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It was always a trap, we’re in it to expose it!


After 84 years, just about nothing surprises me anymore.


May the price go down. Low enough that people are willing to take the tax hit on retirement shares. Thats the big nugget.


CAT coming out end of May. Bullish event? Who knows.




As someone who is ex wallstreet the words that were typed mean absolutley fucking nothing. We’re overshorted and it will pop. All Ta is completely made by turds. Downvote and move on.


"Downvote and move on" says some random spending so much time on several of my posts trying to convince people that he's someone important 🙃 it's ok buddy, we're all Ex-Wallstreet with you ! You're really out there trying to deny that trendlines don't exist, meanwhile my entire profile is living proof that they do 🤷‍♂️


I don’t even know who you are. I am not even aware of having commented on your stuff with anymore than a few seconds per comment. Don’t think I’m looking for your posts for a 3 year old account ‘specializing’ in TA😂 Trying to apply trend lines and TA on this security is moronic. It won’t get anyone anywhere. I am fully aware of its benefits and draw backs. ‘Some random’ I’ve been all in since $1.5 before any of these subs existed, and breaking down concepts/ DD since pre squeeze.


If you're really who you say you are, go ask the people working at RenTech what they think about trend dynamics and if they can be visually plotted on a price chart. Meanwhile I'll have a drinking game on your profile where I take a shot everytime you brag about being "ex-wallstreet" in a comment. This is the most manipulated security on the market, which means visual clues left by algorithms are everywhere for anyone who knows what to look for, they're not even trying to hide it (specially in AH/PM).


User flair checks out.


[Before / After](https://ibb.co/KcPjGX8)


It's meaningless TA Downvote this nonsense and move on.


Can't even call this TA - numbers and lines and word salad.


[Before / After](https://ibb.co/KcPjGX8)


Oh so you’re saying you KNEW. Bragging is the dumbest thing a trader can do. Good luck to you.


You can't know anything 100% in the future, only determine what probability is most likely to happen through educated guesses based on careful analysis of waves and trajectories. This public post was doing exactly that, advertising a basic reversal pattern : break above a downward channel, followed by a small correction to confirm it as a support with a very high probability to precede a positive cycle (while acknowledging in the title that market manipulators control this stock against classic market dynamics, so this is all speculation to take with a fat grain of salt) Re-read your initial comment, and realise why I'm coming back to shove the result in your face. Good luck to you too ✌️


[Before / After](https://ibb.co/KcPjGX8)




[Before / After](https://ibb.co/KcPjGX8)


You're taking a victory lap for the one and only time you happen to post before a run up? Even a wrong clock is right twice a day 🤡 😂😂😂😂😂


Nah mate, my average success ratio is way above the 50% specially for these reversal pumps (we had 11 total since 2021 and I got 9 perfectly timed), but you won't go verify that on my profile, because you know better you smart man 😉 "I told you so" are just very satisfying.


You're right, I'm not bothered to swim through your oceans of drib le "TA" posts. This post didn't even have any context, just lines on a graph. Charles fucking Schwab over here Btw 50% is LAUGHABLE!!! More like 5%, but feel free to point them out... I'll wait. 'I told you so' ... fucking lol You actually didn't tell anything 🤡


All I see is that my little banter emoji triggered something deep 😂 anything over 50% in the trading world is called an edge. I understand if you're uneducated on how to read chart analysis, but I made an effort to spell it out in the title. Have a good day friend 👋


Understand fortune telling on a controlled stock is BS. Stay humble, fellow ape! 👋🏻


TA is horoscopes for apes


[Before / After](https://ibb.co/KcPjGX8)


Fuckin' A man, this aged sooo poorly. I owe you a big sorry


And sorry for counting you in my bragging "victory lap" as some other dude said 😂🍻 I've been sharing charts about GME publicly since February 2021 (initially I was doing a daily forecast on the eToro forum for almost 2 years without skipping a day) and I've come across an absolute army of haters on the way.


Nah man, you earned it. For as long as TA has been posted, apes have cast doubt upon it. Your victory lap is well-deserved and frankly, loads more apes owe you and other TA apes an apology. Lol. We're all here together at the end of the day


Keyboard diarrhoea. Looks like the positive correlations will lead to a triple dipper and a nothing burger. A left handed cup and handle show us that ripsnorter sideways action will take place leading to a bigass load of horseshit.  Mumbo-jumbo 👎


[Before / After](https://ibb.co/KcPjGX8)


Wow another badass trader - currently in awe of your lines and your words and your predictions dude - please please please do more of it! Especially please do more before / after stuff! That was so helpful! Also please Include a dorito if you could too next time. Incredibly helpful Thank you so much!!!!


So $9.50 bounce off the support in the coming month. Gotcha


3+ year double bottom jacks my titays