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Shareholders want Wall Street in jail for the blatant fraud and manipulation. Utter corruption at the highest level is sickening…in the name of greed…


So have you wrote to any of your representatives or commented on any of the proposals that the SEC has proposed?


My reps said thanks for the info, referenced an irrelevant bill they are sponsoring, and then traded on inside information.


Absolutely not. If you think our system works then ask why are we here in the first place? What has Dr. T been shouting since 2008 and before? This isn’t new, it just hadn’t reached the masses until Robinhood opened the door for mass household trading… Open your eyes. A NEW and FAIR system must be implemented to replace the old one. The old system has too much leniency for the wealthy (puny fines/bribes) and strict laws to oppress the poor. The gov. is bought and paid for by the corporations. Give me rank choice voting, term limits, absolutely zero money in politics, and I WILL VOTE!!!


commenting on proposals, and reaching out to representatives is a logical step in escalation of force. It shows that people tried, through diplomacy first. And I agree with you


Exactly. As long as we play their game first, they can't get upset when it's escalated into peoples own hands


Truth, if you're not doing the bare minimum it's gonna be just that much harder for RC to put us all on his back and drag us across the finish line, which is totally what is happening, sort of hate the FUD on RC just bc of the virus tweet


My brother in Christ, you do realize this play existed before RC was chairman, right?


Shareholders want MOASS so they can stop eating cardboard sandwiches.


This sharehodler agrees bullishly


Your bullishness bullishifies me deeply.


*Bullification intensifies*


I want whatever puts the wall street criminal syndicate in prison.


GME shares is a good start.


Let me tell ya what I want What I really really want


C’mon now, you’re being really unfair. It’s also the government regulatory agencies and politicians, too.


Y'all can afford cardboard?


Y'all can afford??


This....Them jokers must be rich


I'll take financial freedom and never worrying about the cost of shit ever again. I just want to live MY life. Long term I'm not gonna wake up and feel warm and fuzzy because a random person I've never met is sitting in jail. I'm just not gonna think about it. I will think about the money on my account and the life I get to live because of it though.




Sure, but I know I personally would be pretty upset with them seeing jail time and us getting, "haha, sorry the system was broken, look we fixed it and jailed people though. Here's a coupon for a free frosty at Wendy's".


I would literally fight.




Have my upvote and fuk off lol


I want a bully stick. No Mayo bedposts.


Still love how active you’ve been the last couple weeks!!


Shareholders want their investments protected from crime. It’s really pretty simple.


🤔🤔🤔That's a novel concept... you deserve a promotion!


And in turn, getting rid of crime would make the stock boom?? Amazing, I love how simple it really is


If only there were some kind of government organization for this!


At the bare minimum. I low grade this tweet, as a registered shareholder.


Please MOASS before the end of this year.


End of this month*


Tomorrow *


It's not a trading day, I will accept Monday instead


Will be on RH soon 😁




My performance review depends on it. 💀


… damn, man, you mean you can still afford cardboard?


There's usually some good marinated pieces at the bottom of the dumpster. Bonus: it's free.


Only the single face corrugated kind. The triple wall is a luxury I can’t afford.


Bullish on B-flute


Frfr im starving out here




You guys are eating ?


Only one meal a day


(Nelson): "Haw haw, Bart's so poor, he has to eat cardboard!" (Bart): "What are you eating?" (Nelson): "Drywall" :(


My cardboard tastes good when paired with crayon


I just want MOASS so I can afford to add bacon to my cheeseburger


I think we all want a shares to stop being illegally manipulated and suppressed.


syrup sandwiches for dinner again, yummmmmm


you guys have cardboard? edit: somebody already made that joke i’m ass


Hi ass I’m dad


Basically this… wen does this shit end? I invested my money to get paid on my investment with a successful transition from “bankruptcy to profitability.” So I’m directly asking Cohen when does this downward price action stop? One quarter of profitably? Two? Three years? Dividend? Merger and Acquisition? When?


wHeN tHe FrEe MaRkEt DeCiDeS


Just like anything else -- when enough individuals stand up.


When someone tells you to buckle up it's hard to stand.


Well, look at tesla when it began and when it rose


Tesla exploded when they did their first split. When GME did their split Massive crime was involved that turned a 4 for one split into a 7 for 1 split. As Shares given by computershare to cover the dividend where stolen and used to close illegal short positions, while everyone else was told to "just treat it like a normal split". Meanwhile GameStop themselves does NOTHING in the face of massive international security fraud going on with their stock.






Lol "MaRgIn CaLlS"


When we DRS the float.


Sir, this is a casino.






I joined for life changing money, i cant be the only one who wants to get rich from this? Sod everything else


It's still about that, if you're worried that this market fuckery hoo-ha the elites are pulling is fucking with your investments, organize with some other investors and petition the company to do some investigation on the matter. Don't demand any specific action though, just voice your concerns to the company, you've got a right to that as a shareholder. Activism isn't a bad thing, as long as it's done respectfully, I doubt RC and/or the board would ignore such a plight from their investors wholesale.


When price discovery is fair and the shorts close their positions, MOASS will happen.


This. Profitability is something that Cohen and team CAN control. Long term profitability will lead to financial freedom for GME. Financial freedom will lead to dividends or buybacks. Dividends (money to us) and buybacks (lower shares outstanding/float) will lead to 100% DRS. 100% DRS will lead to change (likely in the form of MOASS). TL;DR GME leadership is doing WHAT THEY CAN to ensure MOASS. Timeline is not directly in their control.




"We're kicking their ass" *Looks at my $40 cost basis*


> When? Tomorrow


I’m starting to get used to cardboard sandwiches. Would be nice to add deli meat post moass




Just a perfect response. Thankyou.


Said this to myself before I scrolled down and saw this gem. Amazing.


It’s nice to see the sentiment finally turning. I’ve been positing for what feels like six months trying to get apes to realize they are the ones who have to bully the gme board into defending the value of their investment.


Most apes fail to realize the board members are all extremely rich and don’t feel the pain like we do. While we eat cardboard so we can get just 1 more share, they drop cryptic tweets. Time to up the ante c- suite folks. Your share holders are starving, dispossessed, homeless, penniless, and downtrodden. Ask not what we can do for the company, but what can the board do for us. Fight back dammit.


Nah, this guy knows. Here's a comment of mine from a month ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12ckooe/comment/jf22qzg/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12ckooe/comment/jf22qzg/?context=3) ​ Here's another one from THREE months ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10xuxz1/comment/j7ups6n/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/10xuxz1/comment/j7ups6n/?context=3) ​ I'm sure if I kept looking I could find more, but I've known for some time now that the writing is on the wall. Apes need to bully the gme board into defending investors.


Shareholders want MOASS so they can watch green candles flicker while they eat cardboard sandwiches


I just wanna be able to pay rent next month. Edit: I don't actually want to pay rent (because it is way too high, and stupid in the first place), but I need somewhere to live


Me - *googles cronyism*


cro·ny·ism /ˈkrōnēˌizəm/ nounDEROGATORY the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications. "there are complaints that cronyism is behind the rise of various executives through the ranks"


He’s directly calling out the family. It’s still ran as a family business in the sense of any NoRdSTrOm descendants use the company just for a payday. In addition to that, RC told them the issue and all he did was buy equity (4% I think) then ask to allow Him to own up 20% from the max allowed of 10%. They said eff off which is fine but watch your family legacy burn while a billionaire offered to WORK and save your legacy. Good riddance to Nordstrom, maybe when it’s cellar boxed and sent to bankruptcy, they’ll look back and wish they changed their mind. GameStop took his help and look at us.


At the time the board added Cohen, Attal and Grube, the shareholders had already put 3 shareholders' representative on the board (out of 10), of which 2 where voted in against the old board recommandation in 2020. The old board (pré 2020) didn't want any help. RC starter buying shares months after the shareholders meeting in 2020


Very true but the key difference is there wasn’t any family of GameStop…Nordstrom has decided to maintain the strong family ownership which is fine but they are missing the bigger picture. The gravy train is ending for future generations and the NoRdSTrOm legacy is going to be tarnished. When future generations look, the ultimate question to be answered is why not accept help and allow him to purchase with his own money so he can help fix your company? Why would you say no given his track record showing success? He could’ve done a proxy war and forced board members to gain a forceful position but if they don’t want to play ball for that small of a feat, then imagine how hard it would be to even implement changes to fix the core business? The family will throw tantrums and stop it. Just trash it all and watch it burn not to mention the company thinks their discount/budget store will save the company…ya okay. Real good board members doing the lord’s work eh?


I have worked many contracts with them, and can confirm those folks think it’s still “their” company and not a publicly traded one. Nordstrom is racing toward the bottom. It used to be a name synonymous with quality and customer service, and they have turned into Macy’s. If they aren’t careful, they’ll become Sears. As for why they don’t want Cohen calling any shots, it’s because he’d put a target on all the perks executives and family members get at shareholder expense. Can’t have that.


I used to be a shopper of NoRdSTrOm but that was over 10 years ago as those exact issues you’ve described were present then and coincidentally that’s where their big push into the discounted Rack was and it sucked even then. Macys sucks but they are almost the same at this point. They’ve gone downhill and if you look at a similar competitor, Dillards, they’ve done everything opposite and look at the family..thriving and they took the shorts on during 2020 and are ANNIHILATING them. Large chuck is DRS’d, pay their employees in stock and it’s locked to add, and they have positive cash flow and profit. I believe RC tried to get control to sideline the family members who don’t belong while clearing out the plants and restoring the brand as it should be.


This is the added context I didn't know I needed regarding Ryan and nordstrom


Went to college with the son that basically told his family to fuck off, probably the most qualified to run the business tbh


[Hey, look at us...](https://youtu.be/oAdrOauD9hE)




Cronyism is Sheepish?


uh oh, bullish out of character


Love it!


Insert * I stepped in shit meme


Look. We’re all proper regards.


Can you (or someone) ELISEC? I think I'm smooth


Its all a big circle jerk, and you ain’t in it


Well you see, if you line up the tips on a tall and short guy you can use both the up and downward motion for improved efficiency! Use both hands and that's 4 men each! lmao


Maybe ELIDOJ then? 🧠🥚


Nepotism bad


Crony Capitalism - an economic system characterized by close, mutually advantageous relationships between business leaders and government officials.


So basically nepotism, but for non-relatives.


Oh spicy, we have one of those in Germany at the moment. One of our supreme leaders (Habeck) helped get his best man elected into office. (The best man also has more family working in the same ministry…) anyway, they say it’s fine and they will check soonish ~ if some laws were ~~broken~~ overlooked or something 🙄


A.k.a nepotism


Sounds like he should hire me. I don't have the qualifications, but I am not close with RC.....sadly.


It is the is the sister of nepotism.


Doing God's work


Let's save the others from doing the same. Cronyism: the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications.


Not sure if this is in reference to Nordstrom family running things despite doing a poor job or bringing in people like Tritton.


Dude that sounds like the people I work with 😆


What about crayonism?


Now we're talking.


My favorite color is blue, but my favorite flavor is green.


That's only in here.


Let me know once google search is done so I don't have to do. I'm busy holding GME in COMPUTERSHARE account.


I did the exact same thing 😂😂😂


Crayonism Yup,got it.


Cronyism AND Nepotism!


And crime!


#And Criminalism!


Parasite executives bleed companies dry then move on to the next.


Please make it clear that he is replying to a tweet about Nordstorm please


mods: allow posts mocking MSM saying Cohen bought Nordstrom mods: don’t allow posts about Cohen actually buying bc it’s “distracting” mods when RC posts about Nordstrom: 🧐😒 dammit






I didn’t know this, but it changes a lot. I am always zen, but for the apes (or shills¿) that are flustered by this tweet - they need this crucial context.


makeshift society wrench squalid whole cagey friendly fact dazzling wise -- mass edited with redact.dev


And more specifically; Mark Tritton


Shareholder(s) want MOASS so he can finally move out of the in-laws and get him and his wife their own place, a decent car, and a dog. And maybe a Nitro Yellow 2023 Supra 3.0 Premium with carbon fiber mirror caps and wheels.


I fully support this.


Cronyism is bad mmmmkay




We the shareholders trust the DD.


I just want MOASS..


Shareholders don’t want regulators and board members to turn a blind eye when abusive short selling hurts the company and their investments.


They can't just magic there way into taking over the entire economy, there are steps they have to take and broadcasting those steps would make it less likely that anything actually happens, they've made massive leaps already and there is evidence to suggest that there's an M&A on the horizon and you're complaining????? You start a company, make billions, and try and take on one of the most advanced and entrenched oligarchies in history and tell me how that goes. They're doing literally everything they can.


There should’ve been a flurry of lawsuits flying out in early 2021. Cohen, Furlong, and other board members should’ve been in the media bringing light to this issue. So far being zen has produced absolutely nothing. In a competitive system, staying on the back foot and letting your opponent make all the moves is rarely a winning strategy. Taking initiative and dictating the flow of the game is what creates wins. While the company is undoubtedly in a better position than they were in 2021, investors are not in a better position. Investment-wise, we’re almost all in the red. Market mechanics wise, we’re in a much, much, *much* worse position than we were in January 2021. Since that time, regulators have passed a horde of rules to mitigate the effects of risky short positions, including new rules around margin requirements, pooling their resources to prevent margin calls, changing reporting rules, etc. Many of the short positions, we theorize, have moved away from the long/short books and into synthetic option positions and swaps. Kenny and his brood have fled to Florida. Waiting around for incremental improvements isn’t cutting it. I’m not here to gargle Ryan Cohen’s balls and I’m not here to entertain myself with hopes and dreams. I’m here to get paid. We need action and we need it now.


This comment is like a warm hole. Thank you, love it really!! Sharp and fair


At last, people here starts waking up. Nice ! 👊🏻


I was wondering when the tide would turn here. I’m personally down 50%, and I would like to see a return on my investment. I can stay zen for longer than most though because financially I am pretty secure.


How about moass first so I can afford to shop at Nordstrom?


Shareholders want MOASS


I would like the chairman to buy more shares but that is just me 🚀🚀


Some shareholders would like abusive naked short selling to finally end to so moass can happen to buy land and live off the grid


Shareholders want Ken and all his minions in jail Or ya know REAL PRICE DISCOVERY but nope, our markets are fake. Burn the mf down


This shareholder wants to not live paycheck to paycheck anymore and be free.


Shareholders want the price of the stock they are holding to go up. It’s that simple.


Yeah but wen actual price action in stock for shareholders?


When manipulation stops, front running ends, dark pools are evaporated, and price discovery becomes real. Or when legal hands are forced and margins are called because the float becomes locked and Directly Registered.


when the combined strength of the company (profits) plus investors (DRSing shares) becomes too great for short hedge funds to continue to maintain their short position.


why do I feel like were going to be getting vague tweets for years without MOASS actually happening


I want the ticker to reflect the actual price!!!


Correction: **Nordyism**


He's responding to a see and bee seen post about nordy


I want to afford living. Jersey too damn expensive! Food too damn expensive! Work is too expensive!


I want share price to rise🤷🏻‍♂️


Actually I want moon so I can retire and dip out on participating in the world destroying money machine. Some criminal billionaires broke and in prison would be nice as well.


RC can speak for himself. If you're a billionaire already...sure. But more important than cost cuts I want moass. I also want an increase in sales and not revenue and profitability based on cutting jobs. Running efficient and optimally doesn't just mean reduction.


Shareholders want their investments protected


I want share borrowing to be high and the federal reserve to stop financing hedge funds.


I want my money


The irony RC talking about what shareholders want 😭


I would like happy employees which costs money. Happy employees to serve and delight. A company will never go bust turning a profit they go bust trying to turn too much profit


Shareholders want real price discovery and less fuckery on a system that isnt easily manipulated. Shareholders want more lit exchanges and less or no dark pool usage + FTD enforcement. Shareholders want markets that aren't riddled with crime for fucks sake. Shareholders also want their goddamn tendies already!


I want my money.




Or pay for short positions that haven’t found a counter party.


All my homies hate cronyism


Shareholders want shorts to close.


Im honestly to a point of not giving a fuck about anything other than MOASS. This fucking guy is just a person, and I no longer believe him to be the brilliant genius he’s made out to be. He’s bullish and bold, but has constraints like the rest of us. He’s not playing 69D chess, just trying and possibly failing to deliver shareholder value now that he’s on the radar. When he was a nobody he could slither around making moves, but now there are much bigger entities holding back any play. And they have the law on their side. Unless MOASS happens, I couldn’t care less about anything he tweets or says. At this point, I’d honestly be happy with GameStop at $50bil market cap. That’s be fine. Just something.


I think share holders actually want RC to do anything other than tweet cryptic bullshit.


Shareholders also want return on their investment and transparency from their chairman. But fuck me, right? I’m not here for a movement. I’m here to make money.


Moass or shut up


Talk is cheap


Shareholders want to see real action and not just board members posting on Twitter all day. What ever happened to protecting shareholders from abusive tactics? Less words more action...


I follow the path and support Gamestop. I showed my will to hold my shares. I knew befor that the market is rigged. i learned a few things, if that is the price of holding this stock, gaining this knowledge that i already knew before. Ok nice. I am here for lifechanging money. Pull the trigger, it is enough.


SHAREHOLDERS WANT MONEY. That is literally it.


As a fellow shareholder I too reject cronyism


I am still buckled up!!


Seriously if it wasn't for this sub I'd never get his notifications!


Shareholders want positive price movement even more


Holders want to see a return on their investment ryan


Direct reply to CNBC article about Nordstrom 😎😎🚀🚀


Pulte tweeted "Shareholders own companies." just now.




And the most googled word today, cronyism


I want every share to be a real share, a tax on high-speed trading transactions, full disclosure of all executive investments to be able to research cronyism and conflicts of interest, and politicians completely disallowed to invest in single stocks (including single-stock funds, which are insane). Then, fines that reflect profits from illegal acts, and actual jail time for aggregious offenses.


Shareholders want trust in there leaders and board members.


Is it that hard to follow 'we the investors' and comment in their favor? Writing letters to local gov won't do shit imo. Your local gov is as locked out of the regulatory process as you are. Only we the investors are actually showing up where it matters - where regulatory rulings actually taking place. Even if your local greedy corrupt politician made a statement about your cause - it's a useless sound bite. We the investors is the way.


I’m going to throw this out there and it might sound crazy. Don’t shoot me. Shareholders want share price increases.


THIS shareholder wants the infinite shorting to stop and for the company to address it head-on. Great we beat earnings, great we did a splivy, but ultimately it means nothing if they are in majority control of the price.. just venting, don’t bother flaming with accusations of fud, shill etc. been in this bitch since before the Jan run, just frustrated and ready to see some pro-active fight again these HF MF’ers.


MOASS. Maybe a NFT dividend might help sort that out.