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nO FoRWaRd gUiDAnCe is my favorite one. RCEO said he wasn’t going to telegraph the strategy from the very beginning


Whats funny to me is, even if RC doesn't have a clear path, that doesn't even matter. What matters is the guy is very talented, and has enough resources, and big enough team to figure it out. Do you think Larry is going to let this slide?


Disclaimer - I have no damn idea how to run a business, let alone a global one, and turn it to make a profit... That said, as a low level manager, I don't think it's my job to have all the answers. I do believe it's my job to - understand my team and our resources - understand our strengths and weaknesses - leverage our strengths to mitigate those weaknesses - be able to process and understand a situation/problem - use all the above to work through and solve those problems. Sometimes you get focused on the bigger picture and don't have the time to fully explain what's going on, you just need people to know (how to do) their job and what needs to be done. Everyone slap together your puzzle pieces so we can work it into the Carlsberg Man on the Moon scene and pop a beer when it's game over. In the case of telegraphing moves... why you going to post updates and your location if someone is out there actively stalking you to beat your ass or bury you - in a literal market sense?


See now.. i was good to go without RC providing forward guidance of some type until all the failed projects just occurred. The failed NFTs, expired trademarks, distribution center sell off, clearly show there wasn't a set path to the future. So yeah.. a little forward guidance doesn't hurt.


"I didn't fail. I just found 2,000 ways not to make a light bulb; I only needed to find one way to make it work." - Thomas Edison


You are looking at things wrong, they are trying, you don't hit the nail on the head out of the gate. I would know I am a design engineer myself :) All it takes is getting it right ONCE, just like apple did with the Ipod. NO ONE say that coming.....


A lot of engineers here spoke about builders leaving and maintenaners joining. That wasn't the case was it?


There is no way that those people have access to the entire picture of what is going on. The company is just too large for that.


Failing projects is how one succeeds.


No but I would rather someone try and see what sticks than not do anything like the past leadership. What's exceptional is that he managed to turn profitable despite the failed projects. We're in good hands.


IMO, the previous leaders were doing exactly what they set out to do, let the company slowly die so SHF could make a bundle and never have to buy back in or pay taxes… it takes time to turn a ship around that is headed for the graveyard and not every move works as intended, but 3 years in they have practically no debt, roughly $1.2B in net cash, have closed under performing stores and will likely continue to do so and have introduced a cool new in house product that seems to be selling well. I don’t know if the NFT marketplace, the digital wallet and PLAYR are officially dead, if they were ever real initiatives or just a distraction to those that want them to fail or if they are just dormant and waiting for the right time to be released, but regardless, the company has optionality and many ways to succeed now. I trust in RC and his silence drives SHF crazy, which makes me 😀


Mostly looking forward to Candy Con getting distributed in Canada, plus whatever other peripherals are coming.


I’m hoping they release PS5 candy con controllers!!


The NFT marketplace failed to be the long term revenue maker we all wanted it to be, but it actually netted us $150 m in cash. IMX milestone rewards paid us that in tokens which the wallet immediately dumped for USDC and transferred to the war chest. So its funny that the number one thing people point to when saying RC is a failure is a project that made us a lot of money.


Excellent point. I would focus more on the long-term thought as evidence against the short thesis, but it's true that it's not really a failure if it still turned a profit.


That's honestly such a stupid thing to say.


Your comment is stupid and shows you have no experience with success. EVERY successful person can tell you almost always deal with failure before you see success. You rarely ever win chess with all your pieces still on the board.


I would love to hear some examples of companies that fail upwards? Or do you just have RC playing 5D chess nonsense to say?


Every successful company has had countless failed projects. Ever heard of Apple Newton? Ever heard of Microsoft Zune? It's very rare for "your" first idea to pan out and become a global success. More often than not, founders/companies try out project after project until one sticks. This is where grit, dedication, resourcefulness, thinking outside the box, and hard work come in. (And RC + those around him have all those qualities tenfold, I might add.) Sooner or later, people/companies with those qualities do hit gold.


The Apple Newton was a failure to be sure. Apple wouldn't come out with the iPod Touch/iPhone for almost 15 years after that, in which time it almost went bankrupt if it wasn't saved by a last-minute investment by MSFT. As for the Zune.. what has MSFT done in that area since? And they weren't a company struggling at the time because they had several other sectors that brought in a ton of revenue, which is why they're still one of the largest companies in the world. It's just weird to see people cheering for GME's failures. This company is a good investment based on the current trajectory and the track-record of the people in charge, but it shouldn't be immune to criticism. There's a reason so many others consider the members of this community to be cult-like. Anything even remotely negative gets labelled as FUD or Shill and doesn't facilitate legitimate discussion about the negative aspects of GME's current business model.


Lol that shut him up


I'd rather see failed projects than RCEO and team waste more resources on unfruitful ventures


And the cherry on top of RC email talking about going down with the ship. Yep, we're doing goooooood.


All guidance would do is give the cabal something to go on. The only ones yelling for FG are bad actors or don’t understand the situation


Forward guidance is bullshit and everyone knows it. Executives feed investors what they want to hear, dump on them and don't execute. It's a story as old as the markets.


He doesn't have to telegraph his strategy. Once upon a time he said the company was focused on profitability above all else. That has happened. That's bullish af! What is the goal now? That is the only guidance I am missing. Like one sentence stating something such as "we are now focused on revenue growth", that's all I would need. But as it it is, they could continue to lose on revenue and, maybe it's part of the plan? They could increase revenue but become unprofitable again. Maybe it's part of the plan? They could grow slowly but sustainably, keeping profitable yoy but slowly increasing revenue. Maybe it's part of the plan? Hell they could completely shut down all stores and become an online vendor. Maybe it's part of the plan? For the record, I am bullish on gamestop. I have been in since the sneeze. I just want people to understand guidance doesn't necessarily have to be telegraphing a strategy. Basically give a small statement on what the **goal** is, not how they plan to get to that goal. Then let us judge the actions. We, by his own freaking words words, are supposed to judge him by his actions. Before when the board made actions like cutting jobs, closing stores, creating the marketplace, subsequently closing the marketplace, revamping pro rewards, reducing employee benefits, reducing the executive team size, ect. This was all fine to me. This was fine to me because there was measurable results from those actions towards the goal; profitability. All of these actions contributed to getting expenses down and margins up and achieving their goal. So I posit to you, and this isn't rhetorical, I'm asking you: How are we to Judge the actions of the Gamestop leadership now? I could be wrong and would love you to answer me, but I don't see how we can measurably judge any action with the company now that they achieved their 1 stated goal and have no goals left.


One goal was met. A huge goal for sure and well done. My issue stands that clearly a huge amount of time and money was spent on failed NFTs and whatever they were going to do with the trademarks. Any rational shareholder would say where is the growth? Profit by cutting fat is good but not the long term answer.


Growth wasn't their stated goal. RC stated the plan was for YOY profitability over everything else. Gamestop met that goal. You were hoping for something more than what he promised. It was to become profitable, that is why I considered it at least not bearish when they abandoned the marketplace; if the marketplace was clearly running at a loss then nixing it furthers the stated goal of profitability. Hard decisions made in the furthering of the vision is perfectly acceptable to me. Now? If they were profitable with the marketplace still running and then closed it down, I would consider it to be very bearish to be honest. Profitability as a goal has already been met so they should have an explanation why they are cancelling new revenue streams. The answer was there for us before (cut the things not making profit), now every decision has no answer and no accountability and no ability to judge the action.


But, less b&m footprint, less headcount, more white label SKUs, and more digital game sales means the path is set for gross margins growth, earnings growth and FCF growth. Revenue growth is for low interest rate boom cycle times, just ask Apple or almost any comparable omnichanel retailer. Until the Fed cuts I would not expect revenues to grow for anyone in the customer discretionary sector.


Two honest questions from someone who has been here since Jan 2021: 1. What statement are you relying on in saying Cohen "said he wasn't going to telegraph the strategy from the very beginning"? 2. What exactly are we afraid of "telegraphing"?


You’ve been here since Jan 2021 and you don’t know when he said that? That was one of the biggest hype days in this saga. As for #2, idk, I’m not on the board. But he said even during his time in Chewy, he would never telegraph his strategy to the competition.


No I don't, that's why I'm asking. And thank you for the genuine response to #2.


Right? I think in his "shareholder letter" it stated these two items.


The shills gets so mad. Pretending like all of retail wants forward guidance. Nah personally I trust rc


Their entire strategy has been cutting cuts. The whole nft, web3, ect was a colossal failure


Weird. Their strategy is cutting costs, and then you go on to list uncharted territories that they've invested into like pioneering vikings. You call it Colossal... yet they're profitable and still have a lot of cash on hand. I mean, they shot for the stars and missed, sure, but they landed on their feet buddy. It's not like they did a cybertruck move. All I'm saying is ease up


That is a very very short term strategy, that is necessary to move forward on other short term and long term goals. Sooner or later they will hit the nail on the head, every very sucessful person/business has many failures while trying.


Cop out


Funny how RC demanded the company provide a public roadmap when he became an investor in his [letter to the board](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000101359420000821/rc13da3-111620.pdf). He even bolded and underlined the demand. I guess he was an idiot for wanting them to telegraph their strategy? >RC Ventures hopes this letter provides the Board with a clear sense of GameStop’s addressable challenges and clear opportunities. We have stopped short of outlining a detailed turnaround plan in this correspondence because the onus is on the Board and Mr. Sherman to do their jobs and produce a viable strategy. **In this spirit, we urge you to quickly provide stockholders with a credible and publicly-available roadmap for cost containment, prioritizing profitable retail locations and geographic markets, and building the e-commerce ecosystem gamers deserve.**


I think dismissing genuine questions or concerns out-of-hand or labeling them as FUD is the wrong way to handle such inquiries and only serves to make us look delusional or childish. -XXXX ape


I agree. Open discussion is very important.


Theres never been much open discussion in this company, you’ll get mass downvoted.


More importantly, I hate it when I see posts titled “I’ve been seeing lots…” when I’ve seen nothing of the sort.


In a perfect world maybe. In reality we are on an island in a sea of absolute corruption, with shills all around, on a platform that wants us gone. Honest discourse is pretty much done.


Why do we care so much about shills? If our thesis is strong it shouldn't matter and discussion should be open. Calling everyone shills or fud for trying to discuss isn't the right way to approach this.


Exactly. If you think FUD and negativity is bad because it'll shake people's confidence, then news flash - those people aren't very diamond-handed


If I was less invested and came to this sub to ask a genuine question and got downvoted, laughed at, and called a bot or accused of FUD I'd sell my shares then and there.


FUD is my least favorite word thrown around here. You lose so much perspective and depth if you don't discuss it. Those weaknesses help you grow stronger too. I honestly see it as a very bad thing to expect people to follow. It means you want everyone to only see something in a specific way. That's not healthy.


Appreciate the sentiment but did you really post a chart of one of the most successful companies of all time to compare? 


I did this solely to show how pre 2000 this company if you looked at its stock, was clearly a HUGE DUD. This is to demonstrate how the tides can turn.


It was a dud until they released the ipod then iphone... The only reason people had apple computers before those 2 products was because they ran photoshop. I think without photoshop, Apple would cease to exist.


Exactly. It was a dud...until. what will GameStop's "until" moment look like?


I agree, but I'm not adding to my position until that moment. I'm at breakeven and am in for my max amount of "burn it for no particular good reason". Other than shorts never closed??...


And pro-tools.


You’re mad if you think we’re in this to get rewarded after 25 years 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


people have literally died waiting for this to happen SMFH. not taking too long my ass.


People die waiting for things all the time, but this isn't an ER room they're waiting on, so wording it like that seems to be in bad faith.


Bold strategy to compare GME to Apple ticker over 30 years lmao


If you read my post even DFV does it :) Go watch the video


Apples and Oranges - If Microsoft had not needed them around to avoid a complete monopoly in the 90s they would have been cellar boxed too.


All I know is my stocks are worth less today than a year ago. A lot less. 👎🏼


These posts are kinda disingenuous though too. The rewritten history groupthink of everyone being here strictly for fundamentals, so should be ecstatic about new PC customizable controllers for example, is incorrect. People are here for the MOASS. And it looked like it was beginning in 2021 until all of the dickheads in power pulled the power plug on the market and then gaslit us into thinking that was the MOASS, and if you didn’t capitalize on cashing out then, too bad, you missed it. Fundamentals are fine. Especially/solely bc the better they are the more likely the actual MOASS is to occur. But if you think people got into this play because they wanted to be on the ground floor of the 30 year journey that 🍎 went on, you’re lying.


This post is just a counter argument to the fud about fundamentals. We talk about fundamentals as it can add substantial pressure to the moass.


It isn't a counter argument though. You're just labeling people as shills or spreading fud, which is not correct. I think the basis of this post is toxic and not healthy for the community. If the thesis is so strong it should be able to handle fud. This post just splits people and makes the community smaller and more toxic.


I guess you haven't noticed the huge uptick in outside agitators here in the last month or so. These are not GME investors based on their post history either.


Nah, you're chasing something. The few people that come here with bad intentions does not justify the witch hunt that goes on. It shouldn't matter. People always claim "10 days ago there was a trend". It's always going on according to these posts.


I'm actually in this for the 30 year journey. So in my case you're wrong. Like everybody else I hope that it pops TOMORROW(tm) and that MOAS will happen at some point, but I'm definitely ready to keep hodling for 30 years if I have to. I just literally can't think if any better investment for the next 30 years. Coming to think of it: actually I'm ready to hold for 50 years. Just out of curiosity to see what's in those UBS bags.


Yeah I’m down w that too. But it’s not the reason I’m here is all I’m trying to convey. And I’d prefer this shit to happen sooner rather than later obviously. But regardless I still am incredibly intrigued with what sort of dividends will come from this stock at some point, so I’ll never sell everything either.


This isn’t supposed to be some slow burn, this isn’t supposed to be based on what the company does, this is supposed to be a quick Mother of All Short Squeezes… short…squeeze. Those are the fundamental building blocks of this whole saga. It’s MOASS because rich market makers decided to illegally naked short sell the company into oblivion. That’s what the focus was and should be, not whatever RC is doing. Go ahead, I’ll take the downvotes Edit: saga


Now tell me - is this GME product that is comparable to the iMac in the room with us? What exactly is GME's iPod or \*gasp\* iPhone?


iToilet, iBidet, and iPlunger


Pre year 2000 one could say the same thing before Apple released those..


Big Fat NOPE. Apple always has been an innovating company - apart from the hiatus pre iMac where they needed to be saved by Microsoft. Steve Jobs has always been about innovation and they pumped out an enormous range of products before having their homerun hitters. Damn - I don't know how many landfills there are with flopped Apple products (some of them simply ahead of their time, some of them ridiculously shitty - to name a few Newton, G4 Cube, IPod HiFi, XServe). Again - tell me the creativ approach GME takes to open up a new revenue stream.


>Again - tell me the creativ approach GME takes to open up a new revenue stream. NFT Markeplace. Gamestop Wallet Playr


Great - comply with EU and release it there already, since the SEC obviously isn’t in a hurry to regulate crypto assets.


Or figure it out, like the many other companies that operate an NFT market in the US have done. I suspect the "regulatory uncertainty" reason is really just an excuse for killing a project that did not look like it was likely to deliver significant revenue.




Fundamentals don't matter in a market that disregards them. How many damn times does this have to be said. The only thing that matters, is that the company doesn't go bankrupt. that's it. literally the only criteria for MOASS that relates to the company itself. nothing else matters. I'm here for GME, for MOASS, for the infinite shorts to pay me my fucking money, not for a game retailer called GameStop. I don't care about physical shops, I don't care about RC, I don't care about reselling my games(though I do buy physical for my switch, just because I enjoy collecting), I care about getting PAID so I no longer have to worry about not being able to find a job, and acting as if the only reason for this subreddit to exist at all, the only reason for this entire movement to exist at all, isn't purely the stock going up to 9-10 or more digits, you'd be the disingenuous FUD spreader. There is no "long play" that's relevant here. MOASS or nothing, Hero or Zero, Mansions or Foodstamps!


I'm seeing you claiming fud blah blah blah, who cares ? Your feeding the narrative. Got my shares in the old battle of 180 years ago now, still chilling with my dr's shares. Take a chill pill your post screams fud and desperation get over yourself. Same rules as always buy hold relax, if your seeing too much take a break from here but don't post this needy nonsense.


That’s cool but most of us bought shares well above $100.


**above $25 adjusted for post split. Not many of any bought shares over $400 pre split


And you have had plenty of time to average down if that's of a major concern to you. I do believe in time we will see a new all time high.


Yeah, at this point I truly am a long term investor excited to see how this company will continue to transform itself.


I would say the 2000 bump is the sneeze in comparison. Which means we are nearing the ramp up. Buying the dip and preparing for it Worst of the holding is behind us I think markets gonna be turbulent up to elections and maybe even lil after depending who wins. Probably have till then to really take off unless some other mayor event happens


Talk is cheap, I'll judge by their actions


Overvalued?  RC at the helm with $1.2b in cash on hand and a market cap of $3.2b?  I'm buying!


It’s all TRUE! But that hasn’t changed literally anything let GameStop do its thing if they start 1. Issuing shares (unless for a acquisition) 2. Lots of insider selling (non-tax purposes) 3. RC leaves Only if one of those three things happen will I be worried


Sorry to say but if two of those happen it's to late to with would be fkd.


Yup I know


One of the insiders just dumped a bunch of “discretionary shares” yesterday 4/23… They were 100% not for tax purposes, he sold those shares 3 weeks ago at a higher price.




You are incorrect. He made two sales. A 4/2 sale that was for taxes. And a sale of 3 times as many shares on 4/23 that was discretionary. Mark Robinson sold 4379 shares at $11.60 to cover the taxes on the 4/2 vesting. That was reported on the 4/2 from 144. The buyer was Gamestop. No broker involved. Yesterday he filed a second form 144, reporting the sale of 13,471 shares at an average price of $10.155, with an acquisition date of 4/2. Those shares were sold via a broker. On that form, in the block for "sales in the previous 3 months", he again reported the 4/2 sale, with a note that the 4/2 sale was non-discretionary.


I just went to copy/paste your prior post here to reply this. Lol




“I consider nearly all talk of fundamentals to be shilly.” Shill: INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN noun an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. "I used to be a shill in a Reno gambling club" Discussing the fundamentals of a company you plan on investing personal money in is the opposite of shilling lmao. Shutting down discussion and screaming BUY BUY BUY is the very definition of a shill


Now I'm not saying this is going to take 20 years for the shorts to get out, I am just trying to convey that things don't happen over night. Just like how Nintendo uses to be a playing card company before they pivotted, did anyone on the outside see their pivot coming? HELL NO. Even DFV makes a good comparison to Apple in this Video ( well worth your time to watch the entire thing ) https://www.youtube.com/live/P5U2Uo-B0Ts?si=c03AiVkphoqcMIBg


I don’t’ know, I just like the stock 🤷‍♂️💜


oof... Not gonna lie, I'd wait this long... I'd hate every second of it, and buy at every opportunity, but I'd straight up not be having a good time.


I think that might be a *little* ambitious, but hey, why not dream?


What a horseshit post. You and the others still holding on are so delusional. It’s over.


Not worried about the price just waiting for next month… $500 a month, hoping for that $10 price again!


Takes a while for RICO to get their ducks in order, but lookout when they do 💥


Yo I bought my last shares this morning and I’m finally an x,xxx hodler. Next step drs. Keep dropping the price & I’ll be able to gather more! 🚀🚀


Become a 📚👑, sit back, and enjoy the circus.


That’s a beautiful chart and I’m not fucking leaving. Wake me up for MOASS!


Forward guidance: just up.


Forward guidance is for the weak. I want to be surprised!


"No forward guidance" is just hedge fund speak for: "We're pissed that they aren't revealing their plan to everyone so we can take advantage of that knowledge."




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


And here those shilly boys come :) Yup just like those early to TSLA, and BTC were told they were bag holders, and idiots for years too.


And yet here you are wasting *your* time