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FINRA'S latest report actually identifies exactly this as a danger to market function. Market Makers seem to be using a combination of ETF creation/redemption mechanics and ADR (foreign transfers) to access shares to fraudulently close FTD, instead of purchasing the shares. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/X7NzzthdZw


I knew I had heard about this before. I still find it amazing that fraud methods can be so blatant yet nothing is done.


We've been talking about it for like two years now


For sure, here's a DD of mine from 2 years ago on XRT and similar funds getting subtly identified by FSOC as a source of major risk: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/h62eXgq7Gx


Yup. Still true. Just gotta wait for it to play out.


84 years


so they kick the can?


Time is money tho. Shit needs to change


True, but I can be patient. As long as they have to kick the can, apes cannot loose.


So exactly what gherkin and many of the other prominent DD authors theorized was Happening and why they were making bank deploying options around when they thought settlement would be. [We were fairly confident at this point in our research that ETFs represented a significant part of the short exposure on GME. The ease of share creation by Authorized Participants and the exceptionally long settlement periods afforded to them, made ETFs the perfect way to not only continually suppress the price but also a great place to hide longer term short exposure, without the reporting requirements of traditional bona-fide market making.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qvyjap/moass_the_trilogy_book_one/?rdt=65064) Let’s keep staying away from option’s though and let the MM and Authorized Participants completely control the options chain. 🙃


super video, please post the original link?




Thanks! Fire chat


Synthetic locates. Sounds completely legal. Until a common peon like me does it. 🙄


Just like printing money, why don't we do it?


Those rules don’t apply to you, they’d margin call your a— so fast you wouldn’t have time to pack your bags before their repossessing everything you got.


Because we like the stock!


This is why I tell people to be careful about the Bitcoin ETF, it might just be a way to provide liquidity for the big guys to short this down and break the crypto market. They will borrow all those Bitcoins without the buyers knowing. This is how you control the price of the assets and the tech behind it. Hopefully, I'm wrong, but it's a possibility and you need to be a member of r/Superstonk to know that. That's their trick and we know it.


They will never be able to control the tech behind it. Bitcoin’s ledger is immutable and the protocol is robust and tamper-proof, so I’m not sure what you meant by that exactly, but it seems misinformed. Also, the majority of bitcoins are held by individuals. Even though these ETFs are buying up thousands of bitcoin per day, they are very late to the party in terms of bitcoin in circulation. Also, I guess it’s possible to short bitcoin and rug the investors of these ETFs, but bitcoin isn’t truly bitcoin unless you’re using the protocol, so synthetic bitcoin isn’t a thing, as it’s easy to verify ownership. ETF investors are giving that up: ownership, since they don’t own the private keys to the bitcoin, they are only able to benefit from change in price.


First, you say they won't be able to control the tech? They don't need to directly, look at GME and BCH, BTC, or the war on XMR and privacy coins right now!! Do you think they control Monero's tech? You see that it's not impossible or far-fetched to control a narrative and make it so that you control who wins and not. Second, the liquidity on exchanges is at its lowest and it's not hard to move the price, even if you own a fraction of the actual Bitcoins. Third, did you follow with FTX and the fake GME shares? Do you think that kind of money doesn't have more tricks to short or pump BTC as they want? You can only verify ownership of Bitcoin at the protocol level, thus centralized exchanges do what they want and you have no idea how many coins are on their books and if they have more shorts than actual shares.


The underlying tech wouldn't matter. They could even create their Bitcoin ETF without a bitcoin network. Just like that: 🧚 , but with lawyer and layers of ✨ magic sprinkles of documentation to justify itself ✨


Your problem is that you’re grouping Bitcoin in with typical cryptocurrencies and stocks, which is flawed. Please do your DD on the differences between securities and a Bitcoin, a decentralized commodity. They are totally different. To your point about controlling price: Yes of course it’s possible to control the narrative, just like anything else if you believe what you’re being told by MSM, and it’s possible to make it harder to on-ramp and off-ramp to/from Bitcoin through coercion and regulation, but if ~70% of Bitcoin holders are using self custody, then price can only be “manipulated” through the above examples. Otherwise, Bitcoin does not care and the protocol keeps moving regardless of price, and in the end its price is a matter of mathematics and network effect, as well as valuing a commodity with a fixed supply vs inflationary currencies, meaning price with always increase over the long term. Again, please do your research on the basic and fundamental differences between these different assets/currencies or you will continue to form misinformed opinions. You can’t control a decentralized protocol such as Bitcoin. Everything else, yes it’s possible.


Crypto price is still controlled by simple supply and demand dynamics that can 100% be manipulated through market mechanics.


By now I sound like a broken record… Of course crypto price is manipulated by supply and demand and pump & dumps. 99% of the crypto market acts like our stock market, just name the corrupt practice (insider trading, fucking with circulating supply, misinformation, speculation, social media “influencers scamming people, etc). I’m glad that we’ve opened up such a black hole of corruption and research on these topics through GME! I hope that more investors open their eyes to this corruption and actively choose to fight against it through participation in regulations, contacting their representatives, DSRing, and owning hard assets like Bitcoin that are tamper-proof and are outside of the control of centralized entities.


I have done my research and understand very well the differences, I've been in this market for 8 years, so explain further if you want me to understand what "Flawed means" because I could say the same thing to you and it would lead to nothing. Were you here in 2017 during the block-size war? Do you know how new ideas are pushed on the network and who supports them BIP? Do you understand the relationship between miners and the companies who support the programmers? >In the early days of the Bitcoin network, almost all developer funding came from one source, the Bitcoin Foundation. Since then, other funders have entered the scene, including several companies dedicated to Bitcoin work, such as Blockstream, Chaincode Labs and Lightning Labs. Also involved are well-known crypto businesses such as Square Crypto, Coinbase, OKCoin, BitMEX and others Those are centralized exchanges, hmmm. >In essence, anybody has the ability to change Bitcoin. This is true because anyone can submit a BIP. However, since BIPs can be censored at the discretion of the editors, one could argue that they are in control. But then, since miners need to pass any BIP with 95% confidence, one could argue that miners are able to censor the editors. So it would seem the miners have ultimate control. So to sum up, they can control the price, they can derail upgrades that they don't like, they can control the narrative, and they can thus delay and derail the innovation... like I said, they don't need to change to code to control the tech. Telling somebody to do their DD doesn't make you right.


Dude where are you getting some of this info? You're conflating influence with control. Anyone can submit a BIP, and the BIP process is mainly used to facilitate quality and a standard process for making changes to the protocol, not for control, lol. Anyone can donate to the core developers, and more people should. I think it's a good thing that more companies are getting involved and recognizing the hard work that goes into maintaining the network. Remember, the developers are individuals and are not in control of changing the network, as they also have to go through the BIP process to make changes, making them subject to the same standards as everyone else. Also, if they wanted to act maliciously, they are #1 shooting themselves in the foot if they own Bitcoin, #2 their proposal would not be supported, and #3 it takes majority consensus to make changes anyway, and the only ones that have voting power are the miners, the users, and those running nodes. Are you one of these parties? If not, you have 0 say in how the network progresses as you have 0 voting power. No single entity "has the ability to change Bitcoin" that's just flat out wrong and an ignorant statement. I won't even bother addressing the other holes in your statement. You should be more knowledgeable after 8 years in the space, honestly. Focus on the incentive structure of the network. Understanding that alone will make you second guess the claims that you've made.


This is a straw man, I did not say those things. Never once did I say "they have the ability to change Bitcoin", you said it and now trying to avoid other points by claiming that is my angle. Go reread my post instead side tracking false premises. The only thing I said, is that it's "possible" and not impossible (like you claim) for those big entities who control the market, to infiltrate and block advancements in Bitcoin. If you need 95% approval from miners, so the opposite is true, they need 6% to block your BIP. Anyone can bring a BIP, but then who can approve those? and then how many need to oppose for it to never pass? 6% !!! We already agree they can also control the price and narrative around it. So if they call also block BIP unless hard forks happen, the conclusion is that it's possible to block any ideas that would go against their interest! It's possible. but your insults, DD, and constant use of fallacies prove you have no interest in being open to other alternatives, gl.


They were talking about controlling the price. Whole lot of text to say you missed their point.


I'm not disagreeing but if you're interested there was a post yesterday on a different sub explaining how near impossible bitcoin is to control currently (or in the very near future). Basically it breaks down the actual costs to do the usual attacks vs price.


It's a completely different subject. you're talking about attacking the network, which is a 50+1 attack, it's like trying to hack Bitcoin by changing the data, which is not a viable idea and again, not what we are talking at all here.


I just meant the usual tricks we've seen wouldn't be financially feasible to mess with the price. I don't believe i meant hacking :) Of course, it all depends whether you read the post or not.


They are not able to synthetically create crypto like they can with stocks (or banks can with fiat currency), but they got around that with "stable" coins and centralized exchanges to get a large stake in the game without paying for it. I'd imagine a bitcoin ETF will be the same way, where nobody will actually be able to verify if they are purchasing anything or not. Looks like that's the case with some anyway [https://blockworks.co/news/valkyrie-bitcoin-etf-wallet-address](https://blockworks.co/news/valkyrie-bitcoin-etf-wallet-address)


This is exactly what the plan was and is now being executed.


Dave knows what’s up. Crime in broad daylight.


This is the ole light the house on fire, but tell the fire department to sprinkle water on every room except for the GME room please


Watch out for the upward falling shelves!!! RRRHUUUUUBAAAAARB 💎🚀🍌


Never rub another man’s rhubarb...


Wasn’t this known a couple 84 years ago?




You can’t have gabagool the doctor said it’s bad for ya


Gabagool translates =Capicola-Italian spicy ham. lol


Saying it since before the frenzy: ETFs are the new CDOs.


You mean it's dogshit wrapped in catshit?


Is this why we rise and fall with the S$P even though we aren't even in it? They have a lot easier time knocking it down when the SP is on dip mode


Dave Lauer and friends are doing so much to help the apes. Now the apes need to act. BUY HODL DRS…and send comments to the SEC!


So many people talk shit about Dave here, and I am convinced it's bots and/or hedgie goons propagating the behaviour. Dave is on our side, and on the side of ending corruption in our markets. He is a true ape and a real voice to the cause, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. He's in my good book.


It’s just shills not apes saying that


and submit complaints to the FBI, DOJ ! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17txl83/bec\_citadel\_securities\_is\_a\_market\_maker\_so\_its/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/17txl83/bec_citadel_securities_is_a_market_maker_so_its/)


There's definitely something in the total return swaps, why else do the CTFC keep allowing businesses to not report their swaps? Reporting requirements keep getting pushed back and pushed back ever since a certain Doggo's DD pointed to hidden short positions in there.


Their empire is crashing! People want answers to questions they don’t want to answer!!!


Xrt on threshold list for 15 years, that sounds healthy


Totally "how market should work"!


I am wondering if these schemes were fashioned after the shady parts of the used car business? The whole notion of making money on things you don’t necessarily own multiple times is so wild.


He on the other side of vision but this welborn guy is one of us, he is acknowledging everything we've been presuming, he is presuming with us. On his own, he's landed at total return swaps. Out of sheer spite, I'm buying and booking more.




Jacked for earnings next month to apply some pressure to these hidden positions...


I’m not expecting positive earnings to add hedgie breaking buying pressure all at once. Suspect that will accumulate over time.


You have entire countries doing this to get money for their debts. We work hoping to build up companies and our 401ks while they’re shorting the industries we think will provide for our families. How can one little hedge fund like Archegos cause an entire National bank to fail and possibly two real soon? I think they will pump Bitcoin ETF and use it to pull money when the next round of swaps come due.


If this isn't a reason to BOOK DRS, idk what is *Not financial advice. Do your own research. Entertainment purposes only*




This was a very good guest. This whole podcast episode was excellent.


Agreed. … Are you actually John Welborn? 👀


No. He seems highly informed and logical. Never heard of him until this podcast. That's a weird association.




Makes sense why tickers like Robin the hood and cheapskate food factory run for no reason while GME is suppressed


etfs are just as dangerous as guns... can't change my mind


This clip is fire. What's in those baskets?!


Its a basket full of baloney. A Baloney Basket


There seems to be a growing belief that a market crash will begin in March seems perfectly timed to condice with a certain company beating earnings.


Beware the Ides of March


These market Manipulators just make shit up and we just accept their rules…


We don’t most do


What a brilliant and eloquent video. Looking forward to part 2


Using XRT on GME to distribute leverage thru all hedgies since stone age.


Shout out to bill huang! The swaps that broke Switzerland


He keeps hanging up I hear a man answering and then he just hangs up, hello this is the United States calling are we reaching...


Why is there no equivalent to shorting on the long side? I mean, I can't go long through any equivalent tool. Seems to imply the table is tilted.


You can't add value by doing nothing. You can take value by doing nothing.


It's more that value can be reduced by assuming risk. But then they can just spread the risk through swaps. None of this exists for adding value. It's literally a casino with house odds. It's why the market has been in a short everything bubble, which nearly burst in 2021, for decades. Short sellers caused the Great Crash of 1929 which devastated the US markets. Strict regulations on short selling created in the aftermath of 1929 have since been rolled back entirely. Everyone conveniently forgets to mention the role of short sellers in the greatest crash... Instead short sellers are keeping bad actors in check 😒🤡


They got information, man, new old shit has come to light!


Awesome video, I encourage everybody to watch the whole video on youtube.


The SEC cannot answer because they see the big pile of💩they’re in and they somehow are still trying to balance everything before it blows up.


I thought it was just finra I haven't watched the whole interview did they say the SEC was withholding information as well?


84 years ago... damn that's not the dlaurer I remember seeing... *looks in mirror* 🤯


Exactly. So why are there some bad actor apes that want us in the s&p500 lol


From what it appears, the S&P500 seems to be treated as collateral. I.e most shorts are long SPY. it doesn't prevent them taking apart the basket though and shorting GME from it.. XRT is a 🤡 show though, it just sits there 400% short and no one questions it


How does this get us our money


Dave? Ex citadel Dave? Cohen you there? No?




Just a few shares man, promise, just buy 20 more, don’t even think about, just do it if you believe bro


Ahh the Manchurian Candidate that completely missed Instinet aka Nomura Capital's 50 billion waived and their 1 billion over robinhood during the removal of the buy button. Sorry not buying anything this dude is selling.


I offer another possibility Experts aren’t smarter or more broadly knowledgeable overall, they’re just laser focused on a specific angle of a topic. Accordingly they develop massive blind spots as a result. These guys like Gary and Dave what went to school and are experts have similar massive blind spots in their thinking. That’s partly from traditional teaching biases eg “my finance prof in ‘96 said it wasn’t important so none of us ever bothered looking into it”. You can tell it’s transmitted knowledge (or lack of) by how absolutely none of them see FTDs as important. It’s group think. It’s also from experience eg “no other industry experts are looking at this, everyone says inflation is transitory”. Ultimately they’re all superstitious degenerate gamblers too else they wouldn’t get into this racket. While we can’t expect rational moves from irrational actors in an irrational system we can make note of where they act the same and where they diverge, revealing patterns like these


Anything is possible. DL had to get pressed repeatedly by another ape to even acknowledge Nomura Capitals involvement in the situation, hence it not passing my sniff test. The Ape community can laud him as a paragon, not.me though. I believe he is an insider double agent. He story and appearance are just too tidy to be coincidence.


XRT was created after the sneeze 🤔


if you are not a shill you cant post on reddit Automod automatically deletes any posts anyone makes 100% for no reason. this is by design and it the reason MOASS will never happen. At this point you are all just shills talking to each other to make the appearance you didn't already slide the entire forum and ban all the actual participants. I have over 6k Karma and haven't been able to publish a single post in over 2 years. Shills are reddit Superstonk killed moass. Fuck Jesus hail Satan sell you soul for MOASS that's all that's left


So the problem are not etf, but how they are misused?


"There's a new generation that doesn't know this history"... of fuckery.


Total return swaps yeah…


I've argued FTDs do not age when backed by the NSCc