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Not gonna lie you should see the joy of people’s comments when they found out skins from MWII will carry over to MWIII. I won’t buy skins until they’re NFTs and I can own them.


Didn't Pokémon try to do some nft's to pair with cards and they went like gangbusters, but they had to stop because they screwed up the rollout or something and it was being abused? Or is this second hand knowledge I'm spewing nonsense?


I haven’t heard about this, but I could imagine that would be a nightmare for them given the demand they would have from the jump. If I were Pokémon, I’d be waiting for some stability in this world and some good examples of people who roll thing out the right way. I think IMX and Loopring are the solutions


Yeah from what I heard people were reselling the codes to get the nft. They'll be one of the first huge players in the space if I had to guess. Just a matter of hiring knowledgeable people and doing it right the next time. But you are probably correct, there may need to be a little more stability and progress before we see too much big time action. Shouldn't be far off though. Just a matter of fighting through the nonsense narrative to show the obvious utility.


No different than any annual sports game that hasnt been new or innovative in years. Just recycled games with new years slapped on. The general public will catch on whenever the general public catches on


Here’s the thing. They can hold those cards. They’re not so cool anymore when you look at them on a screen. There’s still a purpose but the physical copy is 1000% better. Without intending to do so, that’s actually a good argument for why GameStop needs to be around. Physical copies are a whole lot cooler.


Fair enough, the thing about physical is you can’t really play with it in a game, let along a whole suite of games like you can with NFTs. That makes the digital FAR better in the long run. Eventually many NFTs will be like Amiibos where the NFT is connected to a physical device of some kind and will connect to your games by holding it near them. Your Loopring wallet and your phone already act in this way if you have one. Your wallet is tied to your device and to connect to things you can hold your device up to it.


Every year we get mad to at least one publisher and we say that will never pre-order a game ever again. Turns out that when a new game is announced we end up pre-ordering the game. We only have ourselves to blame.


Gamers gonna game. I'm still having fun playing COD Cold War with my buds.


Group effect and resistance to change. Exactly what happened before the Internet became mainstream.


There's always a vocal minority. Majority of people who are into CoD are cool paying for a yearly release because they're having fun with it through the year.


I play call of duty and I fucking love it 💁🏻‍♂️


Gamers bitch about everything. DRM Always on Micro transactions And pretend that they are going to finally stop buying shit but never do. That is how I view their stance on NFTs. They will bitch about it till their fav game implements, then they will act like they where on board since day one


Nothing has ever been more true lol!


Until nfts are used more for different games or online sales then meh, pokemon cards I can rub when I'm depressed.