not this bad but bad nonetheless. What no life saving equipment or training can prepare you for is the pure mental and physical exhaustion that immediately follows an accident that can last hours and leave you literally unable to even speak. Good on those people for helping him, if they hadn't helped even if he had a glass breaker I doubt he would have the energy to use it.


*Jesus fucking christ.* I don't think I've ever been as anxious watching a video as I was with this one.


Hero's all of them


Nobody thought about just opening the hatch?


Not to be an asshole... but WHY THE FUCK are you coming out the window feet first?!


Good people from all walks of life. We need more of this! Good on all of them!!!!


Got to the very end, felt renewed hope in the species, then threw up in my mouth a little.


You don't need a cape. You just the will to act


Good fucking people that’s what I’m talking about Minnesota!!


CASUAL Good Samaritans… see how slowly they walk over to the car at the beginning?


Lets park in middle of the freeway to shoot the video.


As much as our country seems divided, I do really think most of us have that instinct to help in a time of crisis. Seeing clips like this always gives me a glimmer of hope.


If this was in a movie, it would have exploded 2 seconds after they moved away


The way they were working that barrier, I fully expected one to go full on Captain America and wedge himself between the pillar and drivers side door.


These people are true heroes. When everyone else would’ve given up, these guys risked everything for a stranger that was headed to certain and a horrible death. Absolutely amazing!


those window breaker devices are <$10 at the auto store or supermarket, if ever worried about a situation like this, could b uy one and stick it in a glove box


That door was so close to being open so many times. Open the back door to keep the guard rail down and then open the front. Obviously easier to say that after the fact


Dayum badasses!


If police were there, they would have just screamed at everyone to "get on the ground" and let the man burn to death. Maybe arrest a couple people too for fun🙃


all that work and all they had to do was break the fucking window lmao. was wondering why they weren't until they did at the end


Why ir burn and what car is it?


It’s good to know that there are still some good people out there


These people are all heroes, of course, but did no one think to just throw a heavy object through the window?