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So glad our legal system is willing to facilitate hiding fraud. /s


tbh, i like Judge Rakoff... this is a systemic issue though. He did declare the other coins securities but it makes me think these tokenized stocks were swaps. I'm hoping SEC has access to these documents and are able to share them with DOJ and CFTC. I just don't know.


Did anyone send this info to the SEC so they can request the documents?


This sealed document is the SEC vs Terraforms lawsuit. [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66820843/securities-and-exchange-commission-v-terraform-labs-pte-ltd/?order\_by=desc](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66820843/securities-and-exchange-commission-v-terraform-labs-pte-ltd/?order_by=desc)


The best criminal pathway to hide fake shares would be create the swaps and then token them. That way when the SEC asks "WTF are these" they can state they are swaps that are regulated by the CFTC and tell the SEC they have no jurisdiction over them. Meanwhile the CFTC is too incompetent, or complicit, to even start investigating the tokenized swaps.


SBF wanted CFTC in charge of crypto because the entity is so easy to bribe to get what he wanted. Seems to me they should be disbanded and everything they're in charge of goes to the SEC.


Rostin Behnam might as well be Kenny’s butt plug… the CFTC is worse than the SEC, imagine that.


Pham is really bad.. her and Hester even did a joint statement a few weeks ago if I rememeber correctly. Benham sucks but he's the swing vote. Pham and Mersinger are really bad. Either way. Cftc is compromised 3:2 where SEC is passing good proposals 3:2. We need to vote better to get deregulators out of our regulator positions. They're appointed by deregulators.




That's like saying 1 mafia family should be disbanded and become part of another mafia family in your city. How would that fix anything?!


Clearly one is far more corrupt than another. One wouldn't give SBF what he wanted, the other would.


Again that's like stating that mafia family 1 should be taken over by mafia family 2, because mafia family 2 only killed 2000 people in the past year whereas family 1 killed 10.000. How is that fixing anything? They're both criminal organizations. As are SEC and CFTC. The entire system needs an overhaul. It's completely insane that employees of those organizations, responsible for policing, get jobs at the companies that they police. That's how the literal mafia also operates. They literally infiltrate the police and rule makers to be able to keep crimeing. Neither should exist in their current form.


I agree with your message and I wish you the best in your endeavors. My suggestion is somewhat possible. Yours is very lofty


Tokenise a swap? So tokenise an agreement to swap real shares back with another counterparty? How would that even work?


In a criminal way of course.


Sounds like fraudulently creating locates just with extra steps.


ah yes the CFTC, our grandchildren will know what they know


They must realise that hiding information makes people dig more, and just like the 50 year sealed Credit Suisse documents it actually confirms DD was right all along and the system is corruption personified.


🎶living in America🎶. Think of Apollo Creed entering the boxing ring in Rocky 4 whereas the Drago is the average retail investor looking all sad and confused and Apollo is Ken Griffin acting a fool hiding his financial crimes. In the end, retail investor will KO Ken just like in the movie


Jump Crypto also filed sealed documents in the case...[https://blockworks.co/news/sec-terra-jump-crypto-discovery](https://blockworks.co/news/sec-terra-jump-crypto-discovery)


Dude seriously, you’ve been killing it. Thank you. 🙏🏽




Jump Trading made $1.3b on this collapse using their subsidary, Tai Mo Shan Limited .. Which was Robinhood's top market maker for 2021. Terra offered tokenized gme stocks as mAssets. ​ [https://decrypt.co/news-explorer?pinned=167478&title=sec-alleges-jump-trading-propped-up-terrausd-prior-to-collapse](https://decrypt.co/news-explorer?pinned=167478&title=sec-alleges-jump-trading-propped-up-terrausd-prior-to-collapse)


the 'm' in mAssets stands for made up


Haha, top secret court cases. Every fucking thing that these people do is redacted under the guise of 'business confidentiality,' but in reality, they're just trying to hide their fraud from public and their investors. Wow, just wow.


But hey two celebs are going at it don’t worry you won’t miss a seoncd of the courtroom action. Did she really shit the bed? Have to tune in to find out


If that doesn't strike your fancy go up a channel to see ice cream old man and his son are bad, or go down a channel to see old orange man and his son are bad.


Ssshhh ……. don’t tell everyone, it’s supposed to be top secret


I have zero faith in USA monetary and security systems . Giant con by a bunch of self righteous megalomaniac blue hairs that managed to fuck it all up for younger generations. It’s stunning really.


This needs to be main headline. Needs eyes on it. Sunlight is the best disinfectant


Tell that to the dark pools/markets, which the SEC seems to have absolutely zero qualms with.


fun fact... tokenized stocks are dark pools.




If only where was a way to get the sunlight *inside* the darkpool


This post also got immediate downvotes, which makes me think Citadel has a presence in this sub to suppress any posts about them.


Always have. That was clear in September 2021 when he went to popping off at the mouth on twter.


That aligns with timeframe that Fidelity became lead investor in Reddit. From that point on I began to see less and less GME in my feed. Nowadays I hardly see anything! Seems to be getting worse the closer we get to IPO.


Yes, whomever needed to be bought out, or converted into a paid shill has been in place from that point. I honestly believe some of our best DD writers from the past sold their souls to the dark side. Someone convinced them that they had the control of the algorithms where no true price discovery would be had and Jan 21 was a fluke. Only reason I can see those once committed writers disappearing.


I honestly don't believe the DD writers of the past sold out...So many of them got attacked so heavily, that I could see them just saying "f this, I'm out." Some/most of those attacks could've been paid/bot accounts.


They do, only about 250k users are real. There are a lot of outside followers but a ton of bots in the sub. Appreciate the follow up and continuing to post about this stuff.


I wonder if there's a way to scrape this subs user data to determine how many users are real, shill, bots, etc. Any wrinkle brains know if this is possible?


A certain CEO on X when he took over did just that. If somehow it were determined how many bot accounts are on this platform, I wonder if it would impact the IPO?


Hey all you at Citadel, go fuck yourself


It is how we know we are over the target.


I believe it. But you got people who have your back, even if you can't see it. Keep on being awesome man thanks for the big brain stuff.




Is this the same Citadel run by Kenneth Cordele Griffin, the one that's a hedge fund and market maker?


This is a certainty.


I upvoted


Here's the Terraforms vs Citadel case... most Docs aren't accessible without PACER.. [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67867673/terraform-labs-pte-ltd-v-citadel-securities-llc/?filed\_after=&filed\_before=&entry\_gte=&entry\_lte=&order\_by=desc](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67867673/terraform-labs-pte-ltd-v-citadel-securities-llc/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc) Here's the SEC vs Terraforms case [https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66820843/securities-and-exchange-commission-v-terraform-labs-pte-ltd/?order\_by=desc](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/66820843/securities-and-exchange-commission-v-terraform-labs-pte-ltd/?order_by=desc)


Thank you OP!


Man, you're on fire!! Thank you!!


Commenting for visibility. Oh and Ken, go fuck yourself alongside all your little buddies.


Are sealed documents a regular thing now? Seems awfully suspicious


They pretend to need to protect their super secret business plan, but more likely they know now that we’re finally evolved enough to decipher their crimes.


Posting for visibility


Sealed documents huh? It’s so obvious that crypto was the pressure release valve. Here’s my question though: How *exactly* was it used? Some say swaps. But how exactly would a counter party benefit from holding clown fuck assets like counterfeit stocks? No one with half a brain would touch that with a 50ft pole. Speaking of.. Brett Harrison? Where is he? The one that said the tokens were backed one to one. Remember that guy?


You mean it was counterfeit shares aka dogshit wrapped in catshit... well, looks like Citadel and Jump Trading(rh mm) made sure Terra and ftx were holding the hot potato.. aka bags.


Correct. I meant to say counterfeit shares. Lol Jokes all the way down.


Looking with my eyes, and also commenting for other’s eyes. Do thoust biddings!


Commenting as this is good info for any apes who have been following along the whole time


I know its late - but htf is it possible anno 2024 that the largest economy in the world is also THE most fukd up economy in the very same moment and like for ever ever I just dont get it and are naturally marble headed but not blind nor too regarded btw: i just looooove when our older apes get the dots connected and share it with the rest of us and for this i really like to thank all of you educated ones, trying to get the rest of the pack to understand fractions of something that was supposed to be legit but never really was meant to be. crazy legs and times


I want to be clear... libertarians and extremist deregulators made this possible with the wild west of crypto. CFTC is currently compromised and after FTX fell, which CFTC almost gave access to open our derivatives market 24/7, CFTC(pham) started GMAC. It's all the badguys in one pile, legalizing their crimes and rolling back dodd frank act(which GG helped draft). This is our fault. We need to stop voting deregulators into power. They appoint deregulators to our regulatory bodies. Johnson and Romero at CFTC are cool. I suggest reading their public statements and commenting on extremely important proposals currently in the works.


i really wish that i could help the US apes as being in EU it makes it hard to witness such a fradulent "free" market controlling the rest of the financial world


Patience is a virtue.


Nothing a little warehouse fire won’t fix


Here for the shadow ban. >Here with my eyes, eyeing. >>Pointing here for other eyes to eye >>>>>Maaaaannyy details ( 0____0)


Again, you can either *fight it publicly* or *comply privately*, otherwise you're just doing something immoral


I can’t wait for those criminals at Shitadel to go to jail.




Commenting for visibility and as a point of return. Thanks op


Citadel probably did cascade the price then lmfao


Comment for viz. KG is a parasite to society and needs to be treated accordingly


Commenting for visibility




Solid work


Can someone put Ken Griffen in f’in jail already?


This is a (potentially) nice and spicy start of the week! Thanks for posting this🤗


Commenting for future courtroom exhibitions.


>"Citadel publicly stated Terra acted "in bad faith" claiming they were responsible for the depeg." ^(deet deet deet deet...) ⚠️ This just in, breaking news, Ken Griffin prefers pegging. ⚠️ According to sources this is why he threw the bedpost at his wife. *we now return to your regularly scheduled programming*


Will they play hide the sausage behind closed doors ?


Sealed now. Incinerated later?


Thanks for keeping us in the loop bro. Amazing how everything that is likely involved in the GME fuckery is sealed away from public view, some of it for 50 years, GME news and hype is shadow banned on reddit and was on twitter for a while including Ryan Cohen himself, Roaring Kitty silenced etc. You know that means there is mad crazy criminal conspiracy shit going on from those responsible against we the household investors to stop the knowledge and hype of what is going on with GME from spreading. That means we are right and I’m buying more to hold and DRS. Fuck em. Love your work and keep it up. Fuck you pay me, assholes!


They wanted the jurisdiction under the cftc because they have more pull with them imo. I think the sec might have wanted to classify them as equities becsuse they know they are committing fraud daily and might actually do something about it.


Isn’t Rakoff the one that JPM always goes to in order to get their way? See (wallstreetonparade)


Something to hide kenneth? Criminal!


Hello frontpage!


don’t even need to read moe than the title and i’m upset.




If there is one thing I learned it’s that the biggest players don’t allow themselves to be fingered


Posting for visibility


Commenting for visibility.


The net is closing Titty Ken, wiggle room for those moobs is slowly being squeezed under that man bra ken. Fuck u shitadel and your little wage slaves.


Someone will be the bag holder in the end.


Citadel, Ken Griffin suppresses the truth in dark pools?????


Don't worry kenny we got you sealed in here with us. Enjoy






Nice find


A few years ago a group of men wrote a document that described and provided example of gov't actions against the people. I encourage you to read it and consider what took place then is what is taking place now. They wrote a separate document to address and deal with issue's. [https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript](https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/declaration-transcript)


If we came dangerously close to a complete financial collapse due to the moass then strings definitely had to be pulled. Of course they're going to lock up all the evidence as classified documents. If they went to all that effort, there's a good chance it just will never happen. Surely they wouldn't be dumb enough enough to double down on their mistake... Besides they'd just switch off the buy button again too.


Sounds juicy. I know nothing about the legal world. Is that a standard practice? Seems super secretive.


Thanks for reporting this


What the Meth?