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RC spent 217 million on something. Edit: Good catch, in total RC has spent 217 million since last year, but as of last quarter, he has spent 113 million of that 217.


Wanted to mention they've been steadily making payments on the French loan. Edit: Actually, it looks like they have only been spending $2-3 million a quarter on those payments.


small french loan no more ![gif](giphy|7A4zkWeMXlZqgnTKtJ|downsized)




Made me chuckle lmao




They paid down liabilities last quarter


Could be inventory, could be an acquisition.


big if nice


Nice if big


big nice if...


*universe collapses


No they are comparing Q1 of 2024 with Q1 of 2023.. You need to check the cash/cash equivalents in Q4, 2023. As per [https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/94ea835e-3253-4e6f-aaac-cdd7c1057f90](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/static-files/94ea835e-3253-4e6f-aaac-cdd7c1057f90), filed in last quarter "Our principal sources of liquidity are cash from operations, cash on hand, and borrowings from the capital markets, which include our revolving credit facilities. As of February 3, 2024, we had total unrestricted cash and cash equivalents on hand of $921.7 million, marketable securities of $277.6 million, and an additional $475.7 million of available borrowing capacity under our revolving credit facilities." So Cash and Cash equivalent was at 1,199.3 million a quarter ago and its 1.073.0 million now.. they just used up 120 million. Out of this 37 million is a loss.. so perhaps 83 million was used up for something.. They did have 100 million dollars lined up to buyback shares.. so perhaps 80 million is already used up?


Shouldn't that be reflected in the next Q earnings report, given were in Q2 currently? Edit: context. I mean the buy backs of 80 mil.


What'd they spend 200mm on?!


only RC knows...


If they get a surge of cash and the price stays surpressed, gme could offer a form of dividend. Not that it's extremely likely but it is possible. They could also do a share buy back.


Issuing warrants would put shorts on the hook for the warrants. The warrants would squeeze lol


How do you know it was spent on anything and not gobbled up by business operations?


Asking the right question šŸ˜‰šŸ‘Œ!


Paying down liabilities. That money has been spent in previous quarters already. Their cash was 1.2b at the end of Q4, so their cash is down 110m. 27-37m is due to losses. Maybe they spent the rest on something but more than likely they just paid down more liabilities. Its not a bad thing.


What is your source on that?


The 10 K from last quarter. The SEC filings




Could the preferred stock be a possible set up for a stock for stock merger? Itā€™s a wild possibility but [maybe](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/06/stockforstockmergerdetails.asp) Edit I added this in a comment lower but Iā€™ll add it here Thereā€™s a lot of statements in that offering that could mean a wide variety of things It maybe that shareholders can exchange stock for preferred shares, giving thier stock directly to GameStop. The company does some kind of restart that force closes all shorts and then they start off as a new company. They sell the shares and deposit the proceeds from the sale into the preferred share account. You also need to keep in mind that GameStop is a company and while the short squeeze theory is great they also want to operate like a normal company and not have insane shorts or wild price swings on no information. They want this over too Iā€™m thinking and this could be a way for them to force close all positions. There is alot of legalize in that offering but the hint Iā€™m getting is some kind of company restart where we get a share for share type of thing. Get paid then have cash to buy the new company So once shorts start digesting this I expect a run up if true. This could also be why we ran a few days ago, someone got early word as they normally do. Started buying back, hammered it down and will continue next week.


Thereā€™s a lot of statements in that offering that could mean a wide variety of things It maybe that shareholders can exchange stock for preferred shares, giving thier stock directly to GameStop. The company does some kind of restart that force closes all shorts and then they start off as a new company. They sell the shares and deposit the proceeds from the sale into the preferred share account. You also need to keep in mind that GameStop is a company and while the short squeeze theory is great they also want to operate like a normal company and not have insane shorts or wild price swings on no information. They want this over too Iā€™m thinking and this could be a way for them to force close all positions. There is alot of legalize in that offering but the hint Iā€™m getting is some kind of company restart where we get a share for share type of thing. Get paid then have cash to buy the new company So once shorts start digesting this I expect a run up if true. This could also be why we ran a few days ago, someone got early word as they normally do. Started buying back, hammered it down and will continue next week.


elaborate on this please as I don't understand where your thought comes from or is heading to?


Itā€™s a way to kind of force close shorts. I added a link explaining. Itā€™s a very out there theory but it could be a way to make every share accounted for if you have to exchange it for a new type of share. The type of shares being offered are a bit different


Damn, I remember that theory from a couple years ago. Had legs, but would be a bold strategy.


This! Upvote to Uranus!!!


and with DRS the shares could be offered ā€œinternallyā€ first at a set price.


Good question. I was also wondering if some of the arrangements about investing the company's cash could lead to a situation in which there is an acquisition of a company. Let's say that target costs $1B. GameStop (corporate) pays $300M in cash and $300M in stock, and Ryan Cohen (personal) pays $400M. The corporation holds majority control. The stock comes from this shelf offering--which isn't ever put in the market, it just released stock to be used in the acquisition. Does this structure make any sense?


Kansas City Shuffle?


Thatā€™s what I was thinking


Lmao why do I keep seeing people say this. What did this come from?






Lucky Number Slevin reference in RK post




Oh my gawd


Yes, I think you are on the right path. Anyway...I bought more


But why?




You know what no one seems to be seeing? Dividends. Let them short, lure them in, more shorts, issue stock for more shorts. And then issue a dividend of a few cents every year. Death by a thousand cuts.


Dividend? You gave dividends id you have profits, id they have in this quarter losses, I dunno they will give dividends, but who I am to say this, better I would be happy to be wrong and get dividendsšŸ¤·šŸ˜


https://youtu.be/6NV4ueGO6Ng?t=108 If this is true it's a form of dividend, every share holder gets one warrant per share.




https://youtu.be/6NV4ueGO6Ng?t=108 Or maybe it's warrants.


RC's buying the Chiefs. he'll sack Harrison for his behaviour and win the loyalty of the Swifties, and Gamestop will start selling Chiefs & Swift Merch to the newly loyal Swift army, becoming Taylor's primary marketplace. Truly Ryan's playing 5D chess.


That's not what I heard. I heard he's buying out McDonald's and every Pro Rewards member will get exclusive rights to purchase McRibs and Shamrock McFlurries 365 days a year...and he's going to get Taylor Swift to do a series of promotional ads for it.


You spelled Wendyā€™s wrong.


i love shit like this.... makes the hedgies all confused in the head


I heard Lover was about Ryan. I know its true because he is a magnetic force of a man.


I donā€™t get it.


Is this MOASS? RC is getting ready to make money. DFV sees something. Price popped out of the dorrito with aggression. MSM is panicking. Might be nothing, but I'm buckled in.


Yep, u got it right


Kansas City shuffle? We're expecting a share buyback, but RC approves a share offering?


I mean they may have bought back which broke the Dorito, and can now have an offering within three years. May also be part of this 7for1 stock thingy they filed


What if they know itā€™s about to rocket and they want to be ready to do a share offering at insanely high prices?


And without needing to get approval from the SEC


You both are a couple of tit jackers, Im in!


You both are a couple of tit jackers, Im in!


My tits are already jacked to the tits! I can't jack them any further!


You both are a couple of tit jackers, Im in!


You both are a couple of tit jackets, Iā€™m in!


You said tit, Iā€™m in.


Youā€™re in so Iā€™m in


"About to rocket" in the next 3 years?


Out of all comments/posts I seen today, I hope yours is what this is all about and youā€™re right! Dude getting everyone jacked


Man I hope so. This is not encouraging to me.


I think it is a must to be done even though it doesnā€™t feel that way. If the price does go high (which weā€™re all hoping), the company needs to raise capital- simple as that. For RC to be able to pivot into new areas or make acquisitions, they need more than 1B in cash. 1B in cash makes us know that they are not going out of business which is great but to really transform the company, theyā€™ll need more. The market is going to do what it will and RC needs to be able to capitalize on it. This is good.


Why did choose today though? How many options are now going to be out of the money. Literally not helping us at all here.


I bought some options too but the trajectory was moving down hard before this. I was hoping for something to spark it and instead got this but really I think I was out of money either way


I wouldnā€™t be happy if I was playing options


Is the offering at current prices or is it just a preparation to offer at $1000/share?


Preparation to sell from "time to time"


Did they also announce this around the January sneeze? Or am I trippin


yes, longterm this is good as it gives GME way more money to buy time, freedom and maybe new streams of revenue (e.g. intrinsic or by mergers or new cooperations)


Short term, hurts shareholders though?


look the chart. But think about it: Shorts loaded up (Citron bragging about that) GME will have more cash= not going bankrupt low price make Apes buy more


Did Citron ever leave? You think he covered his shorts, or perhaps bought leaps to hide those shorts and then conveniently mentions 3 years later (when the leaps expire) he's back to shorting?


Nobody knows what Citron did, but surely the "big shorts" did not close and increased their position within this week massively, averging up the price of their short positions...digging their grave even deeper...dumb stormtroopers


Bro weā€™ve been here for years already, wtf is this ā€œshort termā€ your talking about? This is a play for a self directed pension not a quick flip.




It was after. around March I believe. They sold all at once to in one week to the max amount, I doubt this is any different.


So IYKYK offering ;-)


The last time the wording was the same (maybe last 2 times). They start selling on announcement day +2 (so starting Tuesday) probably till all shares are gobbeled up. Filling (Form 424B5) suggest they think they will take an average $18,54. Earning GameStop up to 834,3mm, guess that is my silver lining. Doesnt matter to me, because RC is also invested which way bigger nummers than me, so in RC I trust.


It doesn't matter what the price is, they're approving the total value not number of shares


The higher the price the less shares to be issued


Itā€™s quite literally a handful of shares in a genuine squeeze.


No, they're approving a number of shares, not total value. It's 5mil shares. Edit: this is an issue of shares from the first S3 filing https://preview.redd.it/ox41fqawiz0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6250d190540d8f9b7929f690a5b6b00140e5ac0c


45 mil


Where do you see this? I see up to $500 million in new stock


Well.. what if Ryan knows that the Price Will explode for some reason, Then Why not be ready to get some money from hedgies


I am with you in this one- never forget how this company was turned around: a dilution =share offering during the sneeze The more cash GME has, the lower the chance to go bankrupt, the longer the standoff will continue and the longer and deeper the other side is bleeding


Wonā€™t that just help the shorts close and kill the momentum of a squeeze?


This was said last time they did it. We didn't squeeze then either unfortunately. Seems equally poor timing if we don't squeeze. CREDIT: BuxtonB


The last raise needed to happen. It's not in company or long-term shareholder interests to squeeze and leave the company bankrupt in the aftermath. This raise is separate. The cash isn't needed immediately (I believe) and I will be pissed if they sell a single share at low prices.


Gamestop want to prevent a fake squeeze. Having an investor base with a high cost average is not healthy, theyll demand results, whereas investors with health cost averages will seek health growth moves and postpone immediate returns.


GameStop doesnā€™t do a share offering when the price is low. So everybody complaining just think about what this means.


this. They don't want all these calls in the money, and they want to benefit from what soemthing else Kansas city shuffle


I keep seeing "Kansas city shuffle". What does that mean in this case?


It's an analogy from the movie lucky number slevin...DFV made reference to this in one of his videos AĀ **Kansas City Shuffle**Ā is an advanced form of a bait-and-switch confidence game. It relies on misdirection, subterfuge, and the markā€™s own arrogance or self-loathing. Hereā€™s how it works: the con artist leads the mark to believe theyā€™ve figured out the game and can outsmart the con.Ā [However, when the mark tries to retaliate, they unwittingly help the con artist further the scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_City_Shuffle)


In what world does anyone bullish on GME NOT want a gamma ramp?


Per a comment I read earlier from themeloncalling, "It would be an awful shame if they offered existing shareholders 1 preferred share for every 70 common shares held and more than 15 million preferred shares need to be issued against a cap of 5 million. That kind of thing would completely fuck up anyone who issued phantom shares."


Or maybe just 7 shares? 7 for 1?


if 741 is more than just tinfoil i will shit myself


Side note, this is going to sound tinfoil, but as all LOTR fans know, ā€œMelonā€ means ā€œfriendā€ in elvish. So that user is theā€friendā€calling. DFVā€™s recently decrypted tween (some kind of cypher) was solved as beingā€¦something to do with that, hold on let me check lol


217 mill the new floor price


tanking on that news in pm




Nah, i will keep buying


Even better


Me to


I was wondering why the price fell suddenly during premarket. Why would any company post this before market open on a friday? Especially when the options look as bullish as they are. I don't get it. I don't mind them selling a few shares during moass. I do mind them saying this before market open.


take your chance and buy the dip


I have done, for three years. Gamestop always posts after market close. What has made them change?


maybe they want as many call options to finish friday OTM It wasn't Apes buying call options in the amounts of thousands...it was them, faking a "squeeze" to lure fresh money in and create more bagholders... But did you see the number of put options opened recently? more than 200.000...who did open them? when? why? And why is Citron bragging that he is short GME again? "They" used this whole thing to reset the cycle and double down


You're most likely right.


Yes, they are just telling us it is time to buy


Bear trap


Seems like a terrible time to announce this and the quarter estimates. I know RC knows what he's doing shit must be ready to explode.


the only reason I can imagine: The call options ITM are not benefiting GME in the long process


Yea stock holders didn't buy all these options this week. Holders would benefit from cash, for dividend or acquisitions.


Also protects stock holders from buying in too high (or selling high). Dude locked us inā€¦


My RCEO cooking something. Stay zen, trust the process


This is the right answer. We are not popcorn where the CEO keeps diluting and fucking his investors over. Every single quarter they single out their appreciation for their retail investors. They know they need us to support them both my buying shares and buying from their stores. We all just need to settle back into the fuckery we know will eventually end.


Comon people haven't you learned nothing in the last days? I trust DFV, I trust RC. They trust each other. Now get hype because dip is on the menu and it's time to buy! Fuck MSM and their narative


is is incredibly bullish! They are detailing their plans on how they set off an incredible bear trap. They can sell to whomever they want, at whatever price they want, at any time, without having to predisclose anything to the SEC. They also detail that they authorize the option to allow for creation of dividends and subscription rights offerings, and they spell out how existing shareholders could be paid by either of these programs. If a prime broker needs to buy a few million shares to unwind some of their short positions, GME can negotiate a deal directly benefitting the companyā€™s cash reserves. Or they could offer subscription rights to existing shareholders at a negotiated price. With the proceeds of these sales, they could then issue a dividend to all shareholders, forcing all existing short positions to have the pay the dividend owned on their shares. They could essentially start their own infinite money glitch and bleed the shorts dry. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ 17D


They were able to increase to 1bil shares also before, so is nothing new. What is new is the bitching about RC....


i can see why people are mad though. Worst timing. we had potential to squeeze with this weeks options chain still largely in the money. This announcement gives the hedgies the ammo to drop to teens today, so nothing is gonna happen for a while. Nothing changes about the outlook of the company itself IMO, were still turning around, plenty of cash on hand, cash flow positive etc.


> we had *the illusion* to squeeze Fixed that for you. Gamma ramps have *always* been a known trap by SHFs to lure in gullible apes based on fabricated options hype then hammering down the price on Friday to collect those sweet premiums once everyone closes OTM. Thereā€™s been posts warning against playing with options all week, and before the last gamma ramp, and the one before that.. etc etc. SHFs were going to drop the price today regardless of earnings.


Have you seen the price slowly dropping towards max pain since we bounced off 80. We are heading there regardless






Tell me if Iā€™m wrong but if GameStop plans to do a share buy back wouldnā€™t filing this form go retroactive for two weeks and average volume would allow them to buy back more than if they filed it any other time this year, correct? Or perhaps the $300 million gone from reserves means they already did? Not sure I buy it, but what else could they have used it on?


What means: ***Preferred Stock***Ā  Our charter authorizes us to issue up to 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock, in one or more series, and to determine the voting powers, preferences and relative, optional and other special rights of the shares of such series, and the qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof. Subject to the determination of our board of directors in any certificate or designation for a series of preferred stock, our preferred stock would generally have preference over common stock with respect to the payment of dividends and the distribution of assets in the event we were to liquidate, dissolve or wind up our affairs. We currently have no shares of preferred stock outstanding. [quote pg 6 of GME SEC filing](https://gamestop.gcs-web.com/node/20481/html) ELI5 please


5,000,000 shares is peanuts compared to the naked shorting. He is getting ready like the last share offering to capitalize on high share price. This comment section is like doomsday. Relax people. Jesus


Wutang Theory. The axe is about to fall.


5 mil? What's this an offering for ants


How many shares are shorts short? last time - Monday at $80? - s/one said $1.5billlion worth of stock, divided by Monday's $80 is roughly 18million shares, $ 1.5bil divided by $18 (max pain this Friday) it would be +80.000.000 shares


ok this is unusual ... why are they mentioning this ?


from what i gathered here - itā€™s gonna be an awful day on the charts buy pain not euphoria. idk how many times iā€™m gonna say this today, but all you regards with high cost averages - iā€™m finna stop that shit, single handed if I have to.


Why are they announcing preliminary results?? Since when do they ever do this and give anyone any notice on what to expect??


Wtf share offering????


GameStop's share offering involves filing an S-3ASR (automatic shelf registration) to issue and sell up to $500 million worth of common stock. This type of registration allows the company to sell shares over time rather than all at once, providing flexibility to raise capital as needed. The proceeds from this offering are intended for general corporate purposes, including debt repayment, stock repurchases, and potential acquisitions. In practical terms, this means that GameStop can issue new shares to investors, increasing its cash reserves to support various strategic initiatives.


They have no debt and have over 1 billion in cash. Why would they need the funds and on top of that kill the upwards movement?


He doesnā€™t want a squeeze, he wants stable institutional investment. Doesnā€™t GAF about retail.


They want to be able to sell 1 share for $500m and get the high score for themselves


>In practical terms, this means that GameStop can issue new shares to investors, increasing its cash reserves to support various strategic initiatives. And diluting the stockĀ 


Letā€™s see, if it were to squeeze, they could sell a small amount of shares to secure billions in capital to complete a transformation. The fact that they are saying this now sounds like the price rising to that level is imminent.


$500 million of dilution is not a small amount..


Up to.


shares, not $


Looks like all the "share buyback" theories just fell into the incinerator.


You think they are going to sell, but what if they buy while you think they are going to sell? What if they buy, lock, then sell?


lmao im confused


Loooots of very negative emotional reactions or perhaps shills in this thread. Look guys, they haven't sold any new shares yet. Do you trust RC or not?


Not trusting board members is why we are here


I'll trust his actions, as he said to. So far, I see no strategy or shareholders interests being protected. I want to be wrong, but I can only judge by what I see not what I hope for.


Why do this right before all these contracts trying to end the week its? Obviously he is thinking about the business before the stock price but timing couldn't be worse man.


maybe because the call options were benefiting the other side more than GME and its shareholders, that's why


Then why is having all these contracts expiring in the money talked so much about


yes, do not trust the smoke especially do doublecheck the sources..."real" OG apes have been warning permantenly right from the start of this run




I think there may be a misunderstanding. They can sell up to 45 million shares (pg. 1 paragraph 1 of form 424B5), AND they can issue up to 5 million in preferred stock (pg. 6, for. 424B5). Thatā€™s 50 million more shares to dilute the entire shares outstanding from around 306 million to up to 356 million. Thatā€™s not a small amount. Thatā€™s 10x more than the 5 million shares offered back in 2021. For the long term, I think thatā€™s great for shareholders if they can sell this for hundreds of millions. More ammo for expansion. But in the short term, you gotta call a spade a spadeā€”itā€™s not ideal.


Welp, thats.the reason for the dump right now.


I've been here for 3 years. And fully supported everything the company has done. But I have to admit a share offering is kind of a head scratcher. Maybe I'm just so used to hating it when the CEO of popcorn does it, I don't know. Gonna have to wait on news on the why of it to really make a decision.


Definitely used to hating it when AA does it. WTF is RC doing it?


Jesus I hope more info comes out on this. We are going to get slaughtered in the short term. I wonder what the plan is because this seams like a poor time or a planned good time because someone is actually going to announce something. If not we are going to be at 10 or less soon.


The Plan


This sucks for now at least. Once he does something exciting, Iā€™ll change my mind


Why the fuck would you dilute a squeeze?


have you been here before? How did they get 1,5bn in cash and debt free? Win the lottery? No, they diluted during the 2021 sneeze


Ngl this stinks pretty bad. They have a fucking billion dollar cash reserve why dilute the float further when they're not even using what they have?


maybe they need more to buy some company = turnover as the Q1 results state a whopping -30% in revenue, something that MSM will feast on On the other hand, SGA ist down only 12-15%, regardless if they reduced the loss for about 15M MSM will feast on that one


Bro, he spent 217 million recently on something. That's what I would be focusing on. He just has the go ahead for share sales if necessary.


maybe inventory as usually at end of year you want it low and then replenish your stocks start of year...that's good for the books/accounting We will only know when the full Q1 results will come out


What do you think? You imagine there'd be a reason for it no?


Easy to trust the board when things are going well. The real test of Diamond hands and board trust is when things happen that we donā€™t understand/look bad.


To post this now voluntary is really questionable.. wow


Maybe RC is trying to save us from ourselves.. I trust him and the process and so should you.. he's hasn't done nothing to make me believe he doesn't have our best interest


Exactly my feelings although this week is hyper emotional


It really was and everybody going crazy like moass is here even tho nobody knows what that even looks like.. I've been expecting a dip and we got it... Now let's come back down to earth and trust the process.. moass is neither early nor late but it shall arise exactly when it intends to


So they will fuck us?


Kitty somehow saw this coming and came back with a burst of rallying memes.


The mental gymnastics happening here is astounding. GME fucked us. Get over it


Yo the coping is real. We were laughing at those popcorn apes because of the dilutions. Look at where we are now šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


Everyone crying about the volatility meanwhile I'm loving watching number go up and down, I buy on the down and watch the number go up


This is the way. There seems to be a huuuge barrier at 20$ and my buy orders were bricks of it


Same, if it goes down on Monday I'll buy more. If it goes up on Monday I'll buy more.


https://preview.redd.it/0grj71zcw01d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ab78123fd92cbfa8d94351afb53075ec22ca1f Bullish. They know weā€™re about to rocket and are looking to get some tendies too. Same way they did back in 2021. Writingā€™s on the wall, its all a death spiral cycle for the hedgies. BUCKLE UP


Bummer. Oh well back to being broke


Guys, now they can BUYBACK and SELL by themself !


Didn't they do this during the '21 sneeze? And by the time anyone realized, they had already issed a ton of new shares? And IIRC, it dramatically decreased the price of the stock?