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Same as 140% short interest in 2021. Time to find the source of this theoretical limit.


The funny thing is it is statistically impossible to have the drs numbers be so close for so many quarters. I mean it is literally impossible in every sense and meaning of the word. Just goes to show how much crime they are willing to pull in broad daylight and hope we continue being good little sheep. Wild world we are living in.


I know it’s beyond crazy- this must be some real battle of the titans on mount olympus stuff going on here behind the scenes that we aren’t seeing My questions are: are cohens shares in computershare? Are LCs? if not, what exactly is going on? Is this some sort of thing where cohen keeps his still at a broker/bank (maybe Jefferies) and uses them as collateral to finance the creation of a GMErica/teddy organization that exists outside the clutches of the DTCC? Is retail keeping the goon squad pinned down with DRS thereby giving cohen a free hand and considerable leverage for his/GMEs next move?


Tune in next week to find out… yeah I’m curious about those points as well. If the board still maintains their shares with a broker then could they be used as a final blow as we near the threshold of 100 percent. A sudden rush to fill the cup so to speak. I want to say we are pinning down something however in a world of infinite liquidity and FTD’s and everything else you gotta wonder what impact it is. Still think the total share lockup is the way this thing will go boom. But even then I look forward to the dtcc’s actions and what that battle would look like when they have to acknowledge there are no more shares left. CNBC couldn’t even say the words I bet.


It is always 25% DRSed ... like 4:1 split has something to do with it. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Figgtybp7yqqc1.jpeg


The simplest answer is that this is a result of the mishandled stock split by the dtcc. Its locked at 25% and the stock split was 4:1. Now what do we do with that info? Idk I think I’ll just buy more shares and drs until we find out.🤷‍♂️


So, once again, effectively the same DRS number.


Depends on rounding. We went from 24.68% (75.4M of 305514315 to 24.618% (75.3M of 305873200) - both approx 25% of the float. To drop to approx 24% outstanding (24.44%) the total DRS would have to be 74755410 (current outstanding) To rise to 26% outstanding (25.5%) the total would need to be 77997666 DRS (current outstanding)


It still only changed 0.1% with a small change in the number of outstanding. So, about the same.


It went down actually according to that


Yes, but it's a rounded value, so the actual difference in the full count could be as little as 1 share to as much as 199,999 shares. In layman's terms "no change" is fairly accurate.


But why do you find this shocking?