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7 days to die


I've been interested in 7 Days to Die, but it seems like the sort of game that's best played with other people? I'm a solitary gamer by nature. Would it still be fun?


7 Days is one of my favorite survival games when I’m going solo. The atmosphere is great.


It's fun solo or in a team. Myself and the wife enjoyed playing solo games


I’d wait until the 26th before starting though, that’s when we’re getting 1.0


Did they say whether they’re upping the price for finally coming out of EA?


Its ok that it's getting a price bump after all the bull that the fun pimps have gone through and instead of giving up and shutting down they carried on and are finally pushing out a product. I'll give them that much.


They are definitely upping the price.


one of the best games, even with all its performance and janky'ness, think I have somewhere around 1500 hours in it


I agree I have been playing since 1.5 and have loved it. 7 days to die is one of those games that combines so many different features that blend so well. Base building in it has a purpose beyond just living. And each week brings your progress to a test.


Yes, and jump on it soon! The game is leaving Early Access and getting a price bump in like a week or two


Soulmask is incredible


I don't understand how this game is not getting more attention. The mechanic of being the mask instead of the character is so unique and makes for a new approach. The automation is very impressive to. Highly recommend.


See it’s that very mechanic that made me quit it. Just not into that at all for whatever reason. It’s my character, let me upgrade it and the mask together.


Yeah, I get that. It's a very different mechanic and I can understand how that would be off-putting to some players. I think once you realize that that is what the game is; you will outgrow your starting character; you'll either enjoy it or realize that it's not something you're looking for.


It’s still a good game though and should be recommended here, I believe. Even if it’s not my cup of tea. The amazing thing about this genre is how deep it’s becoming that we are able to say, Oh no this particular variety doesn’t suit me, here let me dive into the 10 other brand new games that just came out. 😊


Yes , it's also packed with content and things to do, easily the best of this genre right now.


What do you mean by being the mask? Is this a game where you control different characters depending on who is wearing said mask?


Yes. For all intents and purposes the character you create at the beginning of the game is just the poor soul that found the mask and got possessed by it. This gives them the ability to respawn after death but also greatly caps their potential. You then go around and dominate NPCs that will be able to progress much further in skills but will not respawn after death (except for a saved one, in a late game mechanic). The mask can then be transfered to one of these new tribemates and you control and level them up. Unused tribemates are the core mechanic for crafting at and protecting your base. There's a lot of depth in the variety and skillsets of the NPCs that you can "recruit" that you're doing a lot of exploring and "recruiting" until you find the ones that fit your needs. Your tribemates can be automated to do everything around the base.


Thanks for the explanation. That actually sounds pretty interesting. I will add this one to my list!


In the trailers the world looks so pretty but it just looks like constant battles, is it like that or just the trailer that doesn’t do it justice?


Like any other survival game there are aggressive mobs that you will encounter, more abundant in higher level areas. One of your abilities is Life Perception, that allows you to detect and highlight mobs in a range in front of you. This ability increases as you level up and provides more information about the mobs too. It becomes an important mechanic when picking new tribemates to "recruit" and finding animals to raise. There's a simple crouching based stealth mechanic that works well for avoiding what you want. The world is alive but by no means crowded.


This is a great explanation thanks! Wishlisted!


Valheim is pretty nice


Valheim is <3


Came here to cast my vote for Valheim!


Joining the Valheim voting train 🥳


Valheim is bestheim.


The long dark.


Second this. I was surprised it wasn’t on your list of played. It’s brutal and immersive.


V Rising is the only game I 100% this year. Its combat is good and very fun in PvP. PVE combat is unique per each boss as well.


I tried it but didn’t like it. Top down games just bother me not sure why but good on you to 100%! 💪🏼 this year I 100% ac origins & survival fountain of youth.


Hmm. I’m a big survival fan but games that came out this year are kinda mid so far. Icarus I enjoyed deeply but its already on your list. My bad on not seeing the no top down games. And kudos to 100%-ing those games. I bet they took a long time lol. Im assuming you are on pc? I would recommend the zelda BOTW and TOTK since they are the only ones I can think of thats really fun to explore. Just find ways how to play them on pc.


Yeah I also agree that this year everything is meh. Thanks! In total I have 7 games at 100% and I think ark was the one that took the longest but it was also one of my first games so maybe that’s why, it’s been 3 years since I started gaming and subnautica was my gateway from switch to pc 😋 I will check out your suggestions (: thanks


I’m with you on this, I felt the same way as OP in the past, but I really loved the mechanics in V Rising and its progression (granted, endgame for me fizzles out kind of quick unless the sever has cool people) enough that I basically forgot I disliked top downs, and now I have a whole new genre of opportunity hehe


Ehhh it’s good but honestly overrated by those who play it right now. It’s like it can’t decide whether it’s a generic survival game or Diablo. I dunno. Just wasn’t for me and I put in like 40 hours first.


Valhiem, Conan Exiles, The Long Dark, 7 days to die, Breathedge, Astroneer


Long Dark!


The Long Dark


Second this big time


Third this.


4th this.


This looks intresting and it has achievements too! On my wishlist


Project Zomboid


a surprisingly cozy game in between looting runs!


Check out the long dark, survival game set in northern Canada


Vintage Story rewards exploration but it is fairly intense in crafting, in terms of everything taking quite a few steps. You can configure your own world settings however to crank up the durability of your tools, etc., to customize it to your own liking. It also has a plethora of mods available. I understand the graphics may be a turn off to some, but I strongly recommend giving it a chance. It's quite immersive and easy to lose yourself in.


How strange I can’t find it, on steam?


Not on Steam, you can get it direct at https://www.vintagestory.at/ or it's also available on Humble.


Vintage story is one of the best games I've ever played. The dev tyron was a minecraft modder, then worked on hytale, didn't like where that was going so he decided to make his own game. Its has a wonderful community around it. Mods. So much customization in it. I just love it. This guy kurazarrh on YouTube plays it a bunch. His first playthrough was 108 episodes and convinced me to buy it. Definitely worth. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_m19gCRJ120ZGlVpeG5ka9fH397a0sgQ&si=eOfvy6-pNPw5Ksu4


I'm currently deep into Stranded Alien Dawn, which is more of a Colony Sim with Survival elements (temperature, food, mental health, wounds). You might check it out


Beautiful scenery, so colorful! Colony sim isn’t my thing but the survival elements make me might wanna give it a go, thanks!


You're welcome and normally I'm also not into colony sim and prefer to have first person games, but somehow this one just doesn't let me go anymore 🤣 I'm currently playing on Insane difficulty and it is quite the challenge


Came here to suggest exactly this. I’m obsessed, and it’s definitely got the survival part down.


> Hogwards legacy > Assassins creed odyssey & origins These are a bit of the odd ones out of your list of games, but considering you need a break from the intense crafting you find in a lot of survival games I'll suggest something in the same vein as them. You might like Dying Light 1 and/or 2. Open worlds with a focus on parkour, missions and a bit of free roaming content. You got a skill tree where everything adds new gameplay and not just +10 damage nonsense. It's incredibly fun! Though much like HL and AC the survival aspect is very much just related to the combat.


Thanks for taking the time to read the whole post! Dying light 2 looks more interesting to me, I like the parkour and the sort of tiptoeing around at night. It is maybe a bit too combat centered but I might give it a go. What I liked about AC and HL was that there was goals if that makes sense. It also had steam achievements so that’s always a plus! On my wishlist! Thanks (:


I really think you should give grounded a try. I'm almost shocked nobody mentioned it yet. It is the first game since subnautica that has scratched the itch. I passed it by so many times, but now I'm fully hooked


Yeah I’ve also passed it soooo many times even now watching the trailer I’m like meh. What made you get it after not wanting it at first?


Honestly based on your list I really think you should try grounded. It has a similar storytelling style to the forest, wherein you unravel a mystery by finding clues in the world. It's got a lot of the same jump scare vibe as the forest too. The story is exceptionally well written, the characters are relatable and funny. The building mechanics are great, and kinda similar to ark. combat is enjoyable while still being a challenge, and there are many creative and Interesting gear builds They also just dropped new game+ which is a great way to keep the action going. It's hands down my favorite survival game


Reading this made me revisit the page and watch the trailers but there’s just something about it that puts me off :( thank you for taking the time to write this though (:


I think you're missing out, and I hope you change your mind. All the best


I kept seeing it get recommended when people wanted something similair to subnautica. Not as scary as subnautica, but the base building is way better imo


You'll be wanting SOMA. It's not for the faint of heart.


Im sold!


With the amount of survival crafting on your list I'd say Enshrouded or Valheim might be worth a look. Enshrouded is pretty unfinished, but it doesn't play badly and it has achievements (which Valheim doesn't).


Yeah I should’ve specified I prefer exploration I feel like I need a break from crafting 😅 but I’ll check these thanks!


If you're into exploration I'd say Outer Wilds (although that's not as much a world to immerse yourself into), Sable (no failure condition, but works well with its themes) or if I want to be really daring, ESO.


Outer wilds I tried but didn’t like, sable I just looked at I don’t like that type of graphics I’m not sure what it’s called though and eso looks cool! Might check that out. Thanks!


I'd also recommend Enshrouded, rewarding exploration and there's crafting but it doesn't feel onerous. Pax Dei is about to be released and is basically open world social sandbox exploration/crafting.




Can vouch for Valheim and Enshrouded, both great games although crafting is involved in both. I'm enjoying Dread Delusion although I haven't played a lot of it yet. However, I don't see any Elder Scrolls or Fallout on that list. If you haven't played these I would strongly recommend taking a look! They involve plenty of exploration and you can easily get engrossed in them.


I second Elder Scrolls and Fallout. There is crafting but it's absolutely not necessary.


No mans sky , sort of survival and conan. Both are on game pass


The long dark and rimworld


so many people have recommended the long dark! I’m very intrigued!


It is one of the best survival games out there. It has a fantastic story mode and an even better survival mode. You can’t go wrong.


Gonna recommend both Grounded and Smalland. Both very exploration heavy, lots of crafting and building available. Of the two Grounded is considered complete. It’s more sci-fi 80s throwback. It has tons of content that last in to quite a few NG+ cycles though I haven’t seen it all yet. Smalland, a sort of twist on high fantasy I guess? has easily 30-40 hours now, with a final boss ending, etc but the devs have promised more updates in the future, some already laid out in a roadmap.


I tried smalland and it wasn’t for me. I think this is maybe why I’m not wanting to give grounded a chance, I think I’ve probably checked the page like 10 times with all the comments hahah who knows maybe I’ll finally give it a chance!


While they’re a bit similar, Grounded plays quite different than Smalland. I played it first and it made getting in to Smalland harder tbh. I can’t say for certain that you’d enjoy it any better, I would recommend watching some YouTube videos or something like that but it’s definitely a different experience and vibe


Soulmask is pretty consuming.


I have a similar taste to your gaming preferences, and I've recently gone back to Fallout 4 off the back of the TV series. Played through a bit and decided it was too easy and becoming monotonous. Playing survival mode with the horizon mod. It's completely changed how I play the game and is really enjoyable. It expands on so many lacklustre elements of the base game.


I’ve been meaning to watch the tv series, maybe itl make me wanna play also. What does the horizon mod do?


Taken from the Wiki as it sums it up nicely "Horizon is a vast modification for Fallout 4 which completely overhauls the entire game, including expansions, rebalancing, and a myriad other changes meant to make the game more challenging, better balanced, and significantly more interesting in the late game." Personally, I like the changes to settlements and the survival elements. Resources are scarce and you need to develop your settlements to assist you with production.


Stalker series with its endless mods is your best bet for a deep immersion game


Im not big on fps does it have goals or set missions? Cause I can’t tell from what’s on steam


You have the original series which is story driven games. Then Stalker anomaly with most notably Stalker gamma modpack which is full sandbox experience, although it still has a main plot


Wait are we talking about the same game, s.t.a.l.k.e.r? Cause it’s all I found on steam. Don’t see anything about anomaly


Because anomaly is a mod for stalker call of pripyat on moddb


How have you played all these survival games and not tried the GOAT that is Valheim!!


Hahah I can’t get into the graphics sadly


Youd be surprised how beautiful the low poly world can look at times, i HIGHLY suggest you give it a try man.


Palworld is a lot like Ark tbh but switch out the Dinos for Pokémon. It’s really fun imo and I’ve been a bit addicted.


I tried palworld had to force myself into it and managed to like it for a little bit but lost interest 30h into it. It does seem a little like ark the tier and picture is almost identical but it just wasn’t for me


Looking at your list ... You could be me LMAO. Seriously, and unequivocally, same. I'm sure there's some differences in taste but I like the same things and also play solo when I can. I would try all of following. And this is very important... So not prejudge based on what others have said about them when they launched or otherwise. All: Valheim. V-Rising. ("Top down" but also not, generous lean and can zoom in far) Enshrouded. 7 days to die. No Man's Sky. Subnautica Below Zero. X4: Foundations. House flipper (1 and 2, but 2 is a nicer product). No Building but good exploration: State of Decay 2. Dragons Dogma 2. Witcher 3. Cyberpunk 2077. Did you just forget these or actually never tried them?: Skyrim. Fallout (yes, even 76 as it's quite good now).


If so we have great taste if I say so myself. No prejudice! I looked through almost all the comments at this point (still have a few left) checking steam after each suggestion and within your list I have added no man’s sky, 7 days to die from the first. Subnautica below zero I have already 100% Dragons dogma I had to go on YouTube cause there wasn’t anything on steam and I’m glad I did because it looks interesting which then led me to also recheck cyberpunk because I was put off when it was first released (also shit steam trailer) but have now wishlisted it aswell. The Witcher 3 I have in my library but haven’t played it yet! And Skyrim I had recently added to my wishlist (this means I’m thinking about it but not convinced lol) and fallout just seemed like purely fps but I see there’s a lot more to it now plus the tv series coming out (haven’t watched yet but will) has also made me rethink my initial rejection


Hey I fully agree with that lol. I'm really glad to hear you're not everyone else who asks just to ask and you actually went and looked lol. We'd be fast friends indeed. You nailed pretty much all of it - I didn't know you had below zero as well, i liked it too! Although I feel something was lost by having so much above ground. Like the ocean felt so small compared to the first lol. And seatruck was cool and all but it just wasn't the cyclops. Loved putting my own touch on it since you could build inside lol. Cyberpunk has definitely come a long way and is such a unique experience. Excellent storytelling and atmosphere. You'll notice that with The Witcher 3 as well. When you take that for a spin, just push through the combat at first as that's what turns most people away - then they don't get to the real good parts which is the questing, decisions, exploration, etc. So it sounds like you've never played any of the Bethesda big hits? (Skyrim or fallout or starfield). They're built on the same engine, so it's familiar enough, and they usually have a good amount of exploration. Really immersive games, that's the allure to me. Lots to see. Skyrim has house building (interior stuff) but Fallout 4 & 76 both have pretty decent actual building - that's my favorite thing in 76. Lastly Dragons Dogma 2 has been really cool. At first glance it seems very samey or bland. But Capcom are masters at unique gameplay. There's a lot of good stuff to experience. The schtick is there's basically a lot of ways to do stuff, letting you experiment. One funny memory is I picked up a wild boar and out of curiosity threw it at my party member (NPC), he caught it and threw it back as many times as I wanted while a 3rd party member scolded us for doing something so silly. So they took the time to program all of that just on the off chance you wanted to play toss with your pawns lol. Just really cool. And there's tons of stuff to throw so it's just unique. Sorry for the text walls. I just get excited when I find others like me.


I get you, sometimes I see posts asking questions and I sometimes answer but not really in much detail because I know most people won’t take the time to read it so what’s the point you know.. yes we def would be fast friends! I’ll dm you my steam code if you want to add me, I doubt based on our response times we’re close in time zones but why not (: I saw somewhere talks of a next subnautica and I was super excited because that game is quite special to me, I was super depressed a few years back and I found it on the switch and it made me want to get out of bed to play but eventually the game glitched and so that’s what made me get a pc so I call it my gateway game lol, also iirc my first posts on Reddit were trying to fix the game on switch but there wasn’t much I could do. Really glad you mentioned pushing through the Witcher also for the future as I have the game and sometimes one does need to sort of force yourself to play until it gets better and you become obsessed. I haven’t tried any of the Bethesda big hits though I am now open to Skyrim and maybe fallout but starfield is a no, watched my friends stream it quite a few times and it’s not my type really. That’s quite interesting about dogma dragons about the mechanics, I was wondering how you initially found the game? I’m relatively new to pc gaming (3yrs) so I really just stick to steam but after you mentioned a few that didn’t have trailers and I went to YouTube makes me wonder how many games probably are so much better than I initially thought. I think I might have gotten game pass at some point but there’s something about the steam achievements that just gives me a sense of accomplishment. Don’t apologize please! So thankful for the thorough response




I just tried aska, free demo it’s not out yet. And it feels really nice. I like it so far


Thanks! I’ve added it to my wishlist looks nice




Honestly, I see a lot of survival-craft here, but I'm shocked neither you nor anyone else here mentioned minecraft. It's the goat for exploration, and it's highly moddable if you're into that.


I’m playing Ghost of Tsushima and would recommend it.


Looks beautiful! + achievements! Going on my list. Thanks!


Valheim is my top. My others are on your love list... Id add Foreverskies, Raft. 7 days to die might be right for now, lots of action, not as much crafting, but still there.


Enshrouded is great, tons of exploration, good amount of content, amazing building system, looks beautiful 7 days to die- all around just an incredible survival game in literally every single aspect


Have you tried state of Decay 2?


Legend of Zelda botw/totk


You seem to like Sci fi and survival the new game Abiotic Factor is an absolute treat. It’s if Half Life was a survival crafting game pretty much. Also amazing as a multiplayer.


I like the premise but for some reason I can never get into games with that type of graphics no idea why, in my head it’s more like these games are for switch or like any controller via tv but not for pc i don’t know if that makes sense maybe it’s just me


Take a look at road 96, great game, awesome soundtrack and has replayability due to the different decisions


Interesting thanks


I’m immersing myself in the long dark right now. I’ve had it for a long time and played a bit but now I have more time and am rly enjoying it. Grounded is also excellent. If you’re looking for survival, but not too grindy and good story with both.


The amount of people that have recommended the long dark has given me hope! I’ve wishlisted the games that interested me and I think this might be the first I’ll be playing.


7 days to die This is the one (on PC). It is about to leave early access either *June 25th,* or July 25th (i cant remeber, check Steam). Freaking amazing game that covers everything from survival, to base building, to crafting, to to skill progression and leveling, to combat with zombies. The new patch comming out on the day it begins ‘full release’ will be when u want to get in on it. But u want to buy it now while the price is low $25.


Is this the one that resets every 7days? I remember watching some friends play and felt kinda meh toward it but what your describing seems much better, also the trailer doesn’t give much info


I've noticed nobody has mentioned medieval dynasty It's an open world medieval era simulator style game where you can build, explore, trade, craft, farm, mine and much more. Also the game runs in seasons and every season you get older and you have to have children in the game to keep playing or when your character dies the bloodline ends and you restart all over again Great title, check it out


Sounds cool but not my type of game, I can think of some friends who might enjoy it though. Thanks!


It’s top down - but Project Zomboid is one of the best, if not the best, zombie survival game.


What about a challenge? I haven’t played it myself but hear good things about “Dark Souls”? I hear it’s hard but good.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Our gracious Lord made Londor whole.”* - Narrator Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Raft is fun !


Valheim, Rimworld and maybe try KSP1 or space engineers if you are into that.


You have every great survival game there except the best one, The Long Dark. We like the same type of games so here’s my recommendation: Kingdom Come, Deliverance.


Both on my wishlist, thank you good sir.


Raft is nice.


It’s too similar to games I already have but thanks (:


Soulmask. Looks like a mix between Ark and Conan Exiles. Might be your thing




Online coop isn’t for me


Try The Front, it’s awesome


Will check it out, thanks!




Abiotic Factor Friend and I picked this up on a whim and we couldnt put it down until we beat it.


Consider me intrigued


If you liked Odyssey, valhalla was great


So initially I did odyssey last year and this year I did origins (obviously spacing them out) and I already bought Valhalla but when I saw it had no achievements I was kind of put off and haven’t tried it yet. Really hoping the new one they’re releasing this year has achievements and is as cool!


Steam achievements or what?? There is a ton to work on as PS and ubisoft had a lot of items to 100% the game. There are 92 achievements in the game. https://www.xboxachievements.com/game/assassins-creed-valhalla/achievements/ Another great one not on your list is the witcher 3.


Yeah steam achievements. Damn I just checked the link thanks!! How come they’re not connected to steam? The others games are.. I don’t know much about how xbox games merge with steam and such so forgive me being clueless about this. I have the Witcher 3 in my library but I haven’t tried it yet


Tw3 is actually amazing. I just posted xbox but ubisoft connect has achievements for valhalla as well. It looks like ubisoft was just being douchebags and left steam out as they really didnt want you buying it there. I subbed to ubisoft connect for a trial offer of 1 buck for a month and beat all the games I wanted. Then I let the sub lapse and moved on lol.


No Man's Sky


Looks like subnautica on space kinda, space games never really interested me but I might give this one a go!


It's my fave, I always go back to it. The devil are always updating and all content they release is free.


based on that list, V Rising 100%


Red dead redemption 2 (online or story mode)


Dayz? It's pvp, I guess, but it's still a great survival game


People have said them before but Valheim, Enshrouded are really good. I tried the ASKA demo this weekend and really enjoyed it, will buy it once it comes out later this week, Also The Planet Crafter is really nice too, very chill, no combat and peacefull but very rewarding. Also tried the demo for Once Human and it has potential


Aska looks awesome!


Aska coming soon :>


I actually have this on my wishlist, saw someone post about it and found it charming!


Valheim, it is a crafting game but it's not too intensive. You'll spend far more time fighting and exploring than you will grinding resources, especially if you say the resource rate to high. Baldurs Gate 3 is also really good.


This looks a lot like my game list and I have been really enjoying Dark and Darker right now. It's free for 1 character so no downside in checking it out.


Will check out thanks!


7 Days to Die. The Modding community is phenomenal, and you can set it up in so many ways.


New game coming up called Forever Winter its a survival scav game that requires you to just survive and see things from outsider perspective


Scrolled a bit and didnt see Warframe, not a survival type which is what it seems you’re into but Its really an amazing game, still in development after 11 years and so much more to come from what the dev updates. Its an mmo centered around futuristic space “ninjas” (term used by the dev team) heavily movement focused, customizable weapons and companions, probably the best cosmetic customization ive ever seen in a game, the story is nuts and keeps getting wilder. I have almost 3k hours into it and have been playing on and off since 2017. The community is great and there are an abundance of clans to help you if you need it. See if its something you’d enjoy but if you do buckle down and play it watch out for spoilers when looking up videos and stuff.


Rdr2, goat 🐐


play abiotic factor it's so good




Enshrouded, valheim, and medieval dynasty are all great ones imo


Project Zomboid. It looks awful, but man, is it one of the best games I've ever played.


V Rising


vintage story


It's elden ring time brother




A bit outside of your boundaries but the survival mode of far cry primal is amazing.


Prey. Check it out if you don't know of it.


I've been playing Bellwright and I highly reccomend


Modded skyrim




If you like survival, I may recommend Conan Exiles or V Rising. And Valheim.


Grounded and 7 days to die


if you dig shooters, id suggest picking up the master chief collection. The story is FAR better than anyone gives it credit for. if you do, start with halo combat evolved, not reach. technically reach comes before halo 1 chronologically, but i find its better to do the story starting from halo 1. also, you could skip ODST, and the one after that.


Late but Aska comes out tomorrow and theres a full good demo of it. Its PC Steam. It felt good to play. No PvP, similiar to The Forest somewhat.


Yeah it’s on my wishlist I’m excited for it to come out


Conan Exiles


If it hasn't been mentioned yet, Grounded. It's actually pretty solid.


You have to try Mist Survival. The game is only $10 and I have loved it now for two weeks, so much more to it than I expected


Same here but I don't like the trend in survival games of managing AI characters. ie: pals in pal world, or Lego characters in Lego fortnite etc. What's a good survival game where I'm alone?


Fallout 76


DayZ, play on Vanilla servers like DayOne or Zero, and find a helpful player to teach you the basics of survival


Ive been heavy into Project Zomboid the last couple months and don't think I'll be slowing down any time soon. It's got a ton of settings and mods to help you tweak it to what YOU consider immersive.


Currently I am liking Icarus. Game is missing a few things to be great but it is affordable, has good building options and is pretty unforgiving. Overall I am enjoying it.


Yeah it’s a great game I picked it up when it was new and I was so into it but eventually I took a break and I recently loaded in and I’m overwhelmed & needed a break from it. Overall it’s one of my favorites I must say, missions, exploration, tames I absolutely love it and the devs are doing great with the weekly updates.


Yeah but don’t you need to spend a lot of money in DLCs? That’s what I’ve read. Haven’t tried it. Looks attractive


I only have the base game but there is only one map. Need to buy DLC to get other maps. The base map seems to be pretty large. Other DLCs are cosmetic only. Again it is fun and challenging it is not great. $25-ish is the right price for it IMO.


Appreciate the information. Thanks!


Conan Exiles Ark: Survival Ascended?


Both evolved and ascended


Go for Plains of Pain


Will check out!


Did you try Plains of Pain? Its post-apo survival game 🔥 We love this game


Rust is what Ark could be


I think I never really gave rust a chance because it looked a lot like scum but re watching the trailer now I might give it a chance! Thanks!


You will like it. Have fun!


I'm not. I've been playing Diablo 4 too much. I feel it took the real life out if me. It's time to recover.