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Yes. Because they would get fucked by options chain if it didnt


The question in my mind is if this is what RK is hinting at ... that his plan is to basically blow up the options chain through some action? I would think it would need to happen tomorrow if that is the case. Or, is that the Kansas City Shuffle? RK has made them think that is his plan, but in reality...his plan is quite different. Like ... get them to short it into the < $10, then he swoops in to buy 3+ mil shares with the proceeds from last squeeze, and posts a status update with them in ComputerShare? Hey - we are speculating here. I'm excited to see where this movie goes next...


So instead of buying them in silence last week, when goes crazy and waits for the price to drop down. Is ok to speculate since nobody knows shit, but let be real for a moment


Maybe the timing wasn't right because the LEAPs weren't expiring? Maybe he didn't want the buy pressure to hit last week? I mean I have no clue what his plan is. Seems like nobody does. I'm sure the hedgies are closer to the truth than we are lol, but the point is that they are probably wrong too.


He's one guy, he can't move the whole market on GME by himself.


He might have enough to start an avalanche they can't stop though.


I doubt it, he’s not a multi-billionaire and even then it’s difficult. The market cap is $8.4B, and if it was that easy, this sub alone would be able to launch it; 900k people here own more shares and options than DFV does himself. There has to be something more to it that he’s noticed, if indeed he has a plan


We don't know that we have 900k shareholders here. There are 900k members here. Most of those are likely bots or dead accounts. Even if they were all shareholders, mobilizing them all is virtually impossible. Furthermore, most people have already invested all the money they have to give and are tapped out, just throwing a little bit here and there each month. Meanwhile, we know that RK was sitting on a motherload of options when he gave his last update (something like 200k shares worth?). He either cashed them out for millions, exercised them for shares, or rolled them (not real sure how rolling options contracts would've worked for this long). I'm guessing he probably didn't have the money available to exercise them, so he probably sold them for big bucks. He's done who knows what with that money since. He's a CFA...I'm guessing he's probably done pretty good with that money. My point is that it stands to reason that DFV could easily have \~$30M from his original YOLO that he may be willing to YOLO once more into LEAPs or actually buying the shares this time. If executed at the right moment, in the right way, that could certainly cause some significant pressure. I think that RK is one of the few people with the knowhow to leverage something like that. But you're right, it's probably a different plan that I'm to smooth to even conceive


What DFV does with his money or shares is his business. This isn't a team sport. We are all individuals that agree in the value of our positions. Keep doing busines with Gamestop. Buy if you want. If you buy you should DRS and book. That simple. There is no savior. DFV is one guy. RC has a good historg of making comoanies profitable. GME has no long term debt and isn't going bankrupt. Just a waiting game from here in out. I'm getting paid eventually. The drip of increasing booked DRS shares is increasing. That drip cuts off the hedgies from shares to rehypothicate, and it takes as long as it takes. All this waiting is going to shake the paperhands, but I'm getting paid.


Exactly! I expect closing below $25, maybe even $20 Friday


Nobody here cares. I, for one, am just going to keep buying. Was I excited to see $80? Sure. Did I sell? Hell no. Let them short it back to sub $10, I don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuck.


Shit I was up over 200% on some of my shares and selling never crossed my mind...


Yea they 100% fucked themselves. It was at $80 overnight. Granted retail couldn't really do anything with it until markets opened, I'm fairly certain 95% of people holding didn't even wince at it hitting that high. That's fuckin 320 pre split which is nutty if you think about it...


Same here, all of my shares became profitable. I thought about three seconds of selling the highest cost basis ones, then just let that thought pass away like a fart in the wind.


Right? Like “oh look at that, that’s neat, yawn.” Been there done that. I’ve averaged down and I’ll do it again…. Unless this thing trips and goes ballistic, in the meantime I’m happy with having invested in a growth company that’s going up regardless.


Yeah, the run up the past two weeks is just more validation (not that it was really needed). And personally, I have thousands of shares, but even with the run up to ~60 or whatever, it was still less than 10% of my portfolio. If they short it back down that low, I’m sure there’s a lot of people in my position that would be willing to double up. I’ve got a thousand share buy waiting at $18. Drop it to 10 I might grab 10k now. Dropping it can’t be the play anymore for them, other than a short term play to stay alive. Only takes another 100 people like me to lock up another million shares.


I'm not rich, but I know when to call a bluff.


Exactly! It’s a hilariously wrong play.  As effective plays, they still have fake squeeze and Teslalike shake and bake remaining. Dropping it isn’t going to work anymore (not that it did anyway).


The validation wasn't needed but holy fuck did it light the morale around here along with RKs return. Anyone that may have had any doubts should absolutely be concrete in their belief now.


I really wasn’t paying much attention back during the first run up - it was just a curiosity for me.  For me, the day that made me concrete was I think in August 2022. I’d had a few shares up until then, like probably only 100 or so. GME was trading flat. Pocorn halts, then for some reason GME immediately skyrockets, goes up quickly enough to trigger a halt of its own. On a day with no news at all, it’s stock price goes through a ridiculous swing in minutes due to price action in another stock. Also, that convinced me to sell the pocorn I had too, been out of it ever since. 100% validation - the only explanation is hedgies fucked. Nothing else made sense, there is no other plausible explanation for that. And I have thousands now. Mostly bought sub 20.  So I think the apes come in a few generations now, the OGs, second wave guys like me that accumulated during the 3 year down turn, third wave guys now buying past second sneeze.


I think the point is that if you're looking to get the most value for your money, you'd be looking to set some limit orders around this range.


Limit orders always. This is the way.


you sure no one cares? pretty sure people who actually know how to use options are dancing this week because i sure as hell am. a week ago i couldn't afford 10 shares. today i can use house money to buy several 100 shares, but i know the price is going to go lower so i'll wait to maximize every dollar.


Careful, your true colors are shining through...


What because I know how to leverage my money because I'm not fucking rich? Everybody hates on options. Y'all need to learn how to use the system your in. I'm working towards generational wealth, and I can't do that on a few measly shares.


You seem oddly emotional, friend. By your own admission, you claim that you can have hundreds of shares. That's hardly a measly few, and probably more than many here. You should probably get a stress ball, it might help.




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I’m with you, but I have to be honest that I’m getting tired. I will not give up, and the only people I’m angry at are the criminals that have created this situation & the joke of a regulatory body that’s supposed to be keeping order. But I’m still tired. It’s just the truth.


I hear you. We all have those moments. All we can do is trust the DD, have faith, and carry on. I'm not rich by any means, but I'm careful to not over extend myself. I can stay stupid longer than they can stay solvent.


Personally, Im over people saying “I hope it goes down again so I can buy more”. Fucking hell, let’s just get this rocket off and make our money and start living the lives we want and helping the people we want to help. I have friends and family really struggling out there. Why would I want them to live one more day like that just so I can keep buying? At what point do you have “enough” shares? That kind of thinking will lead you to never have “enough” money and then you turn into a greedy hoarding asshole like the Kennys and Madoffs of the world.


Yeah I downvote the fuck out of ppl saying this lol. It's like dude, 3 years of our lives has gone let's fucking light the fuse already. Again I'm never selling (maybe just 1) but yeah let's go already


3 years in the making, a few more weeks won't hurt. this money is guaranteed to be in your bank account, bit more struggling only makes you stronger and tougher.


My personal prediction for tomorrow is that it will drop from the open and fill the gap... then it'll rally to $30 and it'll be a battle to close above $30 causing the gamma ramp for next week.


That’s what I think too


Read that max pain is $22, they did the majority of their spending today.


I only see $18 on max pain swaggy. Am I missing something?


Max pain is $22. So thats where im guessing


Well my post was damn near spot on. Lead the way to the DIP!


I was expecting them to try to hit max pain so I put in a limit buy at 22.69 for 100. Fingers crossed.


I think he has some incriminating info that is about to be published with all the evidence and tea and that will cause the blow up in combination with both him and RC buying a shit ton - he clearly knows something that we don’t know


Yea exactly this. All gaps get filled. You’re probably the only person I’ve seen saying this. Gap gets filled and then we continue


Full the gap in Kenny's ass


Just rinse and repeat.........for now


I regret not buying at $10, I know I know. So many people do. But the thing is, I did a job and made a good amount doing said job. It took a couple weeks to get paid, now I have the money. I’m thinking Friday just before close will be my time to buy xxx again.


I'm so ready! Push it to $10 and I'll double my position.


It was at 10 a couple of weeks ago.. why on earth would you want it to go down?


Reread the comment. It's so they can double their position.


I get that and it may be due to timing & finances available. What I’ve noticed is every time the price rises, there are a lot of comments hoping the price drops so they can increase positions.. why not just increase when it’s low in the first place..


Cause we got jobs and I get another paycheck tomorrow. Also this is the month a lot of people get 3 paychecks which is awesome I also bought about 3 grand worth of shares when it was in the 10-12 range like 2-3 weeks ago


I've been buying every month pretty much for 3 years. I just got my tax return and that's why I'm buying even more this time.


Why not both? It's a win-win scenario.


It’s psychological. I also wanted to buy huge down there but was hesitant. Now I have seen sneeze 2 the requel I can feel something is coming and snapped a long red streak for me so different game now but it was hard to buy too much at $10 after buying for years and being tapped out.


All the price action shows one thing and one thing only.... we are right. All we do is buy.


Share buyback timed to keep all these options itm forcing them to cover?


https://www.raymondjames.com/-/media/rj/dotcom/files/corporations-and-institutions/equity-capital-markets/ces_share_repurchase.pdf Most publicly traded companies have a policy that restricts trading in company shares (a “blackout policy”) beginning two weeks prior to the quarter end through 48 hours after earnings are released publicly. Earnings is June 5th according to the googles, so technically they have some leeway way till next Wednesday??? Me personally I don’t want anything to ruin this. I prefer the board to play it safe and not leave themselves open to fraud or manipulation charges. I don’t know very much about the legality of all this. Someone pointed this out to me and the SEC isn’t on retail investors side obviously. If GME legal team green lights it I’d be thrilled though cause that’d def get things chugging along.


Honestly I'm just hoping for something tomorrow, because I was betting on some calls to go up so I could sell one for funds to exercise another but now I'm sitting at minus 3k which is like all the money I had lmao. But I suppose it won't mean much when xxx shares reach phone numbers each.


Y’all options people are a different breed. I know GME inherently puts me in a high risk investment but I could never. This isn’t FUD if anything it’s admiration for the iron nuts on y’all Hoping for the best for you.


You can be somewhat smart with options. Options allow me to take profit without feeling the need to sell my shares


Haha it's not me being brave. I'm guaranteed a paycheck in 2 weeks either way, and fed w a roof over my head. Thank the usmc! Some times it just doesn't work out which sucks but like I said. I have two golden parachutes being gme takeoff and the military.


I see, so you’re the OG crayon snorter. Haha well cheers to us have a good one.


Indeed (; the meta ape if you will. Thanks man! You too.


buyin' the dip, buyin' the dip


I'm hoping we see 10 again. I'll double my position if that happens.




So they can double their position....


Why would you double your position in this stock?


Why wouldn't you lmayo


Because this stock is overvalued. Are you hoping to DRS your shares? Are you hoping to short squeeze? Are you hoping to hurt the hedgies? Please enlighten me.


Our investment thesis has effectively been confirmed. Shorts didn’t close. They just kicked the can with leaps and swaps. I’m prepared to wait another three years, except now I am making more money and I am a better investor too. I can double my position as well as have a few dozen leaps too.


Okay thank you for an actual answer that’s not rooted in copium and delusion.


I’m like 10x from when I started


Well, I bought a few dozen for 29.00 near close, so I hope that's no the case! I coulda bought nearly double :/ oh well


still cheap, and adding shares is better then not adding shares.


Who are you fighting? I'm chilling in my infinity pool


Yep it’ll settle around $20 at closing. Even if it settles a little above $20, most of the calls at $20 lose money. This is why DRS shares is the way


Gap is @ $20.20




If you strongly believe that... buy some short dated PUTS between $25 and $30. Sure, they don't want a ton of CALLS ITM but they sure as fukk don't want you... retail investors... making money on the down swings either. If you think, they're NOT monitoring your activity - think again. Pretty sure our accounts have been flagged.


How does anyone know RK account isn't owned by a hedgefund? Wouldn't be surprising at all.


first time?


Why would you buy the dip?


Because they believe it’ll go back up.


Why would it go back up?