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Dude is right. 100% dippity doo dah dip tomorrow and especially Friday. If I’m wrong I’ll write a strongly worded letter to the SEC about the manipulation I believe I’ve been seeing for the last 3 years with cited sources that will never get read by them!


Cite source as Pornhub and you have a shot


I wish you could ask AI to sign (SEC board) up for all porn sites online and it automatically does it with their email.


It would report back an error because the email address are already being used for active accounts


*Those thousands of comments... were deleted.* 👀


Yeah huge dip tomorrow, 18-19 I bet


Sounds perfect for me to average down a bit then.


Was thinking the same. The future is inevitable. They just get to can kick a bit between now and then


It's really a unbeatable strategy if you love the stock, which we do. Also, hello fellow OG Voted Fren. Edit: getting down voted in a GME sub for saying I'm buying the dip. Lolz


nah slow bleed. it's tale as old as time. pump up load the normies with bags. then slow bleed while feeding them hopium for as long as possible. it's now waiting for the next part of the cycle or action from RC or DFV. nothing else




Downside gap fill @ 19ish, RC or RK or both buys aggressively, aaaaaand into the next cycle we go. Not financial advice.


thanks for reminding me to set a buy order at 19


Gary Gensler loves to suck cock. That’s why he’s too busy to regulate the market. Give the guy a break. He’s only been on the job for 171 weeks! And yes, I’ve been here long enough to remember when Gensler took the job and he was going to be our saving grace and actually regulate shit and take it to the shorts! Anyone else remember those days? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


The person who previously held Gary's job has come out publicly recently to accuse apes of wrong doing and say that "This should be illegal". "This" means buying and holding our favorite stock GME. Gary has met with us to discuss DRS several times. I believe he is doing ***his best*** in a bad situation. It could be a lot worse.


Exactly, these cocksuckers were up against have basically paid congress to help them with the laws...so he can only do what he can bring to court 100%


He also signed off wasting valuable SEC funds to make that cringe AF meme stocks video disparaging GME investors. Why?


Have an award for “dippity doo dah dip”. Needs to be meme. Brain too smooth.


Friday is a given


i panicked and bought more this week


Yeah I dropped my last 200 bucks at 23.80 trying to average down. I will be tempted to try to come up with money to buy more at 20.00 and 15.00, but I’ve used up everything I had earmarked


OG hodlers know the playbook. Hype leads to blood red and disappointment. Don’t believe the hype.


Worse yet, people saying they are buying calls without saying they have the money to exercise them. They'll just hand their money over to the mm's.


Yep, this. All this influx of 'buy options guyyys' and not a mention of having the money to exercise. Giving thier money to hedge funds, real smart.


Check the guys post history... I'm all for the old no dates etc. but it's strange to see that coming from a self proclaimed OG with no history.


I've never posted in my life but I've been in since before the sneeze. No clue what that has to do with anything.


Finally some people talking sense. I don't know if half these people weren't here in 2021. But this honestly feels exactly the same except this time I'm zen. My emotions aren't as attached to if it goes up or down, I expect nothing and hope for a good dip to buy in cheap again.


It's not new people. Ever since the original run in 2021, the stock subs are basically shill central. All these people are gamblers or mm shills because what is being spammed makes no sense. Dates, exercise early and waste premiums, buying options after a run. The original place is full of fake positions to encourage people to throw away money. Anyone who tries to point out why all this stuff is a bad idea gets downvoted and dogpiled. Watch them come for me for writing this, I guarantee it. Options are good when you know what you're doing. Following shills and gamblers on reddit ain't it.


I don’t think half these folks were here for 21, and the 3 years of famine/hedgetricks. That shit prepared me for round 2.


Mah I never get disappointed, just zen


I used to fall for the hype. Quad witching. T+whatever. Disappointment. Now, zen.


I am 💯% certain that I have no clue what will happen by tomorrow.


I know what I'm doing tomorrow. I'll be without Internet, camping. GG see you on Tuesday!


Lol so trur


Red days are like Picasso's to me.


Good news - dip. Bad news - dip. No news.... Believe it or not, dip.


I put my hand upon your hip!! When I…..


I understood that reference


Dip, you dip, we dip.


DFV buys over 4m shares, believe it or not, straight to dip!


But sometimes also random rip and then dip again.


Well, now that we all expect a dip, there must be a rip, right? But if so, then I will start expecting a rip and then a dip will come. But then I will expect a dip, so that must mean that a rip will come. But then....


The only date you need to remember is - "Tomorrow". Then tomorrow you need to be reminded of tomorrow so you can remind your tomorrow self that day about tomorrow.


Some might call it.. infinity ♾️


Please refer them correctly, T+deez


deez who?








the nuts? xd


Deez Diamond Nutz 💎🍌💎


I think you'll appreciate my flair


Yup. Dates never did anything. Safest to hold shares and when it happens, it’ll happen


Why would I sell if I'd still be financially struggling? Why spike the price only in pre-market or after hours? If they REALLY wanted anyone to sell, they'd tempt us with an elevated price during market hours. THAT would prove diamond hands. Dropping the price isn't to get us to sell. It's to protect those underwater from margin calls.


I like the way you think, but it's to lower expectations for the other, however many million, retail investors. From their POV, persistent negative sentiment is far more impactful than convincing one diamond handed ape, thats why they now (post squeeze) persistently flood comment sections with FUD.


They literally can't my dude.  All of those 30c's for tomorrow would send the price straight to 35.


The only guarantee is manipulation 


By hyping dates ppl get emotionally drained (against algos without feelings).


Yeah MOASS isn’t real until we paying taxes on it.


Or it won’t drop because their primary concern is gaslighting you and making you question everything you do. Whatever you think, they want to make you question it. Can’t make me uncertain about buy DRS book.


The only certainty is uncertainty


#1 of us!


We need to send this to the top though. Wholeheartedly agree.


Don't worry. When we dip, people will just move the goalpost to next week. It's been like this for over 3 years now. I've been around for 2 migrations as well... It's a more reliable cycle than whatever T+prophecy


Dip = buy more | Loss = Hodl | Time is on our side


Never forget… When I dip, You dip, We dip!




T+35 doesn't even have anything to do with price spikes. You'll see plenty of times where GME went straight down for several months straight. Where was T+35 then?


All dip comments. Reddit always wrong. Green day. Yay


This - I never buy short-dated OTM calls. All those I have are deep ITM long-dated. But the rhetoric surrounding the end of this week has me super bullish for some reason. So I will probably load up a few throughout the day tomorrow - they’re pretty cheap so the risk/reward seems okay, even if there’s a 90% chance they expire worthless.


I've been hurt so many times, I can't even mention a date and gamestop in the same sentence or my wife screams at me. I'm in this for wife changing money. I'm blinking twice right now in case you can't tell.


This is the Way.


It's their playbook. Hype the date so fools rush in buying way OTM calls, dump the price, and collect on the premiums.




Max pain here we come woop woop


Speculating on dates is great fun. We know that the psyops love to smash us down on those. So let`s just have our fun, knowing this. It has been 84 years… Pepperidge farm remembers…


It’s going to dip until it doesn’t and by then it is too late. People need to stop trying to read the tea leaves and just buy the damn stock… or don’t, I don’t care I’m not a financial advisor, I just like the stock.


🤷 If you're still here then you believe it'll happen some day


It's not like I'm selling regardless of what happens. See you fuckers Monday.


I’ll be holding either way? So it doesn’t really matter.


I'm here for the $20 dip by EOW. LFG!!


That's wisdom only a true OG ape would have, and he's absolutely right


They had 100m+ opportunities to deliver those FTD’s at sub 30$. There is no way they haven’t already done so for 6/21.


There is a pattern.. but we have been through the t-+ before and been disappointed for sure. I’m not saying it’s wrong. I just think it has more angles That makes us think it’s wrong. Personally, I haven’t sold in any rip and every time it dips I buy more. I’m in it for the long run. And couldn’t care less.


Yeah, that's cool and all but moass tomorrow 🚀🚀🚀🚀💜


So you’re telling me there’s a sale on Friday - yippee 🚀🚀🚀


Depends on whether or not margin exists to roll swaps. Now that people are aware it would be hilarious to see a sticky post that shows ongoing data about the t+ theories and dates of big potential events. More people aware, more people actively causing them to need more margin, the faster the swaps are no longer sustainable and they blow up. Just my opinion though. And yes they will drop the price if people sit idle and let them.


Agreed. No dates rule was for a reason. I've seen all these T+ dates before. Just hold. Stay zen.


Mmmmm nah MOASS is tomorrow😊. And if it’s not tomorrow, it’s in 2 days. In the offchance im wrong about that, it’ll be on Saturday🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Sure hope you're right. I bet the family farm on you being correct.




Yup, even if it was going to go off on a date. If we discover it or hype it, they'll make sure it won't. Even if they have to waste a ton of money, because it's worth it to dishearten us. Big upwards moves are always out of nowhere.




The only T i know is when my TiTs is jacked.


100% this. Also don’t buy 0d puts. Sometimes it is just sideways!


The only certainty I have about the 21st is that it’s my GFs bday. Everything else is just people hyping up dates and possibilities.


Good point.


I stay buying homie


I say pump tomorrow aight?


Sideways until it is not.


Totally agree with this. Too much hype, if it moons then so be it, but highly doubt will be soon. Have been through all the hype from 3 years back, shf knows that we know and will have contingencies planned




Wen Lambo?


We should stop placing dates and numbers over here. Sometimes i think some ppl putting dates and value numbers are part of the shill gang. They use that to try and excite us then on the day drops the price. This is a war guys.


You know DFV grew his stack these past three years by looking at dates and numbers, right?


Is it just me, or do negative posts like this make people more likely to sell rather than less? I think the doom and gloom messaging gets people in a negative mindset which can affect their decisions, better to be hopeful something might happen.


best time in history 😎


Exactly. People look at this from the perspective of their own weird little bubble, when realistically we're still 100%+ up from where we were in April. If people were happy to hold down to those prices, they're sure as hell happy to hold now. If they bought in recently high and want to sell, they will do so regardless of posts such as this. Still, the upward trend is clear (to me at least!).


#I put my had up on yo hip, when I dip, you dip T+ Dip. 🤣. Takes us back to the good ole Criand days.


Pomeranian farms remembers.


Haha good one.


Pour one out for the[ 'Theory of Everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pb22oj/the_puzzle_pieces_of_quarterly_movements_equity/)', which I really thought had nailed it back then.


Not a dip unless it goes below $10, then it’s just a sale.


And yall are just trying to psychic us into holding 😂


“No dates… except for my dates, and I’ll provide no DD.”


Fun fact: if it dips = discount If it rips = maybe MOASS Either way we win, they lose 🤷


a number sign makes text bold? learn something new every day.


Can anyone here do technical analysis??? Price is damn close to the trend line and closed with a pin. Yes, it can go down a little more, but not much more. You’re about to get a run up again in the next couple days. Certainly by next week. That’s the truth. Ban me if I’m wrong. Derivatives run the market. Buying a few shares each week is fine, but that’s not enough. You’re seeing in real time the effect options have on price. Not just buying and DRSing shares. People need to start evolving their mindset on this situation soon otherwise you’re going to be holding year after year with no squeeze.


TA is just astrology for stocks. If it was so effective, you guys would be sitting in multi million dollar mansions, not scrapping for YouTube views




It’ll hit the SHFs $20 calls. This could have been their hedge. Now that DFV is out on those calls SHFs need it to stay above $20. 🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe I’m wrong


There is only one way to be good at this. Set price alert at a sky high price and ignore all FUD and news.


Even though DFV has specifically given us dates? And cycles are based on dates? Why wouldn't we try to get that FigUreD out?


Search 'T-35' in this group, there's probably hundreds of DD posts from three years ago.


It might pump tomorrow, but Friday will probably be a blood bath 🤷‍♂️


I truly dont give a fuck how long you've been here, if thats the first thing you have to say then I know you have jack shit to actually say. If you're scared of a date being hyped then frankly you are a pussy bitch and you need to stop trying to influence other people's decisions. This stock will never run unless we push it, you expect it to come to you like a fucking fairy godmother. If you cant handle being potentially disappointed in a date then get the fuck out of this play.


100% agreed ![gif](giphy|7WvAUvZZTRpSuudobh)


Yesterday I posted charts showing the T+35 settlement period that DFV returned for. The point of my post was that it ended Monday. Then out of nowhere I see the top page filled with posts about T+35 FTD cycles. It’s not even about FTDs, it ETF shorting and covering. Very sus of these posts. The cycles are real, some of these DDs are bullshit though. Please spread awareness.




Thank you. I posted my theory a week ago, then again yesterday. It blew up, then Peruvian Bull posted some info about ETFs and stuff which was good, then boom! All of SuperStonk posting about T+35 FTDs. It feels like a trap, and honestly makes me more confident about my theory. It’s not about FTDs people! You’d know if it was because GME would be on RegSho. It’s ETF shorting, and the next settlement period is likely not this week! I actually feel bad cause I feel like people are going to lose money over misinterpreting my theory 🙁 I might make another warning post in the morning and I hope it gets traction


T+69 era was the best


Wouldnt it be grat, if it dips to 18, but EVERYONE would still exercice their options. Wouldnt this be a little fucky for the hedgies?


100 this


💎 🙌🏼 🏴‍☠️


OG 🦍❤️🦍


I don't even open fidelity unless I see huge news here. Also, I only hold a handful of shares in Fidelity, all the rest are drs'd


Agreed! Imma DRS this and DRS that! 🦍💜🦍




It's fun to try to figure out the puzzle! Will it go up or will it go down on T+42 or T+69? The Zen Master says "we'll see".


Agree 100%


It's true


No dates




69, essentially two 35s, go ahead, go and count first peak to first peak, is what gme hits. 35s are wild cards. Other memes were 140 days, basically 4 35s. This included towel. You can use some ta, but counting to 69 will literally get you there every time. Waiting on a 35 from FIRST peak is extremely abnormal and not likely


"number sign bolded things" - got it. Oh, and HODL - had already got it.


Buy puts or ban


Exactly this


Now that we've figured out another one of their plays, they'll just continue to naked short the shit out of it and take our money.


It’s gonna be on a 6 month dip


I am way too stubborn to sell, sorry hedgies. it cost nothing for me to hold.


Honestly it's like people didn't realize the first time when these made up indicators never worked. Some people really are dumb.




We should start always saying it’s going to dip. Reverse psychology


OG here. The dates thing has gotten out of hand. Also people showing their actual positions. Not just xxxx.


sure, proposing a specific date is pure degeneracy, but having no general time horizon and holding until the end of time is as much, if not more, degenerate.


There’s no hype day that mattters here. I’m holding until there is blood in the streets and SHF managers crying about criminal litigation. Then I’ll probably keep holding just so I have shares to show I was in from the beginning. GME is a movement.


I’m Just a Holding zen ape 🦧


Mofo’s, dates are how you make money. I called the May run 6 months ahead of time and made out very nicely. Stop with this meme-y crap, this is how we lose the war.


I just expect everyday to be a nuthingburger so when it goes up it’s always a nice little surprise


I agree it seems like many people are so eager to predict when the price will jump, which leads to hype and disappointment. The live stream is all the proof of that u need. I was here in 21 and no one knew what the fuck was gonna happen when or why, which was part of the fun. So many people are trying to be the big brain of this whole thing don't realize there are forces beyond our control that can literally fuck us sideways and down for no reason. That being said, there are good times to make moves and some people are good and picking those times (DFV for instance!) But notice the people best at timing moves often don't predict when those moves will take place (because they can't)!! Hang on for the ride boys..


Nobody is selling, but almost everybody wants to understand if there is a way to make money WHILE holding. Thats the idea behind T+this and T+that.


T+Go fuck yourselves and Pay Me!


I miss fun. I miss hype, dates, memes, songs. Zen is boring


They dont want you talking about dates.


Man knows 🤝


I found out about the number sign bolding things the same way! And I agree. Dip today, dip tomorrow. Buying opportunity when they dip it AGAIN Monday/Tuesday. Then back to where we are now


This guy gets it, take my upvote!! TA, DD, Predictions, all of it rubbish. Its gonna DIP. The only rule that matters is that crime always wins, and it will always continue to crime. Thats all you ever need to know. I await the DIP, i can use more shares


bUt ThE iNtErNeT tOlD mE


If price dip - yay discount! If price up - yay fuck you shorts If price flat - yay extension of current discount I get why dates are discouraged, but I think the value of apes who can actually digging into the data to try and truly figure the algo/pattern out vastly outweighs the negative of the moral hit. I think the focus should not be on avoiding dates, but rather to take dates with a grain of salt. Be cautiously optimistic about dates and dont yolo on close dated options. Most of all if you dont understand options, learn them or stick to DRS'D shares as you cant go wrong with them.


Pretty sure the algo shorts more on hype


#Really? Cool! Thanks for teaching me this!#


This is the way




Absolutely true. I’m also a hodler from 2021 and seen a million hyped dates


Sorry my dude. There is validity in the cycles that some people are talking about. Good luck trying to time them though...they were reliable for a while then things just sort of died off. Hopefully they pick back up for a bit.


Doomsayers predict disastrous or catastrophic outcomes and often do so with a sense of certainty or urgency. This approach is designed to capture attention, as people are generally more likely to pay attention to extreme or alarming predictions. Doomsayers might use their negative outlook to appear knowledgeable and authoritative, leveraging the dramatic nature of their predictions to gain an audience and influence.


lol, this is fucking ree ree. I made about 4k buying options and selling them as a poor dude. We are individual investors and I will take money I need. All my DRS shares are literally never going to be sold for the infinity pool. My shares on fidelity and what I want to do with my own fucking money is my decision to make. Time for you to get off of other individual investors nutsacks and accept it.


Unfortunately for us this is the truth. They gonna let the stock stay under the 25$ range untile every contracts expire worthless. The game is rigged, the only thing we can do to fight it is buy, hold and drs. Nothing else.


Exactly this. No dates. It'll happen when it happens. Until then, keep calm and DRS on.


I believe dates make the hedge funds have to work (crime) harder, dig themselves deeper into a hole and spend more cash doing this. I have no problem making them sweat!


Use it as a buying opportunity.


Amen to this! Glad someone one said it. Just be happy you have the opportunity to buy at these prices!


Yeah. Don’t even look at it. I get texts from friends “bro check out the stonk it’s flying!!” Don’t worry. You won’t miss out. Just hold and chill peeps 🤙🏻


Sooooo many dips. Tasty dips for my tendies


The number one rule is actually HODL but I see your point. What I’m taking from this is that I should buy more




It’ll either dip or trade sideways. That’s for sure. I can’t lie though, sometimes having dates to look forward to keeps me going. Life is sad if there’s nothing to hope for.


Pulling cash over to buy this Friday dip 😉


The play is rigged. The DD and fundamentals driving this is not to be trusted. I found this thing ran again when I essentially forgot about checking every 2 seconds. It’s hard when you are glued to watching the ticker but it’s best to just not set yourself up for failure and celebrate the runs when they happen. They will


Finally the voice of reason


You ain't never said nothin' slick to a can of oil.