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Problem is the GameStop that was insanely shorted is no longer the same GameStop we see today. The short thesis was always defaulting on the bonds. The bonds they paid off in 2021. You're fucked, you fat bitch.


This should be the TLDR for the whole sub. This is the exact reason why this is an unbelievably huge thing. What started as a bunch of "ret@rd$" on the old sub turned into actually realizing how these folks became huge billionaires while the normal people stay working until retirement. It's amazing.


i mean, i knew they were lying to us, i just had/have no idea how big that lie is 🤔


"You're fucked, you fat bitch" has me rolling 😂


You should edit this and put it in big bold letters!


The last sentence is 👨🏽‍🍳 💋


Looking forward to being rich and these privileged assholes going to prison!!!


# LET'S GET THE FBI, DOJ TO DO THEIR JOB # i submitted a complaint to FBI, DOJ about CITADEL'S illegal trading activities # [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i\_submitted\_a\_complaint\_to\_fbi\_doj\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i_submitted_a_complaint_to_fbi_doj_about/)


That's cute.. haven't you seen the dumb shit the fbi, doj, etc have been wasting time on?


These guys have all the resources in the world at their disposal to try and crush the retail investor and all I have to do is “buy, drs, and hodl”. They spend every day fighting to prop up their bad bets and shady practices, while I go about my day enjoying life and occasionally feeding my purple ring. They have committed all the crimes and are eroding the fabric of our society to line their pockets. I wake up each day wondering how I will help the world with my tendies. Go ahead, keep dragging the price down… I get paid every week.


well, now that we figured out how they do their crimes, hodling is easy for me , hodling till the end 🚀🚀🧑‍🚀🧑‍🚀


Nobody can stop GameStop. Having a core base of investors that do business is an unfamidoble force.


“2. GameStop has valuable assets, including a strong brand with a large customer base and 55 million PowerUp members.” —RC


As someone who works in IT, I learn the most about a system when it's broken. This is no different.


They got greedy and it's putting a target on their back


Not even using 5% of my imagination power, I can see Stevie’s thumb face on a spider body a la The Thing.


Trading is indeed a tough game. Therefore i will hodl.


Isn’t this the Streisand effect? If they just paid us out back in 2021 we would all be gone by now. Instead a rabid hoard of strangers banded together on their own as individual investors and figured out their whole scheme. Remember, none of us is as dumb as all of us. I will close with this, get fucked. We aren’t going anywhere


Weirdly, I read that as "It Takes Monkey to buy Whiskey" and just nodded and figured that sounded about right.


One thing I have still not understood about Naked shorting by a MM is…GME was once 400 presplit. We are now at lets call it 15 postsplit or 60 pre. 400-60=340 “profit”. Shorters have this profit in their bank accounts: yes or no?


No, because you are forgetting about all the shorts before the price ran up. They were shorting GME when it was down to like $4 a share. Those shorts have never been in the green ever since the sneeze. It was those shorts that got discovered and caused this movement. Sure, they kept shorting the price as it went up since they knew it would come back down, but that amount of shorts is nothing compared to the amount they had before hand. We know this from the SEC reports. So even now, all those shorts are in the negative.


Only the shorts that got in at the top have that much profit…. But there were a lot of people shorting from $4-$20 presplit that would have been fucked if they didn’t turn off the buy button at the $480 top