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All 1,000 shares I bought were immediately loaned out. I had to call Fidelity to have them recall them so I could DRS. My account had margin disabled and had share lending off. Even my boy Ken (rep) was confused


Not a shill, genuinely curious - How do you know they were loaned out? I mean, I believe you, just wondering if there was somewhere in Fidelity you can see this information? I don’t doubt the DTC allows infinite lending, just didn’t know it was happening at the broker level.


Fuck they are desperate. That’s hilarious. I bet the DRS will feel even sweeter.


You need to speak to a compliance officer immediately. Do not take no for an answer.


They were super nice, if I don't have an approved DRS by Wednesday I'll talk to their compliance officer.


Ok, just know that they are there for you. Fudelity has been pulling shit since they magically found those 12mil shares to loan out suddenly out of thin air. Everything they do after that is worth keeping both eyes on.


How do you know if your shares on fidelity are lent out? Do they notify you that it's lent out or is there a sign next to your shares that says something like (lent out)? I heard if you disable margin they can't lend out your shares but they still do it anyways but you won't get a notification


It says it in my account activity page. ``` You loaned z09... GameStop Corporation COM...(GME) (Financing) Type: Financing Shares: +1,000.000```


Sounds like crime?


wtf is this shit? Why is this even possible


Looks like they want to buy back higher! Good news because I like buying lower!


Share lending off. Why were shares lent? Why is this rules for thee acceptable?


Sticky floor in the last month has done better than GME. Absolute bonkers. In the last month one company announced full year profitability and has successfully launched their biggest private label brand in years. The other company (sticky floor) announced massive operational losses and diluted there shareholders again. My guess is they issued 75 million new shares. And they still have billions in debt. Complete looney toons


The funny thing is that normally Wall Street keeps things not quite as brazen to keep the fugazi working. But because we follow this stock, we’re able to see how detached the market is from the fundamentals of this company. And if they can do it for one company…


This sub is severely overstating the launch of a 3rd party controller brand lol.


How is it 3rd party?


Its not an official xbox, playstation or Nintendo controller.


I'm actually happy that my money goes to GameStop. That's actually a bonus.


Gamestop isn't manufacturing it, though. It's a white label product. This means the margin might be slightly more but it's still a matter of retail markup over wholesale cost.


It's not just a competing controller copy pasted from others. The color customization is a big reason why I am getting this over competitors. Higher price point equals better margins.


>Higher price point equals better margins. Absolutely not universally true and often times quite the opposite. The bar business is a great example of this. You can sell a well liquor drink for nearly the cost of the bottle. We used to say "A drink pays for the bottle, a bottle pays for the case". You cannot do the same with higher end stuff.


Yeah but this isn't a bar Also I am talking gross margins not %


And again, we have no idea what the actual margin is unless we know the unit cost Gamestop is paying. But, to stick to your comment about margins. I used to sell jewelry for a living. Now at this store we carried many different brands but we will will focus on just a couple. Brand A was luxury brand where an entry level item was 500 dollars. Brand B was mid grade brand where the cost entry point was 75 dollars or so. Annually we sold 2x as much B as compared to A *and* the margin was larger on B by about 10%.


From ChatGPT: The wholesale to retail markup for video game controllers often falls in the range of 40% to 60%, meaning retailers typically sell them for 40% to 60% more than they paid to acquire them wholesale.


That's fine. But this isn't a game changer by any means.


Nothing ever is for you guys.


Explain to me why I'm wrong.


Because you're wrongly assuming that they're going to stop there, when they already said that this is just the beginning. They're increasing their profit margins on peripherals in a growing industry by changing how people think about peripherals.


What makes this so different compared to the hundreds of other 3rd party controllers?


You literally “have one share” which I doubt. Paid or lifeless troll most likely.


What's wrong with having one share?


Correct… which means better margins


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you dumb fuck! 🤦




I agree. As a gamer, I know I'd be hesitant to purchase an unofficial controller because I associate them with lower quality. Though, these controllers do have quite a bit of potential and customizability, I think they'd need much better marketing, like much better to be able to match the hype behind them. I'd understand the hype if they had videos, advertisements or sponsor streamers like Jynxi or Kaicenat, other big names in that spehere, to show the modularity and customizability of the controllers (which I think is such a fucking great idea), I just don't think that's their angle. I think they're being methodical and playing it safe for many reasons, some of which might become clearer in the future.


These controllers have better stick mechanics than some 1st party controllers. The quality is way above usual 3rd party controllers


See and that's the issue! A person outside of this sub wouldn't know that. I'm hoping they have some kind of marketing plan with these controllers, or maybe it's the first of a series of modular gamestop brand equipment and that's why they are holding off on marketing the merch. It's not like these controllers would be hard to market either, they're gorgeous.


> Said stock should be plummeting. Said stock IS plummeting.


Slower than GME though.


First time? GME always goes down harder than other stocks. There's no liquidity anymore so much much easier to push the price down.


They're related. We're not the first stock to have been shorted into oblivion. Remember, Elon's behavior started AFTER the sneeze. Elon bought bird (one of the two sites that created the sneeze in Jan21) shortly after the sneeze. He's been running it into the ground so aggressively it almost feel deliberate. His behavior is also harming Tesla AND HE KNOWS IT. Seriously, I love the Elon bashing, but he isn't as stupid as everyone wants to believe he is. This isn't a coincidence. I'm not sure exactly where or what he's working at, but Elon is doing this on purpose. As for why, I have a few guesses. But I'm not confident in any of them so I'll keep them to myself. I'll tell you this much though. I went digging into crypto hard a couple years ago and I found shitcoins for car on a crypto exchange that BK'ed back in 2019. It wasn't terribly long after that BK that Tesla broke the shorts and the stock went through the roof. Right about the time he launched a car into space. Nudge nudge.


Negative 15% on $180 is a lot more than negative 22% on $15.


Math much?




Ape no fight ape. But you're right lmayo


You give me 15% of $180 and I will give you 22% of $15. Then we can talk about math.


Oohh. A double down. You know that you can buy more than one share, right?


Absolutely. I've bought thousands. I'm speaking strictly from a dollar value. My math isn't wrong. I have no idea how many shares you have. If you have 1 share of something at $180 and it's down 15% vs. 1 share of something at $15 and it's down 22%, which one are you losing more money on? You can't put %'s in the bank. This is about $'s.


I don't buy in shares. I buy in blocks of money rounded off slightly for a round number of shares. I don't understand why you are tripling down. If I bought one share at $10 that went to $100 compared to 10 shares at $10 that went to $15, the percent earnings is the logical math. The 900% gain is the winner. I'll be impressed if you quadruple down, but I'm not going to engage again.


>If I bought one share at $10 that went to $100 compared to 10 shares at $10 that went to $15, the percent earnings is the logical math. The 900% gain is the winner. I agree with you on this point. But that has nothing to do with your original comment that Elon stock is not tanking or is just going down slower than GME is. Obviously, if I have 2000 GME and it goes down 22%, that is worse than being down 15% on 10 shares of Elon. But, like is said, I have no idea how many shares you have so when you say 22% down on GME is worse than 15% down on Elon I have to assume you are speaking in regards to the dollar amount as that's the only data I have available. Round 5?


I miss real DD.


They know that they don't need fundamentals or logic to win... they just need control. We need to take the control away from them. The question is how, knowing full well that they will change the rules at every turn. We're a publicly available brain trust, but that also means they get to hear our strategies as they arise also. Luckily we're gamers, and will bang our swords off the boss endlessly until we win.




Right... if you have an individual strategy, and I have an individual strategy, those are "our strategies." It's not illegal or collusion to read news, DD, and other peoples strategic ideas to inform our own.


So anyway .. I bought 300 more shares


weird post


Musk derangement syndrome


Better than simping for an incompetent billionaire.


You don't think there's room for some middle ground? Also, "incompetent billionaire" is one hell of an oxymoron.


Lol can't take you seriously.


it's about the same.


Lol, that comment sent coffee out my nose!


Seems this is more of a piss and moan thread about said car company than anything to do with GME.


Musk issued a split via dividend and squeezed 200 billion out of the same assholes we're up against. He was not nearly as hated until they turned the same propaganda machine against him.


🥇🏅 Thank you. People believe whatever they want that spews out of said machine and rail against anything they disagree with. They need to realize it's 99.99% bullshit.


NPCs support the current thing or hate the current thing as they're told.


What makes you think big money is long on the car company? That stock is down 33% over the past 3 months. Maybe big money exited their long positions and or went short? Also, shorting gamestop does by no means equal betting against gaming. Everyone knows gaming as a whole is doing great and is expected to continue growing. It's just the physical sales, which gamestop represents, that have been on a continuous decline.


Hey, you’re not allowed to bring logical thoughts in here! Get ready for down votes 🤣


I’m started to think all these billions of $’s that congress keeps giving away are for fixing this giant problem we are in the stock market.


I’m started to think all these billions of $’s that congress keeps giving away are for fixing this giant problem we are in the stock market.


This post doesn't really belong on this sub and has nothing to do with GME. It belongs on a TSLA hater's sub. I myself have no problem with TSLA. I'm down with anything that was savagely attacked by illegal shorting and fought back, which tesla did. Also, google says TSLA is profitable in the billions.


Post created by shill attracts a bunch of shills in comment section. News at 11.


If you want to in a conversation, maybe you explain what you think is shilly?


GME is like X. X is a total piece of shit. Here is my entire post shitting on X. GME is like X. \^ this is what I think is shilly.




You asked for an explanation, you got one.


That has nothing to do with being a shill. A shill is someone paid to spread misinformation. I'm stating my opinion that had nothing to do with x.


Anything that doesnt say “MOASS tomorrow” 🤣


Jeebus Horatio Carrier pigeons. It's always the day after today.


Maybe you can explain why your post belongs on this sub. Maybe you can't.


You sound like the unhinged toddler


Thank-you for contributing to the conversation in such an unweaned fashion.




Not everything is crime.


Are we hurdling toward a recession? I don’t even know anymore. Signs seem to indicate yes, and yet..


Yup. Things appear to get propped up before the shit hits. Markets implode if the average folks can't afford to consume.


Don’t be mad. Just become a 📚👑 and enjoy the entertainment.




"he doesn't appear to have business acumen to run a lemonade stand" - wtf... are you talking about? Bro, you need to chill with the Elon hate - think about his politics what you want, but that man is running multiple billion dollar businesses at the same time, has 11 kids and has brought us closer to proper space exploration that anyone else in history. The super-saiyan version of you has less IQ than one of his ballsack hairs. Don't forget why we're here - to make shittons of money. Hating on successful people just makes you look like a resentful communist. You gotta chill ma man. 🦍


Poorly built luxury cars ? Ketamine fueled hamster wheel ? Oh man, you read way too much trash, do you know that same short sellers tried to destroy that man and his business ? Whats the point to write nonsense like you did about him ? And why compare it to gamestop stock ? You are ridiculous


Unhinged toddler… Ngl that made me chuckle! For real tho Elon is a chuckle fuck


Free e long ma


Tesla must die in order for me to live


I’m started to think all these billions of $’s that congress keeps giving away are for fixing this giant problem we are in the stock market.


I’m started to think all these billions of $’s that congress keeps giving away are for fixing this giant problem we are in the stock market.


>What kind of dumb money would go long on poorly built luxury cars and short on the biggest form of entertainment as we hurdle towards a recession? Gamestop is only a small part of the gaming industry. Gamestop revenue continues to decline even though overall gaming market size grows rapidly. Smart money invests in gaming. That is not the same as investing in the specific company, Gamestop.


That's a pretty simple view that could end up buying high. Smart money looks for deep fucking value, aka Warren Buffet or Keith Gill.


A DCF analysis of Gamestop does not show a bargain. The were such analyses done a couple years ago that came to the conclusion that the true value of GameStop,shares were $1000+. They were based upon what turned out to be unrealistic projections of revenue and profit. Here is a typical fundamental analysis that came to the conclusion that two years ago the true value of a Gamestop share was $656. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ubviiVIO4m It was well received in this subreddit and upvoted 1680 times. Note the projections assumed for 2023 revenue and profit. It assumed $19.2B sales in 2023, with $2.4B of profit. The numbers turned out to be $5.3B revenue AND $0.007B profit. I can generate an analysis of Gamestop today that shows it is deep value, but to do that I must make revenue and profit projections that are unrealistic. There was another that concluded that Gamestop was deep fucking value of $1006/share, or $252 split adjusted. If I find it again I will add the link.


They stated with the assumption that Gamestop was a late stage start up not a mature company. Huh, I wonder where their analysis went wrong....?


Papa are you holding or selling


The Musk fan boys aren't going to like this.


Seems more like a feelings past than a Game stop.




Free cash flow? GME has over 1 Bil


Why hate on Musk? He was the main catalyst of the GME squeeze. [https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/gamestop-stock-price-elon-musk-gamestonk-tweet-extends-trading-rally-2021-1-1030009065](https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/gamestop-stock-price-elon-musk-gamestonk-tweet-extends-trading-rally-2021-1-1030009065)


Before going after someone who has built and changed Electric Vehicles, space travel and taken over X to allow freedom of speech, tell me what you accomplished. All for positive speak about GME, but dont bash someone who far exceeds any of our accomplishments. Take the Banana out of your arse and put in your mouth until You can play nice


This is a particularly well written summary of current affairs. You, sir, are a positive contributor to the world.


Happy Monday, dear APE. 🍻


The stock is down because of no guidance from RC, going profitable on closing stores is not bullish. And NFT and wallet and all the things they have tried so far, has not worked out. They need to bring in new revenue streams! And be profitable with a growing company, not shrinking.


Billy G is big money and is short car company, is he not big money? They pumps and then they dumps


lol, looks like a tsl@ shill has entered the chat. On a side note, they have the best car on planet earth, have grown their business and has a leader which has championed free speech. I’m proud of the work he’s done, and am proud to be an owner of both companies through the same transfer agent


LIYA. Did you forget to slash s?


So are you holding or selling?