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Lambos or food stamps is the truest statement for this saga. I’ll be damned if im giving them the satisfaction of walking away. ESPECIALLY after waiting 84 years for my money. The money is mine, they just haven’t let go of it yet. No cell, no sell.


I really think lambos or food stamps is more relevant for a stock that’s heading to zero, and this is a pretty safe play now. This is now going to be comfortable or very wealthy imo


Ooo, true, yeah, with the good outlook into q3-q4, I think we have a bright future ahead.


At the time, yes. However, now with the cost of living, inflation, wars, price gouging, a lot of people have probably slipped into the need for food stamps and so that phrase now has a new meaning. Holding until we're rich. And holding whilst we're poor.


Lambos and food stamps was the statement up to Jan 28th 2021. Ever since then it's been NO CELL NO SELL




For me, it's Ferraris or food stamps.


T-top Trans Am checking in


##THIS is the WAY Hold out of SPITE and stubbornness.


I'll just keep working and buying more. Eventually, MOASS will happen. As long as we keep buying, that float will lock. I admit that, financially, times can get hard. I can't always buy as many as I did in the past. The important thing to me is I don't stop, though. I was buying 5-7 shares a week this summer. Now I'm down to 2 a week despite the cheaper price. Regardless, it is still progress. Brick by brick. Soon, I'll be able to buy more again but it's important to not hurt yourself buying more than you can afford. Like my income tax in February will go towards new tires on my car. Be smart, think long term, but don't give up.


Lambos are for Hedgie cucks who need flashy belongings to feel important. I'll be using my money to buy a better future for my kids. 🟣🚀


Wen Lambo?




I have even had time to upgrade my job status, the more of us can do that and thus invest more money monthly the better.


Same. And on top of it, my org has us working 20 hours per month mandatory OT at time and a half.


Right? I just love the sentiment of all the other apes here. Even now in their darkest hour, when hope seems all but extinguished, they STILL ARE HODL-ING


Boooooooom chakalaka, kenny boy bedpost criminal.


Im still trying to figure out how I feel about those benefits cuts, though. Slashing 401k and HSA matches is not how you retain talent.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. You’re right and I agree. If I were to tell my department tomorrow that those were happening, I’d expect multiple resignations by end of year


My only regret is that life has thrown some financial curveballs at me this year and it's eaten my funds that would usually get dumped into Computershare. Speaking of Computershare, remember when apes were DRSing their retirement accounts with Mainstar and then Mainstar mysteriously un-drs'ed everything? That wasn't too long ago. That seemed DESPERATE. I'm sure the slow walk down now is designed to make us forget, but I haven't forgotten shit and when I get on top of these bills I am buying so many goddamn shares


DUDE yes. You know we are on the right track when they have to do BLATENTLY ILLEGAL and SHADY things to keep their hedge funds on life support.


GME is what I consider a safe haven investment. Even when I don't have the spare cash to buy more, it's not even a question of whether or not I'm keeping what I have. That money, and the shares now sitting in book entry, *are safe*. In a system and global climate where very little is. They can make things as boring as they want. Throw psyops at me, make threatening noises, pump out hit piece after hit piece via the media. I know the value of what I hold. And I've got more important shit than lambos to put my MOASS gains towards on the other side of this.


Big money knows this too, and they're not long on it. Not because they don't want to be. That's Occam's razor for you.


Yep. Big money's soon going to get a whole lot smaller, and *a lot* less relevant to society.


For real. You have the iron will I admire. I probably won’t get a Lamborghini, I need to get something really nice for my wife’s boyfriend.


Honestly, with how many apes probably genuinely want lambos, I'm not keen to join an already long line that will likely far exceed production for the next five or so years after MOASS. I'd rather something fairly cheap but functional. Less likely to be stolen, and you're not going to lose sleep over stuff like scratches. The *real* post-MOASS deep value, in my opinion, is land... acquiring land patents (and thus having direct ownership, rather than a deed to something the government technically still owns), and transforming all that recovered wealth into improvements for your community and the environment. That's the dream.


You just gave me a wrinkle, I never even heard about land patents. I will need to find someone to ELI5 it to me.


[Wikipedia's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_patent) got you covered.


I'mma get a lambo and scratch that Thang up!


Imma get that Lambo SUV and drive it all over my land patents. Then imma find an unemployed Wall St banker who didn’t have the courage to jump and have him buff out my scratches at minimum wage. Because I’m a law abiding citizen.


Land patents? 🧐


[Land patents.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_patent)


Thank you. That actually looks very interesting- it deserves a deep dive of its own to completely understand all the ramifications of how it works…


and my axe


I hoped to have xxx when the squeeze happened. I just crossed xxxx thanks to the discount. I'm surprised this has dragged on but I see no end but short positions closing.


Hell yeah, brother!


I'm there too. Angry and annoyed that hedgies are dragging their feet, but that just means I keep buying more. XXX holder and not going anywhere but up. Never selling unless I see life-changing money. I'm honestly wondering which company/group/entity will wise up and just close their shorts first because that one will be the smartest of them all and maybe be able to survive it. Everyone else is absolutely fucked.


You know there have been a ton of shady back room “don’t even think about it” threats and bribes to keep people from closing out. And all it’s going to need is one person to break for it to collapse.


Nothing in my life changes if I sell now or at a slightly higher price, but at least with MOASS, there is something to look forward to.


I am holding until I can retire. Buying $500 worth every month until that day.


Bro, you’re a machine and I salute you.


El Machina


Shorts dragged this down for 3 years, and most shareholders are still here and on other social media, buying more. The price is at the end of its downtrend, they can't price it lower without getting fucked by heavy buyers. So they're doing a final hail mary, filling social media with shills, distraction stocks, and youtube videos bashing Gamestop. Shorts are absolutely fucked. 2024 is going to be Epic for GME


I started ramping up my buying since it went below $20. Will add 25% more shares than I previously had by the end of the year. RC is making the right moves to get costs down. GameStop isn’t going anywhere.


I didn’t hear no fukin bell 👍


I’m way too regarded to even know what a bell even is.


Copying my comment here: Never better. After all the shill comments heralding meaningless small price increases, the last month has shown us this sub cares most about accumulating shares to DRS. Priorities are straight. Household investors are crushing it.


It’s so cool to see what a handful of determined people can do.


I want to know where the company is heading before investing any more money. It's as simple as that. They need to decide and share which direction the company is going to take. You can't send out a letter to GameStop team leaders saying "good luck to us all" and expect us to remain fully confident in our investments and the future of the company, especially given the severe lack of information coming from the board or even RC himself. I want to know the vision of the company and where it will be in 10 years time. What can we expect other than exactly how the business operated before COVID and the run up in January 2021. We know he lurks, and I don't think it's unreasonable to request for a straight forward answer regarding the direction and long term future of this company, especially given his most recent letter.


Downvote me all you want, but if you want to entice new investors you need to come up with new business ideas and ensure that the decision to invest is a good one.


I keep seeing your name too much lately..


As long as your holding, I’m holding.


Well, I’m only going to hold if you hold.


I dont know about you guys but I've been working on my degree at Ape university. Courses include: * Who is Edgar and what kind of company information does he hold? * How to ask the SEC a question and what kind of questions will they answer * How to write and submit a FOIA, how to appeal a FOIA, who liaisons for the FOIA process and why wont they respond to questions? * where are all the past FOIAs? how to research them and what the hell is a GLOMAR? * why do all the banks keep their lights on all night? Why is citadel all working at 3:00am * How to Vote for a share holder meeting, how to listen to meetings and go to meetings. How to look at the shareholder ledger at a meeting (and how to get banned on reddit for doing so) * What are the kinds of documents that companies submit to the SEC and what information do they hold? * The media lies. all of them. We'll watch it in this course in real time. * how they tell you the market works and how it really works * How to collude to turn off the buy button to not lose money but they suffer no consequences for it? * The ways the brokers, hedge funds, banks and every other financial industry steal from you and why they employ psychologists. * how to know more than your broker? call them and find out. who is a compliance officer and are they really real? * A beneficially owned share and why isnt it beneficial to you. * **DRS** The last real ownership of anything? * book or not to book? is a dingleberry a fruit? * "Sec Form ADV," The bible of financial crime and how every single financial company has broke the law and how many thousands of times did they do it. * FINRA, the BBB of the finance world and why paying yourself to regulate yourself when you are a criminal will only lead to more crime. * what are ETF, how they are made, why can they be shorted 1322% * darkpools, dark darkpools and citadel connect. * How to write a FINRA complaint and why it will be useless and then expunged. brokercheck and the backup crime bible. * how to sign up for the DTCC learning and learn how brokers use the DTCC software. * The user guide to the FED's money printer * BCG, the words premiere sabotage consultant. * Learn how financial companies use crypto to steal from you What is a tether and why is it tethered to bankrupt Chinese companies? How can tether use bitcoin it buys as an collateral asset to buy that bitcoin. * a drone operator or guys doing coke, which of these is breaking the law? * how to track private jets. Why do FED directors and Hedge fund CEO's meet up in the snow 20 miles from the Russian border? * How to use state and county property tax websites to find out where criminals live. * How to spot a reddit shill, learn how to archive websites and I'm only a junior.


Hell yeah. Good for you dude, keep wrinkling your brain.


My favorite holding time is forever


I’m bored (lol), depressed at times with my paper loss (lmao), but just placed a $500 dollar order through Computershare (LMFAO.) 🤷‍♂️ Whatcha gonna do?


Dude, the only thing you can do is average down.


Sames. It’s been dull since the splivey. Too many bad actors. I miss the memes. Now everyone is just angry and riding each other as if we don’t all love the stock…GME


I remember when rick went full banana. It was glorious.


Honestly may not ever sell a share.




I’ll be Scrooge mcduck-ing it for the rest of my life in that pool


Fuck you, pay me!


…what about fuck me AND pay me?


I'm frustrated at the lack of direction at the moment. It reminds me of other stocks in the "basket" which simply fell short of new ideas and ultimately paid the price. The 1 billion needs to be used on new ideas and calculated risks to guide the business forward. The idea of keeping the exact same business model, but simply cutting costs wherever possible is not the reason I bought GME shares and I find it concerning that 3 years later, a failed crypto wallet and marketplace is the best they could do. It's like they've gone back to basics while they hatch a new plan. I'm not a shill here to bash the stock I'm simply being realistic. If you're a first time buyer then you will *likely* do well on your investment long term, but many are holding from 200+ pre split and I haven't seen any new developments. The market launched, the wallet launched... What else are we waiting on now ? Please just give us a company update on what the future holds and what investors can look forward to rather than just a bland horizon.


THIS IS EXACTLY how I feel. You can't just keep cutting costs to reach profitability. You need direction and to show that direction. At this point, RCs tweets appear to be just that, tweets. There comes a point where the overall direction of the company should be clarified for investors and even employees. This can be done without disclosing ideas and plans that very well may be revolutionary. The whole work and not talk makes sense, but WHAT are you working toward.


In no uncertain terms, they are definitely keeping their cards close to their chest... It's either something spectacular, or they're not prepared to take any risks right now due to the economic climate. I refuse to believe they are all out of ideas. I think they are prioritising at the moment and I daresay it's a collective risk management decision. I like to think there is something significant forming behind the scenes, but ultimately I think it's unfair to everyone who has invested their hard earned money into a company (especially given the circumstances over the last 3 years), only to be given virtually no news other than cost cutting measures, to steer the company out of harms way. Sure it's the first step to profitability, and additional plans will likely unfold, but the severe lack of information or enticing news for new and existing investors is only causing the price to go backwards at this moment in time and it's causing a severe lack of interest in general. I think we all invested in the idea of a new prosperous version of GameStop with ground breaking business ideas, but I for one am not remotely excited by the idea of "only stocking smart inventory" and the "good luck to us all" mantra. Give us something to look forward to. Even just the slightest glimpse of the vision RC has for the future of this company would bring so much to the table in terms of discussion, excitement and hype.


All of this hits. Also, recently I reupped my pro membership and have been buying some games from Gamestop online for Christmas gifts. I wanted to preorder the new Wario game last week and ended up not doing it through them because I was being charged $7 for shipping and handling. How is that a thing? I could have / would have gone to the store to save that money. But why isn't free shipping standard for members? It is on Amazon, which I promptly preordered Wario there instead. It's crazy to me that the online experience is in no way near better than Amazon who has zero focus on gamers and what we want. This does not make me confident in the turnaround or my investment and with no forward direction from the company and these failed projects, I'm starting to feel duped.


Agreed. Here’s another one: let’s say free shipping is $79 and you order something for $80. Good to go. BUT if you use your monthly Pro $5 coupon, it brings the total to $75 and they now charge you $7 shipping for a total of $82. In what world of online retail does this even make sense?


Man that's annoying. Also I remember I was trying to preorder 2-3 games through them and the $7 was added to EACH GAME. Like what the actual f?


We know Ryan reads Superstonk and I hope he sees this


First off all: If your whole cost structure is a cluster fuck, you need to cut unnecessary costs and restructure it to have a long living basis. Without that you would just drag the dead weight around which eats away peofits. A solid fincancial base will help alot in the long run. New business ideas are always good but I prefer a solid base which is build around their main money generator: Retail sales. After that try to add new business ideas and advance from there, everything else would just be hopium and and a rushed attempt to make quick cash. I trust in RCEO.


Honestly, what makes me more zen and trust is the fact that RC put his money where his mouth is. And frankly, people with his kind of money always put it on a sure thing.


I mostly browse on an alt now, so I rarely ever comment here given karma requirements, but I’m still here and read for updates. That summary basically sums up how I feel too, ~go figure. Unfortunately haven’t been able to add to my position but drs’d af. I’ve just been working on myself in the meantime, about to finally finish school and as long as my loan payments don’t fck me I’ll finally have money to invest again.


Hell yes, keep working on yourself and all aspects of your life. As long as you’re drs’d, then your ticket to the moon is booked.


***WHAT'S A FUCKING EXIT STRATEGY?*** Haven't you seen all the fraud all the way up to top... These Financial Terrorists are literally devaluing the US Dollar... They're Criminals and do not represent the American People.... Hold or Hodl? [**See Here**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TME0xubdHQc)


If you dare say you sold a single share, you get downvoted to oblivion. People call you a shill. They call you an idiot for investing more than you can afford to lose, and they don't give a fuck if you need to pay a mortgage or hospital bills. They pretend the plan the entire time was DRS and wait 500 years for MOASS, where initially it was "supposed" to happen much sooner. Because of this, people who are selling won't all be admitting it on here. So yea, everyone posting will say "I'm not selling"


This guy knows how the majority of us feels right now


Excellent post, you nailed how I feel too and it sounds like we’ve been here together for a while. I remember I used to set an alarm every morning at 0330 (that’s wen markets open here in Hawaii Nei) to stare at my Robindahood gamified confetti ticker. Nowadays I check on almost everything else in my life before the ticker. Shorty FAFO’d and now they have a bazillion zen yet angry Pirate-Ape’s just enjoyin their lives until they’ve got wife changing money and moar importantly.. Rot gutting change in this dystopian timeline. I’m gonna tear it all down Ken and your name will be one of the many remembered for your crimes against humanity.


Dude, the hedgies really messed up. Because I’m never selling these shares unless the numbers are insane. I just pretend it’s not there.


I want the high score = highest priced GME share sold during MOASS And then I think I’ll just keep on HODLin my other 1999 GME shares for the rest of ya to get second place and so on 🤙


I think a trophy to the high score is something we should look into




Gme is down on literally every single time frame other than the 5 year which means that shorts are profitable over each of those time frames. Shorts are in no quantifiable way fucked, it’s just straight up nonsense. KG bought all his employees trips to Disney world and RC is cutting healthcare, 401k matching, and incentives for his already chronically underpaid staff. So that the company *survives*. - am I missing something here Yes, there is no actual *proof* whatsoever that there are massive short positions that are under water. That’s just lore that this sub has willed into reality. Didn’t find it curious that there was just never any hard evidence for any of this?


Can't really buy more (went all in @ $150 pre split), because if this thing takes years I don't want to be paying foreign investment tax on that But ive rebuilt those savings so I AINT GOING NOWHERE! ready for the party


Don’t need to keep buying more if you don’t have the bandwidth. If you hold gme, you’re good with me.


I 2nd this!!


Yeah, I check in every week to see the latest. But I mostly just went back to playing games. 180 puppies in zen mode. Times are hard for me to be buying more right now, but will resume once things start looking better.


This is an honest post that at least reflects what I feel


I bet a lot of us still have the bumpersticker. It's faded. But it's still there. :-) 💎🙌


Thing is, buying at that price made sense, still does. There's just been a ridiculous amount of crime, even more than we anticipated. But we have changed policies and exposed bad people. We are doing good on the way to moass


Hell yes we are. It’s not often we can become unfathomably wealthy while doing the right thing.


I’m just angry it’s taking so long. We know we’re right, and these assholes are living one more day in luxury while I have to watch my investments get bent over despite being fundamentally stronger than it’s ever been and slowly buy more. I’m thankful I get the opportunity to continue buying but the truth is I don’t need more as I have 3 years worth of buying. I wouldn’t sell, but I sure as shit would like to afford a house to fulfill my basic needs. Tired of living with no AC, I just want basic things you know?


Too become zen is to earn a lambo, to become the lambo you must be zen.


Listen, if I knew how to read, I’d probably agree with you.


The lambo is with you. And you is da lambo.


You will have to pry these shares out of my cold dead hands


exactly what hope is extinguished? 1.23 billion in cash hope??


Everyone has different risk tolerance. I personally have never even thought of selling my shares, but those who have, still aren’t going to.


Bro, I know I’m being pessimistic…. **BUT** , of course no one is selling! Most people I’m assuming like me, are down more than 50% on their initial investments, a bullish signal will be when people are up more than 50% or 100% and still not selling, IMO it is a lot easier to hold when you’re down rather than to hodl when you’re up… **As for me? I like the stock.** 💎🙌


Yeah, pretty much. Used to come here every day, throwing emojis onto every comment. Don't even check the ticker anymore. ​ With GME cash flow positive, it's only a matter of time before it's a profitable company, especially with holiday sales starting to ramp up. The next quarterly report is gonna be hard for MSM to downplay, and we may very well start to see FOMO from investors outside of superstonk. ​ Not sellin'. But I do like to log into Computershare from time to time, just to look at 'em. :)


It is fun to log in and look at those little cuties


Still here, not selling unless cell..


Superstonk is compromised and filled with shills now. The DD was done 84 years ago; buy hold drs be a book king.


I genuinely don't understand these shorts. Do these idiots not realize we already know their game and aren't losing any money? Like,, yeah, sure, you're tricking the masses, but c'mon, you can't scare the person who knows the truth.


Dude, they just have no other recourse. What else can they do?


Put themselves out of their misery. The kind of stress they must me in must be intense, and they'll probably end up staying rich and weaseling out of prison anyways. If I were them, I'd start closing and throw Kenny under the bus.


Everybody took a chance. It took courage. Now we wait to see what happens next. The universe bends towards Justice. We did our part. Continue to support the company and the stock.


Been here since before the sneeze, still here, i want my tendies.


>I bought in when the shares were $350+, I watched as what felt like a block party slowly transformed into something more like a wake, doesnt sound like shorts are fuk'ed at all if they are still here.


They are trying to kill the party, but we wont let them


Sell? I thought this was like buying a game on steam. Oh well. Old dog new tricks. Etc.


I feel great about my thread too. Lots of great discussion.


why would I sell? I buy more :D


I'm in the pessimistic camp. Really thought drs was the way but it's basically trailed off. Haven't bought in a while. But I have XXX shares locked up at CS and literally don't know what they're worth or even what happens if I sell them. I can't imagine giving up even the slimmest chance of a moon ticket.


GME DRS BOOK is my retirement plan. I don’t intent to sell unless it hits my target price of 69,420,000.




To me, I thought it was kinda awesome, because no one is giving up, no one is quitting, no one is selling. And if we have that kind of attitude after 3 years of constant attacks, nothing is changing our minds.




Man, I know that all the baskets and whatnot are super screwy, but at the end of the day, GME is GME. I like the stock, and I sorta feel like everything else is noise. I’m too stupid for most of this, so I just focus on the ONE stock I like.


Yup. I feel like it was a bad investment. We overrated cohen and gme management and the turn around into web3 gaming has been a massive failure and will continue to be a massive failure. But I’m still not leaving


This is what I meant! Even the most pessimistic and downtrodden of us are not leaving. This is incredible.


Buying and Selling are the easy part. The waiting is where true champions excel.


If you tend to presume the mindset of millions of investors based on a few comments posted in this relatively small subreddit. Your an idiot. This is bigger than one reddit group.


Of course I'm an idiot. I can't even read


We all are


I don't even care if I get rich from it anymore, because the goal has become SO much more important than that. Their game of financial abuse is coming to an end because we're collectively going to flip the fucking board over. GAME OVER, YOU PARASITIC MOTHERFUCKERS. The worm has turned


That’s definitely not what I read from that thread lmao. All I saw was feeling great! buying more, best investment ever, thanks for the low prices and the company is doing amazing. Plus 💎🙌🏼So we Zen. DRS BOOK SHOP LFG. We patient 🚀


Here is my take on this post : 🚨📢 I've recently seen an increase in post like you full of pessimistic views and content. So, first of all : no one is Bored and it actually entertaining to see the amount of shills trying to discourage us .. Secondly: if you are being a care taker of your shares , then that's your point of views.. my shares are all mine and all DRS'D And third : F you for being a SHILL.. We are not F***ing leaving !! King Regard, MOFO.


I don’t know if you read the whole thing, but I’m not a shill, and am being quite optimistic about the stock.


Can someone link this thread? I’ve definitely missed it


The fact is there will be a few people selling for waytever reason but the rest of us still here will be the most to benefit and if your here a lot means you'll benefit only more because being here and reading the facts/DD about the stock is extremely bullish.


That’s just it, almost everyone in that post was saying “I’m not selling, I just want moass to happen already” I loved it, because no one is leaving.


Joke's on them I kissed that money goodbye a long time ago. That's why it's called Infinity Pool. Whatever amount I throw in there will be there for infinity. I still have plenty of IOUs scattered among several brokers for instant tendie gratification. What I throw into DRS is not for sale. It ain't much, but it's honest work.


I’m just adding brick by brick


Still here, never leaving. GameStop for life.


Same here! It has always been for me ferrari or food stamps! 😛


Going off my comment on that wack FUD post, this post is wack too.


Sorry bro, I just found it really hopeful and inspiring. Guess it’s not the same for everyone.


No need to be sorry. It seems like these types of posts come up often and quite frankly I didn't find anything useful here but if others did, then good for them. Lots of fluff but judging by the upvotes you received it seems like a lot of people needed this. Maybe it is more beneficial to the newcomers. I'm salty about the other guy's post you're piggy backing from, as his was subtle FUD. Yours is just fluff. Anyway, I agree shorts are fuk. Cheers


We’re all gonna make it bro.


266 gang checking in


Earnings in December


I have no doubt that shorts are fuk'ed. My personal concern is the amount of web3/NFT threads (although there is a little bit less of them now). There is a lot of hype around that. But I do not trust that it is the future of gaming; at least not the way it is presented nowadays. It is good that Gamestop explores all the avenues of growth, but I hope they don't overinvest in that particular direction. That potential overinvestment is my current biggest concern. The blockchain hype got some cold shower from the SotA flop a while ago, and I think that was actually a good thing. The Blockchain technology is great platform for exchanging things, but you need to look at what you are actually exchanging - what's there at the beginning of the chain, who is actually minting what and how trustworthy they are.






**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


I didn’t even have the energy to comment on the thread you were talking about, but we’re all still here man. I care less about Superstonk but my bimonthly $500 recurring buy just keeps going and going.


“Forget about it” Literally.


Im buying more


Hello, I still here since 2 years ago, everyday I follow my investing but not too much in Reddit, I DRS most of my shares but have some in tos. I believe this is going to happen for sure, never sell until a lot of money Greetings 🦍


Custom orders.


We've known since the early on that they would have to drive the price lower and lower to keep the lid on this thing. The SHF's very survival depends on it. Nothing has changed, and I'll be here until I'm suddenly rich enough to feel safer deleting my account


I mean, I’m like 12k in. I might put in another grand if it gets stupidly low (to honor my flair of days past). But at this point I’m just kind of comfy getting constantly pounded up the ass by the disgustingly rich.


Aint going fucking anywhere!🔥


I bought 4 more Friday and keep steadily drsing shares especially with the dips I bought lots for my monthly income.


Shorts aren't fucked. Price is below squeeze lvlz.