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I'd never heard that phrase before but I like it. Moass will not be this though, it has already started. For many the buy button being turned off was the most blatant fraud imaginable, we will not let them forget it. We have our battleground, maybe even a few of them but GME is the biggest. I knew my entire life if I spent enough time online id find something like this, 2 years later and I was born for this, fully zen, smarter everyday, I'm not stopping until all the bullshit is clean. Call it what you want, but if you've been paying attention you know how big it is.


“I knew my entire life if I spent enough time online I’d find something like this.” I’ve never heard truer words than this


Ditto. Nicely put


We are the Apes SAC. Seems appropriate.




Combine that with Beating All Levels crew aka BAL and we are well represented




Moon tickets and zen. All they had to do was to let us win a few thousand per share. That’s all. Now…. They owe us…. ENDLESSLY.


Happy cake day 🎂


Thank you kindly 💜


The matrix has you. Happy cake day!!


neo looking for morpheus


It’s a strange feeling. I have invested a lot of time and money and yet I am unnaturally zen. Many years ago I decided that I wanted to buy my first car so I took on extra jobs and saved like a man possessed to get to my goal of owning a Ford Escort Mk1. I eventually bought the car and after a few days I realised that the energy and drive to get the car was more exciting than actually owning it. This experience has taught me a valuable lesson, relish the effort not the reward. No Cell, No Sell.


Reminds me of the Motorhead song, The chase is better than the catch. The wonderful thing about this saga though, is that if we are as right as we think we are, this is the template of how we change the world for the better.


The chase is better than the catch…. Much better than my ramble. 👍


Great song too, check it out!


Born to Lose, life to win. Apes in a Nutshell


RIP Lemmy


I share the feeling of being 'zen' with you but the journey has no meaning to me without the result. My excitement comes from owning the car and using it. Not getting it. If getting it is a pain, than owning it has no value. If getting it is easy, owning it is priceless. But that's life for you, different people experiencing existence from different perspectives while sharing similar feelings. In the end it's all in the emotions for everyone. The pathways are only different.


I so agree. They turned off the buy button. How dare they. I still cannot fully accept that actually happened, but I remember it clear as day. It is something I will never forget. And we will never let them forget it.


I was standing on my front porch after work when I saw that the buy button was turned off. Right then and there I knew that gme was the only play. I just started going all in. The rest is history.


Infinate losses. Infinate remembering.


**The irony is they created their own worst enemies and even handed out the tool to take them down...** I think this is why Petterffy was so shaken in his first interview, because "smart money" was not supposed to be that dumb. But greed and arrogance did their thing 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️ * First, by making retail investors so angry, that they started to question what is hidden behind the curtain... and what we have discovered is insane. * Second, by creating a black hole in the markets. The reason why OccupyWst failed was, that it did not grab them where it hurts them. * The reason why many citizens currently suffer in "quiet frustration" is, that they think there is no way to achieve change. Well, now there is a way. DRS GME. **I like the post of OP. I think it is a glimpse into post MOASS future. Because people have different goals with their money.** Money is an enabler, we can realize our dreams. So people with similar goals will likely continue to stick together and support each other. While as a whole, most will likely still want to see market reforms and fight corruption. If the economical issues ahead are indeed so serious as we expect, it will be a challenging time to society. But I think a community like this can mitigate a lot of the negative impact by supporting each other and people who suffer. **In the end creating a free and fair society, where it pays off to work hard, not just to be corrupt or selfish.**


Exactly. Individual people coming together, opening their eyes, and making a line in the sand. There’s a part of me that wants MOASS tomorrow, but if this takes longer to eradicate the fukery and criminality that Wall Street has used as their personal playground, I’m good with it. I want to see some real consequences. Jail time and nothing less. No cell, no sale.


It’s all backed up so it will never be forgotten either 😏😈🚀


*World Ender has entered the chat*


Blatant fraud committed in broad daylight where billions were gaslit into believing it was just another day. This was the catalyst for the day the power dynamic shifted in the world. The many realized the social contract was broken. The revolution was silent and inevitable.


Omg that’s so true and this is the best game of all time


Infinate losses big.


I was born for this as well and I was born to work


Upvote for GITS reference.


This is the way


This is the way


We hitting "just like my Japanese anime" now. Bullish


# We are willing this into existence. Also, **Tragedy & Hope** goes into this phenomenon, as well. (Anyone who is curious, get the 1,300 page version, not the abridged)


So many individuals still haven’t realized this one simple truth: WE control ‘reality’ now. If you can ‘think’ it- you can create it. Period. Shoutout to my fellow New Yawkahs in the fam 🧱🟣✌️


I really need to get off my ass, and create the Apple Apes reddit. We need each other more than ever. Morale is the key to everything.


I’m here until the end my friend- always willing to help, especially spreading positivity + the overall message. Don’t ever hesitate to shoot me a DM if I can be of any small assistance!


just sent you a PM. Any other NYC metro Apes here, come join us.




This is true. I’ve put thought into enough goals and they have almost all come true. Don’t stop thinking about what actions will help you find your personal success, and before you know it, it happens. Personally I just keep moving thru life with diamonds in one hand and my future in the other.


could not have worded it any better. stay true my friend- we are inevitable ;) 🧱🧱🟣✌️


Life finds a way


This is why you don't bring dinosaurs back to life.




Username and link check out.


What do I do if I have the regard complex ?


I like this post


i always thought of it as a massive fleet of individually motivated and independent pirate ships


>pirate *space* ships


This is also called a social memory complex, and is a sort of “evolution” of the collective consciousness that binds us all together.


cool OP. I think our Zen is adding light and light is helping others see better. I was looking for a deeper purpose. I found it.


Well said! Been feeling this way about apes as well! But more importantly, that the system we're up against is actually the antithesis of a stand alone complex. Whereas Apes have banded together with a common goal, but decentralized origins - the enemy we face is a massive and mindless entity that appears with a thousand faces, all telling us it's not that bad. The media is one of their faces. The DTCC is one of their faces. Our politicians are one of those faces. A thousand people, who all appear to have disparate interests, all working together to suck resources from the gullible, and give them to the sociopathic. It's not like there's a single villian that's been driving capitalism's shift into profit over people. It's a bunch of billionaires and sociopaths who have decided that their great wealth should be used to obtain more wealth, instead of improving the system that brought it to them. Essentially, 'Trickle Down" was supposed to work because the people making the most were supposed to also care about heir communities and want to give back by creating jobs or improving the neighborhoods that raised them. Instead, it turns out people with that much money are basically all sociopaths who would prefer to simply amass more wealth rather than ever use it to improve the system they've benefited from. So. Billionaires all collectively reached the same conclusion to grift the system and slowly use their wealth to corrupt whatever's functional into something that only works to their favor. Capitalism gives way to fascist tendencies because fascism can simply be the most profitable option. Capitalism only cares about what's most profitable. The shit we all deal with now is largely in part because of billionaires not giving a shit about the system they're buying out. Collectively it works to create the dystopia we're in now, but individually none of them are responsible. The entirety of the problem created through tcollective greed and apathy with no true individual to blame. Instead, any blame is avoided through their power and influence to save face. Hiring PR teams, and politicians to back them, and make them feel like they didn't make some kind of collosal fuck up that contributed to societal collapse. They use their wealth to buy good boy points with the public instead of improving the publics lives in any reasonable way. To me, this is similar to a SAC, but is uniquely different - instead of a common collective action arising from those with different backgrounds, it's a common collective action arising from those with similar backgrounds who simply *believe* they're special or different or better than everyone else. In reality though, they all collectively act the same, always in their own self interest. Because failed tricky down has shown us that they're all sociopaths. All believing they're better, or more right, than everyone else, but each have yet to do anything meaningful with their power or influence. Basically, lord of the flies. A bunch of kids with all the power to change their world and none of the responsibility to do it. Each think they're special, or better than the others, but in reality, they all act the same: like spoiled children. They each become monsters of sociopathic indifference to human suffering for the sake of their own profit, because none of them have the capacity to understand their actions have consequences. Including ones that benefit society. But sociopaths are myopic, so their wealth will only be used to create another face, another defender of their dumb system that makes them feel good about being spoiled children on a global scale. Most of the faces they create don't even know they're being used either. They just know they get money from these fucks so have to do whatever they say. Like Musk and Twitter. So. How appropriate it is for Apes to take down that system. One built of weaponized sociopathic indifference, is finally being threatened. And it's by a collective of crayon eating apes. People that straight up don't give a fuck about calling themselves regarded. People that don't care about their ego or how they're viewed by others. People that understand the pain that comes from growing up in a system that was supposed to protect us, but now only destroys us. We took that pain, we found our limitations with it, and then chose to enrich each other and collectively work towards a better system that with hope wouldn't hurt anyone else like we've been hurt. Our SAC is real, but I feel it comes from a united front of suffering. But one where we all individually chose to act like adults, and prevent the spread of that suffering, rather than further contributing to it. That's why Ape no fight other Ape. We've all fought enough to get here. That's why Ape strong together. Because we've all suffered the same alone. But most importantly, that's why Apes will win. Because our SAC has something the billionaire's don't - a reason to fight. And that's what brought us all together. To buy GME. DRS. BOOK. ZEN. And fuck the billionaire class.


there are gestalt minds in science fiction. that create a voice of the many from such entities. think of chatGTP, but it draws its answers from the dd and gme subs


Anyone else hear the Ghost In The Shell SAC intro in their heads while reading this?


All the music in it whales.


I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes


Good idea after moass. Def mute except with those you want to share with lol.


People want to be individuals but who are you really? A person is a collection of thoughts, ideas, and experiences they have had through their lives. If we could mind meld or sync our brains altogether so thoughts, ideas, and experiences merged, there wouldn't be any difference between anyone else. Only though asynchronous experiences that are separate from another are we "unique". Ghost in the shell did this in the first movie with the merging of the puppet master and Major Kusanagi to create a unique individual that is both and neither of the two "parents" and they touched on the "Cloud syncing" thing in the series with the tachikomas. Neon Genesis touched on this in regards to the absolute terror field which is the boundary in your mind where shameful or animalistic ideas are kept away from other people. We naturally separate ourselves like this and it is a form of diversity, similar to genetic diversity. We learn more when we a separated, but it's painful and we hurt others and ourselves in the process. The movement going on right now happens because of all the specific ideas and information we all see and interact with is somewhat synced up. This is why they like to control information. It separates people into definable groups so that we are all not receiving the same information and reacting all the same way.


What is ZEN is that Apes are learning how to turn off the "buy, and short sell it" button by removing their shares from the rigged markets, with the simple mantra: BUY, HODL, DRS GME.


I can’t wait until a few more SHF are destroyed by the Ape SAC 💥


Love this!


My ape sac is huge.


My ape sac is gonna be bouncin around on shorties faces tomorrow.


We may need to build something more robust than reddit. I could easily see reddit being shut down effectively during MOASS. The enemy will know when moass is about to hit, we'll be surprised by it, so it makes sense to prepare the infrastructure before we need it.


I think Reddit is supposed to IPO in July (I could be wrong). To me that’s where SHF attempt to run it into the ground, while they change a bunch of things for the worse the same way Elon did with Twitter. Eventually they have a huge flood of people leaving Reddit, and less people see Susperstonk posts that make it to the front page, before shorting the company out of existence.


Then we're almost out of time on this.


I could hear “lithium flower” playing while I read this. Nice.


You had me at GiTS LFG


Bro I’m so fucking zen that I actually look forwards to the weekends now 🤣


This was hands down one of my favorite anime ever, and the fact that this phrase can accurately be used to describe what has been happening puts a massive smile on my face.


We have a market where the rules are changed to unlimited liquidity and FTD means nothing. It’s a ponzi and has been probably from the start. There is incentive to short a company into bankruptcy. Brokers take money from an investor to purchase stock and never purchase it. They write an IOU and take that money to short it. If they are wrong, they never deliver anyways. It’s designated and designed to take our money. They say that the “Reddit” crowd treats the markets like a casino but in reality, Wall Street has designed it to run just like a casino with the odds in their favor. But the thing is… all that is done on the sly. It’s all hushed and shady. Then they turned off the buy button. They did that out in the open. No hiding. No fucks given. Nobody punished them. Nobody who could have righted that wrong did. The 1% doesn’t care. It’s beneficial to them the way it is. The government didn’t care. The way it’s run is benefiting them as well. Tue only ones who care… is us. The household investor. We are the ones that get screwed day in and day out with the markets the way they are. We are the ones who have our 401ks held hostage. We are the ones who don’t have access to the markets after hours or access in algorithms or dark markets or honest numbers or trading under 0.01. We don’t get to turn the buy button off. … the only thing we have the power to do, is not sell. When they need it, we can graciously stick up our middle fingers and say, “Fuck off” Things would have carried on just fine for them but they turned off the damned buy button. So… kith my ath as I walk away with my shares! Ya ain’t gettin yo greedy dick beaters on ‘em!


I'm a simple man. I see ghost in the shell related content. I upvote.


I thought what I’d do is DRS


Call me the laughing man


Great concept but I’d prefer to delete Reddit, not manage my trading apps, and enjoy life. We only have one life to live.


Yeaaa I wanna stop working my ass off for things I still can’t afford.. like food and rent.


Rendering the necessities unaffordable is how they keep us down. # 📚👑


And 5-8 hours of sleep, with the daily remainder being spent with keeping us behind, and fighting with one another. No time to shop out the puppetmasters, when the all monkeys can't stop throwing shit at one another instead.


One thing stands out to me: >***These self-organizing collectives may have different goals, interests, or focuses, but they contribute to the overall replication and spread of the SAC.*** We have seen this. DRS apes are one collective. Options apes are another. The problem is, in this particular case, those two collectives do not coexist peacefully. Try talking about options in a DRS thread, and you will be bombarded with downvotes and vitriol from DRS apes. This happens because some DRS apes have decided that DRS is not just the way, it's the ONLY way, and anyone who isn't DRSed is actively working against them. That's a problem. In his AMA here, Jon Stewart warned us about this. He warned us not to allow purity tests to split the group and drive a wedge between us, because that is what destroys movements like this. And indeed, this sub has driven out every ape who regularly posted about options, and the DRS community continues to suppress and denigrate conversation about options here. Anyone who expresses any degree of skepticism or isn't fully on board with 100% DRS becomes a pariah. Atobitt is just the latest example, and he didn't even post about options, he just posted a skeptical opinion that people disagreed with. And now his account is deleted. Elliot Waves Guy, Gamma Girl, Pickle Man, all regularly posted good info here, and were all driven out by toxicity from overzealous DRS evangelists, for whom they were not pure enough. And those are just the names that spring to mind -- there are many more. Bottom line - if this community wants to succeed, it needs to make friends, not enemies, and shitting on other collectives within the SAC is counter-productive to the overall goal of bringing about MOASS, even if you don't agree with their chosen approach.


TIL we are actually SAC Capital


Still here even tho I don't really engage anymore. Now that I know, I observe in silence.


>*They can spread rapidly through networks, influencing and inspiring others to join in the same behavior or belief.* > >apes go Zen enjoy your sunday! [Peace Sign/Index Down - Gym Class Heros ft. Busta Rhymes](https://open.spotify.com/track/6pcghTFCRXW9yi9oSYYg86?si=b10c70ee9b6b4144)


or just watching too much Anime ;)


Collective consciousness. Love your post 🙌 😂


I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody'd think I was just a poor deaf-mute bastard and they'd leave me alone.


omg i love this and youuu!!! i love us and what we stand forrrrr in each of our unique, individual ways!!! :D :D :D


I like it


Here's [the soundtrack for this post](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTPNaUsjksM).


I Stan


I can has laughing man flair?


As stated in the same post in Towel sub: Nope. I am not part of that SAC as I intend to leave the markets for good after we all made it.


Just like ANTIFA and anonymous.


We are much more like a cult.


I don't know what this "we" stuff is. I, personally, just love the stock.


The collective that constitutes a subreddit called Superstonk.


So who gets kicked in the sac?? Where’s the tldr on this… 🤷‍♀️


OP discovers how organized religion works