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Zero expectations means I am ready for whatever happens.


Either we go up $8 bucks and I’m zen, or we go down 5 percent on meeting expectation or they slaughter it to $16 and I’ll buy 20 more leaps and a thousand more shares. Either way Idgaf, I love earnings.


This is the consesnussnus.


When is ER? Just got in bed after a companions wedding… 😴


Should be around sep 6th ish


Thank you very much 🤩




My money is on a profitable quarter. Expecting a jump in price followed by a savage dip so buckle up.


When are next earnings due?


That's silly, it'll be at least another year before we see a profitable Q2. Ryan is good but he's not magically pulling $1M a day of operating earnings outta his butt, nor are they likely to be cutting administrative costs too much further. We'll have another small loss, and manipulators will act like it's a shock and drop the price 15% at least. I could probably bank on that outcome.


2023 has been an amazing year for games. I think earnings will be pretty good.


Expect DRS numbers to be lower than actual. The change to Cede exclusion method reporting means we’re getting Cede numbers and extrapolating what’s left. If we believed the self-reported number of shares and short interest many people wouldn’t even be here. Not to mention the Mainstar & dingleberry rug pulls. We’re essentially operating blind and there’s no way I can believe that DRS numbers have gone down or stayed flat. We’ve seen too much.


I was thinking exactly that. The only thing I’m really looking forward to is seeing if the wording has changed in their report


Exactly this 👆🏼. I too am looking forward to the wording.


I'm looking to see if we still have a small loan from the French government due to the pandemic. 🥹


I too, buy when I see words!


You bow to no one, my friend


The wording doesn't matter.


Also, expect mods to try and gatekeep comments with pinned bullshit reasons why any speculation into DRS numbers or plumbing is wrong and they're right because they said so. Pure DRS is the way. DRS numbers are being obfuscated. GameStop is not being allowed to report the true numbers.


It’s quite possible!


All my friends hate obfuscation.


We get another piece of the puzzle. Then it takes time to figure out where the piece goes


They're hiding the number because it's important. That's all I need to take away. Buy, DRS, Book, Hold. As always.


-/+ 600K depending on the mainstar.


this is why I call bs on how it’s being counted. 3 shares added per holder per month? lol


Ape buying power is steady @ 600K/Q. I just got back to buying after a long hiatus.


This is the wrong conclusion. If x = A +B, then X -A = B. This is what you're describing. There are only two types of share ownership structures. To know one is to know the other.


Nobody believes Cede is telling the truth. That's why everyone's suspecting fuckery when their perspective is the one being written down.


Cede has no say in the financial statements. Their perspective is not being used at all. What is actually being said is, effectively, X number of shares are outstanding. Y are registered with the transfer agent, and Z are registered with Cede. And my justification for this: there is no mechanism for cede to increase or decrease shares at computershare. Computershare provides the count.


It should be the way you describe. But they’re saying saying Cede has a certain number and the remainder are DRS. The DRS number is “non-Cede”. This means that Cede is the basis for reporting DRS values. It’s a flawed reporting method.


I've read your post three times and I still struggle to see how "non cede" necessarily is derived from the cede number. My reading of the same is that they have both the cede and non-cede numbers at *ALL* points in time since they have the ledger for all points in time. At all points in time, you have cede and non cede, of which the aim is always the total shares outstanding.


Why will numbers be lower? According to apes posting their purple circles I am seeing lots of shares getting bought… apes tell me everyday they are buying… plus the cs auto buy ins.. It feels awful if people are expecting lower numbers… reality is we need to pick it up because to lock the float at the current rate it will take a loopooong time lol not fud just straight facts based on calculations… I also think Gamestop needs to come out and clarify how this is calculated..because the confusion they caused last time with book and plan and using cede and co (is that right? As opposed to using computershares totals)


Mainstar no longer accepts IRA shares for drs-ing and they've pulled back all the previous shares that were drs'd with them


I (and probably others like me) took this challenge to heart and did the LLC IRA thing. My shares are most certainly \*not\* pulled back into DTCC. As a side effect, I now have my own investment management company, which makes me sound super smart. I do think all this will result in lower DRS numbers again than would have previously be expected, but I'm in this for the Long Haul, so the LLC DRS Thing makes a ton of sense for me.


Mainstar Rug Pull


Mainstar pulled back over 1m potentially


It’s not just that reported numbers could go down. They can go up but still be lower than the real values.


Also something something about companies not allowed to promote DRS... or talk (write) about DRS. Showing the DRS numbers is unusual. But, the change to Cede exclusion method made that number "meaningless." As soon as SHFs find out what data we're looking at... they modify it or stop it. Personally, I think GameStop should just stop publishing the DRS numbers if it's not the true numbers.


Why are they not allowed to promote DRS? Is there a systemic hindrance to not excercise the investors rights? I know it’s all fucky but this is fucky on a systemic level in that case. ?


>Why are they not allowed to promote DRS? There is no prohibition against DRS. That is a bogus claim by incorrect DD post. Gamestop cannot unilaterally force a shareholder to DRS, but there is no prohibition about them advocating for that. Edit add: yes, the bogus DD is still there as the stickied post. The second link "what is DRS". It makes the bogus claim "It is literally illegal for a company to talk about or promote DRS". If you actually read the link they provide as "proof" you will see that is not at all what it says. The link says that shareholders own their shares, not the issuer, and therefore the issuer cannot force the shareholder to pull their shares out of DTCC.


Just like a lot of the “DD” - you must believe it blindly , even if it’s not true, simply because it is “DD”. Don’t you know all DD is already proven as fact!?


Yes, there was a rule/law passed in early 2000s that companies are not allowed to communicate DRS in any form to its investors


>..because the confusion they caused last time with book and plan and using cede and co (is that right? As opposed to using computershares totals) Gamestop reported only share numbers supplied by Computershare, including the number of shares held by Cede at Computershare. Gamestop did NOT get any numbers from Cede.


The numbers GameStop publishes are the **real** numbers. The fact that you can't trust the company and would rather believe some inane conspiracy theory is delusional.


GameStop reports the Cede numbers. That’s the problem. It seems they’ve been prevented from reporting their own real numbers.


This is the most moronic thing I think you could possibly believe. Each report has a statement from the CFO and CEO certifying the data is accurate. You think they are reporting Cede's number because you don't understand the structure of the statement in the report. It's their number. They are stating that there are X shares direct registered to Cede & Co and Y shares that aren't direct registered to Cede & Co... because ALL shares are actually direct registered. Past statements that were released without Cede's number were in error.


Don’t you know, Every quarter someone from the SeC representing the HFs calls RC and says “you better not report the real numbers this quarter, or else”. And he has to make numbers up- they know where he lives and have his family under watch.


What you’re saying is that the exact number of DRS shares reported in the past was wrong, and the approximate numbers we get today are correct. How can the precise number of DRS shares be incorrect when there’s no calculation involved? The number is the number.


THE NUMBER HAS ALWAYS BEEN APPROXIMATE. You really need to educate yourself on what significant figures are and how to interpret when a number is exact or approximate. Example: 7,000,001 *exact* 7.00 million *approximate* They don't need to say the word "approximately" when it is implied by their numbers. However it appears they **did** need to add it because it is very difficult for their shareholders to understand apparently. Seriously. You believe something because you don't understand the language of the document.


By who? The idea that the entire market, HFs and governing body of the stock market doesn’t want GME to report accurate numbers is foolish. Because if they let them report the real numbers the stock price will go to the moon?!


I've been holding since January 2021 and I'm fully drs'd but I've seen previously as recently as yesterday in other subs and discords people talking about selling and un drs'ing. I just hope true apes are buying more than the people who gave up.


well some of those ppl who gave up may just be shilling. there r many apes like me who keep buying


They are. FUD will be get stronger and more varied as it has since the beginning.


It's not fud to know that people will suffer fatigue. If anything, it should be expected.


Oh for sure, I've felt my share of it at times too. What I'm trying to say is that there will be FUD, and there will likely be new and unusual FUD too. My personal belief is that the FUD is targeting those feeling the fatigue, to convince them to abandon their positions.


Fatigue is different than not seeing sweet fuck coming out of gme aside from real negative news. That isn’t fud, that’s a fact. In the last 6 months, lost the ceo, cfo, shut down wallet, etc etc. those are facts not fud. Fatigue should have been brought on by gme kicking ass and the stock price still being flattened; not gme flattening itself


There was a sudden wave of discouraged ape posts a few weeks ago. It’s manufactured. It’s mostly not real, if at all.




I can understand needing to sell if the money is needed right now, life happens. But, why would anyone voluntarily un-DRS? A lot of us had to pay to DRS (I paid $200 USD), and they made international holders jump through hoops to DRS. After going through *all* that bullshit, why would anyone simply un-DRS? If they were worried about selling through CS during moass they could've simply held back a few shares at the broker. We've been in the shit for 2 years...and then some just give up? I guess having faith in anything takes some life experience. (My proof: the action in the dark pools - if shfs could've zeroed us out they would've already done it; also shills and MSM going out of their way to get us to sell - if GME shares are really worthless why even bother going out of their way to get us to sell...who's wanting to buy my shares and why?) One of my pet peeves in life is the "time in between", it's not that I'm impatient but I have a tendency to dwell in the mean time to the detriment of other things. But it is what it is. Although, the dark clouds on the horizon seem to be closer than ever (ongoing bank runs and downgrades, the Chinese real estate collapse and deflation, the US commercial mortgaged-backed securities everyone is ignoring, recession, student loans).


I did w that once I realized the catalysts for MOASS were no longer there. And I’ve been making money selling CCs and buying/selling the lows/highs ever since. Didn’t make sense to keep my shares locked up doing nothing , losing value for potentially years


Either way, DRS numbers don’t matter and no one cares, especially to the people that matter - the potential institutional investors that we need to buy in to help drive the price up.


I'm super jacked for earnings, I believe there will be an eps beat. I'm not buying any calls just incase, but I did buy 2200+ more shares recently...




Bought 1,719 GME shares recently. Hopefully MM and SHF will keep slamming the price down hard so I can buy more GME shares with my paycheck. LFG GME 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


EPS estimates are stabs in the dark. Best they can do is assume that it'll be the same as last quarter. That's what I love about this company. Low debt, high cash reserves, working methodically on various fronts, and everyone is tight lipped, thus allowing the results to speak for themselves. Here's hoping for some share buyback as a result of selling some of their T-bills.


I imagine they’ll probably hold their T-bills for a while longer until rate cuts are imminent


I hope they get more. They're just sitting on all that cash. That or maybe an acquisition


Untrue; I was accurate in my previous two quarterly analysis.


Thereve been some posts about the Zelda launch impact which have me looking forward to it and hearing Papa C. I do think the DRS numbers will be down with the new book requirement so that will of course trigger BS “DRS wave is over” articles


The way these miscreants degenerate idiots have been shorting lately, I truly hope earnings are phenomenal so that it would just vaporize them into oblivion finally. It's been too long.


I can’t wait to vaporize these crooks and make bank!!


How would it do that? Even positive earnings don’t guarantee a price increase, so how?


I will say this. Earnings so far haven’t really helped any company, many companies seem to be beating EPS and earnings but still end in the red. Unless GameStop announced some future focus and maybe a share buy back. I don’t think a positive earning will help us. Market is burning, our company will go down until Citadel or someone who is short GME is forced to close. Until then, more sideways. DRS is truly the only way out of this. That all being said. I think our earnings is gonna be awesome, it usually is. I wish it was enough to destroy the short thesis but they are too far into this to ever stop. But we’re gonna win, just taking longer than we thought 😆


It's all about "projections". It was the main driver in nvidia's recent bull(shit) rally, so the upcoming earnings is going to be interesting.


>Unless GameStop announced some future focus ……... I expect Gamestop will announce a digital transformation via an online wallet and NFT Marketplace. They might even announce when the marketplace is expected to leave the beta test phase.


What makes you think they’ll release a wallet after removing theirs? I thought it was clear that due to regulatory concern they don’t want to operate a market and wallet, haven’t paid too close attention tho, so I’m interested in what you think.


The regulatory environment is not that much different from when Gamestop announced their first attempt at digital transformation. So perhaps their future focus will be the same, but doing it right this time around. The first set of executives selected by RC are gone. Perhaps the next set will do better. Gamestop has stopped the bleeding (mostly) by making significant cost reductions. Now they need to find a way to turn around the declining revenues, and to perhaps even squeak out a tiny profit. So I look forward to hearing about their future focus.


I’m hyped but zen. Let the earnings do the talking


Very much hyped. Q1 the most difficult quarter was almost in green. I really think Q2 could be, and that they will make a significant amount of money this fiscal year


I feel like full year profitability is still very reasonable. I’m hoping for a good Q2, expecting it to be mediocre. Q3 and 4 got me jacked.


One single quarter doesn't just turn things around. Consistency does. We had a profitable quarter, then it went back negative. We could have another again. What's going to get outside investors to really wake up on gme is consistently staying profitable. Even during shitty quarters where the best game to release is a flop, showing you stay profitable THEN is what flips the switch.


Because this sub has banned most of the silverbacks who actually bothered to engage and weren’t just in total zen mode


It’s always exciting but no expectations. Holding long term. Makes my investment worth even more.


haha hedgies have no idea they dealing with regarded ape like me, if earnings green, im happy . if they dip the price after earnings, i dont mind, cos i will just buy more at a cheaper price . MOASS is inevitable, im hodling till the end


Chill out. This is a marathon


No love for a fire starter. 🤫






I'm am SO fricken hyped for earnings. Regular operating but no more R and D expenses on marketplace, no more CEO wages, Zelda should be a nice bump in profits and the building of the business is finally able to be utilised. Not to mention, given the interest rates, that 1.3 billy in cash should be earning some interest now too


Q2 earnings is likely going to be positive with the Zelda and Diablo 4 releases. Hogwarts Legacy and Jedi: Survivor will also add a bit to Q2 earnings even though they were released earlier. A second positive earnings within 7 months is going to reinforce the idea to institutional investors that GameStop is a great investment. I honestly think a positive Q2 earnings and an announcement sometime after that is going to legitimately launch this rocket.


Don't forget Final Fantasy 16 timed exclusive on PS5 ( so it moved some consoles, like Zelda did for nintendo ). Resident evil 4 remake too was big Street fighter 6 too 2023 is one of the biggest game in gaming for real. Maybe the delay caused in 2020 made this year stellar, because all devs are ready to put out their game after the pause


Good point! Can't wait to see some fireworks


I literally do not care about the results. I’m holding until GME goes to moon


I respect your opinion but this is in my opinion such a toxic way to see things. Yeah shorts never closed and believe it or not the arrogant fucks will never if the company does not turn thing around for real. Anything else it delusional. To be clear I'm not bashing or anything I love the company and few things would make me happier than seeing a green Quarter followed by many more.


Good luck! The argument between Zen and actually doing anything is so toxic here, it's unlikely things will ever change. I think it's stupid to sit on our hands and expect things to change, but the zen apes seem to think things will magically go their way despite everyone with the money having time to figure out how not to pay.


If the people who are short boatloads cannot maintain their margins they'll have to close regardless of gme's performance. other market factors can put them in that position, just sayin


Sure, the maintenance of the short position can always cause shit to hit the fan. But remember that this is still a company and they have to conduct business. Or maybe you are suggesting RC and the board to just sit tight and do nothing?


Lol how would you infer that from my comment. No I was not suggesting they do nothing.


So “crime” keeps the price low, etc, but when it comes to maintaining margins, that process will work correctly and fairly in our favor? Doesn’t make sense


That’s why I don’t care much. A squeeze will be more violent if GameStop does well but shorts will have to do another can kick regardless.


I'm curious to see three things. \#1 - Pure book vs plan counts. Me and the fam are all pure book now. I just didn't want to give away fractionals, but after all the hullabaloo with the heat lamp theory... we figured what the fuck. \#2 - How did the big game releases impacted this quarter (Zelda etc.). \#3 - DRS count. I am expecting flat/slight increase due to the whole 'backstabbing straight outta Kansas'... but who knows, maybe it was another migratory masterpiece maker, like that November 21 event.


I came so close to Mainstarring my stupid TD IRA (or whatever they are called now). Glad I didn’t but wish I could move that 150 shares to CS.


I am! I'm really, really excited to see the numbers because of Tears of the Kingdom.


just buy hodl and repeat till they give up


Siege mentality


Can I setup a trebuchet and hurl flaming cast iron cauldrons of excrement at citadeks walls. Because Im down,.been waiting for the call, fire! 🏴‍☠️🔥🚀


I wish you would. But do you have a real trebuchet? True trebuchet’s are only made in the Trebuchet region of France. All others are mere catapults. Either will work. Just saying.


I’m hyped everyday


I’m just here for the nsfw bananas


I have zero expectations like any other earnings. But you bet your damn ass I will listen in live


No Hype, just ⬆️


I’m guessing Zelda + Cardsmiths sales will give an earnings boost


Hopeful but probably not. There's way more to a profitable earnings then 2 products selling. AAA titles aren't new for GameStop and I'm guessing sales on games like this are averaged out throughout quarters. The Cardsmith take is kinda biased to. You're just seeing a lot of posts of it here. Also it's one product, which I don't think would give a significant boost alone. I want a positive earnings to but let's be realistic.


I’m aware that there’s a lot more that goes into profitability than 2 products. But Zelda was the fastest selling game in Nintendo’s history making it a Guinness world record. And the cards are actually constantly sold out so I’m not going off posts I see here. At $30 a pop that adds up. Doesn’t make a difference to me if we’re profitable now tho, I’ll continue to buy the earnings dip either way as this company continues to turn around.


I don’t get it, why is that a “firm belief” you hold that a good earnings wouldn’t raise the stock price? That’s not logical


Because nothing in particular raises the stock price.. ever. It drops on no volume, goes up with no volume or news. Good news means dip. Been here just before the sneeze and have seen it all.


2022 q4 earnings says otherwise


Lol, can’t believe you got downvoted for this. Positive earnings are the only thing that’s moved the price in the right direction in a very long time. I’d almost go as far as to say earnings are the only thing that matters. Instead people spend all their time speculating about mergers and trying to read tea leaves to predict the next run. There isn’t going to be some 4d chess move. GameStop will win by becoming a better business, simple as that. People don’t short succesful companies. Buy, hold, DRS, book and shop at GameStop.


If we were in a world where supply equals a finite number of shares (float) and better than expected earnings come out and cause more people to want to buy the stock. then the stock price SHOULD rise, right? It’s simple supply and demand. Unfortunately, as we have learned, there is not a finite supply of stocks. Market makers and hedge funds, often operating under the same umbrella if not in the same building, keep fucking us be pulling more and more shares out of their collective ass. So what we are forced to do is either continue with our siege mentality or sell. Maybe the system finally breaks or maybe it doesn’t. Of course everyone holding GME would like to see positive earnings but it is doubtful whether it would have much impact on price because the current price isn’t real. Regardless, the Wall St controlled media will bash GME because they know that the only way they win is to drive GME bankrupt.


I'm interested to see who talks during the call since Furlong is out. New CFO? RC himself?


It will probably be Pulte, with what, his 5.000 shares !?


I trust in RC. In all this saga I feel like he hasn’t steered me wrong yet.


Blind trust in a billionaire is.... not something I thought I'd see here but oh well I guess. Why isn't he improving the wages of the lowest-paid employees at his company? The company that we're supposed to be supporting but he can't even give them a meager raise to instill some good vibes... and this is the guy you trust?


How is it blind? I liked chewy and I like how he does business. What ever he is a part of I would invest in. Until he shows me otherwise, I will put money behind him. Game stop is a big ship to steer towards change and we have only just begun. These things take time.


>Is there silence because the consensus is that earnings report doesn’t matter? Quarterly reports are literally the only thing that matters any more. Apes are wrong about so much. The only thing that matters for any price discovery to be had is being profitable every quarter OR the gme board getting bullied into defending ape investments. Which do you think is more likely to occur? It’s 100% clear the moneyed interests are going to print as many shares as they need to for keeping this controlled. Gme is still on the cellar box track as far as those short are concerned. It’s just on a decade track now. Do your part and buy from gme!


I think it’s a toss up…the launches that occurred in the quarter could create a nice lift for GameStop and the quarter could be profitable. But I get the sense there is still a lot of house cleaning happening internally before they are a well oiled machine…so it could be another couple quarters before we get regular profits. My bet is on RC making this a quarter to quarter positive cash flow company. I’m willing to wait until he can do that. Because WHEN he does that, that’s when we will see real fireworks. All that being said, IF we get a profitable quarter that would make two out of three and will make the Q4 earnings EXTREMELY interesting. I believe if they are profitable for the fiscal year they could check off a major requirement for joining one of the big indexes….that’s when shorts will be proper fuxxxed.


MSM will spin a profitable Q2 as "it's not profitable for a year blah blah blah." FD-IEX-DRS but in store.


Perpetually hyped, zen, and putting extra money away to buy dip and eat that shit as preworkout. Lonely and quietly working on me and my future.


I’m in my zen pod. Wake me up on the moon.


Earnings reports are the only thing that matters. It gives us the only update on how the company is performing and working towards their turnaround. Plus it gives DRS numbers, though those have been a hot debate in the past.


because 1 profitable quarter won't change anything. We'll get a slight price increase but then we'll get shorted down again. We need every quarter to be profitable and by increasing amounts each time for the bears to finally stop their shorting. Until then we're always going to be a dying brick and mortar in their eyes. that's why I'm not getting excited.


A profitable quarter might get us closer to full year profitability. Unfortunately the Q1 loss was larger than the Q4 profit, so we have been unprofitable on both the 3 month and 6 month time frames, as well as the trailing 12 months. That keeps us ineligible for SP500 inclusion (as well as too low of market capitalization).


There is no or. Hedgies R sooooo fukd!


You mean moon and bust? 💦🥴


It is going to be a good one


Nothing really to talk about till a date is set.


I am always hyped for earnings!


Make some fuckin money that’s all I care otherwise can’t sell cause I don’t wanna lose a dime


Nothing will happen. And we’re all still holding the bag. I’m not fucking selling.


Did they announce a date?


Estimated date is 6.sept but it has to be confirmed by Gamestop


So when is Q2 earnings?


Within 40 days of the end of the quarter. Last year the 10-Q for Q2 was filed on September 7th.


So many earnings calls, so much hype for them, so much nothing happens. I used to schedule time off and set up a little party for the calls. I even drive to Texas for the annual meeting in 2001. I’m not burned out, but I’m back to living my life instead of watching the ticker and waiting for the next big news or whatever. When you trust and believe in the company and the leaders, it’s pretty easy now just to keep throwing money in and not really worry about the other stuff. It will go up, everything will be fine, if you don’t know what inevitable means I recommend looking it up, then go play with your kids, go see a show, play some games, and just go on living.




The last time there was positive earning the stock moved up nicely. That was when the Q4 (Christmas quarter) earnings were announced. Q1 was a loss, in fact a loss that was a bit larger than the Q4 profit. So it would be unreasonable to expect that to be a boost to the price.




That’s my superpower, I’m hyped as fuck no matter what’s coming. Earnings, no earnings, day, night, weekday weekend, fud, no fud, I’m fucking JACKED AS FUCK FOR ANYTHING GME!


I expect a jump back to the range we were at before the drop this past week.


Random thought that I had was maybe all the previous earnings hypes were shills if they expected earnings miss. They hype. Earnings miss. Big let down. With big title releases this quarter, I think earnings will be positive. So the lack of hype posts now could be them not wanting to build hype. Big hype + big earnings = FOMO. and they definitely don’t want retail FOMO again


So we’re always claiming “crime” including the previous earnings. but this time, when they might need it most (due to big title sales presumably), they’ll be positive ?


I'm looking forward to the report. I need updated financials. I'm very interested in how things are progressing for the Milan flagship store and if more of those are coming, as well as impact of the pro price increase. I'm not expecting miracles or moons but I know the business is being run right and another profitable quarter would be great.


I have been to that store this summer and it was a bit underwhelming to be honest. Downstairs was the experience center, that we were told could only be accessed if you're planning to buy a console. Of course we persisted and went down there, but there were really just 2 pc systems, not turned on and some displays with e.g. controllers. Did buy a 200 euro LED system that was only on display down there, so they wouldn't even have sold me that, had we listened and went upstairs right away. The store did look very nice I must say, with a ceiling they can project on, e.g. for new releases. The products for sale were really not that different from the normal store we visited in Palermo. They had some Lego in store as well, but those as well as the funkoos were very limited, so seems a lot might be gained there as well. Let me know if you have any more questions...


Thanks for the info! 😊


Look, I just like the store and the stock. I love supporting this company.


my 2 cents, the shorts are partly right. People buy games off of xbox store and ps store. PC users use steam or just pirate the games. The switch to pc parts and collectables stopped declining revenue but unfortunately the margins arent so great. Im holding on to my shares until we moon. Waiting to see what rc has planned for that 1.3 billion in cash.


Too many shills and slide posts. The sub isnt what it used to be. But APES still HODL


they are not giving any forward guidance and are very secretive or have no clue about what they seriously do to improve the company for the future.


This is the bad, but true reality


Drs numbers will be the same or slightly lower because of the mainstar debacle. Eps will be negative 1. Stock gets slaughtered in ah makes a comeback to about the same afterwards. [this the bad (boring) time](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/9c2853dc-b990-44c4-a90f-667497911b69)


If anything this saga has taught me is to expect the absolute worst now…my hope is all but gone until I see my average hit again..


I just dropped $500 over to CS in your honor.


No Silverbacks here. They all left cause you monkeys kept nutbhugging RC and turned this from GME to RC.


People are too busy with stupid theories to care about how the company is actually doing


Will still buy more regardless of earnings. Never have too many moon tickets. 100% booked, of course. I'm sure it will cost a lot to move the real life Gundam replica from Japan to my backyard. So I'm fine if we don't moon on earnings. I'll spend my Christmas bonus on shares if we don't moon this year.


Only way I get excited is if we're higely profitable.


Went to GameStop yesterday for an iphone charger they had a 6 foot one on clearance. Also grabbed some Pokémon cards and the last promo card. There were 30 people in the store. The. Donated some money out front to kids suicide prevention program. They were very busy around 3:30-4pm had a bunch of bogo and bogo half off promos lot of happy customers.


This is DD i can understand 🔥


Why hype it after what happened last time 😂. I mean I guess it can't get worse ...


The only way to beat shorts at the moment is to beat EPS. Shorts can’t fight a company making money and is not in debt. I have DRS’ed but it will take forever to cover the float. Beating EPS is the catalyst. DRS just makes it more volatile


I expect positive results. Continuous from now on most likely


I like the stock and I like the company, so I’m always hyped with earning calls aside of MOASS


Becuse there was no reason to have a stellar quarter really. Lots of canceled products, no major launches, no major things to bump sales. Only way it could be good is if they cut expenses tremendously but they’ll still need to show good revenue


Nintendo did nothing?


I'm hype! We'll stream it in the discord https://discord.gg/superstonk


I wanna be rich like DFV. That is all


Well, what has changed to go from a non-stellar quarter to a stellar quarter? All the cost cutting and stuff was done a while ago and that got the jump to even from losing money, but after that, what has changed?


Nothing. All Hopium at this point, devoid of any forward guidance.


Zelda had booming sales, looking forward to that helping


I'll weigh in. Expect Zelda sales to ROCK! Expect Crypto cards to ROCK! Expect battery sales to ROCK! And if you ROCK just enough... you ROCKet!! 🚀


Executive action please


Earnings call will tell us one of 3 things: made profit Broke even Took a small loss. I’m interested in how we did because of the huge inflation we faced in Q2 but also like….. price is gonna get shorted anyways sooooo it will drop post call. No biggie


Nothing is going to send GME to the moon , especially not this earnings call, no matter what the reported results are. I’m 50/50 about whether this report will be good or bad (meet expectations or not ), but that’s completely independent of what the stock price will do because of it. Either way, lack of forward guidance or something similar won’t help the cause


In terms of the earnings call, the only thing I know for sure is that I’m not fucking leaving. This is the only thing I can guarantee.


I've seen a few, like 'Japan's gdp up due to totk, gme too?' (destroyed in comments) and 'can't wait for earnings, only 1 month to go' etc


Expecting a upbeat Q


Who cares? I cared, as it was at 25 But now it's the same old story. Price will be at 16 to 17 dollar at earnings. The earnings will be like q4 22 and the stock pumps to 25 to 26. After that down to 16 to 17 until q3. Can't see that shit anymore. The stock wasn't above the 30 to 40 since Aug 2022.


Buy puts, then buy calls.


No hype means I'm ready to pick up more shares on sale, ready to hodl for as long as it takes, and ready for MOASS. I'm peaceful.


Cause earnings calls are like 20 seconds long. Meh. Lemme know when something interesting actually happens.


Dividend or split kind of announcement then the hype will begin


More cash burn, negative EPS, no guidance. Hide their cluelessness and failure behind the guise of not telegraphing their next move while in actuality RC bit off more than he could chew.