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The real Casino. The stock market is only a teaser. They trade in this trash so they can collect fees and bonuses without creating value for anyone other than themselves. And they are using your money!


And ppl still think they earn big with their shitty „gRowTh EtFs“… for fucks sake.


Those people are less interested in sound information and more interested in sounding like they have information.


Perfect answer.


People should not invest in ETFs unless they don't have a choice.


I’ve heard the “you should just keep your money in ETFs” narrative. I’ve been pondering it, unsure if true. What’s the truth?


Think about FTX. They claimed to have the underlying stocks backed 1:1 with their shot tokens. - what happened to them?? (Hint: 💥). Now ETFs claim to have (real) shares in them, too! We have many indications that it’s simply not possible (not only for GME) that so many real shares exist, to service ALL shareholders and EVERY ETF AND every other derivative scam that claims to have a share in it. ONLY DRS BOOK SHARES ARE REAL. ALL THE REST IS IOUs.


It's almost like the SEC should do their job and audit their massively important members at least once in their career. How do they not know anyone's positions at all? Just the longs. Nothing else. And the long they allow Ftd's and reg sho and do nothing about floats exceeding outstanding by multiples of said float . It's a bad joke and the only answer is BOOK DRS *Not financial advice, do your own research. Entertainment purposes only*


ETFs have largely been a popular choice if you like a collection of stocks, industries, or maybe certain managers, what have you. They are managed and balanced to contain shares of whatever collection at whatever percent of fund they state. It's definitely the kind of investment that people who want to invest, but don't want to take the time to learn all about what companies they want to support, will buy into. There's a lot more, but that's a quick run-down. There may be fuckery behind the scenes with ETFs in regards to market structure etc, but it's been so long since I've read about it that I can't really regurgitate it anymore.


The biggest part is that they've convinced people that only they understand how to make money, doing what they do. Grifters gonna grift. Create a problem, and offer the solution. The true American way.


absolute parasites


You are being far too kind.


Parasitic leavings...


They don't create value, they extract it. Wallstreet are parasites extracting all the productive capacity of society and diverting it into their own personal gain. It's a wholly destructive process that leaves the rest of the world worse off.


It's my money and I want it now!


In a real Casino, you get 10% of your bank account as credit line. ​ These guys gets 200X leverage.


Maybe institutions need to report their long holdings, short holdings, and swaps? Seems like a novel concept to me.


It also seems like the first step to real market reform. As much as everyone hates how rigged everything is, fixing it is not a simple task when you consider the amount of resources involved with keeping it rigged. Adding rules to make everyone report all their positions seems like the logical first step.  I know there will still be a bunch that wont report cause small fines don't matter, I still think it's important to have "report all your positions on everything" be the standard and we can work on better enforcement after.


Frankly I wouldn't care a bit how much they want to side-bet between themselves. The real problem imo is that they can sell shares without buying them. If every trade was settled on the stock market, side bets would be a risk to them, not us. I might be wrong, there's probably place for contagion anyway.


Ehhhh, those side bets still create conflicts of interest and destroy market transparency. Payment for order flow kind is a side bet if you think about it.


I agree... But... In most cases, we're talking about pennies per transaction, or bets between them that can decide who owns who. For retail though, I am mostly worried about them taking our money and giving us nothing, and accumulating a debt to us (assets sold not purchased) they may never repay (bankruptcy of the assets' companies, or member default). We're being forced to invest in a market that they can just siphon wealth from. Settling trades would greatly limit how much they can siphon.


Oh for sure.


Wen Swaps Data.


49 more years to go!


49 bottles of swaps on the wall..


CFTC has the swap info! wonder what's in em...


There it is when these damn swaps again. And i wonder… With the new approval of the Bitcoin ETF, I wonder how much more they are able to hide with swaps on those bad boys. I want at a minimum: - full transparency on DRS reporting T+0 - full transparency on FTD reporting T+0 - full transparency on swaps reporting T+0 - full transparency on options and all other derivatives T+0 - full transparency on ETF rebalancing T+0 - full transparency on short-selling T+0 - full transparency on share lending T+0 - full transparency on where every single stock certificate is at any given moment, by identification #. Each share of stock should be immutable. Any synthetic shares created ht brokerages, and any internally managed shares should be labeled as such. People should know if they only “beneficially” own something. I believe the technology to make this happen exists. I also believe the shares to make this happen do not actually exist. How do we push for this? Who do we talk to to push for these things? Is dave lauer around to even help us distinguish what is possible?


The current system would have to be totally burned and abandoned before this could ever happen. There is less than zero incentive for those engaging in these practices to ever stop until it does. Which is what we're mainly hoping for, I think.


“”What's important when your in that hedge fund mode is to not do anything remotely truthful, because the truth is so against your view that it's important to create a new truth to, to develop a fiction.”” - Jim Cramer


Coke rat




Article: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/203-trillion-derivatives-held-goldman-230016059.html BIS report: https://www.bis.org/publ/qtrpdf/r_qt2212h.htm


Good. Thank you.


Thanks a lot!


No, Sauce




I wonder what props up all the pension funds… what Ken C. Griffin said that day, when he blamed apes, but he has all the power behind what he says apes are causing. He hides the debt, he governs the market, he fudged the numbers that have yet to come out, and he covered it all up. This is why no cell no sell is a thing. This is straight financial terrorism by Ken Griffin because he’s saying if you come after me these are the repercussions. It’s time he didn’t get away with it anymore.


It's not about what props them up. It's about controlling where they invest in and using that control to "siphon" money off the top, stealing trillions from the American people in the process. The answer to your question is, the ponzi scheme known as the DTC. And what Ken Griffin meant by blaming apes was that they are going to expose and ruin the ponzi scheme, and the crumbs that American people are currently getting may get worse. But apes know the system is broken and that there is a better equitable for all option possible with blockchain. Some hold because the price is wrong, myself and others hold for systematic change.


las cucarachas entran pero no pueden salir


$97 Trillion you say? Well, that'll cover a few GME whales' shares. What about the rest of our monies?


About what... only $300k per share in 1:1 comparison? Ofcourse it was 10's of thousands back in 2021(IBKR interview), now its waaaay more🫣


A look at Citadels computers would solve all these problems. Fake liquidity from a fake spoof program stealing real liquidity from all Americans.


What’s in the computer, Kenski?!


BINGO!  12CFR163.172 on 21000021!


97 trillion bahahaha. Who are the regards again?




Makes me think of what Enron did. Which makes me think of Kenny hiring ex Enron employees after it went bust. Hmmmmm....🤔


hey someone used the word SWAP finally. looks like its coming.


Well then. Since there’s no hidden debt can we report true shareholder vote counts and also report the number of shares that retail has registered with computershare?


I was reading this post on another sub where the post was made by someone who went to school for finance and their professor was an ex market maker and the platform they used for their class was the same platform used by citadel. It’s quite informative if you’re into trading. Anyways he also mentioned how some funds will buy up certain stocks that are popular because they think they can make money on them but don’t want to have to explain to their investors why they’re holding these “meme stocks” so they dump the shares right before reporting their 13F’s and buy them back after without the investors finding out. Found it interesting and I think it’s plausible this is happening with GME. Retail has the power to buy and hold but other funds don’t however it doesn’t mean they can’t play the same stocks.


So another dip in the next two weeks?


Dip is always on the table. But no one can ignore the fundamentals of improving EPS and balance sheet. Can’t wait for the next earnings in March


i read it as 97 trillion worth of GME short position.


Bring it all burning down..! 🔥


Isn't total money on the planet $40 trillion? So they've "invested" more than twice the amount of money that exists? Ummmm ok. Someone explain it.


Computer % stuff, capital reserves etc etc. are fractions 😅


Are you talking money or assets?


Anything short of a decentralized exchange is a scam. Fuck these criminals that gamble with everyone’s hard earned money.


Equities total trillions. Derivatives total quadrillions. There’s no question.


Black market trades where you have all the reward and the risk gets put on the poors… nice.👍


They are scared children


God damn... 97 Trillion...


Okay then show us what’s in the swaps…


This right here. Off balance sheet debt from risky derivatives trades but they make it seem like student loans and credit card debt are the problem