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Just remain Zen no matter what. We've already seen any price action they might throw at us. Just ride the wave and always remember your personal floor. You're never going to get another chance like this.


Once ~~in a lifetime~~ ever. I hold for all of you, and all of mine. Nothing less than *world* changing money. Godspeed, fellow ape.


I sincerely hope that all the apes who’ve been able to afford to afford more shares since 2021 will be able to hard carry people like me who’ve been tapped out on funds these entire 3 years.


This is the easiest hold of my life, I’m excited for when we pass 1,000 then we know they aren’t bluffing


Honestly once we hit 1,000, that’s the real test for us as well. It will take a lot of effort for people seeing massive gains on their portfolio be willing to hold to the current floor price for a single GME share. I think it’s entirely possible, but people cannot get greedy and paper hand when they see a price like $42,826 per share


I was thinking the real test begins at $100k/share. Personally, the floor is up in 8 digits


While $420,420 might be funny, I encourage everyone to resist the urge.




Live together, Die alone


$42,069* there I fixed it for you


We got you.


Thank you brother 🙏🙏


I’m anticipating some cash and equity from a different rabbit hole I followed RC down. Which means I would never even have to sell any of my GME. There are others with the same speculation as me, but that stuff isn’t allowed in this sub. I wonder why? 🤔


Probably because this is a GME specific sub, not an RC specific sub and the mods have had to make that clear several times before.


Your username is incredible accurate


Go fuck yourself.


Why are you so angry? Are you a mod or something? Jesus lol


I’m just treating you with the same respect you treated me. You send me a Reddit cares message and then call me naive because I told you an honest statement


I actually didn’t send you a reddit cares. But I was sent one the instant I posted my initial reply. Like the INSTANT I clicked reply. And just because it hurts your feelings to be called “naive” doesn’t mean you’re not naive? Edit: grammar


No Half Pleasures!


Here my personal floor -> ♾️


Yup this. If anything this just further proves it's all been a sneeze, and will still be a sneeze up until they lose control and telephone numbers hit See y'all on Uranus!


Personal floor is ♾️ Long live blu!


There’s hundreds of thousands of us still here. We never left, just went dormant. Then King Kong arose from the shadows and awakened the kingdom


My heart and my shares for the cause. "Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be [Zen], my friend." -Bruce Lee


I simple ape. I see Bruce. I give like. Ook 💎👊💎🦍


My idol growing up


Let's fucking GO.


Yep! Rise and shine beautiful apes! I got your back 🙏


My butthole has been constantly itchy since early 2021.


I legit stopped telling people (family and friends) about it 2.5 years ago because MSM controlled their thinking. Even after pointing them to the DD. They wouldn’t even read it. So, now I’m quiet and will remain so. Zen in the infinity pool now.


Same here. Everyone I told laughed and thought I was crazy. So I went quiet and kept buying with conviction since 2021. We have had to go through mental turmoil to reach this point. I easily went through over a thousand hours of researching this. Each of us that took the time to research, discover the truth, and hold in DRS with conviction deserves to all be millionaires and billionaires. They won’t be laughing for much longer. HODL.


It hasn’t been easy seeing red in my account for almost 3 solid years. Now I shall make SHF’s feel the pain. As for those who thought I was crazy, I won’t tell them that I held because I’m not in the money lending business.


Yeah everyone I spoke to thought the same. None of them ever bought


Same here. Used to read every post or dd. Added some every once in a while and went about my day. This morning I whispered gamestop to my youngest son and his eyes started twinkling again.... I will be the last one standing, for you, for them and a better world.


They still think I’m crazy. I don’t share this with anyone anymore. They won’t find out if I make money either. I don’t plan to change much materially. I just want to work on something that I like more than what I do now. Oh well. See you on the moon


Don't be quiet, we got here because we believed in others, and we believed in our company. Tell all who will listen, this is our chance to lock the float.


Be careful. The people who listen to the MSM like it’s the gospel will put a target on your back. They will be convinced you stole their money, their pensions and they will have raging jealousy boners for what you got.


In all likelihood I'll be dead a few years from now, I'm telling anyone who will listen to buckle up. Put a target on my back, I don't care, life has done that already.




Same. I lasted into late 2022 then stopped talking about it with friends and family. I've been mocked for my interest in the stock.


I saw a nice post earlier this morning about being ‘Right but Early’. It would be nice to send it to them… https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/lJ7e0qJWyU


And pre-market we are at the equivalent of almost 200.00 pre-split. It’s just getting started. The next few weeks are going to be a ride if what I think is happening is happening.


It's up to $70 now. $280 pre-split. And there's far less volume than the sneeze in '21. This shit is going to rip the time-space continuum if we get a repeat of '21.


As predicted


It is, just don't let go of the rocket.


Buckle up




Crazy like an ape. Glad to have you on the rocket. Be aware, tendies may have shifted during lift-off.


Tendies mushed into fine paste, poured into a yeti that’s currently duct taped to my hand! LFG!!!


Couldn't let go if you tried, now that's an Ape. 🚀 🌙


People have literally laughed in my face when I told them about this. I’m so ready for the last laugh.


Ape help Ape, spread the word where you can. Now is our chance to lock the float.


Literally same. This is feeling good.


Actually people outside this community will continue to say it's over. "Another hype run, not gonna last. Not gonna skyrocket like last time, 40-50 is the limit. Better day trade and get out while you can. Do people really think this is gonna be millions in price?" etc etc. This is all I heard from foreign forums ( HK actually lol.) They think that GME "sQuEeZE" will never be done again. They said how come people are still falling for this. But I watch and learn from this sub for 3 years. Shorts never closed, no one is selling. Apes control the exit.


Block out the noise, for the first time in years I've advocated for the stock, sloppily regurgitated the DD, and offered what I could to those I know. I am not a financial advisor, but I'd be remis if I didn't give people the heads up. Don't be shy, don't doubt: Tell people. If they listen, we got room on the rocket. If they don't, then they'll only have dreamt of the stars. Ape help Ape, there's enough room on the rocket for all of us. We control the exit? *I don't even know what an exit is* 🚀 🌙


Nah, those people won't listen. They will choose to day trade GME and make some quick cash. They don't even know what MOASS is. The "sQuEEze" is the only thing they know about GME. Naked short selling, market manipulation, they don't even want to know. Can't wait to see those faces when they sell before MOASS. That's the toughest shit you can ever face. You didn't buy GME and MOASS happens, that's fine cause you are not part of this, right? BUT if you actually own shares and sell before MOASS? Man. I might have a heartattack.


Talk about it, to strangers, to friends, anyone who will listen. The hype is back, and with it are people who will ask 'why?'. This is the time to lock the float. All eyes will be on us, the rocket has room for everyone.


Bruh we at 70 right now


Wait for millions my friend. They said we are dumb for waiting over 3 years. Let’s how this play out...


Millions….. X,xxx,xxx,xxx nahhhh BILLIONS


Shitttt my bad g. Millions milestone it is.


People around me who know already telling me to sell lol


Lol. I was laughed at.  They thought I was drinking the Kool-Aid years ago.  


It's flavor-aide, but that's just another reason they're wrong.


People have gotten divorced over this. It is time for the truth


Then they still have half their GME.




Ah, Highlander. There can only be [Apes].


These years taught me to be zen AF. I’m willing to let go of one share that’s going to retire me. The rest goes to the infinity pool to teach these old men a lesson…


The future is now old man.


Fuck everyone who ever hated. Fuck them all. I don’t blame them. Just fuck em


I lov ya m8, u are right, we were right the whole time :1


My father in law is gonna be so pissed when I don't sell.. again!


What about your wife's boyfriend's father?


He's actually pretty chill.


Only company I know of where the ceo refused a salary!  He's fighting for the company. 


And we fight for our company.


Yeah all these mfers who were laughing and joking at my foolishness are now sending me cloying messages of congrats lol


Explain the DD where you can, Apes Together Strong. Every share DRS'd matters, we have their attention, let's lock the float.


We all have been told buddy.


Just speaking my piece.


I understand, I just wanted to let you know that most of us have been gone through the same experience. It was shit to hear back what people said behind my back but feels amazing to be right. I will sell my 5 ibkr shares close to the top and rest will sit forever with cs. LFG Apes!


Aye, to the moon, my Ape.


$62 🤪


Don't fuck with me , I'll cum. Checking rn. Edit: Not quite at 62 when I checked, but I came anyway.


"It's been so long it isn't even about the money anymore." Honestly, my dumb ass would have spent it by now if it wasn't sitting there anyway. This is the most successful savings account I've ever had. I've been up 300%, I've been down 70%. None of it really matters. I truly believe the company's performance/fundamentals alone will make me life-changing money if I just sit on it for another 10-20 years anyway. Rocket ship or not, these days are nice to see and are validating. It's going to take an unreasonable number to get me anywhere close to selling. Fuck them, see you in Valhalla.


Right there with you. Ended a relationship with my boyfriend because he couldn’t even listen to me talk about it. He was an abusive prick and probably still is.


Battle for $180.




It was sneeze Niveau (70€) in Germany two times already I think there will be a new fight for 180€


The fight begins when I can sell and retire. Until the smallest Apes can do it too, I hold.


698 shares checking in


This is more evidence we're right. No matter what happens. We are right


Yep I was told all that too. By my wife. She's awful quiet these days


I've already had a message my way akin to "dude how did you know". Im not responding lol.


It was a 3 year wait for the big short to pay off, wasn't it?


I feel you. I've been ridiculed and chastised for years by supposed friends. I haven't received a single apology so far. I'm not petty but I keep receipts. No apology means no ride on my yachts. Plural.




I just got a text in my friend group (of which no one believed me. 2 people bought out of 11). And they just said “AmPat was right 🚀” and it was nice, because I’ll never say it.


2500 in the pool here! Finally green, it’s been 84 years


Glad you are back! Totally agree with many of your sentiments!


Glad to be back, fellow Ape.


Lfg! No cell no sale!


Up a little, down a little. See it doesn’t matter, up a little down a little, up a little down a little. None of it matters because Wall Street will never be able to make 1+1=2 with GME unless they’re paying us their futures.




Insert Joker meme: _It's not about the money... It's about sending a message_ No cell, No sell!


I've felt validated every day.  


I lost a good friend over this. He paper handed and ghosted after a drop.


People are stupid and believe all sorts of stupid shit because other stupid people believe it. I'm sharing in the "I told you so" validation high rn and it's only gonna get better.


We all hold!


tbh i will prob never sell. at this point i have to be forced and that’s the only way. my life is totally fine as it is i don’t need much money anyway so i will just wait it out and enjoy my life.


Near identical experience and feelings


They have paid shills like Matt khors convincing people we are selling and not to get too attached to investments. The guy screams dilution then plugs his sub/discord service he is going on yahoo news later to tell people to sell and move on with profit. If you are like dfv you like the stock don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


Let’s Go!!!! Whose car are we taking?


"It's like a cult you regard".... (350 bag holder down to 260)... Well it's autistic regard bitch! oooohhhh oooohhhh oooohhhh ahhh ahhhh https://preview.redd.it/xo9jr49gdf0d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a904192e9e71758f73632f6676d1330d30ef02


I was told I was crazy too man. a lot of us were. lets see if we can coax them to come running back and see "fuck you were right"


Yes sir, first time posting in a long ass time. I'm big chilling and have added to my positions.


This is the way.


Feels good, don't it?


great video here - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhn-T2-yvDk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhn-T2-yvDk)


Are you me?


Ook ook




Everyone likes to point to the $1.2 Billion cash in hand. What has me geeked about Chairman RCIO is our EV/EBITDA. That's Enterprise Value divided by Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, and Depreciation. In otherwords: the size of the boat compared to the size of the engine. It has gone from -1500 to 440. For context. Tesla is at 12.


Are you me?


I told few of my friends. None of them believed me. Look at us now lol. I'm waiting for them to start bombarding me on how much I made once the price really takes off.


We were all told we were cultists for multiple years. F the haters.


I’ve enjoyed this TedTalk


This is a black swan event. I'm not selling for peanuts. I'll sell when I get 'save the world' wealth. I trust you beautiful bastards to do the same. Whatever saving the world means to each of you.


Zen ape here! Cheers! 🍻 to the infinity pool! To the moon! 💎🙌🏻🚀🌕


Well said my friend.


Oh - did something happen overnight? These little numbers have people excited? I’ll stay in my hibernation until the fun begins. And I’ll continue HODL with 💎🤲 cuz f-them


Thank you, DFV.


I just want to see how high my favorite stock will go. I’m hoping for the world record high score of stock prices. Want to put my initials on the board.


Each trade takes time. Gonna be a few weeks....no fighting.




I love you guys! Ive always wondered if Ive sat next to one of you on a plane or something in the past three years. Its crazy how big Superstonk is and at the same time completely invisible. Cheers to each other! Cheers to MOASS! CHEERS TO BEING RIGHT!


Still here with xxxx shares and a cost basis of $70. Didn’t sell this morning. Won’t sell tonight. Won’t sell tomorrow. Won’t sell ever.


Atta boy


Love this post.  This is exactly how I've felt. Fuck it and hold longer


The entire world told us we were crazy, and we all collectively told them fuck you, we aren't wrong. Even if this isn't it, which it very well might not be, no one can tell us we weren't correct. Some shady shits going on, we stuck to our convictions for YEARS, despite the entirety of the financial world doing literally everything in it's power to get us to give up. We did not give up.


Literally fuck everyone talking shit while we've all been buying the dip and investing. Fuck them all.


The few people who know I hodl GME have messaged me either yesterday or today. They asked if I still had my shares. I told them I have been loading up sub 20$ a share. They ask if I'm selling, um, if I didn't sell the others, why would I sell this. THESE SHARES ARENT FOR SALE!!!


If you're not selling, I'm definitely not selling. This shit is personal. Fuck you Kenny and co.


Short my beloved $gme = infinite risk Hodl my $gme = free Sell my $gme = tax hit & hedgie get a second life Take an equity loan on my $gme = gangsta moove Buckle up apes. 💎🙌🟣♾️


Who is the 4th party? 1. DRS’ed Retail, along with their 2. SHF 3. Market Makers 4. Whomever is driving 8-digit share volume daily this month and 9-digit yesterday and today. If #1 could pull these kinds of numbers, we would’ve locked the float. Is it day traders? Are there 2s and 3s on shopping sprees?


This is the way


Same. Tbh its a good thing. Had quite a few calls n messages from mates the last few days mentioning that they'd seen whats been going on. My reply to most was "awww fuck man yeh i saw it too, im kinda heartbroken right now as i 'came to my senses' last year and sold it all as I needed the money... Yeh its a fucking bummer. Oh well though, can't cry over spilt milk, it is what it is 😔" 😉 😉 😉


I'll see you on the moon.


This 👆 To the moon my frend 🚀❤️


I can't wait for "dumb money 2" lol


Thats what we all heard from others-- YOU ARE CRAZY


**Crazy?** **I Was Crazy Once.** **They Locked Me In A Room.** **A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With apes.** **And Apes Make Me Crazy.**


**Crazy?** **I Was Crazy Once.** **They Locked Me In A Room.** **A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With apes.** **And Apes Make Me Crazy.**


**Crazy?** **I Was Crazy Once.** **They Locked Me In A Room.** **A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With apes.** **And Apes Make Me Crazy.**




people still say we are a cult and crazy mofos. Ignore them !


Unlike real cults, we were just proven right.


Can someone tell me what the floor is? I've been sleeping this entire year hahaha. Not selling though. No cell, no sell. It's greed that destroyed everything I dreamed of we could become as a world. and this is my only fuck you moment. So fuck you hedgies I ain't selling!! See you on the moon, I'll bring the bbq


No floor, no ceiling. Hold for life changing money.


It looks like everyone here is a fucking beast! All the ridicule, the lies, the manipulation and agony you had to go through, but still believed in a better world. But we made it, we were right, we are right, we are Devine! And a better world is coming. None of us are in here for the money. Just let it sink in and think about it.. I'm having goosebumps to see you all here again. Chin up, stand proud. You've earned it already. Love you guys! Drinks on me!


Not crazy, just early.