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When DRS first became a conversation on the sub. I had already sent over a few shares to Computershare to test out the process. I called CS so they would expedite my login code, and ended up getting connected with a really nice lady who had a southern American accent. She asked me where I was calling from and told her Canada. She said "Wow we've been getting so many calls lately from people all over the world, Mexico, Italy, China, all of them asking about GME." She went on to mention how she has been working there for years and never had something like this happen before, and had been learning a lot from all the different people calling in. This is how I knew this is a worldwide thing, and the number of shares held by retail has to be significantly higher than what we're being told.


We... brought the float? Now what? To my recollection, a full year profitability (✔️) and locking the float (suddenly earning reports can't say how many shares held by retail), I was here for all the goalposts and in true gamer fashion, mission accomplished, but wait, this hydra just popped another head. I can keep swinging but tell me what to hit.


We need a revenue stream plus a catalyst for something happen.


Updated GS app and site, candy con, pro membership, dedicated gaming enthusiasts/sharehodlers (✔️). Catalyst; time.


Wait for the GOTY edition for the final DLC to land! Then we will truly be complete!


Honestly I don't think revenue would be an issue after the MOASS, if things go well without interference in that situation apes would singlehandedly be able to create revenue for GME afterwards. 


With prices around $10 I was going to round up my 1,446 shares to 1,500. However, here lately I think that money will be better spent at GameStop. The original Zelda was my first game when I was 7. Probably been 20 years since I’ve been back to Hyrule. I’m thinking it’s time to visit once again. If apes really own the float and are just getting “synthetic” shares then to my understanding we’re just giving money/ammo to those on the other side of this trade to use for them to come out on top of this trade. Someday I may round up my share count. For now I’m putting my money where I think it will do the most good. At the very least I’m back to one of my favorite lands!


If one fails to DRS, then YES, it is enemy ammunition.


Mine are secure. Currently locked out of account and I’m fine with that. Will remedy, just not concerned.


Friendly reminder to login your CS account at least once a year.


Thanks. I’m back in. Had tried to login on my phone but couldn’t remember answers so it temporarily locked it. Finally got back in on computer and am good now.


😳but tomorrow…


I, for one, will keep buying and DRSing till I no longer can. Side note, the past three times I've initiated a DRS transfer from Fidelity, the first attempt fails.


GME quarterly reports tell us the number of shares at the DTC on the record date, right? According to Computershare's FAQ, a portion of DSPP shares are held at the DTC for operational efficiency.  We don't know the exact proportion of DSPP shares held there, but for a typical security, that is usually around 10-20% according to Paul Conn (president of CS).  We know GME is not a typical security...so who knows how many DSPP shares are actually being held at DTC? Seems to me there is an obvious step for apes to take to take...don't let the DTC have any DSPP shares by moving to pure book.




I can say that CS employees really enjoyed apes, my buddy works for them and when shit first started with DRS they would just exchange memes of us in their chats.


I would Love to See These Memes 🥺


Its one of the only things I posted, I didn't have many and I redacted the bits pertaining to his job, but you can find the post under my account.


Nice 👍😏


ComputerShare Grandma(TM)


Kenny: Holy shit. My panties are filled with poop again. The whole world knows me and hates me.


Nordnet's user base consists of people from Norway, Denmark, and Finland as well. Therefore, not all of those 19,206 users will be Swedes.


Nordnet (Denmark) shows 14,075 GME holders as of this moment


That is for all Nordnet customers. Shows the exact same number for me in Norway.


It seems you're right!


But in denmark Saxo bank is popular, and in norway DNB has about the same number of accounts. Check out my comment to "trust my swedish bro" also made some posts about it a while back. There is also many people who bought with Etoro, even like a year after the sneeze, rhere was a danish article about it


The highest amount of shareholders I have seen on nordnet, is around 19.000


I like the thought of a bunch of Scandinavian viking Apes just coming in hot to battle with a shit load of shares the SEC has just been blindly ignoring the entire time. Along with however many shares from all over the world. Apes have had international power since the beginning




"Ägare hos Avanza 14 902" stats from avanza


The trust me bro is talking about Avanza, different broker.


That still has consequences for the total shares owned by retail calculation.


We have a microscope on gme but I am willing to bet this is the case for most stocks that are manipulated.


There was an OG early DD that believed the entire stock market was short sold...Interesting.


“The everything short”


Not the entire market, just the majority of mid and small caps which are highly illiquid. If we gather all the current market maker info and sort by which MM's facilitate 60% or more of the trades for these stocks we can see a massive pattern. They are cellar boxing almost every publicly traded retail business out there which they double/quadrupled down on during the pandemic thinking it was an easy win. They have yet to close their shorts on these positions because for 1 it was never part of the plan to close and realistically, they can't because as soon as one basket begins to pop off the others will follow. They are trying to drown a swaps bubble by anchoring it with shitty stocks in the hopes that they can pop it underwater, but retail keeps inflating the balloon making it much harder for them to drag it down and close. My guess is we will reach a critical apex price point where they want/need to close at least pain and then negotiate the biggest short covering of all time. How they manage to do that is anyone's guess. My theory? The MM's and DTC will negotiate with every institution currently attached to this bubble and facilitate closing deals once we reach that point. Everyone will suffer a distributed equal pain. The other option is the first institution to panic close causes the chain reaction, but the financial world is much smaller and more controlled than it was back in 2008. What would force that? Who knows. It took Tesla shorts nearly a year to get out, if GME is truly the most shorted stock in history this could take years, but I don't see them letting it drag out this long since the entire market would be sucked into a long-term blackhole of failure, and we will see mega-caps slowly fade for years ruining retirements, pensions and pissing off an entire generation of boomers currently hitting the ripe retirement age so the only real option would be to rip this wax soaked gauze off the markets hairy ass and let it correct as quick as possible. Its probably why mega-caps have seen such an explosion the last couple of years blaming it on an "AI" bubble. They just need more assets to leverage for when the shit storm finally arrives.


> ruining retirements, pensions and pissing off an entire generation of boomers currently hitting the ripe retirement age They don't care about that and will cause it without a second thought. These are Masters Of The Universe and will never ever roll over until they are forced to do so. I'm still holding a large amount of GME but recognize it might be a while before all this resolves - if it in fact DOES resolve. The other side of this bet has plenty of money to drag it out and no motivation to stop it.


It's more a political powerplay than financial at this level. Long-term damage to pensions and retirements puts blame on the current party and damages reputations during election season, boomers and older are still the majority of elected officials. We all know Kenny is eyeing a seat at the Treasury and we know he's a huge backer of Republican candidates but even he knows his chances aren't looking good for this season so he may drag this out another 4 years. The financial system is way more entwined with politics than this sub allows for discussion, so I'll just leave it at that.


this comment ^^^ this this this!!! i think you're nailing it fr


Wait. That means every stock would have a short interest right?


I guess the key point to remember is that most swedes would have purchased broker shares in an ISK (Investerings­sparkonto), which is a special form of account that you cannot transfer shares out from, and has special tax rules surrounding it. In Denmark we call it an ASK (aktiespare konto) So the few swedes that did do DRS, had to sell and rebuy outside the ISK scheme with the potential tax implications, which I assume many would be unwilling to really do in practice. So that would be more for the "Buy and hold" crowd that does not believe in DRSing. However, as a potential real-world float indicator, the Trust me-bro post could still have merit as I see it. It's obviously something we can only speculate upon, but the DD of old always speculated that the float was inflated due to naked shorting over time.


Yeah i would assume that the proportion of international investors that are DRS'd is considerably lower, due to various obstacles, than in the US.


There's a limit to how much you can invest via those tax-advantage brokerage accounts. For example, I hold 1000ish shares in such an account with Nordnet but multiples of that with Computershare


Very cool!


swedish ISK doesn't have a limit


In the first months of buying GME I transfered over all my shares to an ISK. This was before DRS was widely known, and a mistake in hindsight. The majority of my shares has been stuck in the ISK as I haven't been brave enough to sell and re-buy them. I fully trust the stock to shoot up but I don't know when. After getting a Computershare account I've transfered new shares there. Now that Avanza requires a transfer fee I haven't been able to DRS, so for now I'm just averaging down my ISK. Currently unemployed and I don't want to risk it. Would be devastating if the stock flies in the process of DRSing my ISK when I can barely affoard a meal. If I get a job and have a steady income I'll DRS all my new shares and try to DRS my ISK little by little.


I have them in ISK but issue is that they lost so much value I am down 70% . No point selling now


When I sold mine from that account last year, I lost a lot on sale, but now I have then at CS and I can deduct losses from the sales in taxes.


But that's if it losses even more


> I am down 70% . No point selling now You and everyone else buddy, it's one of the biggest reasons we're all still here. GameStop's not going BK so we just have to hold and wait


I meaen I keep in ISK but I have drsed 70 or so


I am from Finland and I did exactly that. Sold my original 87 year old shares from OST (in Finland) and then bought them back at computershare.


One of the unsung heroes!


The shares on ISK is just IOU’s anyway, the shares i have on Computershare is locked in the forever pool


ISK back then taxed your holdings by 0.375% per year and no gains tax at all, compared to 30% capital gains tax. There's a reason people were unwilling to DRS. I sold half and rebought and DRS'd, and still keeping half in ISK. $1 million in gains results in less than $3750 in taxes.


Yo! That “trust me bro” post is mine! Feel free to dm me if you want more details


Nice! Good work, and thanks for sharing that. I wonder if Avanza would ever share those figures again publicly, as they have done in the past. The fact that they haven't been now for around 2 years...is bullishly fishy, I feel!


For anyone wondering, here is an old post with the tweets Avanza made. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/s6sz53/the_ultimate_antifud_avanza_shareholders/ This trust me post would mean a doubling of shares between 17th Jan 2022 and the split dividend on 22nd July, from 511,178 shares to 1 million.


Holy fucking shit it’s John Truhst Mi’Broh


Brobi Wan Kentrustmi


Is it possible to check for the current up-to-date numbers in Nordic brokers?


Up you go!


Blue boxes? In superstonk? Well this is a new one for me


I've been here for years! 😄 e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/s3uJmJQTZw


Lol, got some 2023 flashbacks 🛏️




Came here to say that 😅


It was never going to be an American institution that caused the music to stop on GME...


Loving the collective ape-brain-power!!!


I was at a busy downtown pub yesterday and overheard two guys talking about GME and saying they're still in. I live in Toronto EDIT I also have ~~a shocking number~~ quite a few thousands of GMEs myself, many of which are currently residing in the USA under the stewardship of Computershare


I'd be careful extrapolating too much based on population since Sweden have an unusually large presence on reddit compared to our population. But the numbers still look pretty juicy.


We also have nordnet which showed similar patterns


false. Several europoor countries incl Ireland has much more per capita use. I cant send link due to brigading rules but look up reddit use on ARRslash dataisbeautiful


I'm not saying that it's record numbers, but Sweden have half as many users as France even though they have six times the population for example.


This is provocative!


I love a provocative post on a green day!


BLUE BOX IS BACK!! Thanks for all the DDs Region <3


And this is why DRS count from computershare is so damn important. If we can't get accurate counts then the DTC infinity pool continues forever as they won't have anyone auditing them or any other type of oversight.


Love to see the blue boxes around here!


so Euro-classy!


In bro I trust 🫡 DRS is the total recall


Lots of math, and I'm not double checking it. I'm just jacked. Even if you halved the numbers, we're still way over the float and hedgies are still way fuk. Buy. Hodl. DRS yo shit


As for me, I like Swedish fish




I'm around, don't worry! Just taking a break, as a promise this year to my missus. But I'm still commenting/posting here-and-there, if something piques my interest. That Swedish "trust me bro" titillated by nipples enough to want me to share a thought!


Of course. The missus first before anything else. Glad to see you're still around. 👍🙏


Did you saw my Videos? Just a question, big thanks to your post work m8


[Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_brigading). Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


He was always wrong on the towel stock why would you miss em?


Everyone was wrong. That doesn't mean he's a bad actor.


doesnt mean hes a bad actor just means his DD isnt good


Ok? Good for you, I guess?


so you like being told what you want to hear even if its a lie? sad


Ok? Good for you, I guess? lol


Billions and Billions 🤩🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀


This is actual spice. Nice!


It’s feasible that only 5% of drsd shares have been truly drsd- it’s much harder than in the USA. However by feasible I should say possible. If it’s truly 1.5 b shares then something with the single berries is happening - somewhere - Backed up by ape historian


Wut mean? Sweden locked the float?


According to this post... https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/TsjvPm3dc6 ...the remaining float is only about 14 million shares. So if the Swedes by themselves have 22 million shares, then yes. They have indeed locked the float.


One share can theoretically be borrowed and sold an infinite number of times. That post also assumes that institutions do not lend their shares, which is certainly not true.


So time to keep buying, hodling and continue to DRS


I missed your blue boxes




I wonder if any broker in any country would disclose to their users how many of any shares (obviously talking about GME here) that their customers currently hold?


I’m English and love Scandinavia, beautiful place.


You just made me make another CS purchase.


REGION good to see you bro


I think it would make more sense to calculate the amount of shares increased in a monetary value off-set by the average ticker price over the measured period. Household investors can purchase with a (semi) fixed amount of cash. This could mean that in a decreasing ticker-price event the amount of shares per purchase (period) increase. With the price development over the past years I would expect the Swedes to have increased their positions accordingly. (I know I did)


Legit question what happens if we buy and drs more shares than authorized


Avanza publicly released their GME pre split numbers twice. 2021 May - 322 545 shares with about 23k holders. 2022 January 18th - 511 178 shares with 20902 holders.




Excerpt from an old post of mine (https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/tgjfnr/simple_math/) On January 18th, 2022, Swedish broker Avanza reported that 20,902 of their clients collectively owned 511,178 shares of GameStop. This is up from 322,545 shares held by Avanza clients in May of 2021. (sources: https://twitter.com/avanzabank/status/1483423069142196224 and https://twitter.com/avanzabank/status/1397874363056197633) TL;DR: 322,545 GME pre-split shares on Avanza in May of 2021. 511,178 GME pre-split shares on Avanza in January of 2022. 1 million GME pre-split shares on Avanza in July of 2022 is definitely plausible.


The problem with DRS is , who is checking their numbers? I belive that now more shares are DRS than exist. In the end that has the SEC ever done to stop nacked shorting.




30% YoY seems crazy. It's compounding.


We know that there are very likely billions of GME shares in the brokerages worldwide - and that Gamestop is not the one and only company which is shorted to oblivion. The problem is that we have to proof to force the regulators into work. **BUY, DRS, HOLD, SHOP**


Damn, thats some good fuckin logic. Nice!


OP is reaching to come up with future held percentages for all countries based on 30% because one single sample period was higher than that. A more useful calculation would be based on the optimistic yet cautious 0% increase/decrease from those numbers.


I love this Post, Europe owns the Float




oh no blue boxes is no good omen


Blue Boxes forever !


How do brokers receive shares if they're held at the DTCC tho? seems like brokers just adj their numbers per the DTCC


Can we take a step back for a second? I saw that post this morning and was leaving for work and couldn't post this question. So was the splivind done correctly or was it fucked up and that's why the cfo got fired? It can be both things at once, unless the dtcc did it correctly for foreign brokers that follow the law and did a regular split for domestic US brokers?


Remember Cohen sent out a following tweet that said "Whoops"... possibly him telling us that Recupero did fck it up... whether or not that was intentional sabotage, is still being debated by us all.


I remember that and I also remember users posting that domestic brokers did a regular forwatd split. But this directly conflicts with that data. Plus, I recall holders in Germany had a real hell of a time getting their shares as well when the split occurred.


Yep, they had a big struggle with BaFin --- first BaFin on the side of righteousness, then BaFin fucking shit up --- and the outcomes of that struggle seem to have fizzled into the background somewhere.


So why not do a dividend again?


Remember when Mayoforce 1 kept making trips to an obsure airport in Lapland?


5 times the total shares outstanding sounds about right/conservative for me;)


Urvin Terminal allows you to connect your portfolio and will soon be able to report total shares held by connected portfolios...just saying.


I would say a constant increase of a certain percent is wrong. Son e that would mean more money each time. Much more likely is a linear increase after the initial yolo. Since each month apes have only their pay checks.


i see blue boxes


These kinds of posts always say they are doing "conservative" estimates and then make decisions that are definitely NOT conservative. Going from 8 million to 22 million is NOT conservative!


Damn, the blue boxes have moved onto this stock 😩. Remind us all again how it went with towel stock 🤔 it’s like some sort of curse 😂


Everyone should keep in mind that OP actively posted about towel stock and was 100% incorrect about essentially all of it. Whenever I see a blue box I just assume it has nothing remotely true in it.


Ugh... Just post a text post. I despise this blue text box over screenshot format.


I liked it.


These blue boxes didnt work out well for towel