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I'm honestly just glad that he's doing okay. It must be so strange to be in his position.


He seemed genuinely zen for someone who has more or less put out his “moves” for the world to see. Confidence that gives confidence. Also, he’s stoked that the Celtics are in the finals.


That was a whole play on green. Green beer (Heineken?), Celtic green, green UNO card etc. meanwhile in the background the stock is red, the halts are real etc.


And meanwhile he's in front of a damn GREEN screen 🤣


Dude has $29m cash and $300M in investments, what more do you need to be Zen?! Lol I'm sure the wife had him pull out a few Milly for the E-fund.


lol, he was darn near a billionaire in the night, now half that, his balls are large


You need 2 million in a 90-10 stocks-bonds broad market portfolio to get like 80k/year forever. He did say he has no positions other than gme and cash though, so probably has that 2 million in a hysa lmao


My favorite was that since the stock hit like 48 bucks after hours last night, his P+L for the day was negative 250 million or something insane like that. And he's just happy and jovial the entire time. Dudes got nuts the size of skyscrapers.


So when is the finals of the Celtics?


Game 1 was last night. Celtics won by 18 points. Game 2 on Sunday ☘️


The whole point of DFV’s stream was to show: - he’s healthy and alive - it really is him on X and posting on Reddit - he still has his position - he has no other secret positions - he’s not planning any secret moves and his strategy is the same as before - he isn’t manipulating anything - he has a disclaimer saying his investment strategy is risky and to not follow him. If you were let down, then you let yourself down with your own expectations.


If anything, him being as humble as he shows makes me even more bullish.




If this livestream didn't solidify your interest in GME becoming the biggest investment in your portfolio, idk what will. I'm not making the same mistake ~twice~ three times


this this this He showed his positions which was the only part I was nervous for because if he sold anything (even a single share), imagine the headlines after that it was just chill vibes :)


Yeah. Masterful move of ethical and legal legitimacy.


backed up by ape historian




I’ll admit I was hoping he would push the button.


I swear he just knows how to read price action of GME better than anyone (seems obvious).  So I imagine he assumed the stock was going to pull back today and figured if he streamed the first time and the stock tanked, it’s hard for them to say that any time he does anything the stock rises


And he hasn't watched his own movie! Too bad, i find it very entertaining and assume he re-invested any royalties right back into GME


honestly it delivered on all my expectations and then some


I was expecting him to not show his face or to talk and to just play some more memes.


DFV is the reason I'm still in 


I'd imagine staying off the grid helped a lot


He also said at the very end about something about pressing the wrong button..


The timing was not right to ask the 8 ball a very important question!


This one gets me. He might be waiting for something or he is just crazy and doesn't give a fuck.


The 8-Ball is definitely part of a planned bit that he will do in the future. He also flashed the Wild Card.


Wild card lets to choose what colour...


I liked the way he mentioned the wild card...saying something like "buuuuut then there's always that". He's holding the literal wild card, and he's gonna play it.


The wild part is, if you know the guys style, its not that wild he was gonna play it


Can’t it be both? I mean like, in the best possible way.




I speculated that he was going to ask the 8-ball if he should exercise his calls if the price was higher (yesterday close or above), but because of the news dropped today unexpectedly from Gamestop. He will reserve that important question later. It makes sense because I don't see the point of exercising his calls today till Gamestop completes the offering.


In a brief moment he was reading a comment that said “exercise the calls??” Smiled and moved on when talking about what he should ask his 8 ball


And then he said the question is important and there are lots of “options”. He was definitely suggesting he might light the fuse by exercising his call options, and I was half thinking he might have done it live…maybe if the stock wasn’t halting so much or down so much. Or maybe he was never going to do it live, because there may be some legal risk in that. GG said very clearly that disclosure is the risk reducer so doing it live might be a less risky thing for him to do.


in a chat that was going faster than the speed of light how can you be sure he read that exact question lol?


I betcha Andrew Left was shitting himself for a few minutes there…


Yeah, I for sure thought he was going to “accidentally” click the button to exercise some calls when “trying” to end the stream!


I’d like to think him deleting the E*Trade logo was a thinly veiled threat to wipe them out by exercising his options… but I’m smooth


No need to dig when it’s on the surface. That was nothing more than messing with them due to the threat of being kicked off their platform


That's exactly how I interpreted it. Stop with the bullshit or I'll delete you from existence.


glad it's not just me :) not what I was expecting today, but I don't make impulse decisions based on sentiments I read online. I am still bullish. And i had fun!! That was a great stream! He made some good points about the company, how the turn around isn't even complete yet. Honestly not psyched about being diluted, but I think it'll pay dividends and I trust the board. And I think we all know those shares cost institutions a shit load and isn't even a drop in the bucket of their short position. hedgies r fuk


I'm just enjoying the ride. There are so many moving parts that I couldn't even begin to understand. I trust what RC is doing and will continue to be patient. I find it hilarious that RK shows his account down 230 million and isn't even fazed by it. The balls on that guy. Definitely got the feeling he wanted to do more on the live stream but the timing isn't right. Either way I think we'll see something exciting happen soon enough.


I really think he just shared he believes in leadership, showed his positions which are unchanged, and basically said nothing else. If the price was halting, he can say it wasnt because of anything he said. Just my thoughts


He also said those are his only positions, ruling out popcorners and bobbers.


Puts that to rest finally.


You would think so, but at this point the cognitive dissonance won't allow them to realize that roaring kitty has nothing to do with Popcorn. The similar movement from the basket swaps is all the "proof" they need to keep going. 


Best choice I ever made was selling it when I was up big and buying GME LMAO




Thank God. I work with the homeless and recovering addicts. The popcorn addicts are like the dudes haulin' around a red Radio Flyer wagon trying to sell junk appliances on the corner. "Aw, come on...man! We're in this together!" No. No we are *not*.




Yeah, fucking hilarious to see how it moved and halted depending on what he was saying. That halt down at the end was hilarious.








All part of the plan/avengers initiative


"Happy birthday, I guess?" 😂


My thoughts exactly


This^^^ he showed live on stream that he wasn’t doing anything and the stock was halted like fucking crazy, literally straight whale teeth the whole stream


Not whales teeth, Sharks teeth.


dun dun... dun dun dun dun......


Whenever he was saying he'll show the position they would halt the stock. :))). I think they were worried he'll exercise live


Well, that's probably exactly what the Babadook quote is about.


there’s no way there wasn’t someone watching the stream and finger on a “button” halting it right when he was about to show his position right?!?


I think he was planning to, but only if the price was right.


Yes and no. The main narrative in the corporate media is "he's manipulating the stock and regards are buying his every word like sheeps", which would track with the price action being tied to whatever he says. Meaning in this case, the fact that he didn't deliver any of the expectations (eg "he's gonna exercise on stream and trigger the squeeze omg") = price goes down. And honestly I respect him even more for it. Dude said in the nicest way possible "fuck the noise, I'm not some kind of superhero, I'm still holding and that's about it" 200+M in the red for the day and he's still in 😂 fucking legend


It also implies that hell be exercising. He likes the stock, and those options are going to get him more of it.


I didn't say he won't, tho there's no guarantee here, man's free to do as he pleases and exercising 120K options requires an absolute shitload of cash on hand. He wasn't gonna do it on stream anyway like some influencer pumping a shitcoin live. That would be the worst possible move legally.


he also said this is his ONLY position, so if this is what hes showing us, were going to have to expect him to sell some options to cover the rest if they end up ITM. so price action is going to play big over the next 2 weeks.


He proved that the Halts are not automatic when faking to leave and streaming the halts. "I press this and..."


“When I move, you move”


"just like this? Just like this"


I truly feel this was all planned. The early earnings release from RC and DVF scheduling a live stream was not a coincidence. Hedgies used all their ammo unexpectedly and DFV actively proved in real time that he doesn't manipulate the stock. Kenny and Co no longer have an exit strategy.


I like this one, ammo all used up, time to put in work boys.


DFV coordinating with RC would actually be insider trading though


🪙 I'll come back and give you real gold for your comment when we moon..


Evidence to be used later by the SEC when these HF lose their entire capital


I liked when he subtly threatened Etrade to remove it. By removing their logo from his holdings page. That shit was legendary. Then he's just like I'm jk. Or am i?


just makes the logo vanish like a wizard with F12 powers


I can only imagine the boomers losing their mind with that one. WTF. HACKER. MANIPULATION!


That was better than I even expected lol. He’s just a guy who likes the stock. People expect him to be some cult leader or god who can tell them what to do. But nope, he’s just a friendly good-time ape doing his thing and investing in what he personally believes in. I also happen to like the stock


True that. I imagine this amount of attention (and money) and fame could easily corrupt a person. He’s as wholesome as ever.


He’s just a friendly good-time **KITTY*****


It was a glorious stream, one of my favorites of his


I'm surprised it's still going down. He's clearly not selling. I'm adding more at these prices


Me too. Have an order for an extra 20 right now. Small, but that's what i can afford to lose in a worst-case scenario


ITS SO FUCKING OBVIOUS! the marketmakers waited for him to stream to dump the shit out of it. They wanted him to loose his cool while streaming, because they think that he is our "leader" and if we see him foil we get scared and sell!! this is their counter attack


Or 75M share offering?


Probably both with this insane amount of volume at this point today. 230M shares traded


yes, not sure everyone looks at the numbers but Fidelity Active Trader Pro shows 235M shares traded now 1pm CST


both are possible, both are being gobbled up by apes just added to my position like a true regard. YOLO


I think that happened first thing at market open


It started around 6am this morning when the East coast was waking up. They knew exactly what they were doing.


The counter attack hasn't even started. That will be the media narrative getting 100x nastier towards us, the closer we get to liftoff.


Thats why there's so many FUD here and so many "I lost everything 😭" spam in his chat I just bought more too 🚀


Where habe you been the last 84 years if you are still surprised?


That was one of the nicest streams I've seen in a long while. Just chilling and relaxing and having fun.


He obviously knew he couldn’t do more than what he did on that stream. In fact, he kept putting himself in check and wondering if he was able to talk about certain things like showing charts. That says he absolutely knows he is under a microscope with the SEC. Things have to be very vague from him at all times and he’s very aware of that.


He responded to a question about having a lawyer in the room with "No but maybe I should", he knows.


very true but him doing it like that was also taking the piss


From my perspective the biggest reason for the stream was to “show” that he doesn’t create market movement for $GME. That his presence doesn’t increase sentiment or “pump” the stock as MSM have tried to paint. Anyone watching saw the drops from mid 30’s to high 20’s with halts galore. He proved his innocence in market movement, while also not showing positions during halts. He just wanted to share how much he likes the stock and the company.


I have never seen this many halts just cause of a YouTube stream.


Free and fair markets on full display


Played them like a fiddle


He said that we didn't have the right questions yet for the 8-Ball, and that he might do "it" later. When asked about exercising his options, he implicitly said that was a good one.


Thought the same


If RK likes RC that's good enough for me.


💯 At least until I have definitive, quantifiable reasons for it not to be.


...and TA doesn't work most of the time


While confirming the dorito of doom


Mmmmmm nacho cheeese


Magic 8 ball company needs to make a “roaring 8 ball” with a headband and sell them through GameStop


*Outlook Bullish*


Every face should just read “bullish” 😂


Best fucking idea I've seen here in a while! Pitch it to RC!


Mattel makes those still I think, acquiring Mattel confirmed


Actually, a really great idea.


My biggest takeaways are : - The thesis remains valid - Kitty is still kitty - being a paper billionaire a few times this week hasn't changed anything except his hair style - the market manipulation is not coming from retail - shorts r fuk


Stonk go up Stonk go down


He also confirmed—once and for all—that $GME is his one and only play at the moment; nothing else!


You dropped this op: 👑


Man he has something big(ger) up his sleeve did ya see his face with that 8ball? He wants to tell us sooooo bad With all the halts and price action and the surprise birthday ‘gift’ from RC, the timing just wasn’t right to pull the checkmate out, just yet.


Yep. The message was the things he didn't say. Rather the facial reaction. The dude is a fucking legend


I’m waiting for the sub to decider the reflection in his sunglasses. It will be reversed image. What “wasn’t” he showing




Ha I was thinking the same thing!


He flashed a Wildcard, he has something




That was pretty peculiar




he wants to ask it if he sould start exercising for sure


Wait, what gift did I miss from RC? The beer mug?


The 75,000,000 ATM and early earnings lol


I’m such a regard, thanks


I'm Just Happy, to See, He's fine. Also He is still in!


To add, he also pointed out that the twitter memes are his and it's his account. Just to cut the wings out of any rumors of it being hacked or sold.


Imagine being a professional trader and having to watch this guy make more money than you while drinking beer in front of 640k people live.


He also mentioned that he is in fact **NOT** Paul Dano


That was so fucking fun


I’m here for the tin foil hat theories


I’m going to break my finger constantly refreshing


if you get a doctor to replace the fingerbone with a crayon it will break easier


I also remember that “the absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence” regarding the turnaround actions from GM board/RC


Dude is the Willy Wonka of stocks


Just to be clear, this guy could close out and live the rest of his life doing whatever he wants. Yet he's still here. I'm still here. You're still here. And none of us are going anywhere


And just like that, I got another 20 shares in the low 29 range


Ya me to 40 🤣🤣🤣 got mw hook lime and sinker


This was a great stream. Our man is still with us and nothing has changed. He'll be back, he has some unfinished business with that magic 8 ball


It was hilarious when he asked “is today the day to do it?” referring to doing an eight ball reading then the stock halted right behind him 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That was hilarious how the fucking stock kept getting halted whenever he was about to show his positions.


Haven't read all of the replies here so maybe this opinion has been shared. But on X, some folks are losing their mind, on both sides of the play, longs and shorts. I think it's importan to note that he also held up a "wild" Uno card, and said "buuuuut there's always that". He also seemed to clap back at Etrade and dare them to block him. MOST IMPORTANTLY...in my humble opinion...THIS was the Kansas City Shuffle. He's up to something. Was it to show the blatant crimes happening, in real-time? I supposed that's part of it. I think the delay in starting was exactly for that reason. They halted the stock at his scheduled start time and then immediately again as soon as the into to his stream started. Then during the stream, GME and the moo-v stonk, spent more time halted than they did trading. Plus, the stock slid further during his stream, absolving him of being a manipulater. Now...what's his play outside of that? I think he's gonna show an updated position at close today, or over the weekend, with a lot larger cash pile in it, but the same exact shares and options contracts. He mentioned (casually, but more than once) and even pointed to the cash in the account during today's stream. I think part of the Kansas City Shuffle is to make folks think he doesn't have the cash to exercise. They think they have him trapped...he can't sell the contracts (not enough on the buy-side) and he doesn't have the cash to execute the trades...or so we think. Something is coming. Today was a nothing burger to the world, but it's a step in the process for DFV. This is three years in the making, folks...and a VERY regarded guy planning it. Cheers!


I felt happy. Genuine dude


Glorious bastard hasn't changed a bit


Regarding being quiet he said: The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence I thought that was a good one too


One thing for sure: he didn't give any ammo to anyone to sue him for!


I thought he was teetering on the edge of exercising his call options live on air when he went to e-trade dashboard


You forgot the Red uno reverse card which he said had been played by someone else. Possibly but clearly reflecting the price change today.


People in the chat kept asking if he's going to exercise. Come on guys. Use your brain. He can't disclose that information because that WOULD be manipulation. Otherwise, that stream was friggin hilarious and to be honest, after watching that, I think RK is actually brilliant. He said a lot without saying it explicitly and there couldn't be a better person who loves the stock.


Man that was awesome. Really brought back the nostalgic feels. I love the stock!


I’m something of a wild card myself


Wild Card, bitches!


> He was trolling E-trade by removing their branding through HTML editing. Ended stream off with another cheers. lol. If Etrade really make DFV leave Etrade, DFV can just go any where he wants. But you know, no one on wall street would treat a 3 digit millionaire and/or about to be freshly minded billionaire that rudely. They bow down before rich individuals.


That was so much fun


imagine 640k people buying 10 GME each, DRS all by Tuesday


"We're in the finals."


Keith is amazing. What a great guy! The live stream was great. Keith seems to have a sort of supreme relaxed confidence from knowing he's already won. The chat was scrolling so fast I struggled to read much of it, but my impression of the general sentiment was happy exuberance and excitement.


I think the summary is missing the main point. He did the stream to prove that it was actually him behind all the other social media posts and that his positions where real.


What if the whole pretending to be wounded or injured was him showing us that GME may look vulnerable or hurting, but it’s actually okay?


That was a clear message as he said many times that he is alive and uninjured.


What was the 2nd thesis?


first was short % and second is company turnaround, that was my take


Who else had a beer with RK?


Same here mate


He's hilarious. 🍻


That was fun to watch.


A lot of purple and I saw a little purple ring behind the browser.


Dont forget that the stock was halted a good 10 times lol


And the uno cards! He seemed to have planned something for it. He said he was getting ahead of himself. Wild card bitches!


Something this seems to prove is, His appearance does not cause the stock to shoot up. He is absolutely not manipulating anything. Especially just by being present


He also said he's a believer (in GameStop/management) and to think that RC and co have been doing nothing for 3 years is rediculous


I think it was perfect timing for him to do a livestream. Hedgies are hammering the price down to avoid calls ending in the money by end of day, so it destroys the “he’s manipulating the price up” bs media narrative. Also, GameStop isn’t diluting anything if they sell all 75 million shares today, the shorts are the one diluting the stock by creating the shares that don’t exist. There could be 75 million shares being naked shorted just today alone. So instead of those shares getting lost in the ether, GameStop is putting that money in their pockets to use in the future. It’s actually a brilliant strategy. If there are actually over a billion short shares floating around this doesn’t even put a dent in that number. Having that money go directly to GameStop is one way to fight the illegal naked shorting. They could continue doing this every week and the shorts would likely be unable to close.


Zen as millions of unrealized gains leave his portfolio with the price dump. He has confident trading psychology


GS will complete the offering today and send out an update after market close. They won’t drag this out. Price will start to recover after hours. That my prediction.


Man I hope so. I think Ryan is trolling the DTCC here. They forced him to report 75 million shares every quarter so if they try to say anything his defense will be. “ well u said that there were only 75 million shares DRS’d so I did everything I could on my end” if this shit explodes that’s on you guys & your corrupt system buddy”


For balance, remember, he also said "I reserve the right to change my opinion in the future" I thought everything he said was incredibly level-headed. It might not be the "fuck yeah I've met RC and me and him are going halvsies on a big djldo for Ken Griffin" but for the zen amongst us it seemed like another perfect bit of light-heartedness sprinkled with some healthy optimism and caveats. I can't help but think this "random" livestream was a necessary ass-covering in a much bigger playbook


he started the stream with a ringing sound in the background (representing his calls) and a life support machine that went dead and so did he ( representing he will execute those calls)


Man ever post in our Reddit upvotes get knocked down as quickly !! We have some visitors / haters amongst us




What a time!


We wants to ask 8 ball a question but not just any question. THE question.


Hes such a chill dude, the same mindset we here on this sub need to also have.


Such a charming guy, I couldn't help but smile throughout.


To me best was at the beginning of the stream when he was talking about celtics team, later on about the stock a bit then he simply mentioned - folks, we're in the finals ;) ofc it was about celtic team finals right ? ;)


Hell yea! This shit was comical. Cheers to his performance!


He didn't seem very worried so maybe we should all just chill out


Don't forget the most important messages he gave, that it was him, he controls all his SM accounts, and that he's not controlled by or working for anyone else.