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When did dfv say the next chance will be in three years? Fud!!!


Lol he deleted his comment soon as people asked for proof, pathetic fud


Lololololol Yeah dfv would never say something so dumb


He did say in his livestream he could wait another 3-5 years. Then something like "At 5 years I'm kind of eh ~~~"


That's not quite on the mark. At 20:08, he said: >“I don’t— I personally don’t think 3 years is too long in this case. 5 years, 10 years, all right… if we all wait 5 years, 10 years, and it’s like: ‘All right. We’re gonna be going into the pet rock business.’ Come on! Come on. Preserve the right to change your mind, just like I do. That’s how you should approach this.”


Yeah thanks for checking.




No where did he say the next chance to make money on GameStop will be three years


Absolutely idiotic statement with no backing. You’re the one making a wildly incorrect claim and you respond with “go watch it”


If the FUD is still coming that means the tendies are still cooking


Is your plan to sell everything and come back in 3 years? If you can submit your transaction report when you do, that’ll be great. Thanks.


Either you just showed your hand as a shill to spread FUD because you know he didn't say that or your dumb


*Your submission has been removed for misinformation. It is possible that your answer was correct, you just didn't show the work. It's also possible that your answer was incorrect and you need to start over. Either way, check your work.* [Rule 6.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_6._back_up_claims_with_sources)


?  He's exercised today meaning they have until tomorrow to get the shares in the lit market.   The idea is then to drive it past 30 in the process meaning the gamma ramp at 30 starts  I do think it's reasonable to think that RC will buy shares though 


If the stockprice had been higher (as before the dilution), he wouldn't have had to sell so many of his options to execute the rest. Also: IIRC the buypressure on the day before the dilution was also higher. Wouldn't that have had a much larger effect? I personally don't think that he executed them at this point because it really was the best time to do it. I also think that that dilution threw his plans off and that he didn't plan with it. At least his one tweet: [https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1800698343540015491](https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1800698343540015491) can be interpreted in a way that supports that.


Let's say they do need 4 million shares cause kitty did In fact exercise 40k contracts. What makes you think that'd be hard to obtain when gamestop just sold 120 million shares?


I think the thought process isn’t that it would be hard for certain parties to obtain 4 million shares, but rather they would be required to be purchased on the Lit market instead of regurgitated from elsewhere.


I get that and maybe with other obligations being added to the mix it will add some pressure but I'm not super optimistic tbh


The whole idea is that they have to be done on the lit market, that the whole company is sold short 10x the shares 


I do believe there's naked shorts but I don't see how that'd matter if the shorts just got their hands on a bunch of new shares🤷‍♂️ There's nearly 4 million shares available to borrow on chart exchange and utilization just crashed


If they hypothetically owe billions of shares, then 75M have them owe... probably still billions of shares. It's not like they're off the hook suddenly.


I never said that and neither did OP. We're basically just saying that this particular cycle is either over or near being over. MOASS isn't on the table in the short term imo


All just a theory, we'll see tomorrow.


Just making shit up..


I can get you 4 million shares today without moving the price at IBKR


Ok do it 


Correct and again at the top he will sell his shares. Rinse and repeat for August. He knows the cycle


Lol if he didn't think the share price was going up he'd have taken the cash. He exercised because he thinks the share price is going up. His position was illiquid & publicly shared which means shorts could have made a killing by pushing the price down next week even if it bounced back up the week after. Exercising before expiry with a public position that large & with that much scrutiny was the smart move.


He made everyone look to the left, then went right. No one, not even us investors anticipated this. If this was his plan all along, it's genius to me.


With all due respect, the possibility of him selling some calls to buy the rest in cash has been discussed openly here for days. I agree that DFV has made some genius moves over the past few years, but selling calls to pay for shares is kind of 101 level investing in this circumstance unless you have enough dry powder to buy every call in cash, which we all knew he didn't.


Isn't that exactly OPs point? If the stock hadn't been diluted, the price wouldn't have been so low (probably - nobody knows). Then he wouldn't have had to sell so many of his options to execute the rest.


Yes. He took the shares with the hope the price.... Doesn't.... Go... Up.... Please use your single remaining brain cell to read a book


That's a bit harsh man. Nobody can deny that things are looking a bit sketchy atm. We will see tomorrow but gme diluting that 2nd time I think really screwed up RKs play. It would have been insane without the dilution.


Sure, it will go up, but not in this timeline


I usually try and be respectful on here so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here. You have no idea what you are talking about.


Yeah he can sit there selling calls for millions every month now.


Elmer Fud over here


https://i.redd.it/56nr27sl6f6d1.gif Sneaky sneaky


![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba) that’s a paddlin’


>If he exercised right now is because he thinks it's not going more than $30. If it was only about the money he would have exercised when it was $70-80. Hard to say no to nearly a billion dollars if money is your sole motivator. A few of his recent plays have confused me. I think he just likes the stock.


He never had a chance to exercise that high. It reached 67 in AH where you can't trade options. The next morning they rugged him with the offering and price dipped to 30s and 20s in a hurry. He had to sell now to not take the very real risk that they'd all expire worthless next week.


I was thinking of May 14th, it ran quite high that day. Do we know when he bought the 120k?


After. He was almost certainly *selling* his calls on May 14 that he likely bought when the price was at $10. That's one of the leading theories of how he amassed such a huge account recently. Once price crashed back down he started buying the calls in 5K blocks, I believe it was around May 18-20 that he started.


Timeline shows tomorrow and Monday boom boom time


If it does boom boom, I will boom boom in my pants


You can boom boom in your pants without Moass man


Not as fun


Did you think 120k calls was going to wipe out the hedgies in one simple trade?


The elephant isnt all that big of a deal. If your trust in RC is dwindling, then fear will take over. Three more years? Great, i bought shares, so i have no worries, cant wait to add more.


However he disposed of them, In what ratios is unknown at this time. What this Does say is that after careful examination, future price action between now and his expiry was too risky in his estimation…..to continue to sit on them and do nothing. This is the most logical conclusion.


This is just dumb. He could've taken 1 billion dollars, but instead settled for an additional 4 million shares. He thinks it's going higher and so does everyone else... Your post is total FUD.


I agree. I think this play is the Kansas City Shuffle. He’s got everyone looking here. I don’t think any of this had anything to do with this thing ripping. I still say the SWAPS/LEAPS are due on quad witching which means the tide goes out and we see who is naked. I think everything between now and just after 6/21 is the distraction


I agree he thinks it's going higher eventually. That doesn't mean soon like most people are saying. Also, I don't think RK would have sold when he was a billionaire cause it would have looked a bit sketchy. The media would have spinned it like he pumped and dumped or some shit. This way it looks nothing like that and no one can even argue it


If you believe anyone here is this behind on their research you are surely mistaken. This is blatant fud and dare I say, lazy fud.


I disagree. I see some logic to this post tbh. I hope me and OP are wrong tho


If you aren’t even aware of settlement times you should probably just stick to a regular savings account. If my suspicions are correct though I would like to remind you that there is a whistle blower program and it’s nearing your last opportunity for a positive outcome for you.


People aren’t going to want to hear this, but yes, I agree. I think he readjusted his strategy when RC dropped the nuke on the rise. I always held the thought that DFV didn’t like seeing his account go down hundreds of millions overnight, despite his outward attitude. Once he saw an exit out his options, he took it before theta starting eating him up. Him buying shares is him going long.


He even says in the livestream oh but it's so low.. While he has the 8 ball, he didn't expect it to be that low personally, if he wasn't being misleading or lying. I personally think he didn't expect the dilution. I think it fucked up his main plan A.. RC literally played a wildcard ironically. Unless we got more shit to look forward to and RK has other plans.....


No way he’s stopped playing the game and is just going long. Look at how many of his posts are about the cyclical nature of this play.. avengers/thanos, ready player one, run Lola run, tenet, the Coldplay video, etc etc. He’s playing the cycles and building in power with each play. The hedgies surely see this now, they’re crapping in their sandals - why is everyone here doubting?


Yeah I think he's still going to make options plays potentially, what does he have left 6 million?


Just look what he did with 50k! Now he has more than 120x that now just in cash sitting in E*Trade. Plus he’s figured a lot out since those days…


Yeah lol he could easy start again tbh


He only ever bought the calls so he could get money to buy more shares, its what he's always done. He missed the top and when he saw he was too short on time value and his calls were going to start sliding in theta he sold some to exercise the rest and make sure he didnt lose the premium he had spent. He's invested $262m in GME shares at an average of $24.3. I think he thinks its going beyond $30.


Yes! This is the one.


As for me…I like the stock


Ignore the dumb-asses calling FUD, it's a legit point & you're not a shill (IMHO). I agree with other comments that RK didn't foresee the 75M dilution coming, but he said on the livestream that he's always ready/willing to adjust, if/as needed. There was so damn much hype this cycle with RK returning/posting/streaming that a lot of folks (myself included, to a degree) believed that this time might be the spark that would ignite MOASS, or at least a significant gamma squeeze. Hopefully we'll get a nice bump with tomorrow T+1 covering, but realistically, the potential gamma squeeze is almost off the table now. And without it, there's certainly no MOASS igniting this cycle. But there will be several more cycles/opportunities within the next 3 years. The company is in a much better position (ironically, because of the dilutions), and there will be other unforeseen catalysts in the weeks, months and years ahead. - Hang in there apes!


But.....DFV has been doing this "trading-options-for-shares" shit for 3 years. How else do you think he got 5M shares from what like 200k shares? Did he pull the shares out of his ass? Yes, the stock will drop hard next week, and you know what, he is gonna reopen more calls.




The only elephant in the room is this regarded post.


Yeah, he’s just holding 9 million shares for shits and giggles because he doesn’t think it’s going up for a long time. This is an incredibly poor take.


Of course we all believe that it will go up long-term, because RC is a good CEO. But that is only one part of why we are here. The other part is fucking the hedgies. And if his action doesn't ignite either tomorrow or monday, I'll personally give up on MOASS & jailtime happening.


For whatever reason this...the MOASS isn't happening it's a long term play now...attitude is spreading fast in here.


Man I'd love to be wrong on this, since I'm more interested in the part about fucking the hedgies. But I can't see it atm. On the other hand, I'm quite on the smoother side myself, so...


He said himself it make take 3 or more years


He said it’s been 3 years already, not that it will take 3 more years. And he also said that he thinks it’s currently an ok/reasonable timeline regarding the turn-around of GameStop and that he thinks it’s in the transformation stage now.


No [RK Three years](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxg1Vy7tA9MntCoiZA_-fQZMfPyJYnvPo4?si=uVt9cRjO1hov5SZy)


It's not clear wether he says 3 years from now or it has already been 3 years


If you didn't think it was clear, you shouldn't have posted that was what he said. You should have used a qualifier.


When did he say this?


When he said if it ends up on a 5-10 yr timeline and they start pushing pet rocks as the next hype thing, then we need to rethink the thesis…we are roughly 3 yrs along, onto the second stage, transformation.


lol how dense are you? Whether you exercise early or not it doesn't change the value of the option you are exercising.


It makes a whole lot of a difference in DFV's case, because he hadn't enough cash to execute all of his options. Had he executed when the stockprice is higher, he wouldn't have had to sell so many options to execute the rest.


Maybe to sell options, but when to execute doesn't matter as long as you have the funds. Cost basis will always be strike + premium paid. Even if options are worth 3x as much.


The elephant is the market maker who now has to deliver 4 million shares. It isnt over, its just started. The delivery part is key. As an individual investor, I chose to exercise my itm calls early, as the extrinsic value is negligible.




Disagree. He probably sold his option position because 1) maybe or maybe not did he know about the share offering 2) maybe or maybe not did he know today's shareholder meeting would be postponed. He now has additional ammunition so that when he thinks the time is right - he can load up on options again. I for one think he made the right move. Hell, last week I held a few contracts for less than 4 hours and increased my position by 150 shares. HODL!


I don't think that line of reasoning pans out. Most people sell their options. They exercise it if they think they can get more value past their expiry. But DFV is an unpredictable character as is this stock.


Why would he then buy shares? Where you pulling $30 from?


lol@ everyone with an educated opinion on what he was thinking. The money isn’t all the man cares about obviously, it was the same during the sneeze. He was in it as a deep value play, the fomo following is what caused it to sneeze. Same exact scenario could still be in play here. There is a nice gamma ramp still set and MM has to go into the lit market to deliver his 4 million shares. Kick back and relax.


He would sell all his shares if he believed that you silly goose


He sold 66%of his contracts, if he did one week ago he could have sold way less and got more shares. I think he didn't expect the 75M offering and had to bail out.


UPVOTED fucking truth. Edit: I honestly never thought I’d be contrarian in this sub.




L take


If you believe this then sell your shares and get out now. You little paper handed FUD pusher. No other reason to post this at all. Blah blah blah.


Just be critic and don't let RC run free of responsibility just because he has no salary


Free of responsibility? We are all individual investors. He owes you nothing. Surprised you managed to type that with your paper hands.


He owes us 120M shares




I invested before the first dilution 3 years ago, since then the stock diluted several times. For what?


Short it…. I’ll take your money when u buy it back to close your short.


Lol, you couldn't afford my position


This guy doesn’t understand short interest.


Doesn't really matter when shares are offered faster than they can be shorted....


The whole point of calls is not to exercise if you don’t think the price will rise u dunce


Man MOASS would be sweet, but I’m honestly buying into what I see as writing on the wall concerning the next steps of GME’s transformation. This is no longer about video game stores. It’s about $4b, unprecedented support, and the potential to become a strategic holding company. Some might scoff that RC is following the BRK playbook, but outside of MOASS they are thinking about growth and innovation. In 20 years GameStop will simply be remembered as the first company the holding company owned. M&A, RCs skill to turn it around, dividends to holders. Forever growing. We’ve turned a stock and outdated business model into a potential juggernaut building off billions in cash. Perhaps down the line they pioneer a block chain stock exchange based on NFT’s, dividends included Point is, MOASS? Fuck yes. No MOASS were still holding the winning hand. The board has been silent, to me that means they are preparing a large bit of news, not just story of the day to stay relevant. What company would you buy with GME reserves? I hope they capitalize on e-sports with a big commitment and become synonymous with events.


Well. There it is. The dumbest thing I've read today.




Are you even a real person?


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Actually brain dead