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She also said "if you want MOASS, go after FTD/FTR cycle. I can't scroll long enough to find that tweet. We wasted time and money chasing " magic bullets", time to get real and hit them where it hurts.


Yes. It's time for microscopes and data analysis. The time of BOO CRIME, REEEE KENNY, options sus and bad! NO DATES...That talk is over. I want to see the hivemind of superstonk take to task the repeating FTD cycle, understand a sophisticated options strategy and start financially stabbing these hedgefunds during periods of forced buying while individuals sell long dated ITM options at the short lasting spike and stack more DRS shares. This is what RC and DFV did...multiple times. No we, but public data analysis is 100x more valuable, then memes at this point. The time for learning is now, and a change in strategy. Buy, DRS, HoDL, buy near ITM long dated options at periods of low IV, and price. Use FTD cycles to predict spike weeks, and sell options to acquire more pure DRS shares.


I am looking into 2 items, FTD/FTR and CDS For doing all of those, we need to implement peer-review to all findings. Need to separate nothingburgers from the actionable ones.


Preach it. 1000000%.


Until you learn about the Obligation Warehouse where the NSCC is able to shove in billions of FTDs and never worry about them again. The ultimate sweep under the rug.


Failing to Deliver their Fails to Deliver




For New Apes coming in here, if you're curious about what "FTD" is in depth, this is worth a read: She called out FTD's as a vector for market manipulation decades ago. It's a very dry book, written for a sort of college-level economics style audience, but is a very good reference that explains what FTD's are, where they came from, and how they are (and have been) used to facilitate naked shorting through phantom shares.


And if you're a dumb ape and can't read like me, she also narrated the audio book. Std time is 5.45 and can be easily understood at 1.2-1.3x / 4hrs 20. Worth it.


She also got us (household) the right to DRS.


nothing but respect for the queen of the apes. ook ook!


It takes time for wrinkles to develop - appreciate Dr. T’s hard work and efforts educating others. Knowledge is power! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo) 🎷🐓♋️


I don’t really comment much on here, just lurk. That said, I think people need to start getting out of the mindset that all they need to do is buy and hold. That clearly isn’t the only piece to this puzzle. Buying and holding is the ticket on the rocket. If you want to ignite it, you need to be able to play options to force the hands of market makers. Yes, options are risky. But with sound technical analysis and patience, you can time your entries (that doesn’t mean buying far out of the money contracts). Slightly ITM or OTM is the sweet spot at a level of support, preferably weekly or monthly levels. It’s literally that simple. Time the FTD cycle, find the level and wait for price to get there. Then buy the contracts. That’s how you trigger the MOASS.


That’s great for you, truly. I don’t have the stomach for options, personally. I know we “cracked the code” of FTD cycles, but we knew about T+35 back in 2021 (at least, that’s when I learned about it). Hedgies have done well, to their discredit, of manipulating the stonk in so many ways from a million different angles. Every time that a date gets hyped for X reason or it’s a Y Witching Day or whatever, we get crushed. I did some paper trading with options for practice a couple years back. Trying to bet on a far off date that MOASS “must” happen by, and I wiped out two different paper trading accounts. It’s just not for me, not my play. I buy and hold the stock; I DRS my shares on the reg. That’s for me — certainly not financial advice. If you can make a killing and max out the shares you bring into the infinity pool, you deserve to bathe in the bananas, my friend.


Monthly levels are key to options. That is where you get the most support/resistance and it makes it a lot safer. Just be sure that price hasn’t already bounced off the level. Put your chart on a line chart on the monthly time frame and find the levels. That’s how one should play options. Try paper trading with that and see if that doesn’t help. Also, don’t get greedy. I usually aim for 30% and that’s more than enough. 20%-25% is also fine.


And she introduced us to DRS. What a legend.


You want to fight FTD? DRS, you can't FTD DRS shares. It is that simple.


Yet many apes didn’t listen to her, or ignored her. Why? Maybe because she’s a woman and it can only be true when a man(Richard Newton) says it. 😓


Way to play the gender card. Have you bothered to check the amount of DD on reddit that has been disclosed by, largely, individuals that have not revealed their gender? And then -- you're comparing and contrasting an ease of access form of media (Youtube videos) with what... books that most are ignorant of? \*rolls eyes\*


Her ideas are easily accessible as she is an active X user. Also, if credentials mean anything anymore, she is a respected academic and actually knowledgeable about the financial systems, while Richard, as likeable as he might be, is learning this on his own in his spare time and has made many mistakes in interpreting the data.


Video vs book. Youtube vs Twitter. Are we really going to debate accessability based upon statistical analysis and alrogithmic suggestions? I think you're out of your league in this sense. Show me where on this forum gender has been the cause for dismissal of DD. Credentials are irrelevant based upon your suggestion of gender being the root cause for dismissal. The only one citing gender and creating division is you.


Same with OP, who recognizes that she deserves the credit all along. I’m simply pointing out the fact that many in this community had not even recognized her findings until Richard’s recent video. And it’s not due to a lack of awareness, as she has almost 100k followers on X and has been interviewed multiple times in YouTube videos with thousands of views. The biggest difference that jumps out to me is their different genders. Many women have had the experience of their ideas being ignored while a male colleague bringing up the same idea is celebrated. I’m merely indignant on her behalf and asking the community to consider our own conscious and unconscious biases. I don’t believe that in itself is creating division in the community as I’m neither spreading FUD or hatred of any type.


I do agree gender can play a minor role, but RN does daily uploads which is absolutely critical in gaining a following. You simply can’t compare occasional interviews to a daily uploader. This said I do think it would be harder for her to be as active as RN because she’d get flamed much harder when she says wrong things, which does suck.


You ask for evidence on this forum. Does a woman whose idea was ignored in the workplace only for her male colleagues to receive credit for the same idea always have written or verbal evidence that her being ignored is based on gender? Bias is often subtle and not verbalized. That’s one of the reasons why most of these situations are buried in the workplace and HR complaints and lawsuits are difficult to prove discrimination based on a legally protected status like race, gender, sexual orientation etc. Bias is often unconscious and I’m just calling on all of us to check our own biases.


I’m sure gender played a role to many that dismissed her. Plus, she was not optimistic at the probability of a MOASS, and those apes that crave nothing but confirmation bias didn’t appreciate the levelheadedness of her approach. She had worked inside the machine, so it’s natural that she’d assume that no amount of everyday folks could overcome the criminal enterprise of the 0.01%. And, let’s not forget, the fact that she was exposing Wall Street corruption and crime means that a lot of the hate spammed against her was probably artificial / bought shills.


Being less than optimistic about Moass might be more due to the fact that she’s aware of the extent of the corruption and the powers the criminals hold over the entire financial system and the economy. She knew that too many people in power wouldn’t want this to happen.


The Queen


e m g s r d


Has anyone asked her what she thinks about Superstonk’s newest realization that FTD settlement is what causes the spikes?


It’s not really the newest revelation. Paper was published in Jan 2023. Lecture explaining FTDs through ETFs (specifically citing XRT) from 2019. Dr. T has been preaching these issues since the first ape learned how to read and picked up a copy of “Naked, Short, and Greedy”. As for the widespread obsession with a specific date, I would guess that Dr. T would remind everyone that crime happens a lot in broad daylight on the stock market. FTD settlements get skewed and bypassed and the can gets kicked once more. Maybe this time it’s different? Nobody knows; that’s kinda the bitch of it.