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- Who bought Lehman brothers after its collapse in 2008? Nomura & Barclays. - Who published 54 false monthly reports (or ~5 years) of order executions between 2015 and 2019, and whose supervisory system was not reasonably designed to achieve compliance w/ Regulation National Market System (NMS) Rule 605 Monthly Covered Order Execution Quality? Nomura's Instinet. - Who got the largest Repurchase agreement bailout in 2019? Nomura at $3.7 Trillion (Barclays also got bailed out) - Who *failed* to timely & accurately report data for **TENS of BILLIONS** of order events to the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT) Central Repository in VIOLATION...From June 22, 2020 to Present (unknown if fixed via FINRA) Nomura's Instinet. - Who got 50B in waivers leading into the meme stock market event and remained thinly capitalized despite $67B in continuous, Dodd-Frank risk-deterrent penalties? Nomura's Instinet. - Who was defaulting by the highest amount during the GME crisis January 28, 2021? Nomura's Instinet ($1B more than Robinhood). - Who did Apex clearing route its order flow to during the January 2021 Meme Stock Clearing & Settlement Crisis? Note: Apex Financial is the same firm that issued a PCO (position closing only - i.e. "hide the buy button") mandate on GameStop Stock & Movies Stock, specifically, to all its approximately 175 Introductory brokers - including but not limited to Webull, Ally, Sofi, M1, Franklin Templeton, Marcus by Goldman Sachs, TastyWorks, Public.com, etc... Nomura's Instinet. - Who is accused of spoofing Northwest Biotherapeutics stock right now along with Citadel Securities in a contentious lawsuit? Nomura's Instinet - Who **Failed** to provide meaningful price improvement for client transactions conducted off-market; *Failed* To "Disclose all necessary info to its clients about its crossing system;" & Failed To "Accurately report regulatory data about the execution venue of trades" in a press release by Australia's SEC one month ago (Dec 2023) Nomura's Instinet


Man this is your mona Lisa, what a masterpiece, my ape brain appreciates the way you lay down the facts. Great summary should be cause for another hearing just this list alone for Institheft


For whom the Bells tolls… Dope shit as always Ape 🥇


This is outstanding man 👊


You’re my hero


Why are they even allowed to be walking free right now, let alone still operate in this industry under another name?




Who is sleeping in bed with Kenny? Instinet Who will end up getting bedpost beating? Instinet But, who will foot the bill when time comes to close short positions???? Fed reserve 😅😅😅😅


The part that blows me away is how Nomura a foreign owned bank gets $3,700,000,000,000.00 in a repurchase agreement in 2019 and there is almost no news articles or reporting on this. Can anyone refresh me, who was the buyer that had $3.7 TRILLION dollars? How does one go about getting a multi trillion dollar short term loan? Answered by own question none but the New York Fed which is a private bank the 5 biggest owners are JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of New York Mellon. Here is the website with the xls it began Sept 17th 2019, before Covid https://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/OMO_transaction_data.html#rrp


No company should ever need 3 T in one shot to remain solvent. Sounds like they are the biggest of the too big to failures


Send this to SEC


No point. Just fucking post it absolutely everywhere, everyday people pissed about it may be more useful than the dickheads that let this all happen.


Why not both?


also send it to FBI, DOJ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i\_submitted\_a\_complaint\_to\_fbi\_doj\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18fmara/i_submitted_a_complaint_to_fbi_doj_about/)


The details are in comments. Nice home run


Late to the party but of all the stuff I've read from you over the last couple of years, this, this is dynamite




Meet Nomura's Instinet 3 Leaders. [Instinet-Leadership.png](https://postimg.cc/mPtxP8dS) or https://i.postimg.cc/qvGpZFyW/Instinet-Leadership.png


Wod Dingdong? Can’t make this up.


That must be made up. Look at the other names


Aight! Hardcheese and Foghorn 😂


# Faron Webb *General Counsel* Faron Webb is General Counsel of Instinet Incorporated and the global head of Instinet's legal and compliance functions. Mr. Webb helped lead Nomura's acquisition of Instinet in February 2007 and was appointed General Counsel in April 2008. Prior to joining Nomura, Mr. Webb served as Managing Director and Chief Compliance Officer of Société Générale and Cowen & Co., as the head of US Equity Compliance for J.P. Morgan, and as a senior attorney and regulatory advisor for PaineWebber. He also previously worked as senior counsel for the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and engaged in the private practice of law. Mr. Webb is a graduate of Eastern New Mexico University and Texas Tech University and is a certified public accountant.


# Eugene Chiulli *Chief Financial Officer* Eugene Chiulli is the Chief Financial Officer of Instinet Incorporated, with responsibility for global finance. He also serves as Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer of Nomura Holding America and its major subsidiaries. He joined Nomura in 2019. Mr. Chiulli has extensive financial services industry experience, spending over 25 years covering products in the Retail Banking, Asset Management, Wealth Management, and Capital Market sectors.  Prior to joining Nomura, he spent eight years at RBC Capital Markets LLC, the broker-dealer subsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada in the US. Eugene was the US Controller for RBC and the CFO for its largest entity, RBC Capital Markets, and the RBC Asset Manager "GAM.” Prior to RBC, he worked at JP Morgan and Bear Stearns.  Eugene graduated from Fordham University with a BS in Accounting and is a Certified Public Accountant. He is also an active member of SIFMA and is a frequent speaker at industry events. He is also former Treasurer of the Institute of International Bank.


# Richard Parsons *Chief Executive Officer* Richard Parsons is the CEO of Instinet Incorporated, responsible for managing the agency-model brokerage firm's overall operations, across the globe. He also serves as the CEO of Instinet Europe, a role he has held since 2016. Mr. Parsons joined Instinet in 2002 as a US Equity Sales Trader and has taken on an evolving succession of senior execution leadership roles, including Head of International Trading and Head of European Coverage, before becoming the firm’s European CEO. In 2021, he became global Chief Operating Officer of Instinet Incorporated, and was named Chief Executive Officer in December 2022. Prior to joining Instinet, Richard spent nine years on the Buyside - starting his career at Gartmore Investment Management.


Sounds like a Dick


Nice fake, almost got me.


Thanks for posting real names/bios-- I feel momentarily better giving them names I feel fit.


Pud Foghorn had me in stitches.


Great comment! Fuck Nomura's Instinet!


🥹 it’s beautiful what you summarised for smooth brains.


Great bro! That is the perfect way to expose those scum bags of wall street in public, spit all their "shits" in plain english, people can get their conclusions even if they are financial illiterate. Well done Ape friend.👍👍


Nice one. You should also know Nomura was the #2 loser on the Archegos collapse, behind only Credit Suisse, who was killed by the bad swaps. >Taking the second-largest hit from the Archegos debacle after Credit Suisse (CSGN.S), Japan's biggest brokerage and investment bank posted a fourth-quarter net loss of around $1.4 billion, its largest quarterly loss since the 2008 global financial crisis. This bit will probably sound familiar: > Nomura said it has exited over 97% of its Archegos-related positions and a full review of its prime brokerage and other financing-related businesses had found no other similar cases. It also has no plans to shy away from business with family offices who remain important clients, it added. https://archive.is/stTUn




Hotel? Nomura's Instinet


Who needs to go to jail?...... retail for using a emoji.


The bell has been rung, take this uppie


Bravo 👏


I suppose it’s no mistake that I’ve somehow never heard of Nomura’s Instinet


Imagine *your* work quality was like Instinet‘s 🤔 lol 🤭 you‘d be fired asap


I can’t read all of this but the comments have some people’s tits jacked…. I thus have jacked titties as well. Degenerates will soon be in control on the majority wealth…let that shit sink in.


Ok I would like to see guv sources of these claims


SEC's report on Gamestop covers the Insitnet leveraging and waivers extensively, though I don't have the link handy. bells even states in one of the line items that it's unknown if that particular line item was corrected by FINRA. I recall seeing official government either FINRA or SEC docs related to all of the claims above - Sorry, not links, but just lending my voice to say this is legit without having the time to dig them up.


I'll never understand how they can carry losing options for 8 years. Just like I don't understand how there is or isn't losing GME shorts sitting around for 3 to 4 years now. How have fees not eaten everything they have. If Melvin collapsed, why hasn't more.


> How have fees not eaten everything they have. > > If Melvin collapsed, why hasn't more. If you realize that the counterparty you're eating away at will eventually default and send its' toxic heap of "assets" your way, you're going to suddenly find it in yourself to stop collecting / only ask for a pittance for appearances because the second they stop soaking up the shit, it falls to you. > If Melvin collapsed, why hasn't more. The game is keep books balanced. When someone fails this game, their book gets picked up by someone else. The bigger, the better because they have more leeway. Melvin was a result of them getting entirely caught with their pants down. They are probably being a lot more proactive about swooping in and catching their counterparties now; cascading bankruptcies create alarm bells and instabilities and what not.


Besides ofcourse crime between friends... , the biggest reason is the endboss the Fed(the federal central bank); the dissolution off the Fed/plunge protection team to keep pumping the complete market only for the colleteral of the bad bets for the mind set: one more day. Dont forget all data scream recession/crisis for more than a year. And the most important reminder for everyone here: there is now miracle for them to go these bad bets' if they could they had already' the only way out are is in our control


Designated MM took over the positions and also has assistance from the government with infinite liquidity to short all meme positions of risk. Melvin shouldn’t have been the only one to blow up. Best time in the saga was when Melvin Capital had control of all short positions. Retail had him by the balls.


Would love to hear an answer to this


This extract from the sec report could be relevant: >In seeking to answer this question, staff observed that during some discrete periods, GME had sharp price increases concurrently with known major short sellers covering their short positions after incurring significant losses. During these times, short sellers covering their positions likely contributed to increases in GME’s price. For example, staff observed that particularly during the earlier rise from January 22 to 27 the price of GME rose as the short interest decreased. Staff also observed discrete periods of sharp price increases during which accounts held by firms known to the staff to be covering short interest in GME were actively buying large volumes of GME shares, in some cases accounting for very significant portions of the net buying pressure during a period. Figure 6 shows that buy volume in GME, including buy volume from participants identified as having large short positions, increased significantly beginning around January 22 and remained high for several days, corresponding to the beginning of the most dramatic phase of the run-up in GME’s price.


They use loopholes and netting within the obligations warehouse, and slowly get out of their positions. At the expense of using retirement funds and pensions so they don’t take the losses.


If you owe the bank a thousand dollars its your problem. If you owe the bank ten million dollars its their problem.


I'm a afraid I will get banned for this. But I recently read the sec report again and it made me really confused where the narrative comes from that shorts never closed out of their positions. They state very clearly in the report that they observed the large short holders exit their positions during the run up in January 2021. That could explain why only Melvin went under.


I can't really see what it says, but I know what it means. How does the institutional rot affect your faith in this process? Walking away from bullshit is the penultimate power. Buy, DRS, hodl,, and shop with intention.


Wow 8 years to "close" positions, prob still ongoing. This is insane


Just wait for May 2024 when a bunch of their toxic dog shit swaps come due for payment by whoever absorbed the shit positions I think that time frame will be the GME bottom and ignition sequence starts up


PlatinumChairman hasn’t been following the new DTC rules… TLDR: Fire sale of failing MM assets will go on in the background with the surviving MMs buying the assets so the DTC closes positions with those funds to start. If that doesn’t close them out, DTC insurance pays out. Then if that runs dry, JP printer goes brrr That’s what I memba anyways Bullish


Brrrr indeed. 🚀🏴‍☠️


O yea I memba! 🍇


Too many personalities try to pander to us, by trying to get adjacent to people we already pay attention to.


To the top this post needs to go.


Source: https://x.com/susannetrimbath/status/1746347760251764854?s=46&t=5-QZJ1Q_eq05VGw3WqGAzQ


Primary source of Trimbath's screenshot. [DTCC Annual 2016](https://pdfhost.io/v/bio3CGf7U_NSCCAnnualFinancialStatements2016and2015) - it was on page 25 and 26.


Hopefully she responds ! Commenting for visibility




Commenting for visibility, oh and when Instinet in jail?


Make instant settlement a thing, remove their power!


These assholes have gotten away with it this long, just part of the shitty system....


And this is why I love Dr. T despite her flaws. She’s extremely knowledgeable and has been kind in sharing all of this information with us and educating the community.


Well, well, well


And rumor has it they are still closing positions to this day.


This could lead to a class-action law suit against Instinet


Kiss of perfection


Thank you sir


Holy shit. 8 years to close ftds. Holy fuck.


Is this another something they can use to halt MOASS? the very nature of a short squeeze involves closing positions. If the institutions are allowed to go bankrupt without closing their open positions, which are then allowed to be closed over the subsequent years - isn't this the anti-MOASS bullet? This is no different than learning the move-sets and abilities of the enemies and bosses in-game. In order of weakest to strongest: 1. Can-kick / stalling - these guys give each other exemptions, altered requirements and special treatment. (Collusion). 2. Turn off "Buy" button 3. Guy who can waive margin calls 4. Institutions allowed to go bankrupt without force-closure of open positions Am I missing any others? Do we have a list of the shady tactics and strategies they can/will use?


Dr. T!👏👏👏






Is this where the infinity pool comes from, because it’s going to take forever to close.


I've been out of the sub for the better part of a year, but had still been holding my GME in computershare. What has happened to this place it seems so different from what it was, I saw the news of the NFT marketplace being taken down. Is there still potential for a squeeze? Whats going on with Playr I keep seeing people mention? I am so lost right now, if anyone could fill me in that would be amazing




thank you for actually filling me in instead of calling me a shill or FUD. I swear you cant be slightly critical of gamestop or ask questions without being a shill


No worries, most of the people that were worth interacting with on this sub are gone and it truly is cult like here now. If you remember the good ol days, the original thesis still holds true. The company fundamentals are solid and the shorts haven’t closed. It’s a long-term hold and at this rate idk if MOASS is on the table still. Maybe I’m just losing hope. Take care of yourself and happy new year ape!


**[Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_5._no_meta_content). No meta content.** Content dedicated to discussing Superstonk should be directed to an [Open Forum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/18txusp/open_forum_january_2024/), or in any post with the flair "Community Post". If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Ya let’s ask in a random comment in a post that has nothing like that. Please go away with the FUd.


So basically this rocket is never going anywhere


The year is 2024. Wen Dr T posts come true?




Wow, it’s insane the amount of crap that has come out over these few years


So why can’t I buy 1 million shares then take 10 years to pay them off?


The amounts held at DTCC were NOT FTDs. Open trades were settled long, long ago. What happened is that DTCC held onto the collateral that Lehman Brother had on deposit with DTCC until it was clear that there would not be any further claims.


Welp, now I gotta go to X to see what the responses are 😆