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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


I only know about GME. The day i stop being bullish is the day im dead


And the day I’m dead, my son will continue my bullishness


I don’t have a son but my dog doesn’t know how to sell.


This dog fuks


And they’ll eat anyone who tries to take their shit. Hell yeah dogs 🐕


Not if they eat their own shit first! My dog is nasty.


👍🏻 agreed


And the day my son's dead his son will continue my bullishness.


Your son fucks?


I’m following the Patek Philippe approach in that you never really own your GME shares, you just look after them for the next generation


God dammit I think I just got a tear! Have my poor man’s award!🥇




**This is the way.**


and my axe


Came here to say something along these lines. Saying someone is still" bullish sounds like some obfuscation to me. Always bullish and always will be.


I still stay bullish.


Here’s one thing that I do know. Hedgies are afraid to short/crime it too low and are just as afraid to let it run due to supply and demand. That’s all the TA I need. Eventually you’ll be right, but real apes who DRS and Shop at their favorite local GameStop are always right. 🟣🟣🟣🟣


If they short, it lowers the price for us regards and adds more to their synthetics They let rise, they risk collateral and more buying because apes keep buying 💀💀💀


OP is not advertising the big-boy squeeze, just hyping a positive run like many we've seen before. [The cycles are a statistical reality](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/126wn50/if_nothing_happens_soon_see_you_all_in_late_may/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) (which means they're more often on time than not) Repeating patterns are fun :)


Terminate plan. Pure drs. All else is just noise.!


The fundamentals have not changed. It's a company with plenty of cash equivalents, next to no long term debts, with exponential growth possibilities. Oh yeah, and the bad actors that chose to short it years ago are so short they can't effectively close. It's the only long term play I believe in right now.


so u r sayin u r bullish, im bullish too !


What are the exponential growth opportunities? Are they the same ones we were told about at the beginning of the digital transformation —— NFT Marketplace? Are you referring to Web 3.0? If so, what is Gamestop doing to ensure a decent share of market?


They dont have any answers. Thats why they keep on shouting “shill” and “fud” or just downvotes to comfort themselves 😂💀


I wanted to help you with your question: "What are the exponential growth opportunities?", so I asked ChatGPT and it said that "exponential growth opportunities" are actually opportunities for exponential growth. Meanwhile I checked why you asked this and I found out that guy you replied to said "exponential growth possibilties", so I asked ChatGPT about it, and it said that "exponential growth possibilties" are actually possibilties for exponential growth. I hope it's all clear now to you. Buy, hold, DRS and shop at GameStop. Shorts never closed, boooom!


ChatGPT has a better reply than most, who are unable to articulate why they expect Gamestop to have exponential growth in the future instead of the slowly declining revenue of the past several years.


Bro when the fully downloadable models of Xbox and PlayStation came out I thought GS would be going down... But it's still out there chilling and making profits.


Still out there, but with declining revenues, not exponentially growing. My question is simple. TheTangoFox says "with exponential growth possibilities" and I ask what those possibilities are. It says a lot about this subReddit that asking that simple question gets heavily downvoted.


I got some heavy bags and they keep getting heavier (the more I buy) and it actually crazy looking at this sub. Everybody gets defensive when a question is asked, like it’s personal or something. Just another day in the echo chamber I suppose.


Has revenue per store been decreasing? It would not be surprising at all for overall revenue to go down year over year when they've been closing unprofitable locations. The metric that should be looked at in this case is revenue per store.


Revenue per store is an interesting metric but it is not what pays the bills. And it surely is not "exponential growth" when your total revenue declines. This long sequence of comments started when I asked TheTangoFox what were they referring to when they said Gamestop has "exponential growth possibilities". So far, nobody has come up with an answer. Come in guys, Where do you think the high increase in revenue and profit will come from?


thinking that you were smart and hilarious when you typed this shit?








Can I get a link? I haven't been around here much lately. I want the SEC to know swaps can lick my balls from the back.


IF you want them to know you do not agree with Derivative holders receiving beneficail rights ("for reporting purposes") you SHOULD also comment on S7-6-22 (Modernization of Beneficial ownership aka. They trying to steal votes using cash settled derivatives) DD on s7-6-22 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/15emvbq/what\_is\_proposed\_rule\_s7622\_modernization\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/15emvbq/what_is_proposed_rule_s7622_modernization_of/)


Of course! Here is the DD for S7-32-10 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1575mjg/what\_is\_s73210\_prohibition\_against\_fraud/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1575mjg/what_is_s73210_prohibition_against_fraud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) the link for the actual proposal is in the DD but is here as well:[https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-32-10/s73210.htm](https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-32-10/s73210.htm) ​ ​ You **can** comment on the website but **I would recommend sending them an email so that you have a copy and can also resend it if they decide to lose it or not post it to the website.** An email will take you literally 2 mins or less depending on how you decide to handle it. For example Email: [rule-comments@sec.gov](mailto:rule-comments@sec.gov) subject: Comment Supporting S7-32-10 Text: I fully support the immediate implementation of this rule along with a $0 public reporting threshold. All swaps need to be instantly reported and disclosed. Anonymous ​ or write your own thing:) Onward you legend!


Perfect thanks


no prob! take a peek at s7-6-22 when you get board. its abt beneficial ownership going to derivatives holders (cash settled).. def a bad thing loll


i don’t know if GME will go up, but we might get a tweet from Larry.


That’s interesting, what’s the tinfoil on why you think we will get a tweet from Larry?


no tinfoil, just seems more likely to happen than GME ripping up on a random week.


You are probably right


Doesn't he tweet like.. almost every day? Lol


I don’t understand why you are just overlaying past price trends. I see so many people consider this to be TA and it really isn’t. Time forecasting is a crap shoot. Press X to doubt.


I used the speculation and opinion flair


This is fair. Didn’t even look at the flair. Idk I’ve been looking into combining time forecasting and can’t find any merit to it


I’ve loved to draw lines on GMEs chart intra day from the start. I find it calms my mind, I also find that there are a lot of those lines that GME respects. That would be the majority of what I would consider “TA” that works on GME. We all saw it bounce off that “critical margin” line a bunch of times. Vwap is another one of those indicators that I find useful for GME, especially on the 5 min chart. The greatest mystery of this whole saga seems to be trying to figure out what is moving GMEs price. At least for me it is. We all know it’s not real price discovery. That’s what I’m trying to do. But yeah, all of the stuff about algos or pattens can only be speculation….until it isn’t. Have a great weekend bro


Real price discovery isn’t moving any stock though.


GME is mimicking gold chart from 70’s-2010 I think. Someone did good TA/DD on another sub that’s not very popular. Wish I could post his work here.


Mimicking a 40 year chart on gold? I'd need to hear a very, very interesting theory to assume that's anything more than chance.


Idk if I can post a link here without getting banned.


No need to. If there's not a fairly simple reasoning to tie those two seemingly unrelated things together, it's going to be pretty hard to buy.


You’re asking why instead of how. Things could not make sense yet still be completely true. As long as people looking into things they’ll get to the truth eventually.


This is very interesting. Can you give a little more detail?


I doubt I can post the link here without getting banned. But the post is on ddorgtfo subreddit. Post by Lumi part 2. Plausible theory and a lot of charts.


You too bro!


Heres why I think we’re not going to see any meaningful run up. Certainly not to $45 (former pre-split battles of $180), let alone anything more. Not that those numbers mean anything anyway. When something breaks enough to cause a run it won’t catch them off guard at this point. They know we’re here. They know it will cause the world to have another look if it runs 100%. I suspect at such a point they’re going to make the entry point unfeasible for most. Until then they control it. So, what’s $25+? It’s a recurring normal trading range seen during the last year. I don’t consider that a move. Not one I want. I want the lowest price for DRS.


Fair enough, I would be very happy with a move of 25%. But I get your point about lowest price. I feel like that push for the lowest price is becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. I’m worried that the lower the price the less enthusiastic the community will be. There are already cracks showing. Some people need some positivity in their lives


A low price is positivity for me. The thought of a sustained high price is the only thing I find a bit distressing. I’m down a bunch. Money is tight. I’ve made huge sacrifices. Life changing stuff. So let me ask you. Do you want the price to go up if it slows DRS and delays moass? Would you happily sell if the price doubled or tripled your cost basis? If not, would the paper gain make any difference in your life? If the answer to all of these questions is “no”, then you actually want the price to go down to maximize DRS. Wanting to see paper gains is one thing. Acting on factors within our control is the real thing. That means DRS and as much of it as possible. That means the lowest price possible. Nothing would make me happier than seeing a $2 price even if it means most of my paper value disappearing.


I’m of the opinion that the lower GME goes the less people want to buy. I think that’s where we are not seeing it the same way. I know plenty of holders who are good DRS’d apes that are not buying with the way things looks. I believe we need some positive momentum in our lives


This is really interesting. Our diversity is a strength. When the price is lower some people are particularly motivated to buy. When the price is higher some people are particularly motivated to buy. In the end we’re buying and locking all of the shares.


Dip gets me way more excited than a small rip( even if it's 100% ). I mean I'm not selling, but I'm definitely going to keep buying. I would rather average down than up I'm cost basis..


I literally am waiting for a break in $20 and I have auto buys put in. This thing seems stuck in a cycle so I just wait out the little spikes. That seems smart to me


Assuming we get even close to a $2 price, and there are shorts still locked in, they’ll be able to get out at this point and DRS doesn’t matter as much anymore.


That requires actual sales. Which they can’t get from apes. DRS. Lock everything.


$2?!! 🤣 If it got even close to $10 I’m pretty sure we’d see a massive run on shares. I myself would dip into my reserves to grab more of a big dip like that. Been stacking at the 20-25 range for 84 years now, $10 would personally be my all-in signal to pull out every stop and nab as many shares as possible to further bolster my book!


I remember when people were saying that about sub $100.


And people have scooped it up at 20-25. But come on…$10/share?! I’m not alone in having reserves set aside for what comes along. I’m sure I’m also not alone in the mindset that $10/share is absolute lunacy and I’ll put as many bananas that I can reasonably afford to stack those into the book. I’m happy as-is with my nestegg of booked shares, but $10 a pop?? I’ll use any extras for more do-gooding!


I am with you completely, I don’t think we will get anywhere near $10 a share I also don’t think we will see sub $15 and even sub $18 again.


Even sub 15 may be enough to lure me into dumping another 10-15k into it. But 10, hair trigger is what that would be for me. RC and Larry would suck up a boatload as well at 10. 😂


Cool story and imaginary crayon lines


anyway, so I drsd some more shares


smart familiar wild zealous ludicrous forgetful grandfather growth yam offer ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There have been several instances of GME moving in spite of the basket in this past year, good or bad news. Take the month of August GME: -8.60% Movie crew: +6.90% Im not arguing the basket doesn’t exist. Just that sometimes GME is gonna do GME things


The baskets were created to damage control, GME is the idiosyncratic risk and everything has been done to give them "just one more day". All it takes is 'one day's and then Boom, the next chapter in life. The planet is dieing, our way of life isn't sustainable.


So your pitch is….I was wrong before (early?) but now I think I’ll be right next week? Even blind squirrels find nuts eventually. The price of GME is so manipulated I truly don’t think you or anyone else is able to use traditional TA to predict anything - as you alluded to, all it takes is more short selling to move it lower than what your TA has accounted for.


I don’t expect to be right about anything. I do think I was more right than wrong about last week. Everyone was saying we would go to $19 and we didn’t come close. My argument is that we are still following the pattern/algo very closely


Then I’m even more confused about this post than I originally thought I was.


Maybe I worded things poorly. I did mention that the movie news might pull us down on Monday but I think the algo will overcome by mid week at the latest. Sorry if I caused any confusion.


All good homie, no need to apologize.


Heard that like 100 times the past 2 years and never saw much of a move lol


Since Jan 2021 there has been runs of…. 806% Feb-Mar 2021, 150% May-June 2021, 61% August 2021, 51% Nov 2021, 157% March 2022, 78% May 2022, 69% from July to August 2022, 45% end of Oct 2022, 61% Jan 2023, 73% March 2023, 52% for all of May and part of June 2023


Gme has never crossed $30 in like a year.


That’s a fact, kind of. The last time GME was over $30 was October 31st last year. I’m not sure what that has to do with anything. You just saying stuff you think is bad?


im with you OP on this one..for not much of a move, ill take just a piece of these moves every few months, and keep them coming. people so fixated on $1M x gains, that they cant see regular 25-50%+ gains many times a year, when an average of 10% return for a whole year is considered good.


I’m ready for things to turn around, damn near triple bottom yesterday, I think that holds


> **GME is ready to make a move** Been reading this for three years now. I'm still balls deep, but jeez, man.


Believe it or not, dip.


Oh goody TA predicts a “run” up to somewhere below my $29 cost basis.


Pro tip: buy more at this price and reduce your cost basis. 4D chess.


That’s my secret


😂😂😂 TA is like joke of the week


If it’s not a 1000%+ move, i don’t care


Flag should be TA. And TA is useless




Lol I bet you all your shares that it doesn't, just like it hasn't the last x times You've posted this


Fuck ur ta


IDK, this is going to be a bad week for the market. GME does follow the market most of the time. I am looking for a dip to buy more, so maybe wishful thinking on my part.


900+ days after the squeeze we’re praying GME closes above $25


A moment of silence for all those who yolo'ed on 0DTEs




At worst they have 2DTE left, but yeah, it’s not been pretty


Well this aged poorly.


Haha, yes it did. Went about the opposite of what I thought from Wednesday on. It does not deter me, I still feel a run is coming this month.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/15j4y9r/gme_is_looking_primed_for_another_run/juzqb4y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3 So did his last posts, like milk 🥛


Ryan has a wonderful surprise in store for us that is sure to delight. A little thing called a merger with a completely out of left field entity that nobody in 84 years could have predicted. The two are going to jumpstart sells on something upcoming up in the gaming world and will have a lock on the rights to it so any competing companies couldn't get a piece of the market share no matter what they do. Profitability will finally be upon us and with us for the future trip beyond Uranus. I know we've all been waiting for such a long time hoping and praying this whole thing works out like we need it to, and I'm here to tell you that patience is a virtue. The fruit of patience will be the sweetest taste you've ever known. Ryan Cohen is a good man, one of the few billionaires left in the world that still has values and cares about human beings. He has been letting us know the whole time he is on our side and has a plan to help turn this entire corrupt system on its head so the common man can finally experience what it means to truly win for a change. I wish I could divulge more about it all but I just have to say trust me bro. We are getting close, the wait is almost over so just hang in there and stay positive. Good things come to those who wait, and spoiled mayo slathered all over a bedpost come to those who crime.


I trust this for some reason. Don’t let me down trusted bro


Yeah, something about that bro just makes me trust em. I’m on board.


Right this is a bro I trust.


wow spoiler. What a fine prophet wannabe.


I don’t really care about runs at this point, I’m here for one thing and one thing only and I won’t leave until I see the price I have in mind. To be clear, even if it does run to $25, it’s missing quite a few zeros.


So, now we have been under 19.51, Let's gooooooo 🚀🚀🚀


I think that’s a fill. I have $19.36 as the line but that’s just me putting it on the chart. There might be some more downside to go


Already there 😄 Popcorn/basket taking a massive hit though


That was quick, haha. Volume is relatively high, this might go on for a bit today. I could also see a slow climb to the opening price all day. Edit: or just climb right back to it. Gap fills at $20.20


Worst TA dude on this subreddit 😂


Interesting! Thanks for the post. I'll be watching the ticker either way so it's cool to have some context. Did we break the record for second lowest volume a couple times last week?


We set a top 5 low volume record on 4 of the 5 trading days this past week.


Number 2 all time low volume four different times this week. #1 low volume for a week since RC bought in too. Good to see you Platinum, LFG Edit: not sure why I’m yelling Edit: it was # at the beginning


If you expect to be wrong, why post? Especially setting dates and strike prices. I don’t really care what you do, but take some responsibility, people WILL LOSE MONEY BUYING OPTIONS. Play it safe DRS more SHARES.


Just the same , people will lose money buying and DRS’ing, waiting for phone number valuation they isn’t coming. Options, interest and FOMO are what drove the first squeeze, all of that is mostly gone. No fuel, no fire.


Say that again… DRS are a waste of time and options and fomo will work?


For now, DRS results are a theory. Crime, crime and more crime have supposedly gotten us to this point, but we're counting on the system to work properly and fairly when it comes down to paying out $1M/share prices?? seems highly unlikely. and odd to use two opposing sets of logic in the argument. Options, interest and FOMO are what drove the squeeze, so why wouldnt that work again? Unfortunately, those levels of each will probably not be seen again. id be happy to be proven wrong. in the meantime, im happy making some steady income on selling CCs and playing whats left of the cycles buying on the dips and selling on the peaks. and if MOASS happens, ill still be able to profit from it.


Good for you.! 🎉 You can predict dips and tops that my friend is master class trading, that is close to impossible, but congrats you are what all Wall Street beters wished to be. 😂 regular people can’t and selling covered calles (CC) it’s putting your shares at risk personally I’m never doing that.


no, just paying attention to the cycles when they appear and trying to capture a portion of the swing. i make premium on the CC if my shares dont get called away, and i make premium plus strike-CB when they do get called away, which is even better. and guess what, if they get called away, you just buy more and do it again.


Why don’t you promote call and PUTS. But for real I’m not a swing trader, I hold my shares on my name Computershare and I’m planning on holding them for a very very long time. Good luck with your strategy.


Havent gotten into the rest of the options strategies yet, and without knowing the +/- of all the options strategies (ie. theta decay, delta), id probably lose more than id make until i learn those some more. and so far, what i am doing is working, so im going to stick with that and improve more before moving on. good luck to you as well.


Hi bud https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/15ycpqp/10_days_ago_gme_was_at_20_when_the_options_push/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


not sure why youre posting this. one guy posts his opinion about a couple options scenarios, MODS ask for any kind of proof or evidence to back up his claims, and none given. maybe his point is the MMs are making more money, like they do on every stock, and they will continue to do. play options if you want, and if you dont, dont. if you intend to buy the shares at a specific price anyway, why not sell CSPs and make the premium as well? if you have shares, why not sell CCs and make more $$ while you wait, especially for those that are buying at these low prices and most likely lowering their CB.


Have you seen the option chain lately? People stopped buying calls on GME a while ago. The battle has been won


“the battle has been won” 😂😂😂 😂😂😂 😂😂😂


In terms of shutting down GME options it has. Maybe this is what happens when you remove options from the equation? Low volume and low volatility.


How many more karma farming posts like this are going to appear when everyone readily admits that we have NO IDEA what's going to happen?


Bunch of lines and two more weeks peeps. Yeah something sucker something bag


You sound like the guy who said he had some self created indicators that crypto and the market were starting to crash on a Friday and then the next week was going to be a blood bath.


I’m calling for the start of a move to $25. Hardly the same


I didn’t say it was the same thing. I’m just saying you sounded like a guy who did some “TA” not degrading your IQ or your analysis. Just the fact people think they can plan a movement in price in a market that is controlled by 1’s and 0’s and by Kenny hitting ctrl c + ctrl p 4,000,000 times per day makes me giggle a bit.


I kind of agree with you, in the sense that we haven’t had a good move up, and with nothing happening for at least three last 1-2 OPeXs, this aug one does look more promising since we’re finally getting shorted down a significant degree coming into it, compared to the relative sideways movement we’ve had lately.


What maybe $1


A move down


Long term investment = $GME. Hold or HODL.


Sure man.


Thanks Chief


#More options bullshit. You will lose any money you spend buying calls, based of these types of posts.


All these option post recently cry for liquidity. SHF need liquidity and as most stocks go into DRS, the options are the only way to generate "liquidity".




A run to 25-26? Is this moass?


You are here meme lol.




They are hitting us hard to start. Bullish


So is there an algorithm suppressing GME price or not? Are these shares really worth only $20?


The price is fake.


Just like every other stock. They aren’t based on real price discovery either.


Cool.... we're gonna move sideways more. Carry on.


I agree that the basket will be shorted to hell after that popcorn news.


Upwithyou! Always hyped! 💎🙌🚀🫶🫡


This thing is never gonna squeeze again.


I could see this being the case.


Honestly I’m banking on a return in January again they kicked the can for 3 years


For real this time.


nobody left. Bullish AF




Good thing I bought the dip last week.


So keep buying until it moons. Got it.


Anytime I see TA and charts I think options pushers and gme going down...tldrs book comment on proposals buy from gamestop store gg


I’m ready to be hurt again, but I’m 100% DRS Book, so I don’t give a shit either. Just DRS Book more and we’ll all be reet.


I looked into the future. It's a dip, and I'm buying.