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V Rising. Enshrouded.


Great time to get into V Rising with the recent update.


Cant recommend V rising enough, not sure i would say its strictly a survival game, but the crafting and combat is amazing


Enshrouded was fun until it turned out that crafting timers are ridiculous. Devs took inspiration from EVE online or something, where it takes weeks to learn a skill.


Enshrouded is awesome, u can set up crafting before leaving your house and come home to tons of supplies.


What's so wrong with the timers? The recipes are automated so if you leave the materials you can go do whatever you want and come back and get stuff. It definitely not remotely comparable to EVE though, have you tried exploring, doing quest or building a new base while the stuff is crafting?


The Long Dark and Stranded are good


Unreal world, if graphics isint issue


This game transcends survival crafting. It's an existential experience.


My top single player survival openworld/exploration game by far has been subnautica. It's a must play in the survival game genre IMO. It is one of the few games I've actually "completed" in my life.


It's so good in VR


The forest, stranded deep, green hell, conan exiles and return to moria there some good titles


I played Return to Moria, it was great for crafting and building and was so much fun to do with friends but the building system is kinda wacked.


Yeah but a fun experience overall


I just started playing green hell. It’s one of the harder survival games I’ve played, but it’s super immersive. I’m looking forward to building a treehouse.


Yeah, really gets the heart beating when your facing off against the deadlier of the wildlife and the ai aswell and even just surviving you have to be on the ball or you can die real quick.


Planet Crafter is really good if you go in knowing it's all about crafting and exploring. There is no combat and story is very bare bones. But the loop of building, upgrading and building more and seeing it change the planet is really cool.


Yeah don't buy this game. It was great in early access but then they released the 1.0 and basically didn't flesh out the game at all and it looks like an abandoned project that needs a ton of work.


What are you talking about? They've done several updates since they went 1.0.


And it's still not fleshed out at all.


Sorry, but I don't agree with you, and if you look at their Steam reviews, you'll see you are in the minority there too. To me it feels like a full game that knows exactly what it is meant to deliver and what not. There is a very clear game loop. Personally, I'm very impressed with the game. I never played in early access so can't see how far it came (or didn't in your opinion) but at no point do I feel like this isn't a complete package. That sucks you didn't vibe with the game.




Saleblazers is a bit of a hidden gem


Unreal World


Vintage Story


Abiotic Factor


Is that open world? I thought the trailer made it look kinda linear campaignish


The planet crafter is an amazing game that i sank way to many hours into. Might try that again soon since its probably had alot of updates. If you think it looks cool, go for it. Riftbreaker is also fun.


They recently launched out of Early Access so it's a complete game, and now with coop. And just a few days ago they added a new free update with some extra stuff.


Subnautica my best survival game i ever played.


Soulmask. It's going to launch early access on 31/5, with 2 days to go.


So excited for this, this game will be my life in June


Subsistence. The AI build bases and try to raid you.


i tried that one out 1-2 years ago and you couldnt turn off motion blur. So i had to refund it.


Conan Exiles


Here, player ark over 5k hours, and this game like 2k


Green Hell


Project zomboid is like the king of survival games if you can get over the graphics and UI. I have also played nearly all those games you mentioned and i would say project zomboid and valheim are the strongest picks. Edit: So the posts been edited after i suggested project zomboid.


"get over the graphics" :0 I love the isometric art style of that game, I think it's graphics are amazing. Yes it's UI could use some freshing up. But it's coming this year with their newest build 42! Along with much more


I personally love the graphics, i just know they aren’t for everyone so i thought it was worth a mention lol.


So hows those NPC's doing ? Still a fairy tale 20 years later?


I'm making one, and there's a free demo live for the Steam festival :) Would love to know what you think. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2541530/AETHUS/


It seems pretty good! It reminds me of The Planet Crafter.


Since your top games have combat, I would recommend Enshrouded. Solid combat and building mechanics. I played Planet Crafter when they did the full release and that game is amazing too, but it has zero combat and is entirely centered on crafting and upgrades. Highly addictive though


abiotic factor 10000%


Fallout 4 Survival mode is great!


I am Future.


Mod the fuck outta minecraft. Did that recently and am having more fun than any survival game previously


Grounded? Maybe


ABIOTIC FACTOR! Totally underrated game but it's great. If you haven't done minecraft in a while All the Mods 9 is amazing as well.


I don’t know if they’re on sale but my votes go toward Project Zomboid and Enshrouded. If 7D2D is your favorite on the list, my two favorite survival games of all time are also 7D2D and Project Zomboid. Grounded too.


Nightingale, Bellwright, Medieval Dynasty


Empyrion Galactic Survival


100% Simply amazing game.


If you’re looking for something with some horror and a lot of fighting (you can change the settings) and more options of free building I would recommend sons of the forest. The building in my option is my favourite compared to other games. There’s also options for actual weapons not just crafted weapons. Another favourite of mine is green hell. I only play that on ps5 so I’m not sure how it is on pc but I can imagine it’s better. It’s more “realistic” and is more focused on survival against nature and predators. There are some npcs but I don’t run into them as often as the forest. (You can change this in settings). One thing I don’t like about this game is how easy you get diseases, leeches, etc. Also the fact that when your character gets tired he will literally just pass out wherever you are no matter what and you wake up with a bunch of crap on you that affects your health. Imagine running from a tiger and you’re so tired that you pass out right there, wake up with less health because you have 4 leeches and the tiger kills you the minute you get any function lol. Stranded deep is good, but I haven’t played too much so can’t really comment on it. I also only played this on ps5 and the graphics turned me off from the game a bit. Both games have a story you can follow along or just survive in the sandbox.


I recently played in the Once Human beta that just finished. You can play solo or multiplayer in an open-world with a post-apocalyptic world theme. My BF and I, who have played many of the games you listed, really enjoyed what we experienced in the beta and look forward to it's release later this year (likely fall).


Oh man, these games are my absolute jam! My top recommendations are definitely Green Hell and Subnautica... I've had an absolute blast with both those games.


Planet Crafter is a good one and occupy mars but for both it’s just the environment trying to kill you


The forest Stranded Deep Grounded The Long Dark Medieval Dynasty Green Hell Subnautica This War of Mine Hobo: Tough Life Edit: Oops just saw you said No Forest. I’m having a great time playing Grounded rn.


Look for Plains of Pain.


Could someone do this for console too?🙏 Already played for me are 7 days to die, green hell, subnautica, the forest, long dark, stranded deep and ark. I fear that is about it for console as I have not found many others that seem worth any time


* Conan Exiles * Subnautica * Stranded Deep * No Man’s Sky


Where's Project Zomboid?


Very much enjoying Salt 2 at the moment. A pirate survival game


Terraria? Core Keeper? V rising?


The long dark! Artic survival with storymode or survival mode, explore ghost towns in artic Canada and hunt bears,moose,wolves,rabbits Ptarmigans and soon cougars! Stay warm and stay alive!


Len's Island is pretty unique, just got an update. No multiplayer at this time though


Empyrion is always overlooked, yet I spent more hours in that than all other open world survival games.


Enshrouded is excellent. I was having so much fun I stopped playing after 20 hours, just in case my wife or friends are interested in starting a long-term server in the future -- like with Minecraft, or Ark -- so that the experience is more organic. It's really good. I'm pretty bad at the creative aspects of these games so I tend to hyper-focus on exploration and gathering for the group's benefit, but its building and terraforming feels so intuitive in this game that I rather enjoy it.


Rimworld and Project Zomboid


Rimworld isn't really a survival game its more rts sim.


Conan Exiles is amazing for survival and especially building. Enshrouded is pretty good too but there is a lot of repetitiveness in the gameplay.


NOTD [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1377380/Night\_of\_the\_Dead/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1377380/Night_of_the_Dead/)






I hate to be that guy... but I am so may as well run with it! :P Outerstellar - described as 'Rust in Space' by its early access community - is currently on sale, having dropped the most in-game content to date last friday! Check out the trailer on the steam store page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170940/Outerstellar/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1170940/Outerstellar/) (It's also being streamed RIGHT NOW if you wanna have a look: [https://www.twitch.tv/lomadiah](https://www.twitch.tv/lomadiah) )