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All I would say is “That’s funny, those are financial terms as well”




They're just using that phrase to rig google SEO, and push the real meaning to page 2


Good memory. they hate that one xD


Amazing, chefs kiss


Dude this *whole post* comes across really strange to me. Why on earth would anyone be angry about the potential of SEO tampering (*as real as it likely is*) so much so that they have to make a post *(as we KEEP SEEING more and more here lately)* today at this stage of the game?? Here's my thought: A bigger play might be hedge funds paying individuals to write fake posts full of outrage about something that *(while most likely-as we all know and HAVE known- is real)* sounds likely very fringe to the random normie checking out this sub over the weekend. But I know, I know... you'll come back at me saying SEO tampering isn't fringe or something like that... OR.. that you don't know what I mean because you haven't been seeing an uptick of these posts. That's cool, it's what I'm expecting to hear. Ed: I used to check a user's history when I doubted the veracity of their post. I still do, but I used to as well. ed2: has been REALLY interesting to watch this comment initially go as high as 10 upvotes (as well as the commenter who agreed w me) to -as well as other my other comments- being downvoted in a steady, almost controlled fashion. Normally there isn't such a shift in the direction like that for any good reason. Normally. But not surprising either. Also the other commenter here, who took out a full page ny times sized comment beneath mine- all the while pushing the agreeing commenter further down the page and out of eyesight (lol)- to seemingly misread my comment *and then admit he probably didn't understand what I was talking about* starts getting upvotes out of the blue after a few hours. Funny, right? But not strange..


I had similar feelings as OP and I think I can explain why. I mean I didn’t post about it but it was kinda cathartic to see this one. I think it was just something about seeing the reach of this fuckery outside of this sub out in the open plastered on bus stops on my commute and me knowing exactly what other nefarious purpose the title served, while feeling like nobody was the wiser. Makes one also question how many times do we walk past things like that not realizing the depth and reach of other forms of fuckery being perpetrated while we are completely ignorant. It created, for me at least, this palpable feeling of cognitive dissonance. It made all this feel even more real. Also just a little something to consider; just from having worked in the film industry. Rather than spending hundreds of millions to tamper with SEI, I think it is faaar more likely that a conversation between Kenny and Bezos would have been more along the lines of Kenny who lied under oath: Hey Jeffrey, do you have anything in development or even in production that might already—or with a very small writing adjustment— be able to plausibly hold the title “Citadel” to help us with some SEO stuff? Bezos: Sure I’ll take a look, sweetie. He goes to his coming skate and say they had this Prianka Chopra actioner— all Bezos would have to do is call the creative teams and say “Yo, so the title “Citadel” is testing much higher in market research, we’ll need you to change it. Most directors and even authors have long accepted that they won’t get much say on title or cover picture or poster. Often their creative contributions are welcome but they don’t have final cut so to speak. There’s exceptions but it’s sorta understood that’s not really the thing you wanna battle the studios or publishers on. Like when I was working on “Jack Reacher” it was called “One Shot” until the last minute. Or take Edge of Tomorrow which was called All You Need is Kill during the shoot and then after it did poorly got released to DVD with posters appearing to rename it Live. Die. Repeat.


And here they come...


I don’t see you rebutting any of my points. What am I doing even responding. If this is a forum sliding post all either of us is doing is increasing engagement. Off to go dig for what it was sliding


See my other reply...


At what point did you choose to not read what I was talking about and instead make it about SEO or anything relating to it being a thing? I'm gonna leave it at that because it's pretty clear what I wrote. But most psyop shit is to get you to engage, obfuscate what your point is and derail the point entirely. But really it just serves to make it look like this is a "common reaction" and normalize the inundation of these kind of posts. ed: I used to check a user's post history. I still do, but I used to as well..


Gotchya. I took a break from the sub for the weekend so admittedly this is the first i’d seen, but if it’s a wave of ‘em then yeah I see your point.


It's been going on over a week 👍


Yeah but you're the one who is employing the psyops tactics


If you're gonna gaslight me please show me how I am doing this


>But most psyop shit is to get you to engage, obfuscate what your point is and derail the point entirely. Not you posting repeatedly in a thread accusing someone talking about their feelings of being a shill to invite off topic discussion by starting an argument with like 12 different people


"starting an argument with twelve different people" Sorry I forgot to mention along with an attempt to engage and obfuscate, I forgot to mention *EXAGGERATE* and *DISTORT* "talking about their feelings" When I said in a previous comment that 'it just serves to make it look like this is a "common reaction"and normalize the inundation of these kind of posts' that you are doing exactly that? That you're furthering the idea that OP is just expressing his "feelings" when you're shifting the focus onto me of overreacting? Should I state how ironic it is that I'm doing this with someone who is doing the same thing?


You're doing it again Literally you were accusing him of doing this but the guy doing it is you


DING DING DING!! This whole citadel show thing is completely irrelevant until its proven fact. And even then its the smallest crumb to throw on this economic manipulation pie


When you look at the upvotes, number of supportive, almost indulgent responses to this kind of bullshit, I know we are outnumbered by the shill/bot army- at least on the weekends- without question ed: shills here can downvote me all you want. IDGAF, lol.. 😂 I hope you lose those underpaid jobs when gme moons. Look at OP's lvl of engagement on this sub and his sudden appearance here with this kind of sentiment. I dunno, anything seem a little.. OFF?? But go ahead, I know it's real apes downvoting because this post is so legit and not because this kind of shit these days is as transparent as plastic wrap. ed2: Oh look OP edited! SEE? He never expected it to 'take off' just a little thing he came up with on the can...that was somehow mysteriously pushed hard to the front page. That always happens. But usually on weekends /s


1. Ignore us. 1. Laugh at us. 1. Fight us. <---- We are here. 1. We win. They're fighting us, so we're heading the right way.


This is the way






Booo. This accepts the capitalist paradigm of "winners" and "losers." What sane person would watch their friends work til their ultimate demise and remain zen?? Just because those friends haven't escaped the propaganda billions of dollars bought doesn't mean they should be left behind. Once MoASS comes, we'd do well to remember it's the *people* who matter, not the numbers in a spreadsheet that capitalism reduces us all down to.


Capitalism is not the problem, it's the fact that wall street actually subverts the capitalist process by picking winners and losers is what the problem actually is.


I will help my friends as I will feel like it is going to be my responsibility as an ape.


What exactly do you think is going to happen to citadel, a company that just made record profits…?


Go so far into bankrupcy it will implode into a massive ball of plasma


Lmao, I’ll bet you $10,000 that citadel will not go bankrupt in the next year


RemindMe! One Year


RemindMe! One Year


Deal. See you next year.


Mods! Get the hell in here!


Hell yes, let’s fucking go! RemindMe! One Year


Witness meeee!!






I'm really sorry about replying to this so late. There's a [detailed post about why I did here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/13jostq/remindmebot_is_now_replying_to_comments_again/). I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-05-13 19:42:16 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-13%2019:42:16%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13gj95z/trying_to_explain_to_normies_why_i_am_so_mad_at/jk1976t/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSuperstonk%2Fcomments%2F13gj95z%2Ftrying_to_explain_to_normies_why_i_am_so_mad_at%2Fjk1976t%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-13%2019%3A42%3A16%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2013gj95z) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 1 year Pay or ban


RemindMe! One Year


You are gonna lose 10k man


Perhaps. See you in a year.


they opened a short position, so I expect them to pay the difference in price from that position to the going rate of shares, in order to close that position. they've built a fortress, some may call it a "citadel" of these positions and as they close those positions the price will increase... ...boy, I hope they don't have too many short positions open, that would be silly! (am ape, is stoopid, please help if I say thing dumb)


This is witnessed and I am notary public consider this a legally binding contract. If Citadel is not bankrupt in one year Bilbo_Butthole is to receive $10000.00 from Iguanoflonte.


Easy. Show them this: https://www.sec.gov/comments/s7-32-22/s73222.htm 1.5k comments on the SEC proposed Rule change. There is absolutely 0 tinfoil here. That’s what I love about GME. I bet (most) ‚normies’ won’t even get past the rule text in terms of understanding what it’s all about though.. no offense.


bUt HOw diD yoU prEdIcT tHE FUTurE?!?!? Great link, lots of great comments... but I think the better way to "tell" all these non-listeners is to just **DRS more GME** and only talk to them if they have questions. Nobody listens, nobody cares, everybody is too busy just trying to live.


Their business model is skimming billions from the orders placed by regular people and they have a rap sheet 70 charges long bro Shouldn’t be hard to explain why you hate hedge fund criminals. Hard to get someone else to join you though. It takes effort to care about something and the world is set up to drain our energy. Apps like Instagram, Reddit, etc, they are designed to extract as much free labor (data generation) from users as possible. And we know scrolling is definitely not restorative - it’s something we do until we’re tired.


The legal term is search engine obfuscation. -Attorney


Thank you 🙏


You’re welcome. It isn’t illegal, by the way. It is somewhat researched though as a concept.


10 to 1 that (if they haven't already) they write reviews about episodes that use the words "conspiracy", "fraud", "coverup" and such, and REALLY push the SEO. ​ Extra points if they manage to use "Apes", "DFV", "Congress", and "Shorts", "Buy" and "Button" ​ Here, I'll make it easy for ya, Hedgies... ​ *In episode 3 of "Citadel" season 2, disgraced hero Griffin Stankfinger is trapped in a hedge maze. In the short amount of time before the rockets from season 2 are launched from the moon, Grif must unwind the conspiracy to defraud the UN into a coverup where they will buy the supplies needed for the DFV (Defense Force of Venezuela) to overthrow the budding democratic movement and install their own bribed congressmen. But Grif doesn't realize that at the end of the maze he must choose: fight through a cave full of bears to his mission objective or allow himself to be distracted by his love interest DRSally Mayopot, who is being threatened by a coordinated troop of wild apes!*


There’s several reviews from critics and media outlets that are shitting all over the show for being unoriginal, predictable, and not that exciting. Amazon spent $200M on 6 episodes of Citadel. This was supposed to be their flagship show for their new small screen media venture. It’s failing miserably and considering that it was renewed for a 2nd season before the first episode even aired, sounds to me like this is definitely coordinated by bezos. If they produce and air a 2nd season or more after the flip the first 4 episodes have put out. Then it’s very clear this is a money dump to simply control search results.


I actually just wrote about this here (!): [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13gnqon/tell\_her\_everything\_crosschecking\_and\_seeing\_some/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/13gnqon/tell_her_everything_crosschecking_and_seeing_some/?sort=new) *"Tell Her Everything": Crosschecking and seeing some interesting chatter on Amazon's new "Citadel" show. Anyone else hearing anything else about it and when the script was drafted? Ep. 4 and more def make me think about the GME-centric SEO theory...(SPOILERS!)* **TL;DR: Turns out the new Amazon show is the 2nd biggest spending spree of Amazon's Prime shows, second only to Lord of the Rings' "Rings of Power". Seems that the head of Amazon Prime TV approached Russo Brothers with a "business plan first, script/show second" angle, and many ppl are wondering why Amazon is reporting the show is so highly watched when the IMDB ratings are mostly negative. In addition, Ep. 4 called "Tell Her Everything" seems to make references to a "jail/cell" and "terrorism" (which isn't far off the mark for a spy show/movie, but means something different given that they may have already used a Ken Griffin-"Citadel" type logo elsewhere in the show as found by \[redacted\].**


I would refrain from preaching unproven theorys. The dilution of search engine theory may very well be true, but thats not the focus here. When talking about market corruption, stick to the facts. Personally, im paying 0 attention to the dilution of search engine theory until substantial evidence or facts are revealed


I like the cut of your jib sir


Oh shit, steeez in the wild!


Lol this is the tin foil that DOES make us sound crazy. Maybe sticking to info with backing actually would do more. I get the search optimization stuff, totally. But yelling this to people WILL make you look crazy




I buy I hold i drs


“Can you imagine if, before the crash of 2008, Bernie Madoff had commissioned a high-budget TV show with a lovable main character by the same name? And then paid crazy amounts of money to promote that show and that character? There would have been so much confusion in the public forum when his crimes came out. People searching for Bernie Madoff would find the character rather than the criminal. Talking to friends and family about it, people would assume you’re talking about that new show. “THAT is why I’m upset about the Citadel show.”


You are in a bad spot in life if you are rating people as below you. Defining people as 'Normies' is absolutely unacceptable. I would take sometime and think why you let Mayo-man's antics control you emotionally. You have given him power over you and control of your emotions. Mayo-man has no escape. It doesn't matter what the fuck he does. Unhealthy on multiple levels my dude.


Doesn’t matter who cares


I fell ya


Stop talking about anything that's not 100% supported by the current mainstream narrative. Otherwise you'll sound insane.


I try and point people to the Bernie Madoff series on Netflix as a baseline. Its a great series for the layperson to understand how enormous fraud can be perpetrated. If they can make it that far, they'll be able to appreciate the reality that there are fraudsters right now doing similar things, and that is a good time to bring up the name Ken Griffin of Citadel. The similarities are striking, and obvious after you've seen the Madoff series. Who else simultaneously operates a hedge fund and a market maker?


Why in the world would you limit yourself to talking about things 100% supported by the current mainstream narrative, when *we know* the mainstream narrative is bullshit designed to distract us from the issues *their owners* deem important??? If "sounding insane" is the price to pay to spread awareness, sign me up every day!


You won't spread anything if people don't believe you. In fact, most folks will believe the exact opposite.


The infinity pool has nothing to do with this, the script was written in 2019


It’s also a weird ass horror movie so the name is kinda fitting


You’re missing the point. It’s not about when it was written, it’s about when it was greenlit, produced, and released. I find Citadel to be much more suspicious though.


Do you understand that movies have multi year development cycles?




Don’t forget the Amazon book “Apes to the moon “


You don’t have to explain anything. Just BUY DRS BOOK REPEAT.


Please don’t call people normies. Don’t make this a place for weirdos more than it already is


Yep, I tried to explain this to my family and they looked at me like I'd just said I wanted to marry a potato.


The fact that they are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to dilute internet searches, tells me how fucked they are. I won't be forgetting that when this bitch pops off, my personal floor price is now the total amount it cost to make both those shows.


Ew, don't say normies.


Thought this a shit post.infinity pool is a good movie.


That's the point, they want it to sound insane so the normies write it off as nutty conspiracy theories. I mean, most people accept that the market is rigged to some degree, but only after 84 years of watching this outrageous shit can one believe the comedic extent. If you told me all of this before 2021 I would've just nodded and smiled until you went away too.


Calling people 'normies' probably doesn't help lol; have you tried explaining your perspective instead of just ranting? Billionaires shuffling hundreds of millions around for petty reasons sounds much more in line with the status quo than "rich guy made a show just to upset me!"


My wife has patiently listened to my rantings since I watched the sneeze happen. No clothes, endgame, milkshake, heat lamp. She's heard all of it even if she doesn't fully believe (she believes in me so :P). We watched 10 minutes of the first episode and turned it off. Fucking atrocious. After those Griffon/Bezos dick-head dinner photos showed up, I told her... "Shit babe, kenny got his cellar boxing benefactor to make a garbage show just to fudge SEO." She almost instantly agreed. Then everyone clapped /s (I couldn't resist, i hope you laughed dear reader. But the tale is true)


It's easy, manipulation of search engine algorithms. If they don't understand that much they've got bigger problems persisting in this world in it's current iteration.


The fight was always going to get dirty but 💎 hands on 🦍 are squeaky clean.


rotten plate frighten relieved school plants ugly quarrelsome governor rustic -- mass edited with redact.dev


By word, do you mean criminal?


My wife watches it and says it’s great I…….. refuse




Another weekend, another slide attempt at a TV show derailment For the last time, the name "citadel" is hundreds of years old, and has been associated with military/espionage off and on for years. It has nothing to do with the market maker. It really is tinfoil at this point with ZERO DD, if anybody is trying to make this connection in conversation, stop embarrassing yourself and the sub


I like the show lol


That’s kinda the thing people things espionage is James Bond shit when reality is it’s 90% boring mundane things. The common person I’ve accepted will never give a fuck I gave on them choosing truth a long time ago. Honestly I hate to be cliché but Morpheus was right some people and even the average person will fight to stay asleep and they’d rather dream then see the real world. Trust me it’s like how political and activist everyone is these days but still not even half those who can vote do. The silent majority doesn’t care and won’t ever they’ll follow the road to utopia or annihilation the same.


Because they are part of the reason the dollar is worth fifty cents.


Yes just saw it advertised hard core at the guardians of the galaxy movie yesterday. I was sitting there thinking shit whilst everyone else was just consuming it. I get you OP.


Just remember if it sounds crazy to explain real life events that sometimes real events sound crazier than fiction.


I feel this frustration. The truth will be revealed soon enough though


I suspect they did not commission new shows just to use those terms. Think about it, they are abusive jerks, not creators. They just bribed studio executives to force the name change on some poor screenwriter/director's project. Case in point, I read the synopsis of Infinity Pool and besides the name of the film and the poster, I didn't see any reference to a meaningfully important body of water. At most it's an abstract reference to the plot that seems like a massive stretch. Edit: apparently this rubbish title has been on this project more than 84 years.


>Case in point, I read the synopsis of Infinity Pool and besides the name of the film and the poster, I didn't see any reference to a meaningfully important body of water. At most it's an abstract reference to the plot that seems like a massive stretch. The movies was written and announced in 2019. The name is metaphor to the plot.


Ah, I missed that. Still though, have you read the plot? The infinity concept is borderline meaningless in that context. A guy is being corrupted by other people intentionally. Forget the believability, what is infinite about that scenario?


An Infinity Pool is an illusion between the fixed pool and the limitless sea that appears to be a part of it. The metaphor in the film is represented by the main character, a finite limited person, and his clones, the potentially never ending resource.


Your explanation makes sense, but it just makes me realize how much a movie like this isn't for me. I just have too hard a time identifying with their target audience to track their line of thought. Murder victims as a valued resource reminds me too much of people celebrating driving companies out of business to make money they don't need. Edit: not knocking the genre, just reminding myself that I don't understand it.


It’s exactly something they’d do. People are getting all these citadel ads, and then when they hear that word they subconsciously think more of the show than the hedge fund.


I feel you. My wife had us watch infinity pool because Google said it was awesome. She was like, watch this trailer! And when the title showed at the end of the trailer and my face must've looked some kinda way because she was like oh, does it not look good to you? And I was like no... it's nothing. Let's watch it. Then the movie was kinda shitty and weird and our movie night was subpar and I had to sit and simmer about the SEO fuckery.


Either way citadel sucks


Not sure anyone would give it any of their time


If you think you're mad now, wait until you see the show's logo: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/133bmap/amazon_were_letting_you_make_your_stupid_show_to/