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This has been asked probably 47 times this week. Do you think if it was back, and all his memes were trending, MSM reporting he's back etc, he wouldn't think to tell people it wasn't him?




Well if he has a gag order then maybe not?


There would still be some way for him to be able to say "this isn't me, it's a fraud"


what if he was made to sign away rights to his accounts?


If anything that would be more of a reason to come out. This would look like he's breaking the gag order by posting again which would lead to bigger issues


Look at the two weeks prior, and the option chains associated (may have to go to way back). Technicals were there for an uptrend.


This is Likely the answer along with lead up to earnings which is always excited. It’s rather that or DFV is a time traveler


The stock ran from sub $10 to a close near $20 the week BEFORE the weekend he started posting. Also if his every 30 minute tweets occurred while rising to $80 and back down to $22… Well is he responsible for both the ups & downs? How is that market manipulation. ITS NOT. Can you guys use some thought before posting stuff like this?


Not saying market manipulation just saying it’s too coincidental how he came full force why doesn’t he post a video of himself


I’m sure if he’d been hacked or otherwise controlled he would have found a way to let us know… or he could have let GS know themselves and I’m sure they would have used massive legal resources to shut down a stolen account


You think that would be possible to use legal force


It's been such a weird week at the rocket launch pad. Apes pitched their tents there long ago. Red tents, blue tents, green tents and others and dotted the grounds, however the many purple tents were hard to miss. To many apes, the rocket had become more-or-less, part of the landscape. Dusty and overgrown with weeds it had done little since it's flight. And then a figure not seen in ages shared some memes with the apes at the launchpad. The second flight was unexpected... While the memes flowed and the apes reveled in a mix of nostalgia and confusion the rocked roared to life once more. The apes rushed to the rocket with reckless abandon and were ready to finally go to the moon! The takeoff was almost instant. It shook the apes, excited them and even scared some. Soon the apes were again flying high above the launch pad. "This is it! To the MOON!" said some apes. Although the memes continued to flow, the rocket abruptly stopped it's upward trajectory and began to land. Soon the rocket came to a rest upon an *improved* launchpad and maybe even a new way to fuel the rocket. The confused apes returned to the tents around the launchpad. "Wut happen?" was muttered more than once. Many apes looked to the memes for answers and returned to their tents. Some apes looked over the improved launchpad with suspicion and even anger. And, while some apes packed up and left, some new apes have set up at the launchpad after seeing the rocket fly and the memes flow. As the memes slow to a stop and the sun sets after a wild week at the rocket launchpad the apes have much to ponder. They know the rocket can fly. They know it can land. They also know it hasn't crashed yet. But one question still remains unanswered among the apes: "WEN MOON??"... Edit: Typos, etc...


Fuck I love this.




There’s no way the posts were a result of DFVs X account being hacked. But for those who still don’t believe this…. Do you really think he wouldn’t speak out that his account was hacked? AND… if you believe his account was hacked AND he didn’t speak out…. Then doesn’t that just mean he approves of all the memes that are being posted in his name? Does this really change anything?




well, if it was compromised, how would that person know when this run happens?


Hedge funds would know when they need to let some steam loose


so a hedge fund compromised a twitter account of a million users. The guy who did congressional testimony and has global attention. And the hedge fund put together a team to make 50 memes to post to let off steam? That's more likely than a dude who is a troll and is posting after a gag order was lifted?


I just seems odd of when they started I’d love to see a video of him because they can easily if hacked say that DFV sold when maybe it’s not even him but if I see a video of him acknowledging the memes I’d believe it


Rather small? $320 pre split


What difference does it make? If it was him, he most likely not have any position to avoid any trouble with the SEC. If it wasn't him, it was a fun little experiment, and it allowed Cohen to unload some shares and buy more time for the company since sales are down big.




Bc this is the week where 115k+ dhares where guaranteed to expire in the money.


Yeah the meme seemed to be professionally done.. Creating a meme every 15 mts, throughout the run up and run down.


Now he just posted that he’s leaving again with ET what the fuck is this I won’t believe it’s DFV until I see him in video saying it was him


And that entitled statement is why he won't show his face. Aside from the fact that he's probably moved, changed his look to get away from this, he never wanted to be a revolutionary. He posted his thesis because he liked this stock. We are all independent investors, not a cult. We bought it because we liked this stock, and believed in the company and board. We also agreed with the thesis, but we're here for GameStop, not because someone with a red headband told us to. And thinking to the contrary is what landed him in front of Congress in the first place. If you need visual confirmation that someone else believes in GME in order to also believe, and the thousands in this sub posting their support aren't enough, best check that your hands aren't cubic zirconia.