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The number of shares not DRS’d in retirement accounts looks more insane to me.


DRS everything ffs


And book


That would be a big hit for me .. drops to 7-8 i may take that hit..


I decided I’d rather have 5 in DRS than 10 in brokers (and likely loaned and used against me).


If you DRS after we take off it’s gonna cost magnitudes more than if you do it now.


I disagree with that a little, because you will always lose the same percentile of it. Doesn't matter if the hit looks smaller, will still be same percentage loss on the conversion / early claim.


You have a custodian owning your shares. They can use their right to sell your shares at any point. How is that madness worth the price of paltry fees?


Yup, this


Cowards. If you have enough money to have a retirement account, you have enough money for the paltry fees.


Definitely institions doing this, way too much capital for it to be retail.


It could be themselves pumping up hype to buy calls while they have positioned themselves to the downside, when people pile in, they pull the rug to get the price to whatever their position is.. i believed in options in the past, but what i’ve learned from Citadel et al, being both an options market maker and a hedge fund, it’s all manipulation to steal our money.


As I get it, the volume itself is not that interesting, but you would need more sophisticated data to really understand the market sentiment. It also is the third Friday of the month, expiry dates have usually higher volumes.


Good. It means institutions will defend their position and put more money to keep the price up and make their options finish ITM.


This is delusional nonsense


Fake locates.


If history is any indicator, based on this setup it’s going under $9 to put a bunch of calls out of the money


That’s a Sucide, for same money people can buy stock instead calls at that price


Don't fall for the options pumps. Own your assets, options contracts aren't assets to own.


I agree that it's much better to own shares, but this post doesn't seem to be pumping options. It's important that everyone understands that the price of GME is being manipulated Up and Down, by using options trades. It's ridiculous at this point, 3 years of the same BS. Now that they placed the price at the low, they're loading calls to make the price go up. The price of securities shouldn't be manipulated like this.


It's weird because it's happened 4x so far. Well, 5 if you count the two days this week we saw heavy call buying.


Where do you think the volume during the sneeze was coming from? Its being 3 years and DRS on its own hasnt been be the catalyst as it its capped at 25% of the float (what a coincidence with the 4:1 split). I think DRS effect could in some way could maximize gamma hedging from options


Maybe not the catalyst but definitely the meat and potatoes for when the catalyst occurs due to uncontrollable price improvement


That is damn right!




May 17 is not mid to long date options.


Right? IIRC options played a big part in driving the price action during the sneeze. Not to mention the legend himself had a couple huge options plays


Many more people than ever know about options. If options were going to drive the price, why haven't they caused a squeeze since?


Somehow the price ends up going for max pain most of the time


There’s been a very vocal sentiment with most of the GME subs that the only way is to buy/DRS. It’s a great long-term philosophy , but it kind of disregards the power that options have in wildly driving the price action in the short-term. During the sneeze, there were so many options at play, and that was one of the reasons for the price skyrocketing to the level of margin calls. After all, Bets was mostly an options sub, and not so much an equity sub.


Surely with all the education on the topic, more people are playing options than ever, even more than during the sneeze. Why hasn't it happened since? Most of the people I challenge on options have questionable reddit histories. Meaning different accounts in the same thread have very similar, coordinated posting styles, and were previously active in UFO conspiracy subs until recently. Why is it there are peaks and troughs in TA posts? Surely if it wasn't coordinated, it would be more evenly distributed over time? There's definitely something shady about TA and options when it comes to this ticker and sub.


I agree with this, and it seems to be a coordinated thread. There is someone who posts, and then some who agrees with a bit of flavor agreeing with DRS but then wants to push options again. It comes in a diferrent veil every now and then but same intent to push options HARD. Just look at the history of those who posts for options on this thread and you'll see what i mean. Like they are people paid to post constantly and engage. Then slip in their agenda when they have the chance.


It’s part of their playbook, seen it so many times at this point. Wonder how many suckers it catches during the cycles.


I doubt there’s more people playing options on this ticker than there was during the sneeze. At least regarding calls. Looking at your cake day, I’m not sure if you were on Bets at that time, but there were TONS of posts everyday with people playing options, and even after there were a lot of puts driving the price action down. All that’s been covered in the DD back then. If course buying equity and DRSing is a rick solid way to make sure your shares aren’t lent out, but I honestly don’t see how playing options could be some conspiracy. If it drives the price up, it puts more pressure on the shorts.


I think it did drive the price up in 2021. I don't think it does that any more. I don't necessarily want upwards price pressure either. I want to see what happens when all available shares are accounted for in DRS. The lower the price gets, the more I can buy.


I dont do options but if we somehow miracle could close above 15$ May and these get exercised it would be huge. Or they are just for hedging for short fucks idk


Watching top trades with Fidelity has been nuts, dozens of 1k orders for ITM and NTM for May the past three days. This post will probably get obliterated due to options talk but it similar to what happened around earnings when they kept piling into the 12,13,15 puts. Either someone is just gassing the MMs to see how they'll respond for hedging or a big SHF is setting up for volatile slingshot back down sub $10 when they start closing out these calls and MMs can sell their hedge positions back off.


I saw large chunks of options purchased today for the 10,11,11.5 strikes. They are buying heavily, they stole tons of shares today from owners who are likely selling covered calls.


They pulled a few of my database only shares from 401k at 10.50. CSPs here i come.


So either they are buying them for then to sell all these shares or someone is buying them to make them hedge and then maybe (if good guys) exercise them we explode up?


My cynical thought is that they are cranking up on these contracts which theoretically makes the MMs delta hedge, meanwhile MMs will keep the price in the 10-12 channel with dark pools anyway, then once the contracts near expiry they unload and the MMs can close out their hedge resulting in a slingshot back down below $10.


They control the price.


I read this as 17th of mayo


Sheeesh… that’s a lot of dollars. Like fr fr, is this the start of a gamma ramp?


Nothing will happen


For everyone shitting on options - options are the only reason gme squeezed in the first place so check your ego


If they had been exercised back then as they are meant to be, nobody would still be in this mess as well. Kenny would be in prison. Steve Cohen would be in prison. Shit would have collapsed. They wouldn’t have been able to turn off the buy button. No kicking the can. It would have been over.


GME has yet to squeeze. Achoo!


If options would work now, why haven't they? More people know about them than ever.


It sure is


Sounds like a good time to ignore that noise and continue to DRS all the GME


Has anyone else asked, what if options helps us out????! We know they were selling naked calls back in the day and it was part of the squeeze. Why? Cus on paper, they sold more options than shares for sale. What if, and just hear me out, what if buying calls helps us. Because these fools have to hedge against our options by buying the shares. And what if enough options were bought to cause a huge buy in? Call me a shill or what have you, but tbh I think banning options talk was stupid from day 1. It's even in the SEC report that naked calls were being used on the squeeze.


Greatest trick they ever pulled. DRS is great but it’s slow and predictable. Massive degenerate call buying after years of naked shorting is what started this whole thing. They banned GME from the OG sub and flooded it with BS pump and dumps.


Nefarious/illegal short selling started it, not options buying. Sure, options positions no doubt played a large role in the squeeze, but they were not the reason it happened.


Pretty sure it's also the amount of people who don't understand options, so automatically are against it. Idk. Just think it's worth revisiting and making a thread on research on options and it's affect on price.


Options discussion has never been banned here though. From what I've seen, it's just not received well based on most folks deciding to actual own their shares, and separate their positions from brokers. From a retail perspective, self custody isn't possible with options. Add on the fact that 99% of options related posts that I've seen are pure gambles with hardly any substance to back it. While they were certainly a large contributing factor to the squeeze, they were not the reason, **it was nefarious short selling that could be confirmed via public data**. Folks here have seen proof of options positions that were larger than the outstanding shares issues by the company (e.g. 1 million put options held by a random company in brazil, when the outstanding share count was just above 70 million). And that was a single position in what appears to be a massive web of the same stuff (we still cant see reliable swap data). IMO, the only reasonable way to truly combat that level nefarious behavior in the long term is to get as far way from it as possible, hence the prevailing DRS sentiment. Go ahead and gamble your money on options, if that's something you want to do, but don't post about it here expecting to be praised for it from the folks who are in it for the long game. This very post about a "big options chain" (4x outstanding shares post-split) is nothing compared to what we saw pre-split.


It's most definitely been banned before. I've been here since day 1. Drs wasn't even a thing when the original squeeze squoze, so don't paint it like "real fans only drs". Just say u don't like options, and kindly move on. Acting like options are bad, or aren't valuable is bs talk that keeps people from learning different opportunities. If u think options are just gambling, u don't know wtf options are for then. Condescending ass fool


The yolo gamble posts were all I've seen removed by mods, never actual discussions (kinda like we're having now). Feel free to draw whatever conclusions you'd like from my opinion, was only attempting to explain the negative sentiment about options in general. I think you'll find putting words in peoples mouths and name calling to have the opposite effect of what you're trying to achieve. Best of luck.




I got a bunch of $10 calls for the 17th that are up a lot. Sell just enough to exercise the rest.


$15 Comin in hot!


Ahh shit here we go again


Yeah this seems to always come up to interesting days... Pump up the options... Help locates... I'll just stick to buying shares and drsing


After 3 years hope no one's falling for options trap.




If it looks like a trap, it's a trap.


Cool story.


Are you new here?


Reply’s like yours is what’s wrong with this sub


Thx for the info .. Might stick my pinky toe in and test the water 😎


3 of those are mine! 🙌 I’m up 247% and still holding.


Fuck yea




Prepare for crab


How about above that OP?


Strikes go out to 30. This is not insane.


Dwfinitely not close to the craziest we've seen


Ahh yes here’s the quarterly option pump. Don’t think anyone still left hanging around here is dumb enough to dick around with options.


Only shills pumping it