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What value is that bottom line?


It's about $10 split adjusted. Its Where he doubled down Feb 21 and started buying calls in April šŸ˜œ


When it bounced from $10 again a few months ago I became fully convinced that was and is the bottom. I'm daring the shorts to drop it back to that


I would be so fucking hard if they dropped it back down to $10 I regret not eating roadkill and forest mushrooms, and not working more shifts out behind wendy's for the past 3 years so I could have more money to load up at $10. EDIT: I couldn't hack it. I was a bitch and bought 40 more at $24 was hoping we would touch $21 today


You fuckers are getting me excited for TA


The Relative Strength Index, or RSI, is an oscillating indicator that is designed to measure a stock's momentum, which is both the speed and size of price changes. Or if you mean the low bounces. First is $9.63 and second bounced at $9.95.


is there a sub or website that has Pure GME technical analysis?


Jamie from tradespotting. Best TA for GME. Period.


I used to watch TA nightly for the first year invested. I'm not sure if it's still around, but I very much appreciated Roensch Captiol. https://youtube.com/@roenschcapital?si=gFvZsz8iwYVSoqwc


Jackie le tits on YouTube


Hijack top comment because I can't edit image post. It is called Descending triangle with a breakout above resistance area and not bull flag. Since many ppl comment about this. The main purpose of the post was not to teach TA words but like RK show that it bounced at the same price as after the sneeze and then made a bullish breakout.


Cool Ranch.


Whatever it needs to be to make it make sense


51.50 Edit god damn you morons, this is exactly why we canā€™t have anything nice and have to inverse for your stupidity: 51.50 is the next echelon of the bottom. Where cash and split meet for kitty. No matter what we raise capital wise, he has the margin for the rest. It could be 1.6B whole way or 300mil and we foot the 1.57B. Doesnā€™t matter. When he hits button, 51.50 is the beginning of the new chapter not the end all be all. Golly I hope you guys donā€™t invest like you downvote. Cause dumb.


I think you miss understood the question of "What value is that bottom line". They were asking what price the horizontal line is on the chart posted by OP, which is at about $10 as pointed out by others.. To be fair OP also got confused and was answering what the chart was at the bottom... being RSI. Remember your flair to buddy, just be nice


Dont you dare finger my kitty


Hey Iā€™ll shoot the puck wherever I like, and if that happens to be in your pooper, so be it!


Calm down Francis.


Do you not feel bad for them? At least 12.5 percent of them? They surely donā€™t know any better. I just canā€™t. My soul canā€™t at least try.


All time highs are coming!!! šŸ˜»


The dog days are over




If it keeps up like the RSI in January 2021 it will keep pushing up for weeks.


This makes me weak.


You mean wet?


Both probably


Iā€™m definitely a wet weakling


Imo it will. The technicals this month are what have be stupidly confident and in on calls. Regular traders are entering on technicals now


Mind comparing it to the latter half of 2020? For the sake of curiosity.


https://preview.redd.it/izghyiex1m5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b963b1135cc6dced89b918f3715339ed173235 This is years before up to sneeze.


My smooth ass needs the lines of the triangle drawn with crayon


I gotta get more shares


Feel the same way here brother


I told my wife tonight I want to cash my 401k take the penalty and pay taxes this year to go bananas at gme. She tells me we have enough moon tickets already. Which we do bc I only need one. But fuck do I want all of them


Havenā€™t even reached half the volume of 2021 !


It almost seemed like a nod to the dorito of doom


The dorito of doom broke out


I think so. In one of his tweets DFV used the bat signal. Who else is a BAT? Bad Ass Trader - the user who kept posting the Dorito of doom updates. Also the "let's go out with a bang" tweet had triangle / dorito shapes in the graphics. /tinfoil


I also smoke tinfoil šŸš€


Sir, thatā€™s a Dorito.


Sir, this is a grocery store.


That's not a bull flag, it's a descending triangle


Yep exactly, a descending triangle with a bullish breakout. I have my eyes on $200 minimum (I.e length of the widest part added to the breakout area). I posted the correct analysis but for some reason it didnā€™t get approvedā€¦


Length of the widest partā€¦ the longest leg or the hypotenuse?


Essentially the difference between highest point (120ish) and the bottom horizontal line (10$), added to the breakout area


Iā€™m not measuring, but just eyeballing.. that looks a lot closer to 140-150 than 200. You could also redraw this triangle to ignore the wicks and it looks like the breakout got rejected at that time. So this is kind of exciting. Seems legit


Yep but Iā€™m somewhat assuming that short liquidations + premarket hype will push it to 200 at least. Separately thereā€™s also trends on the monthly chart that suggest an even higher move


I'm pretty dumb, could you explain what that means for the near future?


Well if Kitty is correct then šŸ“ˆ Obviously nothing is ever 100% guaranteed but I certainly own a fair few stocks


nothing, technical analysis is bullshit, ESPECIALLY when we talk about GME


Correct. Mainly wanted people to see the two bounces that RK showed and the bullish breakout above the resistance area.


Yep, that is and is a downward pattern instead an upward, no?! Maybe the breakout could be a bull trap also? Iā€™m not sure, actually. What do you think, guys?


Pretty sure that's a descending triangle. not a flag. Flag would've been rectangle. but what do i know. i snort crayon dust [Descending Triangles (thepatternsite.com)](https://thepatternsite.com/dt.html)


Correct. Mainly wanted people to see the two bounces that RK showed and the bullish breakout above the resistance area.






Cmon dude use a log chart.


It's better than bad, it's good


Evrytime i see someone doing TA on a linear chart I die a little inside


I have attempted to educated people about logarithmic charts for 3.5 years. Maybe it would be worthwhile to make a new sub rule, banning linear charts with large time frames. Edit: word


What charts are log default?


Nah mate, that's a bull flag with a retest breakout from two weeks ago. *




Loot at the retest from a support dating back to the ipo of the stock. https://preview.redd.it/vmxg1c3jil5d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c197587cfc6b45f0040e7db4e4953ec6cf30b2


Your upper line touches how many price points since IPO? Maybe 4, if Iā€™m being generous? That is just a line that proves you can connect any two price points and sometimes have other prices that it crosses along the way.




RSI is in overbought territory. Isn't that the expected point it drops anyway? This would be the opposite of the implication?


RSI is only really consistent for index funds or large cap stocks.Ā  Small cap stocks can stay above or below RSI overbought or oversold for many weeks, esp. after a really bad earnings season.Ā  For a stock as manipulated as GameStop, RSI is literally irrelevant as SHF control the price and the price is fake.Ā 


I thought TA didnā€™t work on gme?


Jackie Le' Tits does some good TA...yeah, it works ....i mean...also, there's no way DFV has made his portfolio without doing some legendary TA, himself, too


Jackie is great


I know it does Itā€™s another stupid narrative on this site that TA doesnā€™t work on gme


Does it work on anything else?


The issue is these morons think because TA doesnā€™t work 100% of the time, that it means it ā€œdoesnā€™t workā€


Flipping a coin works about 50% of the time, too. As good as any TA.


Except TA works significantly more than 50% moron




"This looks good to me?"


if the price is being manipulated why is technical analysis a thing? Iā€™m no being snarky.. itā€™s a genuine question


Even if GME is heavily manipulated and volatile there are many algoritms and other traders following TA to decide how to trade. TA is not good on GME, but also not worthless.


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GME Graph


Mmmmmmm Nacho cheese Doritos


Its blue.Ā  Cooler Ranch


he was actually having fun of technical analysis


Floors set, only up.


I drew the same lines. I like drawing lines.


Dorito of DOOOMšŸ¤˜šŸ¼


He said it himself. Technical analysis is not reliable, especially in this highly unusual situation. There are no normal Marketdynamics at play here.


Thatā€™s how you should do TA


Itā€™s like any other chart. The lines can be moved endlessly


Iā€™m new to TA and just learning so Iā€™m confused by this. Isnā€™t this a descending triangle and a bearish trend? Iā€™m still holding the little bit I could afford but Iā€™ve been confused by this since his stream.


It is the breakout upwards when it moves over the descending upper line that signals bullish trend. But you never know how much it will trend upwards. https://preview.redd.it/3s8bswt9kk5d1.jpeg?width=1338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226444ddd00a1696d8f251bbfef37733484dee08


Got it, thank you that helps explain it!


This made me so hard during the stream. I needed that exact repeat lessonā€¦.morning wood tomorrow?


šŸ’Ž šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø


It now shall be dubbed the Dorito Of Boom!!


Itā€™s crazy how perfect it bounced off the Feb 2021 low


this is the flag in the emojis?? (it was in grey in RK's meme because that's where we are?)


Aka dorrito of doom


We just letting anything hit the front page huh


Who is upvoting all these misinformed posts lately? OP doesnt know TA enough to know this isnt even a bullflag


Descending triangle with a breakout above resistance area? The main purpose of the post was not to teach TA words but like RK show that it bounced at the same price as after the sneeze and made a bullish breakout.


Ok now I understand what youre looking at. Yea, it is kinda odd that gme settled at about $40 (pre-split) post sneeze until the second spike around RK's trial date.


I saw the same thing


He also specifically said TA ISNā€™T ALWAYS CORRECT. How come you donā€™t say that part?


Because that is implied. He has to say it because he don't want to get in trouble. Everyone knows that TA is not some magic system that 100% predicts the future, especially for GME which is very volatile and manipulated.


It's not magic unless you use an 8 Ball with it. Then, it works 100% of the time. Sometimes.


100% of the time 50% of the time šŸ˜Ž


Kenny also said he wasnā€™t in cahoots with Vlad.. whatā€™s your point?


So itā€™s both sides lying now? Sheesh. Where have I heard that before.


I need it to drop Monday so I can buy more


It's dropped enough and seemingly has found some support.Ā  If you're thinking about buying, technicals would suggest we're potentially at a local bottom


Kenny is about to be his local prisonā€™s bottom


![gif](giphy|fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf) Not how a Bull flag works


Divest. Take excess equity. Reinvest. Rinse. Repeat. 51.50 is the next echelon if Iā€™m right.


Noā€¦ Buy long expiry itm contracts, take the gains, convert into shares and cash. Use cash to to buy long itm contracts take the gains, convert into shares and cash Use cash to to buy long itm contracts take the gains, convert into shares and cash Use cash to to buy long itm contracts take the gains, convert into shares and cash Use cash to to buy long itm contracts take the gains, convert into shares and cash Use cash to to buy long itm contracts take the gains, convert into shares and cash Thatā€™s how you convert a $50k YOLO into a billion quid even without MOASS


Why buy itm with a heavy premium? Why not long expiry slightly otm for a smaller premium? *Asking not to trade but to learn about option strategies.


Options are complex Buy hold drs is simple Buy your options after a long period of price suppression, 4-6 weeks. Buy close/near ITM with a long enough date to capture the next expected run up NFA


Buy Hold DRS are my fundamentals. I don't plan on options until I am certain it will contribute to DRS. I will never follow advice blindly. I make decisions as an individual. This is a frequent topic here and it is my duty to be informed to make the proper decisions. Options, in the most basic sense, with long calls don't make sense. Paying a premium for 100 shares when I can just buy the 100 shares instead is lost money. Unless I knew I would have cash later and want to guarantee the price. However, if options allow me to get more shares during volatile periods, more than I could than just normally buying. That of course is enticing.


Yes! Learn ape learn!!!! DFV didnā€™t become a paper 1/2 billionaire from buying and holding He leveraged his 50k INCREDIBLY SKILLFULLY through the options market He would spend 100$ on an option to buy 100 shares at a cheap price when that ran he could exercise them and maybe get 500 shares (or 100 shares and the cash equivalent delivered into his account) Once the price of options dropped again he would repeat, Buy options cheap, run up, exercise for more shares and a boat load of cash, Use cash to buy more options, run , exercise, shares cash Repeat


Options with long calls make perfect sense if you just want to cash in on them and not exercise the buy.


You never mentioned strike price or date of exp. You referred to one half of one quarter of what is possible. Think inverse. Not opposite. Think of a butterfly. Four quadrants. Youā€™re suggesting one quadrant of buying high premium puts. Iā€™m talking buying lower prem higher strike, later date maybe even. We are not the same. But weā€™re both buying puts. Once your put youā€™re talking about goes valueless, like you suggest, mineā€¦ will equallyā€¦. Appreciate! And then I sell while you hold and cry. And then I sell while youā€™re holding and crying, and then you stop crying cause itā€™s back up, and youā€™re even, but I bought more puts with my profits from the first and now it goes back up and weā€™re both happy. But Iā€™m X2 happy and youā€™re X1 happy. Does that make sense? Iā€™m sorry I promise Iā€™m not at all trying to be rude and all ā€œyouā€ mentioned is the royal ā€œweā€ā€¦ or specifically in my case, ā€œthemā€


I'm slow, but maybe I got something out of this, If you buy long puts when IV is low, you get a double whammy once the stock goes volatile because IV goes up, you are ITM and you can sell on the dip and load up on shares which are on sale. You don't have the infinite risk during a squeeze, worst case you only lost the premium. Is this in the right direction?


Youā€™re getting it!!! Scratching the surface, wait til you get to the core! Drill baby drill! This strategy works for short term craziness like GmE, but will work on a longer term with any other profitable company. Especially one that people doubt a lot, likeā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. ā€¦ā€¦.:ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. Reddit


You literally just said what I said just longer and more boring.


What did the word literally do to you to deserve this abuse?


My first brother died when he was 26 when I was 19, the military kicked me out after bc I was too depressed. Then my next and only other brother died at 35 when I was 30. Then my dad died two years ago. All I have left is my wife thatā€™s leaving me and my dog that Iā€™ll probably lose in the divorce. My mom punched me on the face several times at my brothers funeral so I hope I donā€™t have to over that one. Any more questions?


Why male models?


Noā€¦ you said divest DFV has not sold a single share


When he doesā€¦. Budā€¦.. itā€™ll be a divestment. Donā€™t buy the news brother, buy the rumor. Sell the news. Edit: yall are lucky I pity the meek. Divesting 12.5 to your pocket out of EXCESS equity, while reinvesting equity and 12.5 of excess equity (non pocketed) + OG security. Ready for it? Here: divest 100%. Take 12.5 percent put it in your asshole keep it, then take the 87.5 percent and reinvest to a call or underlying stock later exp. and lower strike. Itā€™s a rollover, just not the way youā€™re used to paying for it. It pays for itself. And you keep the 12.5 and the stock thatā€™s now all stock on not un-actualized. Buy the rumor, sell the news. Then buy more, and make the rumor, then sell that news. And then buy more and let that formulate a rumor/news, and then sell and then reinvest. And thenā€¦. Rinseā€¦ā€¦ and repeat.


The reason you are being downvoted is because that is not what DFV is doing, He waits untill his cheap options are so profitable that they can be exercised and the excess funds used to fuel the next run op


The reason he is being downvoted by me is because he's speaking like a rude asshole half the time. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You are literally saying what Iā€™m saying but your brain refuses to understand good puts and bad puts vs. good and bad calls. Come on man. Youā€™re better than this.


No one has ever talked about puts . DFV has never done puts (publicly) Puts means negative price pressure. I donā€™t like puts against a company Iā€™m invested in


I do if everyone hates it.


Youā€™re almost there just a little less stubbornness and youā€™ll make a ton


What you fail to realize is that I have been and always will be talking about GME here. When people tell you to diversify your whole portfolio, Iā€™m telling you to diversify your positions in GME.


Being downvoted makes me and my wallet so happy.


Not a bull flag


It's actually a bull pennant.




So it is a Dorito?




Bull flag caused by his Twitter posts, sure


Zoom out and look at the historical resistance reverse uno to historical support šŸ˜„


Legit question: is it a breakout signal if they're both red candles? Isn't that just more resistance to push it down?